Balhu has learned it, so he often sneers at his mother.

In his eyes, his mother was deceived by the rhetoric of the Central Plains people, and she was even more despicable than those women who were tamed by violence. In addition, his cheap father defected from there, which further convinced him.

So during his coming-of-age ceremony, he killed his father and took his mother as his wife.

Grandpa was very happy and personally gave him the title of warrior, not only because Balhu is strong, brave, and fierce in battle, but more importantly, he has a heart to tame the weak.

Even if that person is his mother.

The cavalry team ran silently, and soon, a city appeared in their eyes.

Balhu tightened his reins and stopped, raised his hand, and all the cavalry behind him also stopped.

"You guys, go check out the situation."

Dozens of barbarian cavalry scattered down and patrolled nearby.

Balhu got off his horse and stood on the high ground, looking at the city.

Flowing Cloud City, the city of Yan State, is located at the border of Yan State and the grassland.

As a city, it wasn't that big, but it was bigger than the tents between the tribes. The stockades and soil bags built by the barbarians were nothing compared to this city.

Balhu pulled out the water sac and gulped down several mouthfuls.

There was an eagle standing on his shoulder, with its wings shrunk, exuding bursts of evil spirit.

"This is Floating Cloud City." Xiongying said.

Barhu nodded and said, "It looks like that."

"This is the most backward town in the country of Yan. The further you go, the more tall buildings there will be." Xiong Ying said, "People of the country of Yan are good at defending, cavalry of the country of Yan are good at attacking, and there are immortals who destroy the world even in the palace. It is also very difficult for your Tiewangu clan to be united and to conquer this country."

"is it?"


"How are immortals compared to our witch gods?"

The witch god is a barbarian who specializes in cultivating with monster energy. The barbarian has a special physique and can accommodate monster energy and practice with monster energy, but the price is an early death.Unlike immortal cultivators who live longer as they cultivate, witches and gods live shorter as they cultivate.

"That depends on the comparison of strength. Strictly speaking, your witch god will be dealt with if the other party just produces an earth immortal."

"But they can't get out."

"Yes." The eagle suddenly let out a strange laugh, "but they can't get out."

The kingdom of Yan is established by martial arts, and the immortal is the emperor.

But now, the spiritual energy of the whole world is gathered in the imperial palace of the capital, and there is no spiritual energy in other places.

"Those immortals stay in the imperial city, and as long as they dare to come out, they will become mortals. This is also the reason why our southern monster race dared to come all the way to form an alliance with you. Their greatest advantage is actually their greatest disadvantage. The immortals in captivity can only stay in the cages they set for themselves, and watch us devour their territory step by step."

"Then there's nothing to say."

Balhu pulled out his scimitar.

"You helped me get rid of my grandfather and let me unify the tribe. Then, I have to show you my strength."

"Okay." Xiongying let out a gloomy laugh, "I hope it can open my eyes."

"It will not let you down."

Dull footsteps sounded in the darkness.

In the cavalry unit, a strange purple light shone, and a hundred witches and gods were hiding among them.

At the gate of Floating Cloud City, the old soldier was still sitting there, he was not wrapped in a quilt, but changed into a coat, and sat there alone.

"Father, it's so late, are you still here?"

A middle-aged man stepped forward, smiled wryly, and leaned over to help the veteran wrap his clothes tightly.

The old soldier looked up at him and knocked off his hand.

"What? Is the dinner party at the City Lord's Mansion over?"

"Yes, it's over."

"Then why are you here? Why don't you go back to your wife and find me, an old man?"

"Father, look at what you said." The middle-aged man said with a smile on his face, "I don't care about you? You said that you are the only one guarding the entire city gate. Why do you say you are doing this?"

"Why bother? I'm eating a soldier's salary, so I naturally want to do what a soldier does. Why do you think it's necessary for me?"

"But, others..."

"Others are other people. Your father is your father. If you want to be a dog for the city lord, you can go. I won't stop you, but you can leave me alone."

"Hey dad, what you said, I am your son, and I am going to be a dog, so what have you become?"

"I don't have your son."

"Okay, okay, calm down and calm down."

Forgive Wanfeng, the father and son sat side by side, the middle-aged man took some food and passed it to the old man.

"Father, eat something? I got it from the banquet in the city lord's mansion, and I don't want to eat it for nothing."

"Did they smoke that thing again?"

"Yes, but let me declare first, I didn't smoke it, Dad, don't worry, I will never touch that thing!"


The old man hummed in a low voice, took the food, and took small bites.

The middle-aged man went to pour water, the old man looked at it, and suddenly said: "I know, you are dissatisfied with me."

"Hey dad, you say this again, how can I be dissatisfied with you?"

"Even if you don't have it, you still have resentment in your heart."

"That doesn't count, you are my father, and I have no complaints against you."

"I have been a soldier all my life." The old man said, "I have fought against the barbarians all my life. This life is my life."

The smile of the middle-aged man froze, and he sat back beside the old man in silence.

"You have your official career, father will not stop you, five dispersions are not a good thing, just don't smoke them. Father has been here all his life."

"Father, it's all said and done. Don't blame the son for saying one more thing. You said that you are the only one who stays here, and the others don't care. When the barbarians come, you can't beat them alone. The barbarians come all the time." The default rule is, he will come when he comes, and he will leave when he is finished, why do you have to work hard?"

It is the default rule for the barbarians to rob Floating Cloud City once a year, and everyone is used to it, except his father.Last time when the barbarians came to rob him, his father stepped forward to try his best, but he firmly stopped him.

In fact, not only this time, but the last time, the last time, many times, the middle-aged man was numb, he was afraid that his old man would have another convulsion this time, and he wanted to do it with a long gun.

"Why do you have to work hard?"

The old man sneered and asked loudly:

"If he doesn't rob you, you don't have to work hard? Is the property he robbed my Dayan's property? Are the oppressed people my Dayan's people? Thanks to you, you also work in the city lord's mansion. How did the three words come from?"

"Okay, okay, parents are the parents, I'm just a clerk, and the parents are not me..."

"If it's not you, you can just ignore it? You don't care, the barbarian will hit you sooner or later. At that time, he will rob your wife and bully your son, and others will not care about you or come to save you. I think what would you do!"

"Yes, I knew you were going to say that. Don't worry, dad. The barbarians are also robbing the slums outside. He dare not move inside. After so many years, it's the old rules."

The old man fell silent suddenly, and turned to look at the middle-aged man with a serious expression:

"When you think like that, you're in danger."

"Oh, Dad, didn't I tell you..."

"Yes, unspoken rule, you are used to barbarians coming to rob from time to time, the city owner is also used to barbarians coming to rob from time to time, everyone is used to barbarians coming to rob from time to time, then let me ask you, if one day, barbarians come again , but this time it is not to rob, but to attack the city, what should you do?"

The middle-aged man was stunned by the question, the old man stood up, walked slowly towards the city gate, stretched out his calloused hand, and stroked it.

"I have been a soldier all my life, and I know that the city gate is the key."

"I also know what you think, what the city lord thinks. The gates outside the city are laxly guarded, but the gates of the city lord's mansion are heavily guarded. This in itself explains a lot of problems."

"Son, you always say that dad is stupid, but let me tell you, dad is not. It's you who are stupid."

"When those barbarians no longer think of looting but attack one day, then Floating Cloud City will be their first target."

"You think it's enough to keep the city lord's mansion, but let me ask you, if the barbarians occupy the entire Floating Cloud City, they send people to surround your city lord's mansion. How long can the food and grass in the city lord's mansion last? How many days? Yes, your city lord's mansion is impregnable, but how long can you guard a mansion."

"Floating Cloud City is the first city in the defense line of the northern border, and its own responsibility is equivalent to a beacon tower. When Floating Cloud City falls, the gap in the northern border is equivalent to being opened."

Under the shocked eyes of the middle-aged man, the old man's hunched back slowly stood upright.

"Son, your father and I are just a small person, I don't know the art of war, and I don't know the general trend of the world."

"However, little people have things to do. What I have to do is to guard this city gate."

The old man's words were sonorous and forceful, shocking people's hearts.

"Hold it and keep the enemy out, that's what I'm going to do."

Chapter 140 Six: Unpredictable People

Spring is in harmony.

On a fine day, Yang Pingsheng stood in the yard, drying the washed clothes one by one.

The wooden door of the thatched cottage opened, and Su Murong came out, yawning.


Yang Pingsheng looked at her and greeted her with a smile.


Su Murong made an unintelligible sound and went to the water tank to wash his face.

Yang Pingsheng smiled helplessly, Su Murong seemed to have made a mistake in alchemy last night, and was fined by the old money to refine the complete elixir again, and was not allowed to go back to sleep until the refining was finished.

Su Murong was also really desperate, and if she was asked to practice again, she really gritted her teeth and practiced again.Because I practiced too late last night, it is already noon when I wake up now.

The tavern of Gui Jianchou was confiscated, Yang Pingsheng and Su Murong could only help old man Qian's pharmacy all day long, fortunately at this time, old man Qian didn't pick him up anymore, he formally accepted Yang Pingsheng and Su Murong as disciples, one taught medicine and the other Teach alchemy.

In this way, a week passed, Yang Pingsheng smiled and looked at Su Murong who was trying to wake himself up, but there was a trace of sadness in his eyes.

Today is the day when the barbarians invade, and at the same time, it is also the day when the plan is implemented.

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