An elf covered in vines and with a big purple flower crown on his head came straight to King Tiandong, clasped his hands and laughed, with a very friendly attitude.

"Brother Feilian, I haven't seen you for ten years, and you are still so majestic!"

King Tiandong obviously had a good relationship with Fei Lian, so he immediately replied with a big laugh.

Fei Lian, the real king of the elves' domain, is a plant of Jiemao Feilian, also known as Leigongcai, Cidacao, and Daliwang. It has the function of cooling blood, dispelling blood stasis, and dizziness. It is not easy for Zhenwang Feilian to cultivate to the realm of true king.

Tian Dong and Fei Lian were born in a rocky canyon before they became true kings, and they were old friends for many years.

"Please! Help me greet the guests by the way."

King Tiandong looked at Fei Lian with a smile, and unceremoniously asked Fei Lian to help.

Fei Lian's old face collapsed, and he looked at Tiandong King with resentment, "Good day, Tiandong, I'm not here to be a guest for a long time, but to be your servant!"

"Haha! There's no way, there's not enough manpower, so I'll have to trouble you, Brother Feilian!"

Tian Dong patted Fei Lian on the shoulder, not listening to Fei Lian's words at all.

"Old shameless!"

Fei Lian rolled his eyes, then looked around, then approached King Tiandong mysteriously, and asked puzzledly.

"Tian Dong, what is the origin of the Sword Master of the Seven Swords? It's not normal for you to be so courteous. You old man has always been unprofitable."

Fei Lian looked at Tiandong and asked with an expression that I could see through.

"Nonsense! Old man, I am kind-hearted and amiable, and I also look warm and friendly. Why can't I be too early?"

Hearing this, Tiandong's eyebrows and eyes slanted, his whole body bulged, his chest muscles thumped, and the black lines on his shoulders also moved with the muscles, really responding to the word "amiable".

"I'm too lazy to talk to you shameless old man for a long time. After the opening of Qijian Mountain and the acceptance of apprentices, I will come to talk to you, an old fellow. Then you don't have to try to perfunctory."

Fei Lian rolled his eyes again, pulled Tiandong Wang away, and walked inside.

King Tiandong didn't care, he grinned and greeted the other guests.

There were many people who came, besides Fei Lian, there were two real kings of the domain, not elves or monsters, but a real king of the spirit clan and a ghost clan.

For the rest, there are more than ten half-kings, and the rest are the juniors who were led here.

During this period, although there were very few top combat powers, there were quite a few intermediate levels.

The reason is still a matter of time and environment. The various races are constantly fighting, and there are also a lot of resources. If you want to survive and live well, you have to fight, fight, and become stronger!

Although time temporarily limited the upper limit of the strongest Tianxing, the existence of the middle level was not limited at all. Perhaps most of them were already the same age as the strongest Tianxing, but their strength could not improve because of their talents.

But it doesn't matter if you don't go up, as long as you don't come down!

As a result, there may not be many high-level fighters in Tianxing, but there are a lot of middle-level people.

If you go out and take two steps, you may meet one or two half-kings. In this period, it is really "the four realms are not as good as dogs, and the half-kings walk everywhere."

If this time is pushed back a little bit, it may become "the real king of the field is not as good as a dog, and the real king of law walks everywhere". ..

As for the bunch of half-kings, those who didn't become the real kings of the domain, naturally they all hiccupped.

Therefore, in any era, the existence of the intermediate level is not less than a little bit. Now it is a half king, and it will be a true king in the future.

In short, according to the development of Tianxing, even under the king of the gods, they may become the middle batch!

From decline to prosperity, and finally from prosperity to decline, this is the situation of Tianxing in this world.

Long story short, all in all, Tianxing has no shortage of half-kings in this period, so there are more than a dozen of them.

But half an hour later, the high mountain was already crowded with people, and after a while, several half-kings scattered here.

Of course, the main personnel who came this time were still some juniors, they all came to participate in the opening ceremony of Seven Sword Mountain to accept apprentices, and wanted to worship Seven Sword Mountain.

The forces formed by the seven real kings of the field are naturally very attractive. Even many half-kings who come here come here with the intention of joining...

Chapter 116 The rainbow cat who was targeted; a friend came from afar, even if he is far away, he will be punished! !

On the high mountain, the crowd gathered, and everyone was talking about it, and they were full of expectations for the next mountain opening ceremony.

Fei Lian, the True King of the Ghost Clan, and the True King of the Spirit Clan sat in the seats specially prepared for the True Kings. After greeting each other, they remained silent and waited for the opening ceremony to begin.


Among the crowd, a figure flew up and landed on the high platform, it was Tiandong King.

King Tiandong didn't look sideways, and he yelled loudly, instantly quieting down the chattering crowd.

Then, King Tiandong smiled, raised his strong arms, and said, "First of all, thank you all for coming to participate in the opening ceremony of Seven Sword Mountain."

"In addition, I believe that everyone is here for the Seven Swords Mountain, so I don't want to talk nonsense."

King Tiandong walked to the edge of the high platform, picked up the drumstick on the giant drum, then swung his arm, and the drumstick fell suddenly.

Bang! !

Amidst a thunderous bang, King Tiandong shouted loudly.

"Seven Sword Mountain, the opening ceremony, officially begins!"

After finishing speaking, King Tiandong didn't stop at all, and stepped down immediately.

boom! !boom! !

The next moment, seven figures descended from the sky, each of which exuded terrifying power, and the aura of the real king surged, shaking the hearts and minds of everyone present.

"Sure enough, they are all true kings of the domain! Tiandong is a shameless old man, and he doesn't know where he met the sword master of the Seven Swords..."

Fei Lian's eyes were fixed. Although he is also the real king of the domain, seeing the seven real kings of the domain descending at the same time, his heart was still slightly shaken.

The True King of the Ghost Race and the True King of the Spirit Race who were sitting on the side were also very restless, and their complexions changed slightly.

"The seven real kings of the domain have unknown origins and identities, and they seem to be united with that old man Tiandong."

"However, the elves have suffered sudden changes, and the monsters will definitely take advantage of the fire to loot them. This mountain opening ceremony will not be peaceful..."

The True King of the Ghost Clan is a female ghost with firstborn purple double horns, wearing a wide purple robe, and winking eyes like silk. His name is Jiuyue.

She is the ghost king of the Jiuli tribe of the ghost clan. Although she is only the real king of the domain, because her brother is the leader of the Jiuli tribe, the ghost king of Jiuli.Therefore, even if it is the real king of the third heaven of the real king, he has to give her a little face on weekdays.

This time she was going out to play, but she accidentally heard about the Sword Master of the Seven Swords, and she was curious, so she came to join in the fun.

Seeing that all the sword masters of the Seven Swords are true queens of the domain, the curiosity in their hearts is even more curious.

Jiuyue raised her bright eyes, glanced back and forth at the seven members of Hongmao, and then turned her gaze back to Hongmao, her eyes trembled, like a kitten smelling a fishy smell, and her expression gradually became excited.

"It's such a handsome kitty, it really tickles my sister's heart~"

Jiuyue raised her slender fingers, opened her fragrant lips lightly, bit her fingertips, looked at Hongmao's eyes as if they were about to overflow with water, her beautiful face flushed like a ripe peach.

"He is the true king of the field at such a young age. If he can form a companion with this kitten, it would be a good choice."

The legs under Jiuyue's robe unconsciously rubbed, and her eyes almost thickened.

But at this time, Hongmao on the stage looked at the crowd of people in front of him, smiling all over his face, but he didn't know that someone was trying to "plot evil" against him.

"Everyone, I am the sword master of the Changhong Sword of Seven Sword Mountain, Rainbow Cat!"

"Sword Master of the Ice Soul Sword of Seven Sword Mountain, Blue Rabbit!"

"Seven Sword Mountain Purple Cloud Sword..."

The seven members of Hongmao spoke one by one, and their voices could cover the audience without shouting loudly.

The seven Hongmao looked at each other, and then drew their swords together.

Immediately afterwards, the seven people stuck the Excalibur on the ground.

In an instant, a ray of light connected the seven divine swords, and the next moment, a ray of colorful divine light shot up into the sky and expanded in all directions.

Then, one after another palaces rose from the ground, no more, no less, exactly seven, and each one had three large characters on the plaque.

"Eternal Rainbow Hall, Ice Soul Hall... This kind of means is definitely not something that true kings of ordinary domains can possess!"

Looking at the seven beautiful palaces surrounded by white mist, even Fei Lian, Jiu Yue and the true king of the Lingzu were shocked and almost stood up.

Even King Tiandong didn't expect the Seven Rainbow Cats to have such a method, and they looked shocked.

"No wonder Hongmao Shaoxia and the others didn't let the old man help build the mountain gate. It turned out that they had already prepared for it. It's really magnificent! It's worthy of being entrusted by the elders of the elves to the innate elves! It's really extraordinary!"

Although King Tiandong was shocked, but thinking of the gourd seeds that Hongmao gave him, he felt that it should be so.

Otherwise, how could the deceased elders of the elves give the gourd seeds that conceived the innate elves, such an important and insignificant fetish, to Hongmao and the others?

Tian Dong Wang Lu nodded with a smile, with an appearance of sharing honor and disgrace.

The seven palaces rose from the ground, shaking the hearts of everyone present. The people who originally wanted to join the Seven Swords Mountain were very excited, but they just wanted to see a lively person, and they also had thoughts in their hearts.

"Such methods are enough to show that Seven Sword Mountain is extraordinary. Joining Seven Sword Mountain will have a strong backing, which is better than working hard alone..."

Countless people present had such thoughts, looking at the Seven Rainbow Cats and the resplendent palace, their eyes were hot, and they were already ready to move.

At this moment, Rainbow Cat spoke again.

"This time, I set up the gate of Seven Swords Mountain here to recruit disciples, and also to help the weak, so that more people can gain the power to protect themselves."

"Those who want to enter my Seven Swords Mountain must enter the Seven Swords Formation and pass the three tests of courage, will, and understanding. After passing two of the three tests, they can enter Seven Swords Mountain and become ordinary disciples. Those who pass all three tests are elite disciples!"

"If there are half-kings or kings who want to join Seven Swords Mountain, those who pass two tests will be deacons, and those who pass all three tests will be elders!"

"Of course, as the saying goes, the entry test is not all. After the entry, there will also be a small test and a big test, which are opportunities for everyone to be promoted!"

Although Hongmao is young, he is young and mature. Facing the sea of ​​people, he also looks confident and makes sense.

After a few words, everyone present knew the way to join Seven Sword Mountain and what happened after entering Seven Sword Mountain.

"Everyone, don't talk nonsense, you want to join Seven Sword Mountain. Just enter the battle!"

At this time, Tiao Tiao stood up, looked at Hong Mao, waved his hands, two fingers formed a sword, and swung upwards at Seven Swords.

sulfone sulfone!

With the sound of seven piercing through the sky, the seven divine swords flew into the air and turned slowly clockwise. A beam of colorful light soared into the sky, forming a huge colorful light mirror.

"Everyone, please!"

With a calm expression on his face, Tiao Tiao spoke calmly, raising his hand to guide the crowd.

But at this critical moment, an untimely insolent laugh suddenly resounded...

"Hahaha! It's really lively! It's a pity that what I don't like the most is excitement!"

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