"Suck~, Little Pink Pig is glowing."

Gouwazi sniffed, staring blankly at the Rolling Ball Beast in his hand.

Accompanied by the sound of evolution from childhood memories, the appearance of Rolling Ball Beast changed drastically.

"Rolling Beast Evolution—"


After evolution, the Rolling Ball Beast turned into a small golden dinosaur with a pair of green pupils like jewels, and a mouthful of flame spurted out from its mouth.

Seeing the appearance of Yagu Beast, everyone present except Jiang Qiyu was shocked. It was the first time they saw a creature that could change like this in an instant!

"The previous Rollmon and the current Agumon are simply two kinds of creatures! Moreover, the previous Rollmon's strength is negligible, but the evolved Agumon is directly approaching the second realm. Is this a Digimon?"

Suiwu's expression changed slightly, and even he had to admit that this... Agumon isn't that useless. ..

Sui Wu looked at Jiang Qiyu, and asked in a deep voice, "When it evolves to the growth stage, its strength will approach the second stage. After it evolves to the mature stage, will the Yagu beast's strength approach the third stage, and so on?"

At this time, Suiwu has already paid attention to Yagu Beast.

The human race is declining, the strong are rare, and the evolution and growth of Digimon is unimaginable. If they can evolve to the king state, the future development of the human race will be greatly helped.

As the head of the clan, Suiwu also wants to gain more power and protect the tribe.

Especially recently, the monster clan is about to move around, which makes Suiwu even more worried...

Jiang Qiyu smiled and shook his head.

Seeing this, Sui Wu showed a look of disappointment, "That's right, how can there be such a perverted creature in this world, who evolves into a big realm directly at a time."

"you misunderstood."


Sui Wu was taken aback, and looked at Jiang Qiyu.

Jiang Qiyu said, "I shook my head to mean that the strength of each evolution of Digimon does not increase at a fixed rate. According to the evolution route of Yagumon, the maturity stage is generally Tyrannosaurus and Terrestrial Tyrannosaurus."

"Gyrannosaurus? Earth Tyrannosaurus?"

Sui Wu's eyes froze, giving birth to an unknown feeling of sharpness.

The rest of the tribe are also full of curiosity, feeling that the word Tyrannosaurus is full of domineering.

"Well, this is the digital illustrated book. There is a part of the Digimon information, and there is Agumon on it. You can take a look."

Jiang Qiyu nodded, and then handed a picture book to Suiwu.

Suiwu opened it and saw a lot of Digimon, and then when he turned to the third page, he saw the figures of Rollermon and Agumon.

"Agumon can evolve into Land Greymon, and then there are Leaping Greymon and Flashing Greymon. There is also a kind of Greymon, Mechanical Greymon, Battle Greymon... and Omegamon..."

Sui Wu found it extremely novel, and when he saw that the battle tyrannosaurus had evolved, he couldn't help being surprised.

"This Digimon also has a super ultimate body?"

Sui Wu looked at Jiang Qiyu and asked suspiciously.

"Yes, there are super ultimate bodies, but it is very difficult to evolve into a super ultimate body. For example, Agumon, after evolving into Battle Greymon, wants to evolve into Ogamimon. It needs to be fused with Metal Garurumon to evolve into Ogamimon!"

"But that possibility is very small. The fusion of the two requires not only finding the two ultimate Digimons of War Greymon and Metal Garurumon, but also requires a strong bond between them."

"However, even if it cannot evolve into a super ultimate body, when Yagumon evolves into Tyrannosaurus, its strength is close to the king realm, and when it evolves into Mechanical Tyrannosaurus, its strength is probably in the third to fourth heaven of true kings. And after evolving into a battle tyrannosaurus, the lowest strength is the sixth heaven of the real king!"

The corners of Jiang Qiyu's mouth raised slightly, but he didn't speak any more.

At this time, everyone present fell into a deathly silence.

half an hour,

Sui Wu's pupils trembled slightly, he looked at Jiang Qiyu solemnly and asked, "What you said...is it true?"

"Of course! The most important thing for me to be a businessman is reputation. Naturally, I will not do things that destroy my brand. Digimon has unlimited potential, and its power Gouxiongling is one of the strongest existences in the entire planet. The king of digital, that is A terrifying existence beyond the God King!"

"Beyond the God King?!"

At this moment, no one could be calm, even Sui Wu was extremely excited.

You know, as the patriarch of the three major tribes of the human race, the Suihuo tribe, and the strongest person in the tribe, he is now only the true king of Shenyi (the second heaven of the true king).

Compared with the unique races such as the monster race, the god race, and the demon race, the human race is just a race that cannot be smaller in Tianxing. Only the King of Profound Truth...

And if he helps Yagumon evolve into Battle Tyrannosaurus, then the human race will become the top force in the sky star!

Sui Wu's face showed joy, but the next moment he woke up suddenly.

"No! I am a warrior, how can I have such an opportunistic mentality!"

Sui Wu was vigilant, the great joy almost made him lose his sense of proportion.

Sui Wu regained his composure, and said, "The potential of Yagu Beast is indeed terrifying, but it is not my own power after all."

"In addition, the Yagu beast is so precious, I hope you can take it back, the **** businessman, and you won't get rewarded for nothing. There is no reason for me and the tribe to accept such a big gift from you!"

Hearing this, Jiang Qiyu was startled, but was slightly surprised by Suiwu's reaction.

Such a weak human race needs a strong force, but it is rare for Suiwu to make such a choice after knowing the potential of the Yagu beast.

Jiang Qiyu shook his head and said, "There is no way to take back what is sent!"

"Patriarch, you can accept it at ease. You opened the Yagu beast from the blind box egg, and it will only recognize you as the owner. In addition, even if you opened it from the blind box egg. It is a god-level spiritual creature, and I have not taken it back. The truth, not to mention a Digimon. Moreover, if I take back what I sent, it will affect my credibility and reputation!"

"Of course, you need to pay for the Digimon machine and digital illustrated book."

Hearing this, Sui Wu didn't hold back any more, and nodded his thanks, "Thank you, of course you have to pay for the Digimon machine and the Digital Book, I'm not a bad guy!"

"Haha, that's right, the fee will be settled at the end, and the * * businessman is invited to continue. The old man is also very interested in the other things you brought * * * businessman."

Then, the old man also looked at Jiang Qiyu, smiled kindly, and said.

"Of course it's no problem. How about this? You tell me what you need, and I'll take out the corresponding things. After all, I have too many things, and it would be too time-consuming to show them."

Jiang Qiyu shrugged and made a suggestion.

"Okay! But please allow us to discuss it!"

Sui Wu nodded and said, of course Jiang Qiyu has no problem, let them do as they please. ...

Chapter 109 Jiang Qiyu's agreement with Gouwazi; today's shock was given by Earth Star

Then, Sui Wu, the old man, and some high-ranking people in the tribe got together and started discussing.

On the other side, Jiang Qiyu was free, waved his big hand, and a chair appeared, and he sat down cross-legged, leisurely.

Just as Jiang Qiyu was observing the environment of the Suihuo Tribe, a child suddenly sneaked up in front of Jiang Qiyu and tugged at his sleeve.

Jiang Qiyu saw that it was that son of a bitch.

"Kid, what's the matter?"

Jiang Qiyu looked at Gouwazi and asked.

Gou Wazi scratched his head, then took out a baked sweet potato from his bag and handed it to Jiang Qiyu.

Jiang Qiyu was taken aback, looked at Gouwazi, and asked, "Give it to me?"

Gouwazi nodded blankly, "Here, Little Pink Pig is very cute, can you give me one too?"

Jiang Qiyu realized that this little brat wanted to roll the ball beast.

After being silent for a while, Jiang Qiyu took the sweet potato and said half-jokingly, "One sweet potato can't be exchanged for Rolling Ball Beast. It's not enough!"

Hearing this, Gouwazi twisted the corners of his clothes with his little hands in front of him, a little embarrassed, "I only have this, and this is what I was reluctant to eat this morning..."

Gouwazi seems to really like Rolling Ball Beast, even took out his only food.

Seeing Gouwazi's dull but innocent appearance, Jiang Qiyu laughed for some reason, and a force poured into the sweet potato, then gave the sweet potato to Gouwazi, and patted his head.

"Little guy, I'm a businessman, and businessmen are only interested in profit. I can give you a Digimon, but you also promise me one thing."

Looking at the sweet potato in his hand, Gouwazi thought that he had been rejected and was a little disappointed, but he didn't expect that things would turn around. He immediately showed a pleasant smile and shook his head quickly.

"Well! As long as I can do it, I can promise you. But it can't be something that hurts my family and everyone in the tribe."

Jiang Qiyu smiled, and then said, "There is a bottom line, don't worry, I am a businessman, not a bad person."

"Well, you promise me that if you can evolve the Digimon I gave you into an ultimate body in the future, you will take it to Shiwanda Mountain and find a palace there."

"One hundred thousand mountains?"

Gouwazi froze for a moment.

One hundred thousand mountains, that is the gathering place of the monster race, besides the monster race, there are countless fierce beasts, it can be said that it is a complete forbidden area for the human race!

"Don't worry, if you can evolve the Digimon I gave you to the ultimate body, let alone enter the Hundred Thousand Mountains, it will be no problem even if you push the Hundred Thousand Mountains horizontally. How about it, think about it?"

Jiang Qiyu looked at Gouwazi's blank expression and said with a smile.

"Okay! I agree!"

Gou Wazi pondered like a little adult for [-] second, and immediately agreed impatiently, for fear that Jiang Qiyu would go back on his word.

Seeing this, Jiang Qiyu smiled slightly, raised his right hand, and conjured a big egg like magic.

"This is a digital egg. If you hatch it with your heart, you can get a digital baby. There is also a digital monster machine attached to it. Come, take it!"

Jiang Qiyu gave the digital egg to Gou Wazi, and Gou Wazi hugged the digital egg, sucked his nose, and looked happy.

"Thank you uncle!"


Jiang Qiyu twitched his lips, touched Gouwazi's head, and said, "Just remember our conditions. Besides, this is a little secret between us. You can't tell anyone else, including your parents. Do you understand?" ?”

Gouwazi didn't hesitate, and nodded immediately, with a serious face, "I've been hanged on the hook for 100 years, and I won't change!"

"it is good!"

Jiang Qiyu touched his little head.

At this time, Suiwu, the old man and others also finished their discussion.

When they saw the digital egg in Gouwazi's hand, they were all taken aback for a moment.

"This little guy is very cute. You can exchange sweet potatoes with me."

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