"Su Rouxue's condition has worsened, and you haven't even come up with the consultation fee, what are you going to do?"

Yang Pingsheng has indeed tried his best.

During the past ten days, he tried his best to get money, but in the end, it was a drop in the bucket.

It was the festival day, and all the shops were closed, so he had nowhere to go as a helper, so he could only go door-to-door to ask people if they needed help, and charge a fee by the way.It can be said that unless Su Rouxue took the path of crime, before Su Rouxue's condition became serious, he would not be able to make up the consultation fee even if he killed her.

"I still have a way."

"Oh? What else can you do?"

"I still have myself."


The system is a little confused.

Yang Pingsheng didn't speak anymore, the dry and cold air went straight into his lungs, and he walked into the pharmacy unswervingly.

In the pharmacy, the strong smell of vanilla permeated the whole room, and the old money man was smoking a pipe, and when he saw Yang Pingsheng walking in, he didn't lift his eyelids.

"If you come back, continue to work, go, and sort the herbs over there."

Yang Pingsheng didn't move, just watched silently, then knelt down with a plop.

The old money's brows and eyes still didn't move, but his voice was a bit cold and hard: "Boy, come on, do you think I will be shaken by this?"

"I didn't mean it that way."

"You are right. Business is a matter of course. Therefore, I will not force you to do things with sympathy. I just want to make a deal with you."

Yang Pingsheng got down on the ground, put his head on the ground, and said, "I sell myself to you."

A silence.

The sound of wind and snow outside came in, and the smell of vanilla seemed to be a little stronger again. The rattling sound stopped. The old man coughed and asked, "What do you want?"

"Human life is at stake. You save Su Rouxue's life. For the rest of my life, I will be your cow and horse. I can do whatever you ask me to do."

"That is to sign a contract of sale."

Yang Pingsheng took out the written deed of sale from his arms and offered it with both hands.

"As long as you are willing to save Su Rouxue's life, I can sign it."

Old man Qian was silent.

The sound of the wind and snow became louder, and the old man remembered some things, some insignificant things.


The ancestral halls that have been passed down from generation to generation, where the tablets of ancestors and ancestors are enshrined, are neatly packed.

The man knelt at the door, his eyes were red, and he kowtowed vigorously: "Father, my child is really forced to do nothing!"

"Nizi, you naughty boy!!"

The old man trembled angrily, and raised one hand, wanting to hit, but in the end he didn't.

"You bastard, it's okay to kidnap and traffic women from good families, and now you are embezzling military pay. When you are found out, you don't dare to take responsibility, and you still want to defect, rebellious son, you rebellious son!"

The man kowtowed and cried: "Father, I can't help it. Everyone is like this. It was the city lord who saw that I was upset and wanted to hit me so he dragged me out. Dad, I can't help it. I don't want to die!"

"You bastard, son of a bitch, ancestors and ancestors, why did I give birth to you such an unworthy son!"


The ancestral Guan knife was taken out, and the man cried and howled.

The light of the knife flickered, the man kowtowed, not daring to get up, but there was no response for a long time, and only after looking up did he see that the old man had put down the knife.

"You go."

In a blink of an eye, the old man seemed to be ten years older again.

"From now on, I will treat you as if I don't have your son."



The man got up, left a bag of money, took one last look at the old man, and left in a hurry.

The old man sat there silently, looking at the tablet.

His grandfather had followed the emperor on an expedition to the north.

His father had been stationed in the north all his life. When he was alive, no barbarian dared to come in.

When it came to him, because of poor martial arts, he joined the army in another capacity. Later, he was injured during the suppression of the rebellion, and he returned here after returning from the army.

The ancestral Guan Dao, by the time he came here, could no longer swing it.

When he arrived at his son's place, he even lost the desire to show off.

There is nothing left, glory, dreams, and journey.

Dayan established his country with martial arts, and in his son's generation, there is no martial arts to speak of.

He sat on a chair and stared blankly at the money on the ground not far away.

The copper varnish, the flickering light, was brighter than the light of his knife.

"The money is still reliable."

Sighing, he sank into the wind and snow.


After old man Qian's pharmacy opened, everyone knew that this guy recognized money but not people.

One day, the ghost came to the door and said that after a pregnant woman gave birth, her energy and blood were insufficient and she needed recuperation.

That day, he realized that his rebellious son not only abandoned his wife, but also abandoned his son.

That woman named Su Rouxue just gave birth to a daughter.

"That's your granddaughter." Gui Lao said with a smile.

He was so upset that he didn't want to talk to him.Gui Lao said a few words, seeing that he was unmoved, he smiled and said: "Do you recognize money but not people, even your granddaughter?"

"I don't have a son, and naturally I don't have a granddaughter either." He replied coldly.

The ghost took out the money: "Then I will use this to treat you, you must go?"

Who will have trouble with money?He took the money, stood up and said, "Let's go."

In the airy thatched hut, the old man met Su Rouxue and his so-called granddaughter.

Gray hair, exactly the same as that kid, he inherited his mother's hair color, and now, he inherited it to his daughter.

Nizi is Nizi after all, even if he leaves, he won't worry about it.

"It's just a lack of energy and blood, don't worry, these medicines are wrapped for you, boil three times a day, and drink on time."

As he spoke, his tone was cold and his face was expressionless, as if looking at a passerby who had nothing to do with him.

The woman nodded in agreement, and when he was leaving, he went out and turned his head to see that the baby was in the mother's arms, smiling at him.

Su Rouxue smiled and said, "Goodbye to Grandpa."


The baby girl made an incomprehensible sound and waved her small hand at him.

The old man stood at the door outside, stretched out his hand in his pocket, and retracted it after a few seconds.

He didn't know what he wanted to do either.


In old man Qian's pharmacy, the rule is to recognize money but not people.

He will always sit in that seat, smoking his own tobacco and making a loud noise. The patients who come in will be suffocated by the smell of tobacco before they can see the old man's face clearly in the smog.

The ghost came to the door again, bringing the latest news about the mother and daughter.

Because his son ran away, the mother and daughter had no livelihood. While Su Rouxue was taking care of the baby girl, she was weaving straw sandal straps for sale. The mother and daughter relied on this to make ends meet.

He listened silently, and asked a while: "What's none of my business?"

"Your granddaughter, what do you say is none of your business?" The ghost was startled, is this frankly speaking human words?

"I don't even have a son, where can I find a granddaughter?" He replied coldly, "Do you want to buy medicine? If you don't buy it, you will leave."

"Give you."


"Time, address, usually at this time, she will sell here."

He silently looked at the address that Gui Lao handed over, and after a while, he spit out a word: "Get lost."

The ghost left, and he sat there alone, continuing to smoke in silence.

blah blah blah.

As the sun was setting, he put down his cigarette, stood up, and walked out.

Near the south city gate, Su Rouxue was sitting there with the baby girl on her back. In front of her were some straw sandals.

Sensing someone coming, Su Rouxue raised her head with joy in her eyes: "Ah, it's you!"

He nodded coldly, the woman wiped her hands in a panic, stood up, and offered to give him a pair of straw sandals, but he refused.

"It's only natural to collect money when doing business."

He handed out the money, picked up a pair of straw sandals, and looked at the baby girl behind the woman, who was sleeping peacefully with her eyes closed.

"What's your name?"

"Ah...You said her, you haven't thought about it yet."

He was silent and asked, "Where's her father?"

Su Rouxue's eyes dimmed, she pursed her lips: "Run away."

He groaned, and said, "Then let her take your surname."

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