"This lingering thought of mine won't last long. Instead of being wasted, it's better to play the last bit of effect. Just watch it carefully."

After finishing speaking, Chonglou walked to the other side of the light gate, and came directly to the Galaxy where the Void Clan was.

Seeing this scene, everyone looked solemn, and they had faintly realized what Chonglou was going to do...

On the other side, the sudden appearance of Zhonglou shocked the void patrol soldiers, and they immediately wanted to capture Zhonglou after they realized it.

"Hmph, I am not interested in ants!"

Chonglou let out a cold snort, and just by the sound, the patrolling soldiers were driven back.

The patrolling soldiers were terrified and did not dare to act rashly again.

"General Konghe is here!"

At this time, someone shouted, and the patrolling soldier was overjoyed, turned around and immediately knelt down on one knee to salute.

"Congratulations to General Konghe!"


A Void Clan with a burly figure and red eyes flew over. This Void Clan was obviously different from the others. Its blade-like forelimbs were like two magic weapons, exuding a terrifying aura.

And his own aura is not restrained at all, the coercion of the god king pervades, so that the surrounding void people can't stand up straight.

Chonglou looked at Konghe, showing a smile.

"It's a little interesting!"

"Who are you? How could Kongjuekongwu be in your hands? No! They have clearly sneaked into that barren world... Are you from that barren world?"

Konghe, who came over, saw Chonglou at a glance. After noticing the two Void Tribes in his hands, his eyes flickered slightly, and he immediately guessed Chonglou's identity.

After all, he sent the two void clansmen in Zhonglou's hands...

"Hehe, Desolate World? Interesting."

"In that case, let me show you the power from the barren world!"

Chong Lou sneered, and threw out the two Void Tribes in his hands, and then waved his hands, a pair of huge black feather wings emerged from behind.


With a light blow, the wind blew so hard that the Void people present couldn't stand at all, and even Konghe was startled.

"who are you?!"

Chonglou ignored Konghe's questioning, the violent demonic energy surged, and even dyed the stars above it red, and more and more terrifying power gushed out from Chonglou's body.


Konghe knew that he couldn't let Chonglou recharge his energy, shouted angrily, waved his arms, chopped off the stars, turned into meteorites falling into the galaxy, and hit Chonglou.

At the same time, he himself merged into the space, and instantly came to Chonglou, with his arms dancing, he cut out a cross to kill Chonglou's head.

"Hahaha! Good to come!"

Chonglou raised his head and laughed, the laughter instantly shattered the falling meteorite, and then he punched out, smashing the cross strike, and then directly blasted Kong He away with another punch.

Boom boom boom!

Konghe flew tens of thousands of meters, and on the way, his body smashed into the stars, letting out a furious roar.

"General Konghe!!"

Seeing this scene, the other Void Race people were all shocked and terrified.

Chonglou ignored everyone's panic, and a scarlet magic ball comparable to the stars had already gathered on his head.

"Hahahaha! Take it! A gift from the barren world!!"

Chonglou laughed loudly, and then suddenly threw the scarlet magic ball, blasting towards the city group of the Void Clan below.

"Dare you!!!"

Konghe flew back desperately, his eyes were about to burst, and he shouted angrily.

sulfone sulfone! ! !

At this time, nearly ten figures flew out from the silver tower, and they were all god kings!

"Damn it! Shoot!"

Several Void God Kings turned pale with fright. Seeing the scarlet magic ball falling head-on, their hearts jumped with fear, their eyes opened wildly, and they unleashed the power of God Kings one after another, descending on the throne, wanting to smash the heavy building with this blow.

Boom boom boom!

Several god kings shot together, the power detonated countless stars, and the terrifying cloud of fireworks swept thousands of miles.

However, even so, they still failed to smash the scarlet magic ball of Chonglou.



The several god kings had no choice but to put their own thrones on their heads and rush directly to the scarlet magic ball.

Below is the base camp of the Void Clan. This terrorist attack must not be allowed to fall, otherwise heavy losses will be suffered, and they will also be severely punished.

However, the power of the scarlet magic ball was more terrifying than they had imagined. They were blasted out after only blocking it for a few seconds, and even the throne was damaged.

At this critical moment, a huge forelimb of a sickle protruded from a silver tower.


With a cold drink, the giant sickle swung its foreleg, splitting the scarlet ball into two, and then a wave of spatial fluctuation folded the scarlet ball infinitely, before finally annihilating it.

"You are very strong, but now you are just a remnant, it's a pity, otherwise this deity would really like to compete with you."

Then, a white and silver Void Clan flew out from the silver tower, with a silver canopy on its head, and arrived in front of the Chonglou in one step.

Although his aura is restrained and not obvious from the outside, the canopy on his head is enough to show the strength of this Void Race.

The crown is full of canopy, and ten thousand dharmas are invincible!

The True King Seventh Heaven is still a Divine King, but at this level, all unequal attacks are invalid. This invalidity covers three thousand ways, time, space, fate... any laws and supernatural powers cannot harm it.

"Meet the elders!"

Seeing this person, several god kings bowed quickly, very respectful.

"I am the God of Space, Yin, the Great Elder of the Void Clan. I don't know what your name is?" ap.

Kongshen Yin's voice is peculiar, full of echoes, which makes people's ears ring and dizzy.

"Want to know the name of this deity? If you are still alive after receiving this final blow from this deity, this deity will tell you!"

Chonglou laughed loudly, then clenched his hands with five fingers, palms facing each other, waving and making seals with both hands, a thick and solid demonic energy swept all directions, and the terrifying power made Kong Shenyin's expression gradually dignified.

"It's obviously just a wisp of remnant, how can it be so powerful?!"

Kongshen Yin realized that the opponent might not have shown his real strength before, so he immediately urged the power, the throne descended, the canopy creaked, and the fierce power was released instantly.

"The disintegration of the demon!!"

At this time, Chonglou was shaken all over, and the crimson magic power was like a tornado. It was so powerful that it destroyed everything around it, and even the stars couldn't resist it and shattered.

"Not good! This power has infinitely approached the "Holy"!!!"

After all calculations, the power released by Zhong Lou at this moment is still far beyond Kongshen Yin's expectations, and the limit is close to "Holy", that is, the limit is close to the level of the real king of the Eighth Heaven!

Yin, the God of Space, opened his eyes violently, and his heart was shaken, "Among the Void Clan, there are only a few ancestors who are of the "Holy" level."

"And this person is just a remnant, how can he have such power? Damn!!! Who the hell provoked this terrifying existence!"

Even though he was so angry, he didn't dare to think too much now, and immediately rushed to the heavy building, trying to stop the other party from erupting.


However, it was still a step too late.

Yin, the god of space, came to Chonglou just now, and saw a glass-like crack appear on Chonglou's body, and then the terrifying power that detonated the starry sky spewed out instantly.

"Ah!! Wan Kong Folding!!"

Kongshen yelled angrily, using all his strength to the extreme, constantly using the power of space to fold the space around the heavy building, trying to block and annihilate the power released by the heavy building.

However, the speed of space folding couldn't keep up with the explosion of the power of the heavy building. In the end, a mushroom cloud that spread for hundreds of millions of miles exploded, finally affecting the urban agglomeration below.

Kongshen Yin was blown away by this force, his silver body was covered with dust, and the scales on his body had many cracks.

"Ah!!! Damn it!!!"

Kongshen Yin was furious, looking at the broken silver towers below, terrifying power continuously surged out of his body.

After releasing his anger for nearly a minute, Kongshen Yin waved his hand and teleported all the Void clans who were still alive.

"You guys, you'd better explain it to me!"

Looking at the group of Void people below, the Sky God Yin spoke with a gloomy tone, suppressing his anger.


"Elder Elder, this is all my fault..."

Konghe, who had lost half of his body, suddenly fell to his knees, trembling all over, and spoke to Kongshen Yin.

Then, Konghe told the story of how he sent two Void tribes to sneak into the barren world.

"Desolate world..."

Kongshen Yin's eyes were gloomy and uncertain, and finally he gave Konghe a cold look, turned and left.

He doesn't have time to blame Konghe now, because compared to this, the existence of a heavy building hidden in the barren world is more important.

"Maybe you have to change your thinking about that galaxy and the world..."

Sky God Yin faintly felt that the desolate world was not that simple, and that the strength erupted by a ray of remnant thought was actually approaching the limit of the holy level, which was simply appalling.

Although I don't know if the other party is still alive, after all, it appears in the form of remnants, which probably means that the other party has fallen, but everything is not absolute, Kong Shenyin dare not bet!

"It's better to leave this muddy water to other forces. Before finding out the details of that barren galaxy, we must not act lightly!"

Thinking of the terrifying power of the Heavenly Demon Disintegration move by Zhonglou, Kongshen Yin couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart, he couldn't help but quicken his steps, and directly entered a silver tower.

However, what he didn't notice was that when he turned to leave, a mass of black air quietly emerged from the mass of rotten flesh, and entered a silver tower without a sound. …

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