"I want to touch my grandchildren too!"

Fei Lian also rushed over immediately, and King Tiandong squeezed back and forth, trying to caress the seven gourds.


At this time, the big purple corolla on Fei Lian's head bloomed, and countless purple stars fell down, landing on the gourd vines and gourds.

"It's so comfortable! Thank you Second Grandpa!"

"These second grandpas!"

Hearing this, Fei Lian smiled like a chrysanthemum on his old face, "Hey, it's what grandpa should do."

"Essence of plants and trees? Huh, you have it and I have it!"

King Tiandong frowned, then waved his hand, and the essence of green plants and trees rained down, all of which were absorbed by the gourd vines.

"Thank you, Grandpa!"

The seven gourds made noises together, laughing and laughing, very happy.

Plant essence, a "specialty product" unique to the elves, is like blood essence, containing huge energy, and just one can make the weeds on the ground three meters high.

But now, this incomparably precious thing is sprinkled on the gourd by King Tiandong and Fei Lian as if they don't want money.

"Enough is enough! Grandpa, that's enough! We can come out now! Please step back, grandpas."

Just when King Tiandong and Fei Lian were still swaying the essence of plants and trees, competing for favor, the seven gourds suddenly made a sound.

King Tiandong and Fei Lian stopped quickly, and looked at the seven gourds in great surprise.

"So fast?"

Although the two were shocked by the speed at which the gourd grew, they immediately backed away, eyes full of anticipation, waiting for their good grandson to break out of the gourd.

Even, the two old men have already imagined white, chubby, baby-sounding dolls wearing bellybands surrounding them.

"Hey Hey…"

Thinking about it, the two old men unexpectedly let out laughter that fell into a beautiful imagination.


In the next moment, the two old men experienced what it means to be disillusioned~~..


A series of angry roars sounded, and the seven gourds fell to the ground one by one, and quickly grew in size, and in the end their size was almost comparable to that of Tiandong King.

"Old Dong, why do I feel something is wrong?"

Fei Lian was stunned, and tugged at Tiandong Wang, his tone was stiff.

King Tiandong remained silent, a bad premonition welled up in his heart...


Amid bursts of colorful light, the seven gourds burst open, and figures eight feet tall, with gourds of various colors on their heads, and eight-pack abs appeared.

This scene directly caused King Tiandong and Fei Lian's jaws to drop to the ground in shock, their expressions dull and lifeless.

The two looked at each other, the corners of their eyes twitching wildly.

What about my big, white, chubby little grandson? ! !

"Grandpa! Second grandpa!"

When the two were heartbroken, seven muscular gourd babies ran over and threw themselves on Tian Dong Wang and Fei Lian.

To be honest, it is extremely warm for grandparents and grandchildren to embrace each other, but unfortunately, each of these seven calabash grandchildren is stronger than the other, and their strong voices are almost in line with King Tiandong, louder than Hong Zhong.

Those who don't know, probably think that the gourd babies are really the grandsons of King Tiandong...

Fei Lian forced a smile, his beautiful fantasy was completely shattered, he turned his head to look at King Tiandong, the veins on his forehead popped out.

"Old man, I think you should be more or less responsible for the children becoming like this!"

King Tiandong was silent, he looked at Cucurbita's eight-pack abs, and then at his own burly and majestic body, and couldn't help but fall into self-doubt.

"Could it be..."

"Is it really because my image affects children?"


"Depend on!!!"…

Chapter 119 The power of the seven big babies; the power of the human race, the potential dragon soars to the sky! !

Time is like an arrow, the sun and the moon are like a shuttle, and the stars are moving, and January has passed.

As for King Tiandong and Fei Lian, although the image of the gourd baby is indeed far from what they imagined, but after knowing the strength of the seven gourd babies, they are only happy.

The seven gourd babies are all innate elves, born to be kings, and all of them are in the realm of real kings in the domain!

Moreover, from the eldest baby to the seventh baby, each has its own innate magical powers.

The big baby and the red baby have infinite strength, swinging the mountains, shaking the earth and shaking the sky!

Erwa Chengwa, with eyes and ears capable of exploring the heavens and listening to the dark world, nothing can hide from his eyes and ears.

Sanwa Huangwa, with steel and iron bones all over her body, is indestructible every inch, and her body is as hard and strong as a third-grade artifact. Unless she specializes in body forging, even the real king of the third heaven can't compare to him.

The four babies and the green babies can burn mountains and seas with a mouthful of divine fire.Like the son of Vulcan, he can absorb any flame without limit, so as to enhance his strength and divine fire.

Wuwa and Qingwa, the desert turned into a vast ocean when they opened their mouths, and the water they spit out seemed to have magical powers, and each piece weighed as much as a thousand catties. Once caught in the current, even a goose feather would not be able to float up.

Six baby blue baby, enter the invisible state at any time, invisible, hidden soul, and hidden spirit!Once he enters the invisible state, it will be like disappearing into the world. He cannot be seen or touched. Even if he has practiced the pupil technique, it is difficult to detect his figure. He is a natural shadow killer!

Qiwa Ziwa, born as a treasure, holds a mouthful of dark purple treasure gourd, which can devour all things and refine the creatures sucked into the treasure gourd into pus and blood.At the same time, the magic gourd has its own magic "Century Curse". When a purple light is exhaled out of the gourd, it can arouse the evil thoughts of the living beings, causing them to kill each other and kill each other. It can be described as terrifying!

Although the seven gourd babies are all powerful, King Tiandong and Fei Lian still conceal their existence.

Because they know that although the seven gourd babies are strong, if they are targeted by the three monster kings of the monster clan, Jiuwei, Tianzhu, and Kanglong, and if they know that they are innate elves, the three monster kings will kill the gourd babies at any cost. .

Therefore, for their safety, King Tiandong and Fei Lian planned not to let the gourd baby appear in front of the demon clan until they grow up to the third heaven of true kings...

On the other side of Hongmao Seven, it has not been peaceful during this month, and people have sneaked into Seven Sword Mountain from time to time.

However, before these people entered the palace, they were pierced by the infinite sword energy, and in the end there was nothing left.

Over time, Seven Swords Mountain calmed down, and nothing major happened.

However, Lingyue Mountain forest is calm, but that doesn't mean it's the same everywhere.

On the Hundred Thousand Mountains, the reason for the massacre a month ago was suddenly revealed. It was actually three demon kings who killed several monsters and even creatures of other races, but the reason for the massacre was only a palace!

Ever since, the Hundred Thousand Mountains became chaotic.

Although the three great demon kings are strong, they are dissatisfied with many demon clans by slaughtering the king realm at will and taking the lead in breaking the rules. Among them, the few demon kings who are only a thin line away from the true king of the fourth heaven have united to fight Let the three demon kings give an explanation.

The three demon kings were furious, but it was impossible to wipe out all the monsters, so they could only suppress their anger and not show their faces for the time being.

However, one wave has not settled, and one wave has risen again.

When the reason for the massacre of several king realms by the three great demon kings was revealed, it instantly touched the nerves of other races.

The gods, demons, spirits... All races came towards the Hundred Thousand Mountains, forcing the three great demon kings to request to find the trace of the palace together. .

The three demon kings were furious, but they had no choice but to do anything, because the people from each clan were not good, and the gods couldn't provoke them.

Therefore, they can only agree, and agree to send people from all ethnic groups to garrison the depths of Shiwan Dashan to search for traces of the palace!

However, several months have passed, and the several clans have searched all over the world and searched here and there, but they still can't find even Mao.

For this reason, the already proud Protoss was furious, thinking that the three demon kings were playing tricks on him, and even fought directly.

In the end, it was the persuasion of various ethnic groups, and the two parties were finally able to stop.

The breeze is blowing, and it is the golden autumn season a hundred years later.

For a hundred years, small things and big things kept going, and the entire Tianxing was in the process of rapid development.

Powerhouses of all ethnic groups are like mushrooms springing up in endless streams.

Among the Demon Race, Spirit Race, Ghost Race, and Monster Race, there were people who broke through to peerless true kings, breaking the dominance of the God Race family.

And the one who breaks through from the monster clan is the Nine-Tailed Demon King among the Three Great Demon Kings.

After becoming the peerless true queen, the Nine-Tailed Demon King stepped into the air and came to the Sky Island of the Protoss, where he fought against the strongest of the Protoss.

In that battle, all the clans of the Heavenly Star were shocked, and the terrifying coercion permeated the sky for thousands of miles.

What caught everyone's eyeballs was that the Nine-Tailed Demon King not only tied with the strongest of the Protoss, but also beheaded the strong of the Protoss who went to Shiwan Dashan, and finally left safely.

One must know that the strongest of the Protoss is the first peerless true king of the stars, and the Nine-Tailed Demon King has just broken through, and can be on par with him, which is really terrifying!

And because of this, the relationship between the God Clan and the Monster Clan suddenly became incompatible, irreconcilable, and even the level of hatred surpassed that of the Shemale Clan.

However, even though the gods are watching, the monsters still dare not relax in the slightest towards the humans.

Because, if you want to say that the most terrifying progress in the past hundred years is not the monster race that has reached the sky in one step, but the weakest human race a hundred years ago!

In the past hundred years, countless geniuses have emerged in the human race, and three of them cannot be identified by common theory.

The first one is Sui Wu, who is the strongest combat power of the human race. In the past hundred years, he has been soaring all the way, and he was directly promoted from the true king of Shenyi to the fourth heaven of true king, reaching the realm of law and lotus, shocking all races mind.

And his Yagumon has already evolved to a full body and turned into a mechanical tyrannosaurus, whose strength is not inferior to him.

The two are inseparable, they have opened the way for the human race, and after various battles, large and small, they have long been known by all races.

The second one is a human race named Tianya, who is also a member of the Suihuo tribe. Although he is only over a hundred years old, he is already a true king of the domain!

And this person is none other than that snotty, dumb-faced son of a bitch from a hundred years ago.

The name Tianya was chosen by himself, which is much more foreign than the name Gouwazi.

And in a hundred years, not only did he become the true king of the domain, but his "big snot", which was the floating beast at the time, is also not what it used to be, and has evolved into a complete Digimon-the holy angel beast!

Moreover, the evolution time of floating beasts into a perfect body is two years earlier than that of ancient beasts. This is because Tianya itself is too weak and has suffered life and death crises many times, so that floating beasts continue to evolve, and finally evolve into The perfect body becomes a holy angel beast.

It is precisely because of this that Tianya, who had the holy angel beast, was more popular than Suiwu in those two years.

Even though he only has the realm of the real king of the domain, but he can borrow the power of the holy angel beast, he can compete with the three heavens of the real king in a short time, coupled with the holy angel beast whose strength reaches the peerless real king, he has undoubtedly become The strongest pillar of the human race.

But this last one is a rising star like Tianya, from the original nest tribe of the three major tribes of the human race, whose name is Emperor Yin.

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