"Brother Tianya!"

During these millennia, too many things cannot be explained. When Tianya was on the war against all sides, he met seven people from Hongmao by chance, and forged a close friendship.

After Tianya came to Hongmao's seven people, he suddenly noticed that there were several people beside them, and all of them were dressed in unusual clothes, with a gourd on their heads.

"Who are these?"

Tianya looked at Hongmao and asked curiously.

Hongmao smiled and said, "This is King Tiandong and King Feilian. Both of them are best friends of the seven of us."

"And those seven are even more difficult. They are the seven elf kings of the elf clan, Brother Calabash!"

"Calabash Brothers?!"

Hearing this, Tianya showed a look of surprise, he had also heard the name of Brother Calabash.

It is heard that they are seven innate elves, born as kings, all of them are extraordinary, and they have broken through to peerless true kings hundreds of years ago, much earlier than him.

The seven peerless true kings directly freed the elves from the sea of ​​suffering. Since then, no elves dared to slaughter the elves wantonly.

Moreover, I heard that these seven innate elves were only cultivated by elves at the level of true kings in two domains. Presumably, they should be King Tiandong and King Feilian.

Tianya glanced at the tall gourd baby with eight-pack abs, then at Tiandongwang and Feilianwang, and finally confirmed that Tiandongwang should be relatives, after all, the burly figure is the same.

"Hahaha! Tianya, the holy king of the three kings of the human race! I have heard about it for a long time, but seeing it today, it is really extraordinary!"

King Tiandong stroked his white beard, laughed boldly, and greeted Tianya.

King Tiandong's body is still burly. With the help of Brother Calabash, he and Fei Lian successfully broke through to the True King of Law (Three Heavens of True King), which is already very rare for them.

After all, not everyone has the talents of Calabash Brothers or Tianya.

"You're welcome, it's all a false name."

Tianya nodded and smiled, but she didn't put on airs at all.

"Brother Tianya, be polite!"

At this time, the gourd brothers all clasped their hands together and raised their casserole-sized fists very kindly.

Tianya also returned the gift immediately without hesitation.

At this time, Tianya remembered something, and couldn't help asking Hongmao, "Hongmao, do you know how long this palace has been around?"

Hongmao nodded, "Of course I know, the palace has appeared for an hour!"

"An hour?"

Tianya was taken aback for a moment, looked at the more and more people around him, and then at the attractive palace, his eyes moved slightly.

"Is there any restriction in this palace?"

Logically speaking, if the palace had appeared for an hour, Jiuwei and the others who were staying in Shiwan Dashan should have entered long ago, unless there is some kind of restriction in this palace that prevents people from entering.

"That's right. Have you seen the statues of divine beasts around the palace? Once they approach the palace, the statues of divine beasts will turn into divine beasts not weaker than the peerless true king, and attack those who approach!"

"I counted it. There are 72 statues of beasts in total, which is equivalent to 72 peerless true kings. With this level of protection, even if the peerless true king tries to break through, I'm afraid they will all be blown up."

With a dignified face, Hongmao explained to Tianya by pointing to the statues of divine beasts in various parts of the palace below.

And hearing this, Tianya's expression also became solemn.

"No wonder the businessman asked me to come to this palace after my little ear evolved into an ultimate body. It turns out that there is a reason for this."

Tianya's eyes flickered, he didn't expect this palace to be so difficult to enter.

Although Tianxing has developed rapidly in the past 1000 years, it still does not have 72 peerless true kings.

Unless someone breaks through to the next level, no one can break into this palace!

"However, why did the *** businessman ask me to come to this palace? I never seem to think about the reason..."

Tianya thought of the figure of the businessman and fell into deep thought.

"Brother Tianya, what's wrong with you?"

At this time, Hongmao noticed something wrong with Tianya's expression, so she couldn't help asking.

Tianya came back to her senses and shook her head, "It's nothing! I just thought of something."

Afterwards, Tianya looked around again, with a trace of strangeness in his eyes.

"Rainbow Cat, there should be other ways to get in besides breaking in!"

"Otherwise, with the peeing nature of those nine-tailed guys, they shouldn't be waiting here."

Tianya thought of the key point and asked Hongmao.

"Of course there is, but we still need to wait!"

At this time, Tiaotiao suddenly opened his mouth and motioned Tianya to look towards the center of the palace. On the roof of the palace, there stood a statue of a giant beast with ten wings on its back, nine heads and eight legs.

"That should be the head of the 72 statues of beasts. It said just now that you only need to wait another half an hour before you can enter the palace."

"And before that, anyone who wants to break in will be wiped out! That's why we're waiting here."

After listening to Tiaotiao's explanation, Tianya also understood, and immediately stopped talking, and waited with them.

As time went by, more and more people gathered in Shiwan Dashan.

Finally, after half an hour passed, the ten-winged giant beast suddenly moved and flew into the sky.

"The time has come, the Temple of War God, open! Wait, let's go in!"

Although the sound of the giant beast was deafening, it made the people present extremely happy, and then rushed towards the Temple of War God like a dumpling.

"Let's go too!"

"it is good!"

Tianya and Hongmao's group did not stop, and immediately flew to the Temple of War.


Everyone fell to the ground and looked around, all with hot eyes.

"Look! There must be a huge opportunity behind that gate!"

At this time, a loud shout sounded, and everyone heard the sound and looked, only to see a huge gate standing ten feet tall, and that was the only place that could enter the hall.


The next moment, with a loud bang, the door slowly opened.

And when the door was only opened with a gap, a figure rushed in impatiently, it was the Nine-tailed Demon King.

"This guy is really impatient, he is not in such a hurry to reincarnate!"

Tianya frowned, and said lightly.

Then, without any haste, he walked into the hall with a gun in his hand and a Bada beast on his head.

After entering the main hall, there is another world.

big!Infinitely big!

The surrounding pillars are like the pillars of Optimus, extremely tall.The entire palace is like a small world. Standing in the palace, the ten-meter-high monsters are like ants, and they can't fill the space the size of a gap in the palace floor.

Tianya looked around, and found that the palace was not complicated except for its size. Except for the pillars of Optimus, there were jade pillars on both sides, and there were clusters of halos on it.

Suddenly, a voice of Jin Ge came.

Tianya looked, and it was actually a black tiger of the real king three heavens attacking the halo on the jade pillar at the end.

What is amazing is that the black tiger swung its sharp claws repeatedly to slash above the halo, but was blocked by a barrier.

"I don't believe that I can't break you!"

Heihu was the first to attack the halo of Yuzhu, so he completely became a public eye, and being watched by everyone, Heihu also couldn't hold back his face, and immediately amplified his moves without hesitation, shouted angrily, and a giant shadow of the black tiger Gushing out, rushing towards the halo.


The black tiger giant opened its mouth wide, and bit its sharp teeth fiercely on the halo. With a cracking sound, the barrier of the halo finally shattered.


Heihu showed joy, and immediately stretched out his hand to take out the halo, and the halo disappeared, and there was a bright red fruit with a slight blush in his hand.

"Level [-] Spiritual Object?! Tianyun Fruit!"

Heihu's face showed great joy, the fourth-level spiritual object Tianyun Fruit, who eats it can enhance his own divine will or the power of law, even for him who is a real king in the third heaven, it is an extremely precious treasure.

"Hahaha! That's great! With this Tianyun fruit, my laws will definitely go a step further, and the lotus of condensed laws is just around the corner!"

Heihu laughed loudly, he didn't expect there to be such a treasure in the halo.

And everyone present was also shocked, and immediately realized that the rest of the halo might be treasures!

In an instant, the hall was completely chaotic.

Although there are 72 halos of jade pillars on the left and right of the main hall, there are many monks and few flesh. Facing the tens of thousands of people in the Temple of War God, these 72 halos of jade pillars are not too few!

"Enlightenment leaf!"

"Hahaha! It's the Resurrection Flower, almost a magical medicine that can bring the dead back to life! Even if you have only one breath left, you can save it!"

"Damn it! You're so arrogant, you still dare to read it out! Brothers! Rob him!!"

"This! This guy got a fifth-grade artifact! Steal him!!"

"Made! Who hit my face with lightning?! I haven't got anything yet!"


Chapter 122 The gourd brothers show their power; guardian spirit gashapon? !


The main hall at this time was extremely chaotic, almost as soon as someone got the treasure, it was immediately blocked, the sound of fighting was endless, and at the same time, attacks such as lightning, flames, and shock waves were flying everywhere.

Naturally, Tianya was not idle, smashing the halo barrier of a jade pillar with one palm, and got a complete fourth-level spiritual object Nine Jade Yin-Yang Fruit Tree.

"Although they are all fourth-level spiritual objects, from the Tianyun fruit to the resurrection flower, to a complete Nine Jade Yin-Yang fruit tree that can be planted, the level of preciousness is not at the same level."

Tianya glanced at the positions of the 72 jade pillars, and immediately thought of the key point.

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