"It seems that the further you go in, the more precious the treasures in the halo are! If that's the case..."

Tianya put away the Nine Jade Yin-Yang fruit tree, then raised his spear, and rushed straight to the innermost part.

When rushing to the innermost part, Tianya did not forget to grab the treasures that fell into sight along the way.

And this naturally caused a lot of people to be furious, they followed behind Tianya, yelling, their eyes were going to cut Tianya into pieces.

Tianya grinned, looked at the three fourth-level spiritual objects in his hands, and smiled, not caring at all about the crowd of people crying and howling behind him.

"It's a quasi-god-level spirit creature!!"

Suddenly, someone roared and immediately attracted everyone's attention.

At the position of the halo of the first ten jade pillars, the eldest child among the gourd brothers took out a blue trident from the halo.

And as soon as the trident appeared, it immediately suppressed the aura of all spiritual creatures, and the aura of quasi-god-level spiritual creatures shook everyone's minds.

"Sure enough! The closer you get to the depths of the hall, the more precious the things in the halo of the jade pillar will be!"

Tianya's expression was shocked, and she was also very shocked when she saw the quasi-god-level spirit trident in Dawa's hand.

He glanced at the spear in his hand, his eyes gradually brightened.

"I hope there will be a spear of a quasi-god-level spiritual creature in here! If this is the case, it will be a worthwhile trip!"

Tianya was not interested in the trident, so he just skipped it.

But other people are different. Quasi-god-level spiritual objects are not pebbles on the main road, each one is extremely precious.

Now that they saw it, they naturally had to grab it!

No, just as Dawa got the trident in his hand, a large group of people rushed over.

"Brother Hugh! Burn!!"

Siwa's face grew angry, and he opened his mouth immediately, and a mouthful of divine fire gushed out, instantly turning into a sea of ​​flames, and roasting a large group of people who rushed over.

"Brother Calabash! Hand over the trident!"

Suddenly, five figures broke through the flames and rushed out, including two peerless true kings of the monster race, one peerless true king of the demon race, and two peerless true kings of the god race.

The five people surrounded themselves with profound meanings, shouted in unison, and directly attacked Dawa.

"Looking for death! Second and sixth brothers, protect the eldest and second grandpas!"

"The rest of the brothers, let's go! *** them!"

Siwa let out a cold snort, her whole body was full of fire, and she directly went up to the true king of the protoss who was rushing forward.

"Hmph! A bunch of trash that can't even cut through someone's skin! They dare to be fierce! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Look at the iron fist of a certain person!"


Sanwa glared at Vajra so furiously that he knocked his casserole-sized fist on his body, making the sound of gold and iron clashing. Then he jumped up and flew out a peerless real king of the monster clan.

That top, the top demon king's eyes burst out, and his liver was almost blown out.

"Baby gourd, open!"

Not to be outdone, Qiwa soared into the sky, opened the dark purple treasure gourd in her hand, and a strong suction gushed out, aiming at the real king of the demon race, who turned pale with fright, his whole body surged with demonic energy, and desperately resisted the treasure. The terrifying suction of the gourd.

When Wuwa was about to go up, Dawa blocked him and handed him the trident.

"Brother, this..."

"Fifth brother, this trident is a divine weapon of the water attribute. Among the seven of my brothers, you are the most suitable for using it! Take it!"

The eldest baby patted Wu Wa's shoulder, and said to Wu Wa with a voice like a bell.

"it is good!"

Wu Wa took the trident solemnly, looked at the big characters on the bottom of the trident, and couldn't help but read out, "Wanchuan Guihai Trident! Good name! Brother, let's go!"

Then, the two rushed out to meet the remaining two true kings.

The war is about to break out, but in fact it is an overwhelming situation.

The big baby opened the sky with brute force, and blasted out with a punch, which directly exploded the head of the true king of the protoss who was facing him.

No matter how many methods the opponent has, the eldest child will break through all spells with one force. Under the suppression of absolute power, the true king of the gods exploded again and again, and finally he was overwhelmed and fled in embarrassment.

Sanwa's side was also straightforward, letting the real king of the demon clan slash a hundred knives in a row, but the opponent couldn't break his skin, and was finally blown away by his punch, and disappeared, probably sneaking away in a desperate manner up.

And the fourth baby was even more violent, bathed in fire all over his body, making the other party jump up and down, and finally ran away with a ball of inextinguishable fire.

Wuwa is simple, and her own strength is already very terrifying. Holding a three-headed halberd of Wanchuan Returning to the Sea, one halberd blasted out, and the trident turned into three ten-foot-long dragon-scaled horned sea snakes. force.

As for Qiwa, the battle had long since ended, and the True Demon King had disappeared, leaving only Qiwa standing quietly holding a gourd.

But all around, the eyes looking at Qiwa were terrified, because they just watched how the True King of the Demon Race was sucked into the treasure gourd, and finally lost his movement...

"They are both peerless true kings, why are they so terrifying?! This gap is too outrageous!!"

"Seven Great Elf Kings, hiss~! It's too scary! Let's go! This quasi-god-level spirit thing can't be taken down!"

Seeing the miserable state of the five true kings, the others were so frightened that they were out of their wits and their faces turned ashen. They didn't dare to stay any longer and immediately flew to other places.

"As expected of the famous Seven Great Elf Kings, they are indeed very strong!"

Tianya also noticed the quick end of the battle on the side of the gourd brothers, and couldn't help but freeze up and let out a voice of wonder.

The same peerless true king, there is a certain gap, the difference in the profound meaning, the difference in the weapon, the difference in the moves, the difference in the level of the same realm, all these will lead to the level of combat power.

The fact that the Calabash Brothers were able to deal with their opponents so easily showed that they were not at the same level as their opponents.

Both are peerless true kings, but the Calabash Brothers have not yet found a way to break through, while their opponents have not reached the end of the realm of peerless true kings. The gap is self-evident.

While marveling, Tianya did not forget to hit the halo of the jade pillar in front of him.

"The location where the trident appeared was only at the end of the halo of the first ten jade pillars, and my jade pillar is ranked eighth. The things inside should be no worse than the trident!"

"However, the closer the halo of the jade pillar to the front, the stronger the barrier. I attacked, but not only failed to break the barrier, but was almost knocked back by the counter-shock force..."

Tianya frowned slightly. Although the halo of the jade pillar in front of him was tricky, he didn't stop there. He raised his spear and threw it like a javelin.

Boom boom boom!

The sacred power of the profound truth lingers above the spear, constantly colliding with the power of the barrier.

"Bright sanctions!"

Suddenly, a divine light surged in Tianya's eyes, and circles of divine rings of light surged around his body, and then the divine rings poured directly into the spear.

The whole body of the spear shook, and a power that ruled everything poured out from the tip of the spear, smashing the barrier instantly.

"It finally broke."

The corner of Tianya's mouth raised, but before he could close his gun, he felt that there were people attacking from all directions.

"Want to be a squirrel? Then you have to die!"

"Small ears!"

There was a trace of coldness in Tianya's eyes, and he let out a loud drink.

The next moment, Badamon, who had been lying on his head, was wrapped in a digital chain, and the power of light swept all directions.

Slash with the holy sword! .

Suddenly, a series of golden slashes struck out like a goddess scattering flowers, blasting away all the people who wanted to be "sorrels".

But when the golden light dissipated, the figure of Bada Beast appeared, but its appearance changed drastically.

Tall and stalwart, the high purple crown on the head encloses the eyes, the holy cross on it is full of light and the power of judgment, behind are eight shining, holy angel silver wings, and there are circles on the white body Mystical golden holy ring, the whole body is filled with holiness and light.

And this is the perfect body of Badamon—the Holy Angel Beast!

Tianya ignored those reckless orioles. As an old partner of thousands of years, he was fully aware of the strength of Little Ears, so he didn't need to worry about his back at all. Explore.

"This is……"

Tianya stared at the gashapon-like object in his hand, and thought of the figure of the businessman again in his mind.

"Guardian Gacha!"

The holy angel beast came to Tianya's side, with a thick and soul-stirring sound from its mouth.

"That's right, it's indeed a Guardian Spirit Gacha..."

"But this thing, the *** businessman said, is something from another world, the Earth Star. Why did it appear here? Could it be that the Temple of War is also related to the Earth Star?"

Tianya looked closely at the guardian spirit gashapon in his hand, and his thoughts became a lot messed up.

Back then, their tribe bought three guardian spirit gashapons, two devil fruits, and other things from a Chinese businessman.

Among them, he ate the angel fruit in the devil fruit, the taste is really...


Chapter 123 Mysterious rosette, rainbow cat's request; turning faces is smoother than flipping books! !


Made!Can't help it!

Thinking of the rare smell that was worse than shit, Tianya's stomach turned upside down and his face turned blue. He quickly shook his head and didn't think about it anymore.

Tianya took a deep breath, looked at the guardian spirit gashapon in his hand, and couldn't help thinking of the whereabouts of the three guardian spirit gashapons at that time. ap.

The three guardian spirit gashapons were divided between the original nest tribe and the Zhiyi tribe by his Uncle Wu, that is, Suiwu, and the remaining one was given to a warrior in the Suihuo tribe.

And those three people also benefited from it, gaining great strength and potential.It is a pity that the warrior of the Suihuo Tribe encountered a great enemy abroad and fell hundreds of years ago, and the guardian spirit also dissipated...

However, the other two had much better luck than the warrior from the Suihuo Tribe. They passed all the way and are now peerless true kings, adding a lot of support to the human race.

And for them to be able to become peerless true kings, apart from their own efforts, it is also thanks to the assistance of their guardian spirits.

The guardian spirit of the Yuanchao tribe is named Yan Qing, and the guardian spirit of the Zhiyi tribe is named Luo Cheng. The guardian spirit not only has the strength of the real king of the domain as soon as it appears, but also can integrate with the host and borrow power. to the host.

At the same time, when the strength of the host increases, the strength of the guardian spirit itself will also continue to grow stronger.

It can be said that the preciousness of the guardian spirit is definitely not inferior to that of quasi-god-level spiritual objects. Back then, they were able to trade the guardian spirit gashapon from the hands of the evil businessman, which was definitely a big bargain!

"*** businessman... I don't know your name until now, and I don't know if this palace is related to you..."

Tianya's eyes flickered, and then put away the guardian spirit gashapon.

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