He swung the talisman, and the shock wave produced could only raise dust, and the impact force was only about three meters away, and it couldn't even kill a rabbit.

He watched, and pictures kept popping up in his mind-the princess's smile, the expressions of his parents, and another self.


He laughed, tears welling up in the corners of his eyes.

There was no room for him in the city, so he moved to the wild mountains.In these years, he lived a life of a primitive man, and all he thought about was popularity.

"I won't give up, no matter what, I won't give up."

All the suffering and blood and tears were swallowed by him, he gritted his teeth, ignored the power of popular symbols, and continued to devote himself to research.

One day, a mysterious person came upon hearing the news.

He raised his head and looked at the person in front of him without fear because of the exhaustion of spiritual energy and the rebirth of impurities.

"What? The exhaustion of spiritual energy has begun, the emperor will not let me go, will he send someone to kill me?"

"You're thinking wrong, I'm not the emperor's man." The mysterious man smiled and didn't mind, "But, I came here for your research."

Gui Jianshou sneered: "The decline of spiritual energy doesn't mean that I will degenerate into a mortal now. If you are an earth immortal, I have nothing to say, but I will rise up and resist, and I won't let you succeed so easily. "

The mysterious man smiled and waved his hands.

"You are wrong again, I have no conflict of interest with you." He smiled, and his voice suddenly became serious, "The real conflict of interest with you is the royal family. Have you ever thought about why the emperor is trying to stop you?" , and even persecuted your true love for this, forced your father to death, and forced you to this dead end."

Speaking of true love, Gui Jianchou thought of the face of the princess, and his eyes dimmed.

"Yes, I don't understand. The popularity symbol is a great thing for the benefit of the world, and it is the best solution to deal with the decline of aura. I don't understand why the emperor would block it in every possible way, sacrifice the opportunity to become an immortal, and gather popularity in the body to create a new path. , These are all borne by me, I don't understand why he would..."

"not understand?"

The mysterious man said coldly: "There is nothing I don't understand. The world belongs to the emperor, not to others."

Spirit talisman, although it is useless to true immortals and gods, but in other words, it is a magic weapon that can rival immortals.

Immortals think it's weak because there is a killer move, but once the talisman can be refined by mortals, then the weak will no longer be weak, and its nature will change drastically.

"Popular talisman, ghosts are sad, don't even think about it. When a magic weapon that can rival immortals can be refined by ordinary people, is the status of immortals still so high?"

The answer is of course no.

As long as the popularity symbol is successful, it will no longer be a distant legend for a mortal to kill a fairy, but it will definitely become possible.It is true that immortals have destructive ultimate moves, truth, and marks of the great way. It is still difficult for mortals to kill heavenly and true immortals, but this opening has been opened.

It is difficult to close the opened mouth.

A cold light flashed in Gui Jianshou's eyes, and he sneered and said, "Hmph, according to what you said, the emperor is so afraid of the popularity symbol, so why didn't he kill me, but adopted this method instead?"

"Of course it's because your popularity symbol won't succeed in the end." The mysterious man laughed again, "He's just dissatisfied with your attitude, and he treats you like this, first of all, it makes others see your fate and dare not easily have you Second, after you fail, he can just warn the world and let the world know that the destiny cannot be violated."

"Let me tell you this, Your Majesty, I already knew that your popularity symbol would not succeed."

Gui Jianchou was stunned, and murmured to himself: "Why, how is it possible..."

Popularity will not succeed, and the road of ghosts and sorrows has failed from the very beginning.

Reiki was born in the heaven and the earth, because it was born from the heaven and the earth, so moving mountains and filling the seas, moving stars and stars, can in turn have a profound impact on the heaven and earth.But popularity is not like this. Popularity comes from people themselves, and people themselves are part of the creation of all things in the world, so the effect of popularity is far inferior to aura.

Immortals' immortal ultimate moves are all composed of aura, and their popularity is hard to shake. Don't say that Gui Jianshou can't kill a rabbit after ten years of research. match.

"Let me tell you this, your research is nothing but a joke in the eyes of the emperor."


Years of hard work, blind eyes, departed lovers, relatives, Gui Jianchou sacrificed everything, and what he got in return was nothing but a joke.

A joke in the eyes of the emperor.

The mysterious man looked at Gui Jianchou, his eyes full of pity: "Actually, I might as well tell you another secret."


"Do you really think that the truth about the dissipation of spirit energy is formed naturally?"

"Is not it?"

"Of course not." The mysterious man said, "In fact, these are all man-made, and the man behind the scenes is our Emperor."

"What!?" Gui Jianchou couldn't help screaming in shock.

The words of the mysterious man almost shattered his faith. The emperor he was loyal to, that His Majesty, was actually the mastermind behind all of this.

He was the one who led the retreat of the aura! ?So what is his study of popular symbols?What is the popularity symbol that he wants to study for the whole world, in order to fight against the fading aura?

It's just a...joke.

"Nonsense, I can never believe you!" Gui Jianchou roared angrily, his body trembling.

"If you don't believe me, you can see for yourself."

The mysterious energy merged into Gui Jianchou's body, and soon, he saw everything.

That, the so-called truth.

"Do you understand? That's why, the Dayan royal family's immortal cultivators all came out together. All the spiritual veins in the world are in one family, and it is true to support the family with the world. Even if there are scattered spiritual energy on the way to make other people become immortals, In order not to be affected by the fading aura, he can only be imprisoned in the imperial palace of the capital of the Great Yan Empire."

"The spirit veins, together with the spirit spring, are bound in the capital city, which leads to the fact that no matter how powerful the immortal is, once he leaves the capital city, he will gradually decline and become a mortal. This is the strategy formulated by Taizu. The purpose is for their family's For generations to come."

The mysterious man laughed lowly, and continued: "Ghost, your research has been a joke from the very beginning. Of course, this joke is not funny to the emperor. Of course he knows that you are loyal, but he is also It's your rebellious loyalty that disgusts him. I think he should wait for your failure in the palace now, and then wait for you to obediently admit your mistake to him, right?"

Gui Jianchou was covered in cold sweat and his eyes were dull. He took a few steps back and staggered. He was in a daze, as if he had aged ten years all of a sudden.

Popular character, useless.

Reiki decline is man-made.

His goal, his research, his so-called righteousness, everything is a joke.

The mysterious man looked at Gui Jianchou cheerfully, with a calculating gleam in his eyes.

"You now have two options."

"First, go back like a dog in the water, wait for the emperor to summon you, you admit your mistake honestly, come to my emperor, long live, the minister is guilty of treason, and now he is convicted, then coax the emperor, give him enough face, and face him in front of you. In front of everyone, insult your research, if this is the case, you can survive the rest of your life."

"Second, believe me once, go to the far north, the border line between the Yan Kingdom and the barbarians, find a town called Flowing Cloud City, settle there, and wait. Many years later, there will be a peerless genius inheriting your theory, you What she can't do, she can do."

"Then now, choose, whether to live like a coward and spend the rest of your life, or to gamble again like a gambler, betting the rest of your life for this. The choice is yours."

Ghost Jianchou stood there blankly, motionless, expressionless.

After a while, he raised his head, looked at the mysterious man, and suddenly laughed like a madman.


the past is gone,

Now Gui Jianchou sat in the prison, opened his eyes, looked at Yang Pingsheng outside the prison door, and smiled.

"Can I have another bowl of wine?"


Yang Pingsheng poured another bowl of wine and handed it over, Gui Jianchou took it and held the bowl high.

"Respect, my life!"

A long time ago, when he first came to Floating Cloud City.

In order to wait here for the peerless genius that the mysterious person mentioned, he opened a tavern here, patiently explored the interpersonal relationship here, and carefully observed everyone passing by.

Floating Cloud City is not big, so he soon understood everyone, but unfortunately, there was no peerless genius that the mysterious person mentioned.

But it doesn't matter, he can wait slowly.

He waited and waited and waited and waited until his beard turned gray and he was half buried in the ground, and the children called him Grandpa.

He waited.

Su Rouxue, old man Qian, and their family's mess, ghosts know about it.

As a native of the Central Plains, he sympathized with Su Rouxue who was kidnapped, but because he didn't want to offend the military households here, he didn't say anything.

Until, Su Rouxue's husband ran away, and Su Rouxue almost died just after giving birth. He really couldn't stand it, so he wanted to help.

But before he entered the house, he felt the strong popularity erupting from the house.

That is, the exuberant popularity that surpassed everyone.

Gui Jianchou knew that the person he was waiting for had arrived.

It was a girl named Su Murong.

"Your popularity talisman is not powerful and consumes a lot. The most important thing in a person is the various qi in the body. Your popularity talisman is at the cost of depleting the qi in the person. Strictly speaking, it is A deficiency."

"But the person you are waiting for has a lot of popularity on her body, and the loss of the popularity symbol is not a big deal to her. The most important thing is that she is talented and intelligent, and she has a clear understanding of popularity. It is no exaggeration Speaking of which, if your popularity symbol can get into her hands, its power will definitely not be as simple as farting."

"In terms of popularity, she is truly a peerless genius."

In the tavern, Su Murong, who was only five years old, looked at the grilled chicken on the counter, salivating greedily.

Gui Jianchou looked at it, smiled, tore off a chicken leg, and shook it left and right: "Little guy, do you want to eat?"

Su Murong's eyes flashed with hesitation, but he still nodded.

"Then you read with me, and I'll give you food after reading. To move the Qi, to store it deeply, to stretch it when stored, to stretch it down, to stabilize it..."

"Promote qi, store it deep..."

At that time, Su Murong was stuttering and reciting word by word.

"Little Murong, do you still want to eat chicken legs today?"

"Well, I want to eat."

"Then you continue to read with me. If you are fixed, you will be solid, if you are solid, you will be cute, if you are cute, you will grow, if you grow, you will retreat, and if you retreat, you will become heaven..."

"Set, set is fixed..."

"Little Murong, I'll give you chicken legs after I recite it."

"Little Murong, what's behind the long retreat?"

"Little Murong..."

One word and one sentence, evolution in life, vivid.


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