She took a deep breath, with a lingering nostalgia in her eyes, which belonged only to her past.

That is, the past of the boy and the girl.


After New Year's Eve, the woman's condition worsened.

In the entire Floating Cloud City, there is only Lao Qiantou’s pharmacy. When the young man took the girl to find him, the old man was sitting on a chair and smoking a pipe. He saw two people standing in front of him and looked at them on the counter. Coins, lower eyelids drooping.

"Not enough money."

Without even looking at the two of them, he put down his cigarette and blew smoke rings out of his mouth: "What is the purpose of doing business? It's money! It's only natural to exchange money for things. Don't say I didn't teach you, little boy, that's all." You can’t buy money or medicine dregs, let alone ask me to come to see a doctor.”

"But, master, human life is at stake..."

"Human life is at stake!" The old man suddenly scolded, "To be my apprentice, you have to abide by my rules, you are an idiot. Why, you want to disobey your teacher because of such a little thing? You try try!"

"Old thing, you!"

The girl was about to have a seizure, but was pressed down by the boy. He straightened up, took the money back from the table, saluted, and led the girl out of the pharmacy.

In the boundless and heavy snow, the two walked on the street, one after another speechless.

"Go beg the ghost old man!" The girl suddenly said, "At worst, I will do it for him for the rest of my life. As long as I can save my mother, I will sell my life to him!"

Suddenly, the voice in the boy's mind sounded urgently: "Stop her quickly!"

"No." The boy grabbed her hand, "Don't do this."

"Then what do you say!?" The girl cried anxiously. She is a ten-year-old child, and she is not a real adult. "My mother is like this, I can't leave her alone."

"Murong, Murong, listen to me."

The boy held her in his arms, stroked her hair and said:

"Didn't you say that the ghost traded with the barbarians? You can't see this kind of behavior? Have you ever thought that you would be involved in his affairs because you begged the ghost for this matter?"


"If your mother was here, I don't think she would like to see you like this."

The girl's eyes dimmed.

Yes, what her mother taught her on weekdays was to defend her family and the country, and she would never agree to betray the country.

This is also the reason why the girl has been hesitant to work for the ghost, she doesn't want her mother to be disappointed in her.

"Then what do you think..." the girl hugged the boy and cried, "My mother, my mother is already seriously ill, I can't live without my mother."

"Murong, leave it to me."

The boy stroked her hair and said:

"Let me save your mother."

The snow-colored halo confuses people's eyes.

The girl looked up, with tears in her eyes, and the boy's expression was full of determination from high to low.

That was the tenderness that belonged only to him.

"No matter what, I will definitely save her."


From that day on, the frail boy began to work desperately.

The girl can only watch, she stays at home to take care of the woman and can't do anything.

"Take it."

He handed the herb to the girl and said with a smile, "I'll cook this for your mother tonight."

The girl looked at his scarred hand and held it distressedly: "Where did you get it?"

"There are a lot of these medicines picked outside."

The girl said in a crying voice, "Let me help you."

"No, I can do it."

The boy smiled and said:

"This is what I want to do, have you forgotten? I told you on New Year's Eve, curing diseases and saving lives, this is what I want to do."


The snow is heavy again.

Today, the boy didn't come.

The girl was in a hurry, and went out to look for it. She searched everywhere, including drugstores and taverns, but the boy was nowhere to be seen.

She got angry and took a stick to force the children of the beggar group to help her find it, but before leaving, the boy came back.

She asked him where he was, and he smiled and said to reach out.

The girl stretched out her hand, and the boy put something in her palm.

That's a few eggs.

"I've found another job. You haven't eaten well to take care of your mother these few days. Now is the time to grow your body. Eat."

The girl touched the water on her face, nodded vigorously, and said, "Okay."

She decided to pay him back in the future, double the amount.


The aroma seems to dissipate.

Su Murong woke up from the memories, staring blankly at the sachet in his hand.

"Didn't I agree that I want to repay you twice?"

She put it quietly on her chest, tears streaming down uncontrollably.

"Second goods."

Chapter 130 Eight: Grandpa and Granddaughter


Yang Pingsheng put the last bundle of firewood in the yard, got up slowly, and relieved the pain in his waist.

After chopping firewood and getting paid as agreed, Yang Pingsheng walked out of the alley, where Su Murong was waiting for him.

Standing in the wind and snow, her small body had accumulated a thin layer of frost and snow on her gray braids and shoulders. She was holding a bag of food, and when she saw Yang Pingsheng come out, a little joy bloomed on her expressionless face. smile.


"Yes." Yang Pingsheng stepped forward and put the coin in her hand, "Here."

"In my life, I..."

"Take it, don't be shy."

Su Murong pursed his lips.

She lowered her eyes, the white snow covered her lost heart, she was still smiling, and grabbed Yang Pingsheng's hand.

"I will pay you back double in the future."

"Okay." Yang Pingsheng nodded, but he didn't take it seriously. Anyway, he will leave this world eventually, and he doesn't need Su Murong to return it.

What he has to do now is to find a doctor to treat Su Rouxue.

Floating Cloud City actually has more than one doctor.

There are many in the city lord's mansion, but they are only for the wife of the city lord's mansion and rich businessmen and dignitaries. The poor can see a doctor, only the old money, but the old money is a person with good money. Until now, he still hasn't given it to the doctor. When Su Rouxue consulted a doctor, the money was not in place, and she refused to let go.

Poor people can't get sick, especially the head of the family. If the head of the family is sick, it will be a shock to the whole family. Next to Su Murong's house, there is a family where the man fell ill and the woman cried and cried. Her illness is much more serious than Su Rouxue's. At least Su Rouxue can be cured, but that man can't be cured.

The old money man loves money, but he has nothing to say when he sees a doctor. He just glanced at it and said, "It's hopeless, let's bury it."

A sentence can determine life and death, and it doesn't matter whether other people's homes are struck by lightning or not.

He doesn't bother to pretend, and he doesn't bother to please. He is capable and does things entirely by recognizing money.As long as you pay more money, you will be Hell Yama, and he will cure you for you.

However, Yang Pingsheng had no money, and Su Murong also had no money.

In today's world, without money, you can't even save your life.

"Mother's condition seems to be serious." Su Murong said, "She was so hot last night, it was so hot that she seemed to be roasting me."

A ten-year-old girl still doesn't know the concept of having a high fever, so she can only describe it as best she can.

Yang Pingsheng has been desperately trying to save money, but at this juncture, it may be too late. Su Rouxue's condition worsens, and the shadow of death is about to spread over her whole body.

The fate that the system said is coming.

"I'll find a way."

Yang Pingsheng said so, turned and left.

Su Murong stood alone, watching his leaving back, the coin in her palm was so hot that she couldn't hold it.

How despicable, myself.

Obviously it was her own responsibility, but now it was transferred to someone else.

Such a self is really despicable.

My mother once told her that one must stand upright and have no bottom line and principles. However, because of her own uselessness, she ended up dragging another innocent person into the water.

Whether the bottom line or the principle is good, in the face of poverty, it's just bullshit.

Su Murong pursed his lips, the light in his eyes dimmed a little.

On the way Yang Pingsheng went back, the system popped up suddenly, like a melon eater, it greeted Yang Pingsheng happily: "Hey, are you working hard to save people today?"

Yang Pingsheng didn't bother to talk to it, just snorted coldly: "You won't help."

As long as it has nothing to do with the plan or the way of heaven, the system will ignore it.

The same is true for saving Su Rouxue this time, because it is not within the scope of the plan, the system simply does not help, and it also wants to see what step Yang Pingsheng can do.

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