After entering the light mirror in September, she found herself on a desolate land.


Jiuyue looked around with interest, but she wasn't panicked at all.

She took two random steps, but found that no matter how she walked, she seemed to be standing still, unable to move forward.

"This is the so-called test? According to what the little cat said, shouldn't the first test be a test of courage? What kind of courage is tested by standing still?"

Jiuyue raised her eyebrows slightly, thinking about how to pass the so-called courage test.

"younger sister!"

Jiuyue's body trembled, hearing the familiar voice suddenly coming from behind her, her pupils shrank involuntarily.

She turned around, and she saw the person she was thinking of.

"elder brother?"

In front of Jiuyue, a stalwart figure with three heads and nine eyes on top of the three heads stood with his hands behind his back. A wordless aura lingered around him, giving people an infinite sense of oppression.

And the appearance of this figure is Jiuyue's brother, the strongest ghost clan, the leader of the Jiuli tribe, ghost king Jiuli!

"Sister, come back with me!"

The head in the middle of Jiuli made a sound, the voice was as indifferent as ten thousand years of ice, although it called the word "sister" as a close relative, but it made people feel no closeness.

"Illusion? It's all an illusion! The damned illusion actually turned into my brother's appearance! See if I don't break you!"

Jiuyue gritted her silver teeth lightly, suppressing the fear in her heart, and struck out with a palm.

"Sister, what are you doing?"

However, what Jiuyue didn't expect was that she slammed out her palm with all her strength, but the fake Jiuli didn't move at all. Instead, her hand hurt and her palm turned red.

Jiuyue's pupils shrank, and she raised her head stiffly, just in time to meet Jiuli's 27 pupils turning in unison.

Immediately afterwards, her eyes suddenly went dark, and her whole body was slowly enveloped by a deep fear, as if falling into darkness...

After an hour,

The assessment is basically over, and those who have passed and those who have not passed have been released.

Some are happy, some are sad, and one is particularly sad.

"Huh! What a broken test! What a broken courage level! My brother actually turned into an illusion! My dignified sister of Jiuli only passed two levels, hmph!"

Jiu Yue's face was full of resentment, and she stomped her feet, but it scared the people around her that they couldn't run. If they fell, they had to stand up and continue running, for fear of being affected by Jiu Yue's random kick, and they would be broken into slag.

But no matter what, the opening ceremony of Seven Sword Mountain and the assessment of accepting apprentices have all been successfully concluded.

Although there was a small episode in the middle, it was precisely because of this small episode that the Seven Sword Mountain became famous and famous.

Although many people have their eyes on Seven Sword Mountain, more people are afraid of the power of Seven Sword Mountain and make friends with it one after another.

At this point, Qijian Mountain has initially gained a firm foothold in Lingyue Mountain Forest.

On the other side, after helping Hongmao and the others to deal with some follow-up matters, King Tiandong hurriedly dragged Fei Lian back to his wooden house.

It seems that it is something that I can't wait to do...

Chapter 118 Grandpa!grandfather! ! ;What about my big, white, chubby little grandson? ! !

"I said you old man, why are you in such a hurry? I'm exhausted!"

After returning to the wooden house, Fei Lian shook off King Tiandong's hand, panting from exhaustion, and shouted to King Tiandong with his face flushed.

"It takes only one minute to finish the road, but you rushed to it in a blink of an eye. I almost broke my old bones!"

Fei Lian sat down muttering, picked up a teacup very skillfully, poured himself a cup of tea, and drank it in big gulps.

King Tiandong didn't care about Fei Lian's complaint at all, with a wave of his hand, the trees and vines in the corner of the wooden house turned into a land surrounded by spiritual energy.

Seeing this scene, Fei Lian froze for a moment, then stood up and walked to the side of King Tiandong.

"what are you doing?"

"Grow gourds!"

Without looking back, King Tiandong carefully took out the gourd seeds from his bosom, and then he dug a hole himself, and put the gourd seeds in.

After carefully covering the gourd seeds with soil, he tapped his finger again, and the vines rolled on the ground, carefully loosening the soil.

"go with!"

King Tiandong kept moving, raised his hand, and a vine covered with morning glory emerged from the wall of the wooden house. The morning glory shrank suddenly, and then streams of water full of aura flowed out from the morning glory, pouring directly into the ground.

"Growing gourds? When did you have this hobby? Why? Need a pot for drinking?"

Fei Lian raised his brows, glanced at Tian Dong Wang, who was five big and three thick, and laughed teasingly.

King Tiandong rolled his eyes at Fei Lian, and then told Fei Lian about the origin of the gourd seeds and the innate elves.

After King Tiandong finished speaking, the cabin fell into silence.


A few seconds later, a crisp applause resounded through the cabin.


After Fei Lian slapped himself on the face, he immediately grabbed King Tiandong's shoulders with both hands, and shouted in a trembling voice.

"I'll go! Fei Lian, although the matter of the innate elves is shocking, you don't need to be so excited."

Seeing Fei Lian who looks crazy, King Tiandong was startled, it was the first time he saw Fei Lian like this.

Fei Lian didn't care, he suddenly laughed, and then jumped up and down, waving his arms constantly, just like a child.

"Great! Innate elves! Innate elves! Do you know what this means? It means that the days when my elves were oppressed by monsters are over!"

Fei Lian's face was flushed with excitement, and he looked at King Tiandong with excitement.

The Yaozu looked down on the elves, and Fei Lian never regarded the elves as part of the Yaozu. When he spoke, his face was full of disgust towards the Yaozu.

Hearing Fei Lian's words, King Tiandong also nodded, sighing.

"Yes, as long as the innate elves are bred, and when they grow up, my elves will have the strongest backing!"

"However, apart from me, only Hongmao Shaoxia and the others know about this matter. They told you that this guy trusts you, but you must never tell anyone else, not even the other elves!"

"Hey! Old man, I'm talking to you, do you hear me?"

King Tiandong warned Fei Lian, but he found that Fei Lian didn't pay attention to him at all. He turned his head and found that this guy was squatting in front of the field where gourd seeds were planted.

"What are you breaking the ground? What breaking the water?! There is no nutrition at all, how can you make the gourd seeds grow! Use my spiritual breath soil and ground source water!"

Fei Lian changed all the soil in the land with a look of disgust, then slapped the flowing vines away, and poured the ground source water he carried with him.

"You old guy is really willing to give up! Spiritual breath soil and ground source water, these two things are your old treasures. You are reluctant to ask for a little bit from you on weekdays. Now you are so eager?"

King Tiandong's beard twitched, and he looked at Fei Lian in surprise.

Fei Lian looked at Tiandong King contemptuously, and muttered bluntly, "Can you compare with gourd seeds?"

King Tiandong, "..."


Suddenly, Fei Lian shouted in shock, so startled that King Tiandong almost punched Fei Lian in the face.

"Surprised and surprised, can you be as steady as me...Go to me!!"

Before King Tiandong finished speaking, he saw a green gourd seedling emerge from the soil.

Then, the gourd seedlings grew wildly at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the green vines continued to stretch.

King Tiandong's pupils trembled, his face was full of excitement, and then he quickly waved his hand, creating a wooden frame for the gourd vine to build on.

The gourd vine also seemed to have spiritual wisdom, and immediately wrapped itself around the wooden frame. After a while, the green and glowing vines covered the wooden frame, and the green gourd leaves swayed gently, as if greeting Tiandong Wang and Fei Lian .

Suddenly, the gourd leaves were suddenly lifted, and Fei Lian's storage container was opened directly, and the ground source water gushed out continuously, watering the roots of the gourd vines.


Fei Lian and King Tiandong looked at each other in shock.

After a while, Fei Lian came back to his senses. Not only was he not angry, but he was full of joy and said, "As expected of a gourd seed that contains innate elves, it is really extraordinary! Hahaha!"

Fei Lian laughed heartily, and let the gourd leaves carry away his precious source of water.

"Look! It's blooming! It's fruiting!"

At this time, King Tiandong suddenly stretched out his hand to pull Fei Lian, shouting and shaking Fei Lian vigorously.

Fei Lian didn't care, and quickly looked at the gourd vine.

At this time, seven flowers of different colors grew on the gourd vine, and these flowers just came out, and in the next second, green and tender small gourds grew out against the flowers.

Moreover, under the continuous irrigation of ground source water, the gourd grows bigger and bigger, and the flowers fall after a while. After the gourd grows to the size of the palm of the king of Tiandong, it stops growing.

But at this time, before King Tiandong and Fei Lian approached and stroked the two gourds, the gourds began to shake and made a sound.

"Grandpa! Grandpa!"


"You guys are wrong! It's the eldest grandpa, and the second grandpa!"

"Oh! Grandpa! Second Grandpa!"


Hearing the sound of grandpa in their ears, King Tiandong and Fei Lian were stunned on the spot.

"Grandpa...I'm a grandpa now! Hahahaha! Hey, good kids, grandpa is here!"

Wang Tiandong was like waking up from a dream, and he laughed heartily, with a smile on his face, he was extremely happy.

"Nonsense! I am the grandfather!"

But at this time, Fei Lian was not happy, saying that he was the big one.

"Fuck you! This old man is much older than you!"

King Tiandong looked at Fei Lian contemptuously, turned his head to look at the seven gourds, then immediately put on an amiable smile, reached out and stroked each gourd lightly.

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