
After drinking, Gui Jianchou slammed the wine bowl and laughed loudly.

Back then, now, he laughed like a madman.

Yes, I am a joke.

From start to finish, I was a joke.

The goal of my confrontation is a joke, the direction of my research is a joke, and even myself is a joke.


So what if the retreat of the aura is a conspiracy?

Even if the power of the popular character is not enough, so what?

So what if the research direction is meaningless?

I am still, no regrets.

Maybe this is a joke to me, but what will happen if it is in the hands of future generations?

If the descendants can't do it, what will happen to the descendants of the descendants?

Family, love, future, all gone.

But, but!

If there is a descendant who can carry forward my research, I will be in vain, and my life will not be in vain!

My ghostly sacrifice is not a sacrifice in vain!

Gui Jianchou finished laughing, put away all expressions, and sat there steadfastly, without any movement.

The old man left as if he had completed all his missions.

He has already put the explanation of the popular talisman and his own experience, together with the ancient black book, into the wooden box. If what the mysterious man said is true, as long as Su Murong reads it, she will understand that he has been subtle to her all these years. The content instilled can really soar into the sky.

The way to draw popular characters depends on her.

He has already completed his own path ahead of time, and the rest should be left to future generations.


Yang Pingsheng stood quietly in the backyard of the tavern.

Ever since Gui Jianchou was taken away, the place has been sealed off by officers and soldiers, and there is nothing left after they were smashed and snatched away.

According to Gui Jianchou's instructions, he found the wooden box and some silver notes.

"Yes, this is it."

The excited voice of the system sounded, and Yang Pingsheng opened the wooden box with a blank expression.

It contains all of Gui Jianchou's research efforts and experience over the years, and beside these record books, there is an ancient black book.


The wind at night blew the light from the match. Yang Pingsheng threw all of this into the thatch pile, and then dropped the match.

The fire light shone on his face, he was dumbfounded, his lips twitched, and he said slowly:

"Respect, your whole life."

Chapter 140 Five: Little People

There is one more tomb in the mountain.

Ghost Jianchou claimed that he died of illness in prison, and the arresters found a lot of evidence of having an affair with the barbarians in his store, but before the trial, this guy died of illness.

The city lord is too lazy to take care of such a bad thing. In his opinion, this is not a problem. He also knows what his subordinates are up to. An old man should die as soon as he dies.

The soldiers just threw his body outside the city. In the middle of the night, Su Murong slipped out and built a new grave for the old man.

Right next to her mother's tomb, there are still crooked big characters on the wooden board, which makes the benefactor feel sad.

Su Murong stood in front of the grave, letting the wind blow her gray hair.

"Old ghost, although you broke into the widow's door, poured water into the wine at every turn, and gave the guests less than two pieces of food, you are my benefactor."

"Thank you."

Su Murong, who was only ten years old, showed maturity beyond her age group. After thanking her, she turned and left.

"To move Qi, to store it when it's deep, to stretch it when it's stored, to stretch it down, to stabilize it when it's down, to stabilize it when it's fixed, to grow it when it's firmed, to grow it when it's firmed, to grow it when it's grown, to retreat it, to retreat it to the sky. The sky should be pounded at the top; the earth should be pounded at the bottom. .If you obey, you will live; if you go against it, you will die.”

She read, one word at a time, and went down the mountain.

She will recite it, but she hasn't had time to tell him.

The formulas that are integrated into daily life have been fused into her bones.

The darkness of the night covered her figure, and no one knew what kind of seed was buried under the deep soil.

It's just night, still very deep.

There were bursts of roaring, like a thunderclap exploding in his chest. In the dream, something was roaring, and the nightmare came like a wave, smashing all the emotions of Yang Pingsheng.

He woke up from the bed, gasping for breath.

Next to it, there was no one there, and Su Murong had disappeared.


He called softly, and soon, the voice of the system sounded in his mind.

"Have a nightmare?"

"Well, I'm a little restless, where is Su Murong?"

"Outside the city, I have gone to pick up the corpse for Gui Jianchou."

"Is it……"

He lay down again, but couldn't fall asleep after tossing and turning. He opened his eyes and looked at the wooden door in the dark, and said again: "System."

"What's wrong?"

"Are you sure this is really okay?"

"No problem, there are only three tasks given to us by Heavenly Dao. First, don't let her get the secret of popularity; second, don't let her have such a deep insight into human nature; third, get rid of all Su Murong's team in the original plot line." .Now we've done the first one, and it's going really well."

"But, didn't you find out before that she was learning alchemy from Mr. Qian?"

Because Yang Pingsheng was really curious about what the old man Qian asked Su Murong to do, so he asked the system to investigate, but unexpectedly, he was learning alchemy.

"Oh, you said that."

The system still doesn't care.

"The method of alchemy is nothing. Without spiritual energy, Su Murong will not be able to make elixir in this life. The elixir of mortals will have no effect on immortals, so don't worry."

"This, is that so?"

"Ah, ah, ah, if there is a problem, Tiandao will talk about it, and the skynet will be restored, so it's not lost!"

The system has already talked about this, and Yang Pingsheng can't say anything more.

However, he tossed and turned, still unable to fall asleep.

In my mind, there are always ghosts and sorrows from time to time, the wild laughter before death, and the calmness when receiving the wine glass.

Would such a person really trust himself at the last moment?

After all, it was the painstaking effort of his lifelong research. Before he died, he asked the handyman in the store to hand it over to him. Was he really relieved?

Yang Pingsheng couldn't figure it out, something was stirring in his heart and he couldn't vomit it out.

Suddenly, the system made another voice: "Here we come."

"What's coming?"

"The plan, the plan is coming."

"So fast?"


The system's voice sounded serious.

"Barbarian, it's coming."


Grasslands are not uniform.

The various tribes are constantly in conflict and merging with each other, so on the huge grassland, no tribe has ever been truly unified.

Until, the rise of Tiewangu.

The night is deep enough.

The horseshoes of the cavalry galloped wildly without stopping.

The leader, with a thick back, a saber, and a bow on his back, has a barbarian hairstyle, but his appearance has the characteristics of a Central Plains person.

Iron Ball Bone - Baltiger.

His father was from the Central Plains, and his mother was from a barbarian.

Strictly speaking, he is Su Murong's half-brother.

The key to Su Murong's father's ability to seek refuge with the barbarians lies in his early love history - during the frequent contacts between the barbarians and Liuyun City, he hooked up with the daughter of the Tiewangu tribe.

It was at that time that Balhu was born.

He grew up with his grandfather, who is the patriarch of the Tiewangu tribe. He often took him with him to teach him by precepts and deeds. The most common sentence he said to him was: "Women are like fierce horses. Before you go to find a woman, remember to take you with you." whip."

He also said: "A fierce horse will only obey the whip. Don't be like your mother, she is weaker than a fierce horse."

When dealing with a woman, you just need to make her obey. If you don't obey, you will use violence. His grandfather used this method to tame the Central Plains and the princess who came over.

But Balhu also heard another version, saying that the princess would rather die than surrender and committed suicide.

Anyway, he had never seen that princess before, but it didn't matter, the important thing was that grandpa had many women, and he had been relying on this method to tame these women.

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