He raised his head when he heard footsteps, and Yang Pingsheng was standing outside with food.

"How did you come?"

"Send some food to the shopkeeper."

Yang Pingsheng put down the basket, and handed in the lotus leaf cake and roast chicken inside. The ghost watched silently, took it, and ate it with big mouthfuls.

"Have you brought any wine?"

"Bring it."

The splashing wine was poured into a bowl, Gui Lao took it and drank it down.

Yang Pingsheng stood silently, looking at him.

"How's it going in the tavern?"

"It's all been robbed."


Gui Lao put down the bowl and smiled: "It seems that I must die."

Yang Pingsheng stopped talking.

The crime of having an affair with a barbarian has been established, the ghost really can't live.

"In my life, I know that you and Xiao Rong get along very well. There is one thing I want to ask you."

"You say."

"There is an item. I put it under the stone in the corner of the backyard. Go find it and give it to Su Murong."

Yang Pingsheng's lips moved slightly, wanting to say something, but finally said: "Okay."

"There is a wooden box and some silver money buried there. You take the silver money, and the wooden box must be handed over to Su Murong."


"In that case, I have nothing else to ask for."

After finishing speaking, he closed his eyes and remembered a past event.

That was the past as a talisman master.


Choose the talisman route?The body has been quenched to remove impurities, why choose this route? "

"He actually went to the imperial court, saying that he wanted to create a talisman that didn't require aura. How could he be so worried? I, the former emperor, couldn't solve such problems. He, a little fairy who had just tempered his body to get rid of miscellaneous things, dared to touch it." bump."

"The decline of spiritual energy is the general trend. If he doesn't hurry up and take this opportunity to advance to the rank of Earth Immortal and get support from the royal family, he really doesn't understand what kind of mortal talisman he wants to make."

"Ghost Seeing Sorrow!" On a dark and windy night, the mysterious man severely injured Ghost Seeing Sorrow with his palm, then stepped on all his talismans and looked down at him.

"I don't know where your idea came from, but you dare to say something rebellious about using popularity symbols. Now, I officially warn you, don't study any more popularity symbols."

"You..." Gui Jianchou wanted to say something, but spit out a mouthful of blood, and the aura that had been injected into his body did not dissipate. He raised his head in horror, and suddenly found that the other party was actually an Earth Immortal.

But instead of fear, he braced his wounds and asked angrily:

"Who the hell are you? Why do you want to stop me? Aura talisman is a great thing for the benefit of the world. I don't understand why you have to stop me."

"Don't understand?"

The mysterious man sneered, stepped hard, and destroyed all his research results.

"The decline of spiritual energy is the general trend. The holy majesty has issued a decree. He will use all his strength to ensure that the spiritual energy of the spiritual spring inside the royal room does not decline. As long as he enters the earth immortal before the spiritual energy declines, he can be supported by the royal family to ensure that his cultivation base will not decline. Recession, and possibly even further."

As the mysterious man said, he stepped forward and kicked Gui Jianchou, kicking him far away: "And you bastard, you don't want to go the right way, but you want to make some popular symbols. And yes, on the contrary, your idea of ​​being a popular character is the real treason."

"No, that's not the case! Popularity symbols are not treasonous, only popularity symbols can truly deal with the problems caused by the exhaustion of aura!"

"To shut up!"

The mysterious man was ruthless, knocked him out with a palm, and took out all the research results from his arms.

"If it weren't for the princess, who would talk so much nonsense to you!"

The mysterious man destroyed all the research results and walked away.


"...Don't study any more popular symbols."

Gui Jianchou looked at the princess in front of him, widened his eyes, and asked tremblingly, "Xin'er, do you want to stop me?"

"I'm not trying to stop you, but to save you." The glamorous princess in front of her pursed her lips, turned her face aside and said, "After quenching the body and removing miscellaneous things, it is the right way to practice immortal ultimate moves and become an earth immortal. I have made an agreement with my father, as long as you become an earth immortal, my father will marry me to you, and let you enjoy the royal family's support, so that you will have no worries about food and clothing for the rest of your life."

Gui Jianchou froze in place.

The princess took a step closer, and said softly: "Mr. Lang, why do you have to study the popularity charm? Let it go, honestly follow the path of killing moves, you still have time. When you become an immortal, we will get married. With my royal father here, there is no problem for you to take a step forward."

The fragrance of the fragrance approached, she lowered her head, and broke down in tears: "I know the ambition of the gentleman, but after all, the popularity symbol is not the right way. Sir, don't study any more, I have nothing to ask for in this life, as long as we are always together Just be together."

The princess's voice and breath, like mellow rice wine, made Gui Jianchou tremble.

However, he took a step back.


He gritted his teeth and pursed his lips, trying to say something, but he didn't say it.

The princess raised her head in astonishment, and stared at him blankly.

"I'm sorry, Xin'er, I, I have to..."

The princess is gone.

He was left alone, standing there with his head bowed.


"Chou'er, don't study popularity symbols anymore, do you know that because of your behavior, your father, your father..."

In the lobby of the house, the old mother sat there weeping, and the ghost knelt there, her eyes spit fire.

"Mom, I'm going to ask them for an explanation!"

"What kind of explanation do you want! Why don't you understand! It is not others who have been blocking you, but the current Holy One! Your research has touched his rebellious scales. My child, you still refuse to bow your head, so he will Take your father to the knife."

The ghost was stunned.

His mother continued to cry: "Mother, I beg you, just for your father's sake, for your mother's sake, stop studying popularity symbols, you are a body-hardening practitioner, and you are only one step away from becoming a fairy. Go and ask your majesty!" Bow your head and give up your research, His Majesty will not care about you."

"Mother, the decline of aura is the general trend, only the popular character can..."

"Becoming a fairy and joining the royal family is the general trend!" The old mother suddenly scolded, "Are you going to kill your father for your research!?"

"Mom, I...I won't give up."

"Nizi, Nizi!! Our family will be killed by you, Nizi!!!"

His mother's cries pierced through the sky, and he knelt there, not daring to move.

But his heart is still firm.


"...Suppressing Tianling Talisman ghost ghosts, despising the emperor's grace, and committing treason, now withdrew his honor and name, demoted to common people, his family property confiscated, his father distributed to the frontier, and the rest of the female relatives, joined the teaching music workshop, respectfully!"

In the majestic palace, the eunuch declared the crime of ghosts.

"Your Majesty, I am innocent! Your Majesty, I am innocent!!"

He struggled to roar, but the figure in the high position didn't give him the slightest look. The princess next to him sighed in disappointment and turned her face away.

The indifference of the officials, the cold eyes of the eunuchs, and the pressure of the escort, the ghost struggled angrily, but was dragged out.

Before dragging it out, he could still hear all the officials discussing secretly.

"It's a big treason, this guy is a lunatic."


Yan Guo made a marriage, and the new marriage partner was that princess.

"Is he that Gui Jianchou, the genius boy who had the most hope to hit the Earth Immortal?"

"Yes, it's him. If you don't take the ultimate move route, you don't even want that kind of marriage."

"What a lunatic. It is said that the princess even threatened the Holy Majesty with suicide for him, but it was useless. In the end, she would still be dragged into a marriage."

"Trash, you can't even protect your own woman."

"That's right, it's really sick to be able to attack Earth Immortals but not to attack them."



A sound of abuse, a sound of bewilderment.

Gui Jianchou stood on the hillside, watching the convoy of the couple drifting away.

He returned home in a daze, and the original house was turned into a hut. On the table of the hut was the ancient black book he had picked up.

Next to the ancient black leather book were some talismans drawn by popular people. He looked at those talismans and laughed while crying.

Family affection, love, nothing.

He laughed and cried, like a madman, and continued to devote himself to the research.

He believed that someone would understand him.

There must be.

Chapter 140 Four: Respect My Life!

Ten years later

He looked at the popular symbol in front of him with a dull expression.

This talisman is his only achievement in the past ten years.

I gave up everything, lover, relatives, and the future, but what I got in exchange was only such a result.

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