The bright moonlight sprinkled on the snow, he found a place to sit down, dazed.

The system has been describing to him how shameless and limitless the female villains in this world are, so that he should not underestimate her, but now that Su Rouxue is dead, she is only ten years old and alone, no matter how much Yang Pingsheng values ​​her, in his eyes Here, the other party is just a child.

A child without a mother.

"I tell you, your thoughts are dangerous now."

The sound of the system sounded.

"Your boring empathy is here again, I can feel it, you have pity and sympathy for the female villain now, because the other party's mother died, so you start to pity her, right?"

Yang Pingsheng retorted: "I haven't."


The ball of light emerged and landed on Yang Pingsheng's palm, as if dissatisfied with Yang Pingsheng's rebuttal, it swayed from side to side, as if shaking its head: "Forget it, just lie to yourself, it's useless to lie to me of."

"I don't... just feel..."


"I just think... Su Rouxue is innocent."

"Understood, you don't understand fate."

"Yes, I don't understand the fate in your mouth. For Su Murong and Su Rouxue, this is too cruel. In fact, I was thinking about it in the past few worlds. You... No, or the way of heaven, why do you have to change them? , if you are afraid that they will smash the will of the world, then kill them, why torture them like this?"

"Ah, it's this question again."

The system sighed: "Didn't I explain it? Even if there is no Su Murong, there will be Wang Murong, Li Murong, Tiandao has no feelings, it never has any objection to any female villain, it really has an opinion, it is these The thing behind the villain—”



Before the civilization of human society, the whole nature was a barren land.

Humans are also a part of animals. At that time, human beings only used crude tools, and among them, some people were deeply connected with spiritual energy, and they were the first to open up spiritual wisdom.

Just as animals get close to monsters and become monsters, people get close to spiritual energy and thus become primates.

Among them, human beings who are most familiar with aura look up at astronomy, look down at geography, and see through the direction of the weather and the earth. The collection of aura depends on the yin and yang of the sky and the earth. A product called Heaven.

Only by conforming to the way of heaven can people develop.

In the darkness of the ancient wilderness, as one person sees through the way of heaven and draws gossip, light is born from this.

That is the light that guides mankind.

However, at the moment when human beings were guided, popularity was also born.

The aura between heaven and earth endows people with normal desires, such as eating, drinking, and mating.

And the birth of popularity turns everything into human desires.

To eat, to eat beyond the body's restraint.

To drink, to drink despite addiction.

Want to mate, but no longer mate for the sake of mating, various tricks, reversed gender, all subject to human desire itself.

Curiosity was born.

The system talked eloquently, and after a while, it became serious again: "Yang Pingsheng, have you ever thought about a question, in the original plot line, after Su Rouxue died, how did Su Murong survive?"

Yang Pingsheng shook his head.

He really didn't know.

"In the original plot line, Su Rouxue died of illness. After she died, Su Murong learned a lot from the ghost. She didn't feel sad for her mother at all... No, let's put it this way, she had already given away her mother's Putting death aside, I quickly devoted myself to the research of popular symbols, and never tire of it.”

"So do you understand? Su Murong is a person who pays attention to interests. Su Rouxue's death made her feel uncomfortable only because the person who brought benefits to her died. Once someone new can bring benefits to her, then, before The people who are here will be forgotten by her without hesitation."

"After all, she is [a brazen person whose interests are paramount]!"

Chapter 140 Two: Alchemist

A cheeky person who puts his interests first.

Because of the definition given by the Dao of Heaven, the system will follow this line of thought to figure out Su Murong.

Logically speaking, Yang Pingsheng, as the pusher selected by the Dao of Heaven and the system, should also follow their thinking, but...

He can't help it.

After Su Rouxue died, Su Murong's appearance was deeply engraved in his mind.

He couldn't forget, or even ignore, that the other party was just a ten-year-old child.

She is only ten years old, and now she has no mother, a complete orphan, how can this make him think badly?

Yes, she is a female villain, she is shameless, has no bottom line, and betrays her country, but these all happen in the plot, and what is shown in front of Yang Pingsheng is a little girl who just wants to live.

She just wanted to live, and wanted her mother to live.

Yang Pingsheng always felt that Su Rouxue's death was the turning point for Su Murong, but the system still insisted it was not.

"How many times do I have to tell you before you understand that Su Rouxue's death is not important at all!"

Speaking of this, the system is a little impatient.

"She is not important, not important, how many times do I need to tell you about this, Su Rouxue's death is not in the plan!"

"I don't understand. Su Rouxue is Su Murong's mother. They depend on each other for life. If the closest relative is dead, how can there be little change?"

"If the first few female villains, Wen Shihan, Luo Benmo, Xu Anlu, are all considered great, but the female villain in this world is called Su Murong, you don't understand Su Murong at all!"

"However, I understand human feelings. Su Murong's feelings for her mother are not fake!"

"Oh my god……"

The system became irritable, and a small ball of light flew up, circling around Yang Pingsheng.

"Idiot, idiot, two hundred and five, I don't want to explain to you!"

With a click of Biu, the ball of light flew into Yang Pingsheng's body, and he stopped talking.

Yang Pingsheng: "???"

The system lost its temper on a rare occasion. Yang Pingsheng always thought that what it said would be emotionless, and that he should also be emotionless. However, he did not expect that it would get angry one day.

It was just the anger that made Yang Pingsheng confused.

Forget it, don't ask if you don't ask, Yang Pingsheng also feels uncomfortable about Su Murong, and doesn't want to talk to the system.

He still can't be so ruthless, let the system hold back those ruthless words.

Back in the house, Su Murong was still lying motionless on his side, Yang Pingsheng lay down, closed his eyes and fell asleep.

When I woke up, the snow outside had stopped.

The long-lost sunlight turned white into orange, and the sunlight entered through the gap in the wooden door, just hitting Yang Pingsheng's eyes.

He yawned, got up, and found that Su Murong was gone.

Along with that, the hemp rope is gone.


Yang Pingsheng woke up immediately, and for some reason, he had an ominous premonition in his heart.

"System, system!"

He called, but there was no response.

"Murong! Mu..."

He opened the door and was about to shout, when he saw Su Murong walking in through the courtyard door with baskets on his back.

"Hey? Are you awake in your life?"

She was wearing that coarse sackcloth, her hair was wet, she was stepping on the melted snow, and the basket on her back was full of grain and grass.

Yang Pingsheng let out a breath, for some reason, he actually had the illusion that Su Murong would not hang himself too.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, the goal of the system and Tiandao has always been to change the female villain. If something happens to Su Murong, the system will definitely remind itself. After all, it doesn't want to see Li Murong or Wang Murong appearing.

Knowing that the other party was fine, Yang Pingsheng was not in a hurry, he took a step forward, took the basket, and asked, "Have you gone to get straw?"

"Well, there is always something to eat."

She nodded and said, with a faint smile on her face, walked to the water tank next to her, scooped up some water and washed her hands.

"I want to get you a new straw mat, and then dismantle that bed and replace it with a bigger bed, so that you can sleep with me instead of sleeping on the floor."


Yang Pingsheng froze in place.

Su Murong looked at him and asked, "Is there any question?"

"Murong... are you going to tear down the bed?"

"That's right, make another one." Su Murong smiled and stepped into the room.

"A bigger bed so the two of us can sleep."

Her smile and voice were lost in the darkness.

"In this case, there will be two people in this room again."



Familiar vanilla smell.

The old man was smoking a cigarette, and his cloudy eyes were empty, looking at the roof.

Yang Pingsheng went to the back yard to feed the chickens, while Su Murong stood here, silent, without saying a word.

After a long time, his empty eyes returned to his senses. The old man put down the pipe and looked at Su Murong: "What are you doing?"

"I want alchemy."

"Your mother is dead."

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