After being silent for a while, Sui Wu turned around and said to the man in black.

In the ancient times, apart from the transactions between the tribes, some people of the human race would also act as independent merchants, collect goods from everywhere, sell them in other places, and earn profits from them.

It's a high-risk occupation, but it's also a highly rewarding one.

Suiwu and the black-robed man walked towards the Suihuo tribe, one behind the other.

"Suiwu...the Martial Ancestor of the three ancestors of the human race in the future, sure enough, an extraordinary person is extraordinary from the very beginning."

"The body born with martial arts..."

***The businessman looked at Suiwu who was walking in front, with a golden glow in his eyes, he saw Suiwu thoroughly.

Naturally, Jiang Qiyu pretended to be Jiang Qiyu, this distant businessman, and it was his temporary identity here.

Pretend to be a businessman, mainly to sell some items related to the earth star, leaving some traces of the earth star, and also to prepare for the follow-up...

Not long after, the two arrived at the Suihuo Tribe.

"Brother Suiwu!"

Seeing Sui Wu's figure, several children surrounded him and shouted happily to Sui Wu.

Sui Wu smiled, bent down to pick up a little girl, and patted the heads of other children.

"You son of a bitch! Tell everyone in the tribe to come here. The *** merchants are here, and tell them to come over and see if there is anything they need to buy."

"it is good!"

A little boy with a big nose and a big nose with his little finger nodded, and then ran and shouted, and the tribe gathered in a short while.

"Ahem! ***Businessman, welcome."

Suddenly, the crowd gave way, and the old man walked out. A pair of clear eyes glanced at Jiang Qiyu, and then he smiled kindly and welcomed him.

Jiang Qiyu nodded, and made a salutation gesture specially for businessmen.

"Okay, don't make any noise."

The old man smiled, and then paused the crutch in his hand. When he spoke, the noisy people around him, including the children, all shut up. It could be seen that the old man was very dignified in the tribe.

"*** businessman, please."

After looking at Jiang Qiyu, he raised his hand and said.

Jiang Qiyu knew that this was for him to start showing what he had brought, so he didn't hesitate, and with a wave of his hand, a display stand fell to the ground, with various things on it.

Seeing this, the people of the Suihuo Tribe couldn't help being in an uproar.

"Space treasure?"

Sui Wu's eyes narrowed slightly, this is not the future, and few people can refine the magic weapon of storage, so it is extremely precious.

"Everyone, although I'm a businessman, what I sell is not clothing and food, but treasures from another world, the earth and stars." ap.

Jiang Qiyu looked at the crowd, and the deep echo echoed in everyone's ears.

"Another world? What is he talking about?"

"Grandma, is there really another world? Do you think there is a dad in another world? I miss dad so much, I don't know if he lives on the other side... Oh! Mom, you Why are you beating me?"

"I beat you to death, little turtle, but your father hasn't woken up yet! Why don't you curse your father!"

"Grandma, I was wrong! Don't take off your pants, there are so many people! My face..."


Hearing Jiang Qiyu's words, the people in the tribe started to make noise again.

At this time, both Sui Wu and the old man's expressions were not very good-looking.

"*** businessman, I don't think this kind of joke is funny."

Sui Wu looked cold, looked at Jiang Qiyu and said in a deep voice.

Obviously, he thought Jiang Qiyu's words were playing tricks on them.

"The patriarch misunderstood. What I said is true. I am a businessman who travels in two worlds. Because of my special talent and supernatural powers, I can travel through the closed world passages."

Jiang Qiyu was not in a hurry, she lied without blushing, and at the same time exuded an ethereal aura.

Sui Wu frowned, and looked at the old man with some doubts.

"I know you still don't believe it. But it's okay, I will prove it."

The corner of Jiang Qiyu's mouth curled up, her tone was expressionless, and she picked up a big colored egg the size of a human head from the display stand.

"This is a blind box egg, which comes from the strange sea of ​​the planet Earth. After knocking it open, it could be anything, spirits, magic weapons... it might even be pets and people!"

With a mysterious tone, Jiang Qiyu came to Suiwu and gave him the blind box of eggs under the other's puzzled eyes.

Sui Wu was taken aback for a moment, and asked a little late, "This is?"

"This is my first time here, this is a gift from me to the Suihuo Tribe, please accept it."

Hearing this, Sui Wugang wanted to refuse, but Jiang Qiyu had already turned around and walked back to the display stand.

"Open it and see."

Jiang Qiyu raised his hand to signal Suiwu, and said.

Sui Wu glanced at the old man, and finally nodded.

He also wanted to see what the blind egg box from the so-called earth star could produce...

"Thank you."

Sui Wu nodded to Jiang Qiyu, his tone softened a lot.


Then, under the expectant eyes of the crowd, Sui Wu slammed the blind box egg hard, and the blind box egg cracked, and a little thing that no one had ever seen before appeared in front of them.

"Hello, I'm Rolling Ball Beast."

Sui Wu's eyes were dazed, he looked at the girly, round little thing with two long ears in his hand, he hadn't recovered yet, the next second the little thing suddenly uttered words, which made him fall into a trap even more. meditation.

Afterwards, Suiwu ignored Rolling Ball Beast's resistance and lifted it up with two fingers.

"What is this?"

Looking at Sui Wu who carried the rolling ball beast like trash, Jiang Qiyu's expression under the black robe couldn't help but laugh.

Immune to such kawaii things, it's obvious that this guy is a pure steel guy.

"Patriarch, you are very lucky. This is a Digimon from Gou Xiongling, the top force on the planet Earth. Every Digimon has unlimited potential for evolution and can become a good fighting partner."

Jiang Qiyu has a very professional ethics and explained the origin of the Rolling Ball Beast to Suiwu.

"Digimon? Battle partner?"

Sui Wu frowned, glanced at the rolling ball beast in his hand, and twitched the corner of his mouth.

"This thing is not enough for me to punch. By the way, can this little thing be eaten?"

Rollermon "!!d(OдO?)!(?OдO)!!!"

Jiang Qiyu "..."

Chapter 108 Rolling Ball Beast Evolution, Yagu Beast! ;A terrifying existence beyond the god king? ! !


"Ahem! Rolling ball beasts are not food, the patriarch just joked."

Jiang Qiyu looked at Suiwu speechlessly, thinking that this guy is outrageous, the Rolling Ball Beast is not enough meat to fit your teeth, and he really has an idea...


"Although this thing is not very useful, it really doesn't look like something in our world..."

Sui Wu nodded, then handed the rolling ball to Gou Wa'er, with a pensive expression on his face.

Jiang Qiyu smiled and said, "The Rolling Ball Beast is not useless, as long as it evolves, it will gain great power."

With that said, Jiang Qiyu picked up another small object from the display stand.

"This is the divine plan, also known as the Digimon machine. It is a divine object that assists the evolution of Digimon. With it, the speed of Digimon's evolution can be accelerated."

Hearing this, Sui Wu was silent for a while, and then said, "Can you demonstrate it?"

Jiang Qiyu was not surprised, the appearance of this rolling ball beast was indeed too deceptive.

"Of course, but I'm not the owner of Rollmon. I can only evolve Rollmon to the growth stage through the Digimon."

For the Digimon machine, Jiang Qiyu made some adjustments, so that its functions are mainly focused on assisting the evolution of Digimon. As long as the energy is sufficient, it can assist the evolution of Digimon.

However, which stage it can evolve to still depends on the potential of the Digimon itself.

"Growing period?"

Sui Wu caught the key word and waited for Jiang Qiyu's next question.

Jiang Qiyu nodded, and then said, "The growth of Digimon is divided into stages. The first stage is infancy, and there are two stages in infancy. The rolling ball beast is the second stage in infancy, and the first stage is the rolling stage. The ball beast is called the black ball beast."

"And after the infancy stage, it is the growth stage, the mature stage, the perfect body, the ultimate body... Every evolution, the Digimon will have a qualitative leap in both appearance and strength."

Listening to Jiang Qiyu's words, Suiwu gradually became interested, and everyone in the tribe nearby also listened with gusto.

Even the old man showed strange colors, and felt that Jiang Qiyu's words were true...

Then, Jiang Qiyu waved his hand, and the sacred plan fell into the hands of Suiwu.

"You are the owner of Rollmon, so its evolution is up to you. The energy in the Digimon is enough for Rollmon to evolve into a growth stage."

Jiang Qiyu handed over the opportunity of evolution to Suiwu. Suiwu looked at the Digimon in his hand, and then at the expectant Rolling Beast.

Then, Suiwu straightened his arm suddenly, aiming the Digimon at the Roller Beast.

"Rolling Beast, let's evolve!!"

For some reason, Sui Wu yelled this sentence unconsciously.

For a man nine feet tall, it is a bit shameful to shout this sentence, especially since he is still the pillar of the entire tribe, the god of war...

However, the shame didn't last long. After Suiwu yelled these words, the Digimon machine emitted a burst of blue light, and then a data white light shot out from the Digimon machine, wrapping the Roller Beast.

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