"Then I also want to make alchemy."

The cloudy eyes suddenly became clear.

The old man straightened up and looked at Su Murong.

"Alchemy, alchemy..."

He coughed and asked, "Is there anyone else you want to save?"




"What pill do you want to refine?"

"I will refine whatever pill is the most powerful."

The old man was silent.

For elixirs, rank six and above are elixir, and those below rank six are magical pills.

In today's world, spiritual energy is declining. Except for the Yan Kingdom Palace, there is no other place where spiritual energy flourishes. Immortals can't come out, and it is difficult for pills to have more than six ranks.

Unlike spirit talisman masters, alchemists can learn it regardless of whether they are immortals or not. For alchemists, the bonus of aura depends on whether they can transform pills into elixir.In this world where the aura is declining, alchemists are the most sought after.

The old man is not good at practicing martial arts, but he is good at alchemy. His identity as an army expeditioner is an alchemist.

Alchemists can not only refine healing holy medicine, but also refine other medicinal pills, such as: vigor pill, vigorous pill, stamina pill, burst pill, gas blast pill, etc. Some pills can make ordinary people It is not a problem to increase strength and fight with one enemy.

Mr. Qian is very talented, and he is a five-rank alchemist who is serious. If his spirit energy has not faded, he will not be able to become a fairy, otherwise, his achievements may be even higher.

"The most powerful Dan..."

The old man suddenly laughed, showing his yellow teeth: "Little guy, you really dare to speak out."

When he was a child, his father taught everyone how to practice martial arts, and he was the only one huddled in the room, studying elixir.

His father was dissatisfied with his behavior, so he called him over and said to him, "Qian Mo, what are you doing hiding in the room by yourself, instead of practicing martial arts with everyone every day?"

"Father, I want to make alchemy."

"Alchemy?" Father frowned, "Do you know that in today's world, the aura is declining, and when you grow up, it is estimated that the aura will almost dissipate. Although alchemists are valued, they are not included in the official assessment of our dynasty. My father hopes that you can practice martial arts well, join the army when you grow up, defend your family and the country, and then have a part-time job in a certain place to train future generations and pass on the sword skills of my Qian family."

"But father, I just want to make alchemy."

"Didn't I tell you that the spiritual energy will decline? Even if you practice for a lifetime, you will not be able to refine the elixir."

"I know, but..."

Little Qian Mo said stubbornly:

"I still want to refine the most powerful elixir!"

Chapter 140 Three: A Persevering Heart

Su Murong started to get busy.

Like Yang Pingsheng, she also began to move between drugstores and taverns, and she was too busy to be herself every day.

The only difference from Yang Pingsheng is that they work separately in the pharmacy. Yang Pingsheng mostly does odd jobs, while Su Murong works underground in the pharmacy.

I don't know what I'm doing either.

The system was easy to coax, this guy's anger came and went inexplicably, but one day, it happily chatted with Yang Pingsheng about the arrangement of heaven.

"Let's start planning, first of all is the talisman master, that ghost, we must never let him have in-depth contact with the female villain!"

"We can't stop this, can we?"

"Don't be impatient, the layout of Heaven's Dao has already begun, and you will see the effect soon."

Yang Pingsheng groaned, thinking of Su Murong's recent abnormalities, he said, "By the way, Su Murong has been in contact with old man Qian recently, so let it go?"

"That, it's okay, it's okay, don't worry about it!"

The system said: "We just need to grasp the three points of the female villain, and the others don't matter!"

Yes, as long as those three points are grasped, the change of the female villain will be completed.

Everything else is not important.

The system is still so confident, but Yang Pingsheng is restless.

Really... not important?

"Take advantage of this opportunity to clean up the ghost."

The system transported an item and handed it over to Yang Pingsheng.

"Traitors deserve death, don't they?"

Yang Pingsheng didn't speak.

He looked at the street outside, the spring was bright and everything was recovering.

The snow has melted.

Spring is here, barbarians, and so is it.


The fire on the chopping board went out, and something exploded in the cauldron, emitting bursts of smoke.

Su Murong was so uncomfortable from being choked, he opened the lid against the smoke, and the elixir inside had been reduced to ashes.

In the small ashes, there are light spots flickering, which seem to be crystal-like things.

Su Murong picked it up, looked at it, and put it in his pocket.

"Failed again..."

She sighed helplessly.

Alchemy is not 100% successful, the higher the level of the pill, the greater the probability of failure.

The so-called crystals were nothing more than medicinal residues. Old man Qian asked her to collect the crystals because he wanted to determine how many times she had failed.

Walking out of the basement, he came to the main hall full of tobacco smell. The old man was sitting there smoking a cigarette. When he saw Su Murong coming out, he put down his cigarette and asked, "How is it?"

"Failed again." Su Murong took out the crystal.

The old man watched and remained silent for a long time, and asked, "How many times have you failed?"

"the sixth time."

"To be precise, it is the sixth time today, and you have failed 520 seven times this week."

Although he didn't want to hit her, the old man still said bluntly: "You are not suitable for alchemy."

Alchemy requires extremely high endurance, meticulousness, and judgment.

The process of alchemy is boring, and the cost of each investment in alchemy is likely to be beaten by meat buns - there is no return.Su Murong is a profit-seeking person. When alchemy, he will put psychological pressure on himself because of the alchemy materials, so it is difficult to guarantee that he will not fail.

Su Murong pursed her lips: "I don't want to give up."

"...as you like."

As the old man said, he bent down and took out a new prescription: "Change the pill, the Endurance Pill of the first rank and the Explosive Qi Pill of the second rank."

Su Murong took it, raised his legs and walked back to the underground secret room. The old man looked at her back and was speechless for a long time.

Su Murong's heart is not fixed after all.

Alchemists are the most particular about entering concentration, and they often forget everything else once they practice alchemy. It is common for them not to eat or drink, and to concentrate on it for a few days. However, he felt that Su Murong was extremely anxious and asked her to sit there quietly. It's a hard job.

He didn't know whether it was good or bad for her to embark on the journey of alchemy.

He picked up the cigarette and smoked again, thinking, and fell into a drowsy sleep, when suddenly there was a bang from the ground, which woke him up.


A large cloud of dust spread out from the basement, the old man turned over, stepped over the counter, and hurriedly rushed to the ground.

He walked around the shattered wooden door, walked in through the debris, waved away the smoke, and asked loudly, "What are you doing..."

He froze in place.

A small cyclone condensed in Su Murong's palm.

The system said that it was precisely because of the help of Gui Lao that Su Murong mastered the popularity symbol and became even more powerful.

Popularity comes from people, and it belongs to people. Su Murong is very popular, and the popularity symbol is perfect for her.

Because of this, the system has always asked Yang Pingsheng to pay attention to Guilao, and she must not let her get the method of drawing talismans.

but now……

Qian Lao's eyes became sober, and he widened subconsciously: "This, this is..."

The small cyclone submerged into Su Murong's dantian, she let out a long breath, punched out, there was actually a sound of piercing through the air.

"Old man Qian, don't be surprised, this is just a little idea of ​​mine."

The air current contained in Su Murong's palm, and the flames covered it, and she firmly controlled it.

"You said that pills are made from fire energy, so what will happen if fire energy is replaced by human energy?"



The door of the tavern was kicked open mercilessly by the military household.

"Ghost old man, someone reported you for adultery with a barbarian thief, we want to seal your place, you go with your brothers."

Gui Lao stood behind the counter, looked away from the accounting book, and looked at the soldier in front of him.

After a while, he nodded slowly.

"it is good."

In the gloomy prison, he was locked inside and changed into prison clothes. The damp air was like his belly, and he was in a terrible state.

The sound of heavy breathing, the darkness blocked, could not shut off the light in his eyes.

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