"Blue Rabbit, what do you think?"

Although Hongmao also felt that what Doudou said was fine, he still wanted to respect the wishes of Lantu and the others.

Blue Rabbit smiled and nodded, "I have no problem."

Jump, "Anything!"

Dada, "Yes!"

Sally, "Of course."

Da Ben, "Is there anything to eat?"

Lai Cang was overjoyed, "Of course, my home is not far away, all benefactors will go with me, and I will definitely treat all benefactors well!"

"In that case, let's go! There will be more troubles in the future."

Hong Mao smiled and said to Lai Cang.

Lai Cang was terrified, and quickly shook his head, "The benefactor is being polite, this is what I should do. There is no reason for the benefactor to be so polite!"

"In that case, benefactor, let's go!"

Then, Lai Cang led the way in front, and the seven Hongmao and Lai Lian followed behind.

"Sister Blue Rabbit, you are so good! If I can be as good as you, that would be great."

Lailian is a little loli who is less than five feet tall, wearing a long blue dress, looking at Blue Rabbit with reverence.

Blue Rabbit chuckled and touched Lailian's head, "Xiao Lian, as long as you work hard, you will be very good in the future."


Lai Lian showed a look of surprise, and then waved his small fist, "If I can be as good as Sister Blue Rabbit and you, I can protect my brothers and sisters, as well as Uncle Lai Ye, Uncle Lake, Aunt Lai Yu... um... There are many more People!."

Lailian opened her arms wide, looking expectant.

"Certainly possible."

Blue Rabbit smiled gently, encouraging Lailian.

Lai Cang, who was walking in the front, sighed inwardly when he heard the conversation between the two.

"If it's really that easy to become stronger, how can elves be oppressed and slaughtered by other monster races..."

Although he thought so in his heart, Lai Cang did not speak out to break his sister's beautiful fantasy.


A few minutes later, Lai Cang brought Hongmao and others to a thousand-meter giant tree with lush branches and wooden houses that can be seen everywhere on the branches.

At the top of the canopy, there is also a huge wooden house surrounded by various plants, which looks like a plant palace from a distance.

"Benefactor, I will take you to find the Tiandong King! The Tiandong King is the strongest of the elves in this land, and we are usually protected by the Tiandong King to survive."

Lai Cang looked up at the wooden house in the crown of the tree, his eyes showed respect, and it could be heard from his words that King Tiandong should be an excellent elf king.

"it is good!"

Hongmao didn't refuse, and it happened that he also wanted to meet the leader of this area.

Lai Cang waved his hands, green spiritual power surged, and on the giant tree, a vine dragged several leaves several meters in size.

"Benefactor, please come up."

Lai Cang walked up to the leaves, and then said to the Seven Rainbow Cats.

The seven rainbow cats nodded, and each jumped onto a leaf.

"Lian'er, you go home and rest first, I will take my benefactors to see King Tiandong."

After Lai Cang explained to Lai Lian and the other three, he waved his hand, and the vines carried several people towards the crown of the giant tree.

"What kind of person do you think King Tiandong is?"

"I think it should be a very kind old man. According to Lai Cang's description, he should be an old man who loves his family and has a gentle personality."

"I think so."

Before seeing King Tiandong, Doudou and Dada couldn't help discussing, and the image of King Tiandong was already outlined in their hearts.

At this time, the vines stopped in front of the canopy of the giant tree, and Lai Cang led the seven Hongmao to the wooden house in the canopy.

"King Tiandong, I am Lai Cang, I have something to see."

Lai Cang stretched out his fingers and knocked on the door of the wooden house, and opened his mouth respectfully.


As soon as Lai Cang finished speaking, the door of the wooden house opened automatically.

Lai Cang showed joy, then looked at the seven Hongmao people, and raised his hand to let the seven Hongmao people enter.

The seven Hongmao walked in, and when they came to the wooden house, they found that the wooden house was very simple, except for a few pots of flowers and plants, there was nothing else.

"Hahaha! A few distinguished guests have come, and the old man is far away from welcoming you, please forgive me!"

Just as Hongmao's seven people were looking at the wooden house, a hearty and heroic laughter came, and then a heavy footstep sounded.

Hongmao and the others looked at it, their faces froze immediately.

"This is Tiandong King?! Uh... can this have anything to do with the word kindness? Besides, I remember that elves should not all be handsome and aristocratic?"

"Today, the King of Winter has the temperament of a gangster!"

The corners of Doudou's eyes twitched, and he looked at the Tiandong King who was striding forward, his face full of confusion.

"Hmm... Except for the fact that she is nine feet tall, has explosive muscles all over her body, bears the pattern of a beast on her shoulders, her fists look like a casserole, and her voice sounds like a bell, it still fits the word kindly."

Dada scratched his face with his fingers, and said half-jokingly. ...

Chapter 113: Seven Sword Mountain opens to accept disciples? ! ; Place the Temple of War

Hongmao and the others did not expect that the kind and kind Tiandong King Lai Cang said was actually such a fierce nine-foot old man.

This image, if Lai Cang hadn't repeatedly guaranteed that King Tiandong is really a good person, they would all want to draw their swords!

"Hahaha! Distinguished guests, please sit down!"

King Tiandong didn't care about the astonished expressions of Hongmao and the others. With a big wave of his hand, several vines emerged from the floor, forming several chairs.

"Thank you!"

The seven Hongmao people looked at each other in blank dismay, and after cupping their fists in thanks, they each sat down.

Seeing how Hongmao and the others clasped their hands, King Tiandong stretched out his big palm and patted his head, grinning.

"Hahaha! The distinguished guests are really interesting. Although they are monsters, they are full of chivalry. In addition, I would like to thank you for saving Laicang and the others. I would like to thank you!"

As he said that, King Tiandong also cupped his fists and shouted loudly, making Hongmao and the others think that this guy was about to make a move, and almost subconsciously drew his sword.

"You're welcome, knight, you should punish the evil and promote the good."

Then, Hongmao smiled calmly and waved his hands. At the same time, he also confirmed that King Tiandong was not a bad person except that he was a bit fiercer.

"By the way, distinguished guests, I heard from Lai Cang that you are from Seven Sword Mountain."

"This... this old man is well-informed, but he has never heard of Seven Swords Mountain. Logically speaking, with seven real kings like you, Seven Swords Mountain can't be silent, right?"

King Tiandong is not Lai Cang, he can see through the hidden strength of Hongmao seven at a glance, so he is even more surprised.

The seven real kings of the domain actually came from one faction! !

In this case, such a power is not considered a small power, not to mention famous, but at least it shouldn't be so unknown, so unknown that he has never heard of it!

"King Tiandong doesn't know that Seven Sword Mountain is a hidden power, and Seven Sword Mountain is not in Tianxing, but is rooted in a secret place, and few disciples are born. So the reputation is not obvious."

Rainbow Cat smiled and explained slowly.

"I see!"

King Tiandong nodded, took out a dry cigarette, and put it in his mouth.

Then, the atmosphere was a little silent, as if they didn't know what to say.

After a while, King Tiandong raised his head, glanced at the Seven Rainbow Cats, and asked suspiciously.

"According to your words, you Seven Swords Mountain should not be happy to be born. Why are you Seven Swords Lords born together now? Is there something wrong?"

"Although this old man is old, he still has contacts and influence. Maybe he can help you, and I should repay your kindness for saving Laicang and the others."

King Tiandong's eyes moved, and he spoke.

"There's no need to repay you! But I do have one thing I want to trouble you, King Tiandong."

Hongmao cupped her hands, and suddenly spoke seriously.

King Tiandong took the dry tobacco out of his mouth, his eyes moved slightly, "Oh? But it's okay to say!"

"The seven of me were born this time, not only to punish evil and promote good, but also to open the mountain gate and recruit disciples!"

"So, I hope King Tiandong will help us promote it, and I will reward you accordingly!"

Rainbow Mao didn't talk nonsense, and directly stated his purpose.

"Natu? Do you want to recruit disciples at Seven Sword Mountain?"

King Tiandong was taken aback for a moment, he didn't expect that the other party wanted to recruit people.

"That's right!"

"Now that the seven of us have become true kings, it's time to strengthen the Seven Swords Mountain so that more weak creatures can gain strength and protect themselves!"

Hongmao stood up, solemnly, with a firm and powerful tone.

"I hope King Tiandong will help you!"

Then, Blue Rabbit, Doudou and the others also got up at the same time and spoke in unison.

The attitude of the seven people can be said to have given the Tiandong King enough face. The seven real kings of the domain, in fact, even without the help of the Tiandong King, they can attract many people to join their forces.

Naturally, King Tiandong was not a person who didn't know what to do. He immediately got up and stood with his fists clasped, "Okay! The honorable guests are righteous people! It's a great thing to accept apprentices and pass on their careers! Of course, I can't just stand by and watch!"

"The old man will immediately let Lai Cang and the others spread the news and invite all parties to contribute to the matter of accepting disciples in Seven Sword Mountain! As for the reward, you are welcome. The old man is not a person who is greedy for petty gains, so he doesn't need to do everything Talk about benefits. I only hope that when the Seven Sword Mountain opens to accept disciples, my elf family can also participate."

The Seven Rainbow Cats took a fancy to King Tiandong's reputation in this area, and King Tiandong also took a fancy to the strength of the Seven Rainbow Cats, which can be described as mutual benefit.

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