The Tianzhu Demon King has a burly figure, with two huge fangs protruding from his mouth, and a five-meter mace on his back, with a fierce aura spreading all over his body.

"The moment before we arrived here, there must have been a palace here. I believe both of you have sensed the aura of the palace. It is not an ordinary thing, and it may be a huge chance."

"So, I think we should discuss how to distribute the things in the palace."

Kanglong Demon King wears a bark mask on his face, his voice is a bit gender-neutral, and his body is manifested, so it is impossible to tell what kind of monster he is.

"Heh, Kang Long, even the palace is gone now! Even if we want to carve up the palace, at least we have to wait until we find the palace, right?"

The Tianzhu Demon King sneered, and said to the Kanglong Demon King in a low voice.

"Tian Zhu is right, find the palace first!"

Kyuubi nodded, and without waiting for the two of them, he ran directly to the place where the palace appeared earlier, and started searching around.

Seeing this, Tian Zhu and Kang Long acted immediately, for fear that the other party would find something first.

However, after nearly an hour of searching, the three of them couldn't even find Mao, let alone the palace.

"Hmph! Damn it! It's here!"

The Nine-tailed Demon King's eyes were gloomy and uncertain, and he spoke unwillingly.

Tianzhu and Kanglong were silent, neither in a good mood.

After a while, Kang Long suddenly said, "This area will be guarded by our three parties from now on. If we can't find it now, it doesn't mean we won't find it in the future."

"The opportunity of the palace is beyond our imagination, and I think you don't want to give up."

"However, you must not make any noise. If the Protoss or other people are attracted, we may not be able to stop them if they want to share a piece of the pie!"

After thinking about it for a while, Jiuwei and Tianzhu also agreed with Kanglong's words.

As a result, a not-so-solid temporary alliance was hastily established.

Nine Tails, Tianzhu and Kanglong respectively sent people to garrison here, waiting for the palace to appear......

Time is like the wind, touching your whole body like a robber, but leaving no trace when it leaves.

Two days seem to slip away in the blink of an eye~~

Lingyue Mountain Forest.

"How, can you find out what happened to Shiwan Dashan?"

King Tiandong looked at Lai Cang in front of him with a serious expression, and asked.

Lai Cang shook his head, gritted his teeth, and said in shame, "I don't know! It's because the subordinates are incompetent and unable to share your worries for King Tiandong!"

Hearing this, King Tiandong sighed deeply, shook his head, "It's none of your business."

"The King of Winter!"

King Tiandong glanced at the tired Lai Cang, and just wanted Lai Cang to go down to rest, when a shout suddenly sounded, interrupting him.

King Tiandong looked and saw seven people from Hongmao walking in from the door.

The seven rainbow cats who came in noticed King Tiandong's dignified expression and looked at each other in blank dismay.

"Tiandong Wang, what happened?"

Hongmao took a step forward and asked Tiandong King.

King Tiandong didn't shy away either, he sighed, and said, "Two days ago, several half-kings of the Hundred Thousand Mountains and three Kings of Divine Will were massacred, and the reason is unknown."

"Unfortunately, among the true kings of God's will that were slaughtered, one of the true kings of God's will belonged to my elf family. Alas! The room was leaking in the rainy night, and my elves were already weak. There were only three true kings of God's will, and now they have fallen One, I'm afraid there will be waves again..."

King Tiandong's eyes showed sorrow, and his face was much older.

Then, as if aware of his gaffe, King Tiandong raised his head and said, "Young heroes, don't worry, preparations for the mountain opening ceremony have been completed, and people from all ethnic groups have also been sent here, and it will begin in a while. Take a rest and make some adjustments so that the opening ceremony can be held perfectly, so that this old man can follow suit."

King Tiandong forced a smile, which was the only thing that could comfort him.

The Seven Rainbow Cats opened the mountain and the Anshan Gate in Lingyue Mountain Forest. Even if he has the alliance of the seven real kings of the domain, Lingyue Mountain Forest can be more stable, and the elves in Lingyue Mountain Forest can also live better.

The seven rainbow cats looked at each other, then clasped their fists together.

"Thank you Tiandong King for your help!"

"Haha, you're welcome. The old man is not a hypocrite, everyone is mutual benefit, there is no need to thank each other."

King Tiandong smiled, waved his hands, and didn't like being polite.

"Anyway, it's all thanks to your help, King Tiandong, otherwise it wouldn't be so easy for us to open the mountain gate here."

Hongmao shook her head, knowing very well how much help Tiandong King gave them.

No matter at any time, the sense of territory will always exist. If you want to install the Shanmen, you have to occupy the space. If you want to occupy the space, you must have disputes with other people. After all, the surrounding area of ​​the [-] mountains is almost divided up by the monster clan.

The few places where there are no monsters are also occupied by ferocious beasts. The beasts are ignorant of intelligence, but have strong territorial awareness. Character.

The ancient reckless man must belong to the fierce beast family!

After all, in the end, the ferocious beasts directly killed themselves.

King Tiandong shook his head and said with a smile, "You guys are being polite, this old man is just icing on the cake, it's nothing."

Hongmao took a deep look at Tiandong King, then reached out and took out a bead in front of his chest, which was crystal clear and flashing in seven colors.

"This is... a seed?"

Looking at the colorful beads in Hongmao's hand, King Tiandong was taken aback for a moment. After feeling a burst of life force from it, he looked up at Hongmao, and said with some uncertainty. …

Chapter 115 The Old Man is Warm and Friendly

"That's right! It's the seeds!"

Hongmao looked at the beads in his hand and spoke solemnly.

"King Tiandong, this is a gourd seed left by a senior of the elves. It is said that seven innate elves were bred in the gourd seed. After planting it, seven innate elves can be born."

"The elf senior has an old relationship with me in Seven Swords Mountain. Before he died, he gave me the gourd seeds and told us that we must give the gourd seeds to a kind-hearted elf who is dedicated to the elves."

"King Tiandong, after getting along with each other for the past few days, we all agree that you are the person that the elves seniors are looking for. Although your appearance is a bit close to that of a gangster, regardless of your appearance, we appreciate your kindness."

"So, please accept this gourd seed. As long as the innate elves are planted, the elves will be safe from now on!"

With a solemn expression, Hongmao brought the gourd seeds to King Tiandong.

Looking at the gourd seeds in Hongmao's hand, King Tiandong's complexion changed drastically, his heart was turbulent and it was difficult to calm down.

"Innate Elf?!"

After a long while, King Tiandong suddenly shouted, and the strong voice shook the wooden house.

"Is there really an innate elf in this world?"

King Tiandong was shocked and could not calm down for a long time.

The elves are all cultivated from trees, flowers and plants, but there is a legend in this world that there is a kind of elves who do not need to cultivate and transform themselves. They are born kings and have a sacred body. They are the uncrowned kings of the elves!

However, legends are just legends after all, and no one has ever seen the so-called innate elves.

Even King Tiandong himself took the matter of the innate elves as a joke and gave up hope.

But now Hongmao actually said that the gourd seeds in his hand could give birth to innate spirits. It was as if a thunderbolt struck his head, making his whole body numb.

"Young Xia Hongmao, what you it true?"

Although I don't think Hongmao is the kind of person who likes to lie, King Tiandong really can't believe that the legendary innate elf is right in front of his eyes!

"Of course! If King Tiandong doesn't believe it, plant the gourd seeds in a place with rich aura and high-quality soil, and when it blooms and bears fruit, everything will be known!"

Rainbow Cat made a loud voice and looked serious.

"Good good!!"

King Tiandong's bronzed face was rosy, and he shouted "Yes" three times excitedly, then carefully took the gourd seeds from Hongmao's hand, and then he was about to kneel down to Hongmao.

Hongmao's expression changed, and he quickly supported King Tiandong, preventing him from kneeling down.

"King Tiandong, you can't do it! I just want to fulfill the dying entrustment of the elves' seniors, not to mention that I have received your help!"

Hongmao's tone was firm, and he would never let King Tiandong give such a big gift.

Although King Tiandong had the heart to kneel down to express his gratitude, but Hongmao was not a vegetarian either, holding him with both hands made him unable to bend his legs at all.

Helpless, King Tiandong had no choice but to give up, but he still did not forget to thank the seven Hongmao people, and repeatedly patted their chests to promise that the mountain opening ceremony later will be beautiful!

After that, King Tiandong and the seven Hongmao walked out of the wooden house together, preparing to go to the opening ceremony of the mountain.

A few seconds later, King Tiandong and Hongmao came to a flat mountain. At this time, many elves were busy, arranging the scene.

"Grandpa Tiandong, Brother Hongmao, and Sister Lantu!"

A figure flew over, wearing a long blue dress, it was Lailian.

With a happy smile on his face, Lailian threw himself on King Tiandong.

"Hahaha! How is it, little girl? Is the arrangement ready?"

King Tiandong didn't care about the difference in status and strength at all, with a kind smile on his face, he patted Lailian's head and asked.

Lailian nodded, and said, "Everything is ready, the only thing we need is the east wind! People from various places have also come one after another."

"Okay, since that's the case, let's get ready, young heroes!"

King Tiandong nodded and smiled, and then said to the Seven Rainbow Cats.

The seven Hongmao clapped their hands together, then left to prepare for the mountain opening ceremony in a while.

But King Tiandong came directly to the place where the guests were welcomed, his gaze swept around, and a slight gleam flickered in his eyes.

"The fall of the true king of my elf clan, I am afraid that even Hongmao Shaoxia and their mountain opening ceremony will be affected..."

"However, since the old man has received the gourd seeds from the kindness of Hongmao and the others, he won't let anyone mess up the mountain opening ceremony!"

"If someone dares to make trouble, don't blame the old man for being cruel!"

There was a hint of sternness in King Tiandong's eyes. As an existence that can protect a region, he is naturally not a good stubble, otherwise he would have been gnawed to the ground by monsters from all directions!


Several sounds of piercing the air sounded, King Tiandong retracted his eyes and turned his head to look.

"Haha! Brother Tiandong, I haven't seen you for a long time, you are still majestic and magnificent!"

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