"Of course! Seven Sword Mountain accepts disciples and welcomes all ethnic groups. As long as they can pass the test, they will naturally welcome all comers!"

Hongmao didn't say enough. Seven Sword Mountain wants to recruit disciples, but it's not random. There will be tests for sure.

"Okay! If that's the case, then the old man will go to prepare. It must be a great event in Lingyue Mountain Forest for the Seven Great True Kings to accept disciples!"

King Tiandong laughed, and the Lingyue Mountain Forest he was talking about was exactly the boundary they were in now, and it was also the outlying area of ​​Shiwan Dashan.

King Tiandong saw that although he was old, he acted like a wind and thunder, so he spread the news of the opening of Seven Sword Mountain to accept disciples in an instant.

The True King of the Seven Great Domains, together with King Tiandong's assistance in publicizing this gimmick, instantly attracted the attention of all parties.

"Interesting, that old Tiandong King is looking for an ally for himself! The Seven True Kings of the Realm...It's really strange, why have I never heard of this Seven Sword Mountain before?"

The Black Sea Forest and the Lingyue Mountain Forest are "shoulder to shoulder" and also the outskirts of the Shiwanda Mountain.

The leader of the Black Sea Forest is a black evil bloody monkey, who is also the cultivation level of the real king of the domain, and he calls himself the Dark Lord.

The Dark Lord sat on a seat made of black wood, and below him was a five-headed and half-kingdom monster.

"Where's Heisha?"

The Dark Lord did not turn into a human form, but still appeared in his own form, with scarlet eyes, sharp teeth like swords, and a body covered with pitch-black fur. His huge size was full of oppression.

He looked around and asked sharply.

"Returning to the king, according to the investigation of his subordinates, Heisha acted without authorization and ran to the Lingyue Mountain Forest, where he was finally wiped out by the mysterious Lord of the Seven Swords."

A middle-aged man with wicked eyebrows and mouse eyes and two beards curled up at the corners of his mouth stepped out, lowered his body and opened his mouth. This man's name is Shumu, and he is a half-kingdom mouse spirit.


The Dark Demon King was silent, and then suddenly became angry. The breath of the real king surged, frightening the five half-king monsters below to kneel down and tremble.

"It's really interesting! It's fine to join forces with that old man Tiandong King suddenly, but he dares to kill this king's subordinates! Do you really think that this king is made of mud?!"

The Dark Lord values ​​face the most. It would be fine if Shumu didn't say this in front of everyone, but now that Shumu has shaken it out in public, if he does nothing, he will dare not make a sound and lose face.


"Subordinates are here!"

Hearing the Dark Lord calling him, the kneeling Shumu walked forward quickly.

"Go to King Qinghu, King Yellow Crane, King Green Zombie, and tell them that this king has something to discuss with them, and invite them to meet in Heihailin."

The Dark Lord glanced at Shumu and said in a cold voice.


Shumu bowed his head in response, and then left Hailin with a flash.

"King Tiandong, I won't make it easy for you!"

The Dark Demon King's eyes were cold, and while he was speaking, a wave of evil spirit surged, which frightened the four and a half kings below who did not dare to look up. …

On the other side, Jiang Qiyu did not stay to continue watching the play, but went all the way to the deepest part of Shiwan Dashan.

Jiang Qiyu stepped into the void, looking down at the huge mountain range beneath her feet like a dragon's head soaring into the sky, showing satisfaction.

"It's nice here!"

"However, I remember that in later generations, the Hundred Thousand Mountains became a deep pit and ceased to exist. Thinking about it, a lot of things should have happened during this."

Jiang Qiyu put his hands behind his hands, and his white clothes swayed.

In fact, he can directly detect the timeline and know the ins and outs of the 01 mountains turning into deep pits.But there is no need, there are variables in everything. After he appeared, there are more variables than 30:[-].

"What are you going to do?"

The small glutinous rice balls were placed on Jiang Qiyu's head, and he asked curiously.

"Increase the background of Tianxing!"

Jiang Qiyu raised his mouth, raised his right hand, and a delicate palace model appeared in his hand.


With a flip of Jiang Qiyu's palm, the model of the palace fell down and continued to grow in size at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The moment before landing, it turned into a real palace, resplendent with gold and jade, carved beams and painted buildings, guarded by statues of gods and beasts in all directions.

"The area of ​​this palace is not smaller than the Forbidden City at all. It is tall and deep, and it is majestic. It has the potential to swallow mountains and rivers, not bad."

Looking at the palace below, Jiang Qiyu nodded in satisfaction.

The little glutinous rice balls raised their heads with pride, "Of course, the products produced by the system must be high-quality goods!"

"Yes, it is a high-quality product, but it is also extremely expensive!"

Jiang Qiyu raised his hand to touch the small glutinous rice balls, shook his head and smiled.

【War God Temple】

[Structure: Spiritual Stone (5 stars/a stone contaminated with a little bit of divine power, which has only two uses. One, it is indestructible, really indestructible! Second, it is full of divinity, radiant, and infinitely compelling.)

Hidden Sky Stone (5 stars/not much use, a small piece can hide thousands of miles. Concealment is not stealth, but disappearing completely, which cannot be seen or touched.

Note: This is still a smart stone, you can set the disappearance and appearance time, it is a rare model worker in the stone world! )

Kongkongshi (5 stars/As a palace with a strong style, of course it must be able to fly, Kongkongshi can satisfy all your flying fantasies.

Want to let your house fly freely like in Up?Want to make the house run wild like in Howl's Moving Castle?

Then come and let the empty stone embed into your house!Don't 998!Don't 888!As long as 20, empty stones can be brought home! ) ap....

Chapter 114 The Heartless Three Demon Kings; The Sad Tiandong King


72 God Beast Guardian Stone (7 stars/Everyone is a stone, why is your level so high? Hehe, of course there is a reason!

There is a reason why you are expensive. Do you want your home to be absolutely safe?Then come and put 72 beast stones in the house!

When everything is safe, they are just stone sculptures; but when danger comes, they raise their heads to the sky and scream, transforming into 72 divine beasts, exerting their divine powers, and slaughtering the enemies.

Encountering great enemies, forming a formation of 72 gods and beasts, slaughtering gods and destroying Buddhas, only the three god kings can't be broken!It is definitely the best choice for guarding the home!

Therefore, 72 beast stones, not 99998!Don't 9998!Only 1999999! !Discount and cost-effective! )]...

And this is all the basic cards that constitute the Temple of War God.

"This stuff just makes me bleed!"

Jiang Qiyu shook his head, his face full of heartache.

If you have money, you have money, but if you use it up, it still hurts to say it~~

“Great value for money, value for money!”

Xiaotangyuanwanzi didn't want to express her opinion, so she smiled coyly and closed her mouth.

"someone is coming."

Suddenly, Jiang Qiyu noticed that there were several figures coming towards here from a distance, some of them had a fierce aura, they were already the real kings of the fourth heaven, and they were all the top fighting power of the monster clan today.

"This movement is so big, it's hard not to be noticed!"

The little glutinous rice balls were not unexpected, and they spoke leisurely.

Jiang Qiyu smiled, then waved his hand, the Hidden Sky Stone was activated, and the palace below disappeared instantly.

It is the disappearance in the real physical sense, disappearing in this space.

"You're not going to let those guys in?"

Seeing this scene, Xiaotangyuanwanzi asked in confusion.

Jiang Qiyu shook his head, "It's not yet time, and I haven't finished the arrangement yet."

"Besides, this palace is not prepared for them! Let's go, spending money is still going on..."

After speaking, Jiang Qiyu's figure disappeared.

And the moment Jiang Qiyu disappeared, several figures appeared.

Among them, there are three figures that are the most eye-catching, forming a tripartite confrontation, completely suppressing the momentum of the others.

The others immediately lowered their bodies after seeing the three of them.

"I've seen the Nine-tailed Demon King, Tianzhu Demon King, and Kanglong Demon King!"

Jiuwei, Tianzhu, Kanglong, the three demon kings are the existence of Law Ninglian and True King Four Heavens, and they are also the masters of the Hundred Thousand Mountains!

In the current period, the true king Sichongtian is naturally a god-like existence. Except for the strongest of the gods, who dares to say that they can overwhelm these three demon kings!

"Did you just see the palace here?"

The Nine-Tailed Demon King is a ten-meter-tall nine-tailed black fox, and asked in a thick voice.

"Returning to the Nine-tailed Demon King, we have just arrived, and before we got close to here, we saw the palace disappear."

A burly man in black with a tiger's head spoke with apprehension in his tone.

The Nine-Tailed Demon King was silent, and glanced at the location where the palace appeared just now, his red amber pupils showed a touch of heat.

"That palace is filled with the aura of the Holy Spirit, it is definitely not a mortal thing! Maybe there may be a sacred thing in it! We must find it!"

Greed welled up in the Nine-Tailed Demon King's heart, and the terrifying aura emanating from the palace made him feel a little bit of fear, and at the same time made him realize that the palace must be a huge opportunity!

The Nine-tailed Demon King glanced at Tianzhu and Kanglong beside him, the three of them met their gazes, and then suddenly made an attack, the lotus of law appeared above his head, and the terrifying aura overwhelmed all the monsters present on the ground.

"Demon King, spare me!!"

The pupils of these monsters shrank, knowing that the three of the nine-tailed demon king were going to kill people to silence them, they immediately begged for mercy.

Of course, there were also those who knew that begging for mercy would be useless, and immediately mobilized all their strength to try to escape.


The nine-tailed demon king snorted coldly, the nine tails swung, and nine completely different forces blasted out, instantly killing the monsters that wanted to escape.

On the other side, Tianzhu Demon King and Kanglong Demon King were equally merciless, killing all the monsters present.

For a few breaths, apart from Nine Tails, Tian Zhu and Kang Long, there was no one left alive.

"Don't blame me, if you want to blame, blame you for seeing something you shouldn't see!"

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