"Why don't you let me add something to the opening ceremony of Seven Sword Mountain! Hahahaha!"


The routine of "The Protagonist Group: The Villain Comes Out at the Critical Moment" is here!

They came exactly on time, exactly, but if the voice came later, there would be no chance for the other party to make a sound when tens of thousands of people vacated into the mirror.

Tiaotiao and Hongmao looked at each other, then shook their heads helplessly.

"Why bother, it's too polite to send someone's head from thousands of miles away..."

Tiaotiao's eyes gradually became sharper, and the terrifying sword intent was concentrated in his eyes, ready to go.

Hongmao and others on the side are also ready to make a move...


"Dark Lord!"

"There's also the Yellow Crane King, Green Tiger King, and Green Zombie King, they're here too, so annoying..."

King Tiandong stood up suddenly, his complexion sank, and he clenched his casserole-sized fists.

"This group of fellows are nothing profitable. Except for the dark lord and Tiandong who have deep grievances, the other three are probably inspired by the dark lord."

Fei Lian's complexion changed slightly. Although he thought that this mountain opening ceremony would not be peaceful, he did not expect that four demon kings would come together.


Made!Come join in the fun, before your ass is warmed up, you have to work hard first!Tian Dong is a shameless old man who owes me more and more. "

Fei Lian rolled up his sleeves, ready to get started.

However, someone was faster than him.

"A friend comes from afar, even if he is far away, he will be killed!"


"Ice Soul!"


"Seven swords are born, and the sword array rises!"

Without the slightest hesitation, without the slightest hesitation.

Hongmao's seven swords commanded the dance, and the seven swords in mid-air changed their formation.

The next moment, a terrifying sword intent soared into the sky, and the seven swords moved at the speed of light, instantly surrounding the four Dark Lords.


The stern smile on the Dark Lord's face gradually disappeared, and the faces of the Qinghu King, Yellow Crane King, and Green Zombie King who stood tall and looked like masters also froze. ...

Chapter 117 Well, then you can go through fire and water! ;The bitter September

"That... I think there may be a little misunderstanding between us..."

The terrifying sword intent from the sword formation stabbed the Dark Lord's whole body. The Dark Lord was terrified, his eyes twitched uncontrollably, and he spoke hastily.

Hongmao said nothing, Lantu and Sally had gentle smiles on their faces, Daben had simple and honest faces, Doudou and Dada looked expectant, Tiaotiao looked calm, raised their eyes and spoke.

"There is no misunderstanding. You also said that you want to add something to the opening ceremony."

"So, you shouldn't mind turning into fireworks!"

"Sword array, kill!"

Tiaotiao raised his hand, his two fingers formed a sword, and with a sudden swing, the seven swords turned in an instant, and the terrifying sword intent was like a rainstorm of pear blossom needles, blasting towards the four Dark Lords in the formation without a single gap.

"No!!!! How dare you?!"

"Let's do it together!"

The Dark Demon King cracked his fingers, roared loudly, and waved his hands, raging black energy surged, trying to blast the sword array.

"Damn it! How could it be so strong?!"

The Green Tiger King revealed his real body, a five-meter-high giant tiger covered in green. With a roar, countless ghosts gushed out from his body to resist the impenetrable sword energy in all directions.

"Ahh!! Dark Lord, Shuzi mistaken me!!!"

The Yellow Crane King, the weakest among the four, had just turned into a giant yellow crane with a wingspan of ten meters, when he was pierced through by countless sword qi, and his spirit and soul were all extinguished, a tragic death!

Clang clang!

"My lords! The villains only came to offend you because they were bewitched by the Dark Lord!"

"My lords, please spare the villain. From now on, the villain, I will always take the adults as the leader, and I will go through fire and water without hesitation!"

The Green Zombie King is a zombie king with cyan hair all over his body, his whole body is as hard as iron, the terrifying sword energy blasted on him, and he made the sound of Jin Ge's clashing.

However, since this is the case, the Green Zombie King is also in unbearable pain, cracks continue to appear on his body, and the terrifying corpse aura all over his body is getting weaker and weaker.

Faced with such a desperate situation, the Green Zombie King didn't hesitate at all, and directly discarded his dispensable sense of shame, and begged for mercy to the Seven Rainbow Cats.

"Really? If that's the case, then you should become a firework!"

Tiaotiao rolled his eyes at Lvzombic King, nodded, and agreed to his "go through fire and water".

Green Zombie King, "..."

*** Is oil and salt not allowed? !

The Green Zombie King's face gradually became ferocious, and the fangs in his mouth extended by more than ten centimeters.

Roar! !

"You will die badly! If you kill us, you will not have a good time! Someone will avenge us, cut you into pieces, and tear you into pieces!"

Begging for mercy failed, the Green Zombie King's true nature was fully exposed, and he roared sharply, threatening the seven Rainbow Cats.

"Really? That's just right, the fireworks money is saved!"

Tiao Tiao smiled calmly, and then clenched his five fingers, the sword array was surging, and the invisible sword energy moved like the wind, and became sharper, directly piercing the indestructible body of the Green Zombie King.


The Green Zombie King let out a scream, and watched helplessly as a piece of carrion in his heart was sliced ​​out by a sword qi.

sulfone sulfone!

In the end, the sword energy swarmed towards him as if targeting the Green Zombie King.

Sword Qi surged from all directions, piercing Green Zombie King's whole body, and then in a burst of body explosion, rotting flesh and blood exploded like fireworks, exploded to pieces and flew all over the sky.

Green Zombie King, die!


On the other side, the pupils of the Dark Demon King and the Green Tiger King who were still struggling trembled, and countless sword qi rushed towards the two of them, and the blood rushed wildly for a while, and the bloody fireworks shocked everyone below.

In the end, no matter how unwilling the two were to howl and rage, they couldn't stop being pierced by the sword energy into scum.

At this point, the four real kings of the domain who came to make trouble and play prestige, had no time to pretend to be aggressive, and directly ate the banquet.

"Since it is here, it will be safe. It seems that they have realized the true meaning of this sentence."

Tiaotiao nodded in satisfaction, very pleased.

"Don't be narcissistic. You have to take an assessment when you start the battle. Don't waste time."

Seeing Tiaotiao with a serious face, Hongmao didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and then raised his hand, and the seven swords returned to the top of the high platform, rearranged, and transformed into a colorful light mirror.

Then, Hongmao looked at the crowd and smiled, "It surprised everyone, the villain has been eliminated, and now the assessment continues!"

From the beginning to the end, the seven members of Hongmao were extremely calm. Killing the four Dark Lords was just like accidentally trampling four ants to death.

But at this time, there was complete silence below, and everyone stared blankly at the flesh and blood blooming like fireworks...

"The assessment has begun! The old man will go first!"

Finally someone came back to his senses and saw a little old man jumping up and rushing directly into the light mirror, for fear of being snatched first.

"Hurry up! Let's go in quickly! It's too strong! One sword array actually wiped out the four great demon kings! It's too damn strong! I must join Seven Sword Mountain! Do whatever you want from now on!"

"Made! Get out of the way!"

"Get out of the way, let me advance!"


Someone took the lead, and the others finally woke up like a dream, and all of them jumped into the light mirror like dumplings.

Among them, there are several half kings, and the speed is so fast that they almost didn't fly the people around them.

"Sword formation... Formation? As the real kings of the domain, it's fine if they kill seven or four Dark Lords, but after the formation of the sword formation, only the master of the blue light sword commanded the formation from the beginning to the end... ..."

"Then what if seven people activate the sword formation together? What kind of power will the sword formation be?"

Jiuyue looked closely at the Seven Rainbow Cats on the high platform, her charming eyes flickered slightly, full of curiosity.

"Heck! Seven Swords Mountain... It's not bad to be an elder, and you can have close contact with kittens, close to the water tower, and get the moon first..."

Jiuyue stood up, stretched her waist, her proud curves could be seen even through a large robe, making the eyes of everyone around her linger and reluctant to take it back.

Jiuyue's actions also attracted the attention of the Seven Rainbow Cats, He Tiandong, Fei Lian and others on stage.

"Jiuyue Ghost King, what does this guy want to do?"

King Tiandong frowned, but he didn't think Jiuyue had the guts to make trouble.

Because the one who wanted to make trouble before had already died before leaving the teacher, successfully burped, and was one step ahead of others!

"Could it be..."

King Tiandong's gaze was fixed, and he took a deep look at Jiuyue, and the next moment he saw Jiuyue jump up and directly enter the light mirror.

"She actually wants to join Seven Swords Mountain..."

King Tiandong's expression can't be described as happy. Although Jiuyue is a real king of the domain, it is a good thing to join Seven Sword Mountain, but the problem is that this guy is the leader of the ghost clan... Uh, the strongest existence, Jiuli's younger sister!

If she joins Seven Swords Mountain, maybe something will happen...

At this time, in the light mirror.

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