It is said that this person is extraordinary, born with different pupils, bears the dragon's blood pattern on his back, and has the blood to fight dragons and tigers. He is also proficient in the art of time and age.

With the power of the dragon pattern with different pupils, he can even reversibly defeat the true king's third heaven!

He is a peerless arrogance who is even more terrifying than Suiwu and Tianya!

Under the leadership of these three people, the human race fought everywhere, carrying the momentum of soaring into the sky, and in just a hundred years, it has become a truly big clan that can speak.

The speed of the rise of the human race is appalling, so the big races such as the gods and monsters are afraid and want to stop it.

But the power of the human race is like a crouching dragon soaring to the sky, unstoppable.Even though the various races wanted to stop it, they didn't want to hurt themselves and be taken advantage of by others because of the conflict with the human race, so they have been doing nothing for a long time.

And in this way, the growth of the human race will be smoother.

Thus, more than [-] years ago, the six races of monsters, gods, demons, spirits, ghosts, and humans stood together! …

The ancient calendar, one thousand six hundred and fifty-seven years,


Three thousand miles away from the Suihuo Tribe, a young man in white brandished a long spear, and the spear came out with the wind, and the cold light suddenly appeared, and the ten-foot-long double-headed beast in front of him was directly divided into two, and blood sprayed three feet.

"Xiaotian, you have become stronger again!"

When the young man put away his gun and wiped it, a little beast with a white belly and yellow back and a pair of ears used as wings flew to the young man, clapping its little hands happily.

The young man raised his head, his eyes were like stars, extremely deep.

"It's still far away!"

Chapter 120 I will definitely complete the agreement; the palace reappears! !

The young man's face was calm, and he didn't show joy because of the big-eared little beast's praise.

This young man in white is one of the pillars of the human race, the rising star of the Suihuo tribe—Tianya!

The identity of the big-eared little beast is also self-evident. It is the floating beast. Although it has evolved into a holy angel beast, it usually appears in the image of the Padamon in the growth stage.

Now, the snotty, stupid and foolish boy at the beginning has changed into the appearance of the handsome young man now, with a stern expression that can't be traced back at all.

Tianya stretched out his hand to touch the Bada, and smiled on his stern face, "Little Ear, thank you for being with me all the time. Without you, I'm afraid I would have died many times!"

Badamon shook his head, and said seriously, "Xiaotian helped me evolve. We are companions. If you are in danger, of course I will protect you! You are welcome!"


Tianya hugged Badamon, rubbed its head, and smiled.

Then, he raised his head to look at the sky, his gaze gradually deepened.

"Badamon, tell me, how long will it take you to evolve into an ultimate body?"

Badamon shook his head, resting his head on Tianya's arm, "I don't know."

Tianya was silent, stroking the head of Badamon, his eyes were in a trance, and he remembered the agreement with the businessman.

"The ultimate body... I will definitely fulfill the agreement between us!"

"I hope that the palace on Shiwan Dashan will not be found too soon, otherwise I will have to go ahead of time. I am afraid that I am not enough to push Shiwan Dashan..."

A gust of wind blew past, blowing Tianya's hair, and brought him back to his senses.

He looked down at the Pada Beast, smiled slightly, then put the spear on his back, and headed for a place farther away from the Suihuo Tribe.

Today, he cleared the way for the human race and opened up a territory that belongs to the human race!

Every part of Tianxing is divided up by various races, if you want to clear the way, you have to fight!

Therefore, since Tianya stepped out of the Suihuo Tribe, the fighting has never stopped.

Fighting again and again seemed endless.

The time to clear the way was longer than Tianya expected, and the forces of Tianxing were intertwined, and if one movement affected the whole body, if it moved one side, it would likely attract obstacles from all sides.

Even though Tianya has the holy angel beast of the peerless true king, all races are not vegetarians. The gods, monsters, demons, ghosts, and spirits are not willing to watch the rise of the human race. In their view, the rise of the human race The speed is too fast, fast enough to threaten them, and now they have to grab the territory, which touches their nerves.

Therefore, on the way Tianya cleared the way, he met the top powerhouses of these clans more than once, from the first false advice to the final fight, if there were no holy angel beasts, Tianya would have been crushed to death. It's all right.

But even so, Tianya was not intimidated, and his body was covered with bruises, but he became more courageous with each battle. For hundreds of years, he broke through repeatedly, from the real king of the field to the peerless real king, and he was no longer afraid of anyone.

Tianya and the holy angel beast are already unstoppable.

On the other side, Suiwu and Emperor Yin had already broken through to peerless true kings.

In this way, the three parties advanced side by side, successfully expanding the human race's bullet-sized territory hundreds of times in hundreds of years, and the sphere of influence was no longer inferior to any of the tribes.

However, after breaking through to the peerless true queen, another hundred years passed, but the three of them were still unable to break through to the next level.

To be precise, they are not the only ones who can't break through. The great powers of various races who have already been peerless true kings have also been "trapped" in the realm of peerless true kings, and it is difficult to cross to the next realm.

Otherwise, for nearly a thousand years, with their talents, they shouldn't be so stagnant.

During the period of the day and the moon, it has reached more than [-] years in the ancient calendar.

Thousands of years seem to be passing by like a snap of the fingers. At this time, the various races are still in constant friction. There are more and more peerless true kings of Tianxing, but none of them has broken through to the next level.

Even so, the six races of demons, gods, demons, spirits, ghosts, and humans are still the strongest existence in Tianxing.

Whether it is the quantity or quality of peerless true kings, no other race can match these six clans.

Fire City.

A large city covering an area of ​​tens of millions of square kilometers is not so much a city as it is a domain, but four walls were built around it to protect the compatriots of the human race.

The current Suihuo City is the evolution of the original Suihuo tribe. In addition to Suihuo City, the human race also has two big cities, Yuanchao and Zhiyi, as well as countless scattered villages around the big city.

The current human race is no longer a weak and small group of people in a corner. Even a random village has a real king guarding it, and it has truly become a well-deserved big clan, whether it is in terms of top combat power or the number of mid-range combat power. They have all reached the level that a big family should have.

In Suihuo City, in a mansion in the deepest part.



There was a sound of pushing the door, and a tall and mighty figure stepped over the threshold and walked into a room in the mansion.

In the room, a figure sat cross-legged, with divine power surging all over his body, and beside him lay a small beast with big ears.

"Uncle Wu!"

Tianya opened his eyes, looked at the walking figure, and smiled.

"Tianya, the Hundred Thousand Mountains suddenly erupted with a burst of golden light. According to reports from our people, it should be that palace that appeared!"

The person who came was Sui Wu. At this time, his demeanor remained the same as before, and his face did not change a bit. Although his blood was restrained, his aura became more and more terrifying, and his every move gave people a huge sense of oppression.

And hearing Suiwu's words, Tianya couldn't help being taken aback.

He glanced at the Bada Beast beside him, and after a moment of silence, he spoke.

"In that case, let me go!"

Tianya stood up and looked at Suiwu.

Sui Wu nodded, "Okay! But you have to be careful, this time the Hundred Thousand Mountains must be gathering wind and clouds, and people from all ethnic groups will rush there, so you must protect yourself."

"Uncle Wu, you don't know my strength yet! Don't worry! With my little ears by my side, it's fine!"

Tianya smiled, picked up the bada beast, and said lightly.

Sui Wu nodded, knowing the strength of Tianya and Badamon.

"Oh, it's a pity, hundreds of years have passed, neither the little ear nor the little dragon can evolve from a perfect body to an ultimate body..."

Then, Suiwu sighed, a little helpless, the little dragon he was talking about was Yagumon, and Xiaolong was the name he gave to Yagumon.

"No hurry, I believe, they will definitely evolve, but it's just not the time yet."

Tianya smiled and said slowly, hearing this, Suiwu also nodded.

After saying goodbye to Suiwu, Tianya picked up his spear and rushed to Shiwanda Mountain with the Bada beast. .

It didn't take long before Tianya came to the high altitude of the Hundred Thousand Mountains.

And around him, there are people from various races such as the gods and monsters.

All eyes were focused on the magnificent palace below, filled with infinite divine light.

"It finally appeared..."

The nine-tailed demon king stepped on the cirrus clouds with four feet, his eyes were hot, besides his old partners Tianzhu and Kanglong, there were several monsters of peerless true king level beside him.

"Nine Tails, with so many people now, I'm afraid it's impossible to swallow this palace alone."

Kanglong still wears a bark mask, which is quite mysterious.

He turned his head, eyes indifferent, and said slowly to Nine Tails.

Kyuubi restrained his hot eyes, didn't answer, just looked around.

Suddenly, Jiuwei's eyes paused, and his eyes fell on Tianya, his face gradually turned cold.

"This guy is here too..."

There was a glimmer of gloom in Jiuwei's eyes. He had tried to intercept and kill Tianya at the beginning, but it ended in failure because of the existence of the holy angel beast.

And after Tianya broke through to the Peerless True King, he immediately approached him, fought with him, cut off one of his tails, and finally walked away...

As the so-called enemies meet, they are particularly jealous!

If it wasn't for the wrong timing, Nine Tails would definitely find Tian Ya to take revenge for the severed tail!

Tianya also noticed that Jiuwei was looking at him bitterly, but his face was still calm. After casting a glance at him, he looked at a group of people on the other side.

Immediately afterwards, Tianya walked away, cupping her fists.

"Young Hero Hongmao, we meet again!"…

Chapter 121 The Temple of War God opens, crazy people! !

That's right, the people Tianya greeted were none other than Hongmao Seven.

At this time, all the seven Hongmao exude the power of a peerless true king, and their sword intent is particularly amazing.

Seeing Tianya approaching, Hongmao smiled and also clasped her fists.

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