Then Jiang Qiyu bought the time machine without hesitation.

A card appeared in Jiang Qiyu's hand, and he threw it out. The card emitted a burst of white light and turned into a time machine with a blue chassis, a simple console, and a colorful street lamp on top.

Jiang Qiyu walked over, raised her hand to touch it, and couldn't help but feel a burst of novelty, "It's really amazing that this thing can travel through time!"

"But when I leave, I have to keep someone else."

Jiang Qiyu pondered for a moment, then waved his hand, and a figure exactly like him appeared.

The two Jiang Qiyu looked at each other and nodded, and the latter sat down cross-legged, with a light screen showing pictures of various parts of Tianxing in front of him.

"This is perfect, let's go!"

Jiang Qiyu smiled with satisfaction, and then stood on the time machine.

"and many more!"

At this time, the little glutinous rice balls suddenly stopped, and then flicked the little tail, unexpectedly separated a similar figure.

"Secondary system, stay here, just in case."

The little glutinous rice balls wagged their tails, and then lay down on Jiang Qiyu's head.

Jiang Qiyu nodded, and then started the time machine. Following a burst of space-time fluctuations, the time machine under her feet was instantly sucked into the time-space tunnel.

And Jiang Qiyu's avatar and Xiaotangyuanwanzi's sub-system replace the two to monitor Tianxing. …

At this time, the sky and the sea were calm, and after the incident in the Demon Zunlou, all the clans seemed to have quieted down.

But before that, another big thing happened.

That is, Shen Wuzhu was chased and killed by Huang Jingshi and Nilin for hundreds of millions of miles, and finally got beaten up twice and was robbed of his emperor's body.

Huang Jingshi's injuries were healed by Chong Lou, and his strength is naturally not comparable to that of Shen Wuzhu who lacks the throne. With Ni Lin, Shen Wuzhu naturally has only one end-being beaten! !

The reason why he didn't die directly is because the king of the gods is really not easy to kill. If he really wants to completely wipe out the gods, even Huang Jingshi and Nilin will have to pay a huge price.

But even so, Shen Wuzhu still didn't get it right, not only lost the emperor's body, but his injuries worsened, and in the end he had no choice but to run away.

On the Earth Star side, Biqibao stationed in Endless Sea, and Baixiao Pavilion moved directly to Tongtian Peak.

As for the sheep family, they stayed in Zhuxia.

The core wolf of the wolf tribe is missing, but someone has seen him appearing in the border area of ​​the Holy Kingdom...

The Iron Sea Dragon Beast didn't leave either, and was approached by Kunbuyu, invited to his palace, and stayed there.

As for the white beard, he drifted with the crowd, wandered around, looking for good wine...

And the two most troubled by Tianxing, Marshal Hei and Brother Xiaosha are looking for land of no man in Tianxing, trying to rebuild the world of weirdness.

Everything seems to be in order, of course, some troublemakers have to be ignored, such as the Star Hall of Zhuxia (Dragon God Court, Wanxian Pavilion, Star Hall), and the three "god" religions in the Holy Kingdom (Flesh God Sect, Flesh God Sect, Mechanic God Sect, World Destroyer Sect), at this juncture, they did not give up making troubles.

Although there is no big movement yet, maybe it is just the calm before the storm......

sulfone sulfone!

On the other side, Jiang Qiyu was sitting in the time machine, traveling through the space-time tunnel.

However, he didn't pay attention to the time and space in all directions, but kept picking something in the system store.

"This is the first time I've played, so I can't be too low."

Small glutinous rice balls "..."

The little excitement and excitement on Jiang Qiyu's face, who would have thought that this guy is actually an existence on an equal footing with the Dao of Heaven.

"Are you going to show up with your real face?"

Suddenly, Xiao Tangyuan said something coldly, Jiang Qiyu couldn't help being taken aback, and then fell into deep thought.

"This sentence asks..."

Jiang Qiyu rubbed her chin, then shook her head, "No! You can't show your true face. I position myself as a person behind the scenes (safety), and the one who stands in front of me must be the master of the world (the highest force)... Must be rigorous……"

Suddenly, Jiang Qiyu's eyes lit up, and the corners of his mouth slightly curled up, "In this case, let's appear as the existence of a certain apex of the earth star, the first one will start from..."

In the middle of the conversation, Jiang Qiyu searched for it in the system store.

Finally, on the light screen, a terrifying figure coiled among thousands of miles of black clouds and endless divine thunder appeared, its divinity permeated, making people afraid to look directly at it.

[Osiris' Sky Dragon Summoning Card 3 (Has the authority of the sky and thunder, god attribute, can be summoned by collecting three cards): 500 million (single card)/1400 million (all three cards/preferential price)...]...

Chapter 107 In the ancient times, the human race Suiwu; parading merchants, blind box eggs? ?

Tianxing, the ancient calendar, 500 years.

One of the three major tribes of the human race, the Suihuo tribe.

In the tribe, everyone is wrapped in simple animal skins and walks on the ground with bare feet. Although people's hair is long, it is not messy. The tribe is also very tidy, and there is no garbage on the ground.

"Suiwu and the others are back!"

Suddenly, there was a loud shout, and everyone in the tribe showed joy, and quickly dropped the things in their hands, and surrounded them.

Then, I saw ten bronze-colored men with a strong figure and a height of nine feet striding forward. They had no free left and right hands, holding various prey.

And the last man was carrying the corpse of a ten-meter giant bear, and a striped tiger with ferocious sharp teeth in his hand.

"Sui Wu!! Too strong! Sui Wu actually hunted a barbaric bear and a saber-toothed tiger!"

"Sui Wu! Sui Wu!"

Seeing this scene, everyone couldn't help shouting Sui Wu's name, their eyes filled with reverence.


Ten people put their prey on the ground, and the huge body fell to the ground, shaking the ground.

"team leader!"

After putting down their prey, nine strong men walked to Suiwu.

"Distribute the prey to everyone! Put the rest in the cellar. Remember to preserve it with spiritual salt."


The nine strong men acted immediately, shouting at the tribe to collect their prey.

Sui Wu, on the other hand, did not stop, and walked towards the depths of the tribe.

Not long after, he came to a cave and walked directly into it.

"Cough cough!"

In the cave, an old man dressed in animal skins was sitting cross-legged on a boulder. His old face was covered with deep grooves, but his eyes were unusually bright, not as clear as his age.


Sui Wu quickly came to the old man's side, supported the old man to get up slowly.

"Wu'er, you are the patriarch of the Suihuo Tribe now, so you don't have to come to me every day to avoid wasting time."

The old man walked out of the cave with Sui Wu, sticking a cane.

"Teacher, Elder Ying presides over everything in the tribe. I'm just a vulgar person. I don't understand these things. Protecting the tribe is what I should do. Besides, accompanying you, teacher, is also what I should do as a disciple. Whether I am Not the patriarch of the tribe!"

Sui Wu shook his head and said slowly.

Hearing this, the old man was a little helpless, and there was a hint of relief in his eyes.

At this time, the old man seemed to think of something, and said to Suiwu, "I found some movement in the east, and the aura is strong. It should be a big monster. Go and have a look."

Hearing this, Sui Wu nodded.

"it is good."


deep in the jungle,

Sui Wu held a bronze spear nearly three meters in his right hand, and the cold light shone on the spear.

He pushed aside the bushes with his hands, and a bloody mouth suddenly struck from the right, which turned out to be a large blue python tens of meters long.

Sui Wu's face was calm, the spear pierced out, and the tyrannical force gushed out, and the spearhead pierced through the bloody mouth of the python.


The blue veins on Sui Wu's arm popped up, and he exerted a sudden force, instantly flying the big blue python.

Immediately afterwards, Sui Wu flew up like a rocket, and stabbed out with another spear, completely piercing the blue python, and at the same time blasted out with a punch, blasting the snake's head into blood clots.


The body of the cyan python landed on the ground, and Sui Wu then fell down, stepping on the corpse of the giant python with both feet.

"A big monster (four realms) actually ran near the tribe. It seems that the monster tribe has become restless recently..."

There was a trace of worry in Suiwu's brows, and he couldn't help clenching the spear in his hand.

In the ancient times, among the various races, the human race was weak and lived in a very small area.

Among them, the monster race likes to feed on the human race the most, and the hatred with the human race continues continuously, and monsters and beasts often cause trouble to the human tribe.

Susu! !

While Sui Wu was meditating, a figure wrapped in a black robe suddenly walked out of the forest beside him.

Sui Wu was startled, his eyes changed slightly when he saw this figure, and his complexion became serious.

"Your Excellency, who is it?"

Sui Wu jumped down from the big blue python, and asked the man in black in a deep voice.

"Next, a businessman from afar."

In the black robe, there was a deep and echoing voice, which gave people a sense of illusion.

"A businessman from far away?"

Sui Wu frowned, and looked closely at the man in black.

Can't see through...

"Since you are a businessman, come with me."

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