Chapter 105 Xuanyuan Zhanxian's shaken; Jiang Qiyu ready to "patch""

On the other side, within the stars.

At this time, the door of space has been closed, when Chonglou resorted to disintegrating the demon and detonating the mushroom cloud hundreds of millions of miles away.

Everyone present fell into a deathly silence.

"That kind of power..."

Jacksh's throat was hoarse, his pupils were constantly shaking, and he swore in his heart that he had never been so shocked in his life.

"The power beyond the seventh heaven of the true king, but it is only a ray of remnant thoughts from the demon king... Is this the strength of the supreme being..."

Xuanyuan Zhanxian also couldn't calm down, the strength that Chonglou's last move exploded, even in his prime, he would inevitably be seriously injured.

And that is also a lingering remnant of Mo Zunlou, this gap is too big...

When he was still the third generation of human emperors, for the future of the human race, he had the crazy idea of ​​taking away the strongest combat power left by the four races of gods, demons, demons and ghosts.

In order to realize this idea, he exhausted all the foundations of the human race at that time, including several quasi-god-level spiritual objects, and a god-level spiritual object of the human race. He took away the treasure "Endless Sky" with endless energy.

Because only the energy of "Endless Sky", coupled with the power of several quasi-god-level spiritual objects, and the control of eight peerless true kings, can the "God Extinguishing Formation" be perfectly activated and exert its terrifying power.

The God Extinguishing Formation was not developed by him, but he obtained it by accident from a secret realm. The aura left on it far exceeds the ancient times. It is extremely mysterious and has the ability to destroy heaven and earth.

The formation can compress all the energy infinitely, and then explode in an instant, and those in the formation will be wiped out instantly by the explosive force. Even if they are lucky enough to survive, the energy black hole formed by the explosive force will directly swallow up everything around them thousands of miles away. Even the true king, Seventh Heaven, has absolutely no chance of surviving.

Regarding his thoughts at the time, the Second Generation Human Sovereign was very opposed to him, but he had no choice but to stop him. In the end, he asked the eight peerless true kings to ambush in a place early, and set up a great formation to destroy the gods. Human beings are drawn here, and finally go to extinction together, and set off an unprecedented "firework" for the future of the human race...

But if he had the strength of Mo Zunlou, why would he have to sacrifice so much!

Although he lived out the so-called "second life", this second life is actually the second generation of Human Sovereign who spent a god-level spiritual object called "Xiantian Immortal Stone" to scatter a wisp of him before he left. The soul was injected into the Xiantian Immortal Stone.

Moreover, the second-generation Emperor still poured all his power into the fairy stone at the last moment of his life, and finally added his own power of time to continuously catalyze the fairy stone, so that he could successfully live a second life.

However, this opportunity is obviously reserved for the second generation of the emperor himself, because this "innate immortal stone" was originally obtained by the second generation of the emperor, but in the end he took the result!

Regarding this matter, Xuanyuan Zhanxian has always been in the throat, and often thinks whether he has done something wrong, and should not be so impulsive, not only exhausting the human heritage, but also causing the second generation of human emperor to lose his second life.

But after seeing the current glory of the human race, Xuanyuan Zhanxian felt that he was not wrong. The only thing that was wrong was that he should not leave his soul before leaving, and let the second generation of human emperors use the innate immortal stone on him... …

But now, Xuanyuan Zhanxian has self-doubt again.

The strength of the extraterrestrial demons is even more terrifying than he imagined. There are several god kings in one void clan, and there is also the existence of the seventh heaven of true kings, and even the seventh heavens of real kings may not be their highest combat power!

In addition, apart from the Void Clan, there are other forces eyeing Tianxing. In such a situation, he can't guarantee whether he can protect Zhu Xia and the human race well...


Xuanyuan Zhanxian took a deep breath, his eyes were a little dazed, and then he looked at the Earth Star people calmly, thinking in his mind.

At the same time, the other people present were also aware of the strength of the Void Clan, and they could take out several god kings at will. That is to say, the Void Clan alone could suppress the current Heavenly Star!

This huge gap made everyone feel a sense of heaviness.

After this incident, everyone had no other thoughts, and soon they all resigned and went back to their respective homes.

As for the God-Suppressing Pillar, no one moved it, because no one seemed to be able to move it except the Demon Lord, not even Huang Jingshi, who was a Demon Race. …

In the endless void, Jiang Qiyu calmly watched what happened.

"There is not much difference. Although the Void Clan is one of the top forces in the Kongyuan Galaxy, the Throne God King is still the backbone. The Huagai God King is a high-level combat power. out."

For the sake of convenience, Jiang Qiyu directly referred to the real king Liu Chongtian as the Throne King, and the real king Qi Chongtian as the Huagai God King.

He has been aware of the fact that two Void tribes sneaked into Tianxing for a while, and he didn't plan to make a big fuss. When the time comes, let Daoyang and the others meet by chance and settle it.

But after discovering that the void stones carried by these two guys were actually engraved with plane anchor points, this idea changed.

The Void Stone, which is engraved with the anchor point of the plane, can open the door of space and directly attract the opponent's person as long as a large amount of energy is input after activation.

At that time, the Void Race will come in large numbers through the gate of space, and the trouble will not be so big.

Originally, Jiang Qiyu wanted to let Marshal Hei directly deal with the two Void tribes and seize the Void Stone.

But I also thought that it would be better to make a small matter bigger than to make a big one smaller than to treat the symptoms instead of the root cause. I just took this opportunity to add fuel to the flames, and I also took this opportunity to deter the demons from outside the territory.

Therefore, Jiang Qiyu used up the wish power he had earned recently, and created a wisp of remnants of Chonglou.

As for why there is a ray of remnants, there are many reasons, the main one is poverty!

With a move of Jiang Qiyu's finger, a fate card appeared in his hand, on which was the heavy building.

"For a moment of remembrance, I used the two seven-star cards that I spent a lot of money on in the system store. It's a terrible luxury!"

Jiang Qiyu sighed, there was no other way, if he wanted to make a big noise, he also had to give the extraterrestrial demons an illusion that the stars were hiding great terror, so the person who made the move had to be "incomplete" either because of his strength or overshadowing the sky!

Obviously, with Jiang Qiyu's current wish value, it is extremely unrealistic to create a character who can overwhelm the sky and suppress the heavenly demons outside the territory with one hand, so he can only compromise and let the person who makes the shot appear in the form of remnants, Improve your style.

The reason is also very simple, a ray of remnants can explode with terrifying power, not to mention in its heyday, Tianxing's sense of mystery will rise immediately.And the fearful extraterrestrial demons will definitely be alert to Tianxing, and dare not launch an invasion easily!

And this is what Jiang Qiyu wants, the power of the world barrier is getting weaker and weaker, he can only hinder the speed of the opponent's invasion only after he finds another way to give the extraterritorial demons the illusion that the stars are unfathomable.

The result was very good. The power that Chonglou Cannian erupted had already made the Great Elder of the Void Clan fearful, and this matter would inevitably ferment slowly, causing other forces to be wary of Tianxing and wait for it.

In addition, through this incident, the group of people at the top of the sky and stars knew the power of the extraterrestrial sky demons and the current real focus, cut off some of their bad thoughts about the earth and stars, and at the same time he also gained a lot The value of willingness can be described as killing three birds with one stone!

"But it's a pity that these two seven-star cards are so expensive for one-time use, it's really terrible."

Jiang Qiyu shook his head. For this plan, he specially bought two one-time explosive basic cards in the system store, and the two seven-star cards emptied them out. Heihu didn't dare to do so!

"A piece of "Remnant Soul of God and Demon" provides the power of Chonglou, and a piece of "Disintegration of Heavenly Demon" increases the power of self-destruction in an instant by ten times... But even if the ten times increase cannot make Chonglou's strength leap to the Holy Spirit in an instant Level, it seems that the gap between them is indeed very large.”

"But it's okay, it's just a ray of remnants, the ability to explode infinitely close to the power of the holy level is enough to make the Void Race dare not act rashly anymore, as for how other extraterritorial demons will act, it depends on how much they can believe in the fermented news ..."

Generally speaking, this time it is not a loss. The willpower value spent has been earned back because of Chonglou's appearance and outbreak, and the fermentation of subsequent events will continue to provide a large amount of willpower, so he does not need to worry about insufficient willpower. thing.

Moreover, this time Jiang Qiyu also sent out a "spy", that is, Xie Jianxian.

"I hope that guy can cause some trouble for the Void Race, and don't be wiped too early."

Jiang Qiyu touched his chin, and called out the information of Xie Jianxian, which was very concise.

[Character name: Evil Sword Immortal]

[Basic card 3:

The Qi of the Most Evil (6 stars) [a group of pure evil energy that can arouse the deepest evil thoughts in the soul and control the emotions and desires];

The most evil thoughts (6 stars) [pure evil and no good, his evil not only affects himself, but also affects all living beings around him, swallowing evil thoughts and increasing evil thoughts, evil thoughts in the world will not disappear, he will exist forever];

Devour parasite (5 stars) [Enhance the power of devouring evil thoughts and evil thoughts, and can parasitize creatures like blood-sucking insects, perfectly replace and control the creatures]]

[Strength: Unknown (swallowing evil thoughts and evil thoughts is the source of his power, the current upper limit of swallowing evolution - the sixth heaven of the true king)]

[Introduction: Evil thoughts are like swords, and you can become immortals after attaining the Tao.For the evil sword fairy born from evil thoughts, all evil thoughts and evil thoughts are his nourishment, and if the evil thoughts are not destroyed, he will live forever.This is an extremely troublesome and purely evil existence. The place where he appears will never be calm. Throwing him to a planet without life may be the best way to solve him...]

"This guy is not a safe winner. Although he has sneaked into the silver tower of the Void Race, he should cause trouble in a short time. I just hope that some trouble will come out, and he will not be caught and sealed all at once. Otherwise, he will It was a waste of my two six-star cards."

Jiang Qiyu didn't think too much about Xie Jianxian, this was just an idle move, and it didn't matter too much if it was useful or not.

"Now the Celestial Beings completely believe in the existence of Earth Star and Shenhuang, and I don't need to spread the word about Earth Star anymore, but it's inevitable that some people who like to find fault will look for the evidence left by Shenhuang. It seems that I still have to Set it up..." ap.

Jiang Qiyu frowned slightly, now the matter of Shenhuang and Dixing is basically settled, but it still needs to be "patched".

Suddenly, Jiang Qiyu's eyes lit up, and he looked up at the little glutinous rice balls beside him.

"Little glutinous rice balls, let me ask you, is there any card that allows me to travel back in time and go back to the time before Tianxing?"…

Chapter 106 Don't Touch Me, Poor Bi! ; The identity of the next stage? !

After thinking about it, Jiang Qiyu still felt that this matter needs to be dealt with from the source, and it is better to directly make the matter become real than to patch it!

When Xiaotangyuanwanzi heard Jiang Qiyu's words, he was taken aback for a moment, and then asked incredulously, "You don't mean to go back to other periods of Tianxing and change the development of Tianxing, right?"

"Boy Jiang, I have to make it clear to you in advance that random and excessive changes to the original timeline and development line of Tianxing may cause a strong butterfly effect, which may lead to the destruction of Tianxing's era and restart time. of!"

The little glutinous rice balls became unusually serious, and warned Jiang Qiyu.

Jiang Qiyu smiled, shook her head and said, "Don't worry, I won't do that. What I want to do is to put some backhands in the ancient times or the gods' time, so as to make the existence of Shenhuang more real."

"To get rid of lies, the best way is to turn lies into truth! Xiaotangyuanwanzi, just tell me if you have that kind of card."

Seeing that Jiang Qiyu's attitude had been decided, Xiaotangyuanwanzi didn't say any more, and then flicked his tail, the light screen of the system store appeared in front of Jiang Qiyu, and on it were a bunch of cards related to time.

Before Jiang Qiyu started to check, he caught sight of a pile of zeros, and the corner of his eye twitched immediately.

"Sure enough, nothing about time is cheap."

Jiang Qiyu shook his head, but he was not intimidated. He is now a "successful person" and has several zeros in his wish power!

[Moonlight Box (500 million): Sing "I really want to live another 500 years", you can turn back time and return to a certain time and space that the user expects.

ps: It is uncertain, the time back to the past may not be accurate, and there is the possibility of traveling to a chaotic time and space, the risk level is high, but it can be used repeatedly, and it is a rare treasure of time and space. In addition, "I really still I want to live another 500 years" must be sung, it won't work if you don't sing~~]…

[Time machine (500 million): From the world of Doraemon, you can freely travel through time, wandering in the past and the future.

ps: The time machine needs to be in the long river of time to travel through time, and it may be affected by the turbulent flow of time. Once affected by the turbulent flow of time, it is very likely that you will never be able to return to the original time and space. 】…

[Daddy's Time Magic (50): As we all know, Dad is omnipotent, and he has a magic book that contains all kinds of magic.There is a magic in the book of magic that can help the user travel back in time and go back in time.In the future, Xiaoyu returned to the past through this magic.

ps: Daddy's magic is powerful, but it is also timeless, so be careful!You may have a situation where the time magic suddenly wears off as soon as one foot is set in.Don’t panic, but at that time you have to say goodbye to your feet, because it may have become an antique, like a mummy~~]

[Kunlun Mirror? (1 small target): A mythical object, engraved with Taiyi Xuanwen, has the power to communicate with the heavens and the world, reflect all things, and break the gap between time and space, and can help the holder to travel freely through time and space.

ps: Please don't peep at this magic mirror. This magic mirror is not something you can have. Remember, this magic mirror has intelligence and is smarter than you!Finally, Ben Shenjing hates people touching Ben Shenjing's noble body with dirty hands.So, Poor Bi, don't touch me! 】…

Jiang Qiyu was silent, and even more silent when she saw the introduction of Kunlun Mirror.

"How does this Kunlun mirror smell so bad!"

The corner of Jiang Qiyu's mouth twitched, he was a little envious of Kunlun Mirror, but after looking at his own zero and then at Kunlun Mirror's zero, he was not envious at all.

Well, it's all due to lack of money!

"Just this time machine. Although there is a possibility of being involved in the turbulent flow of time, I am the Dao of Heaven, and time will not affect me."

"By the way, there is another key question. Can I use the time machine to get out of this space of world consciousness?"

Jiang Qiyu suddenly thought of a key question, and asked hastily, with apprehensive eyes and anticipation.

He's been in this shitty place for too long~~


The little glutinous rice balls nodded, immediately reassuring Jiang Qiyu.

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