However, it was too late at this time, and many people's eyes were already covered by darkness. The next moment, black energy surged in the seven orifices, and their expressions became dull, as if they had lost their three souls and seven souls, and lost their sanity.

However, there are also those who responded in time, and immediately looked away, and urged the power to protect the whole body, so as to avoid the influence of the dark power.

And Tianya's side also recovered under the light power of the holy angel beast.

"That heart came from an extremely terrifying existence..."

Tianya's eyes gradually recovered, but the pupils still vibrated.

When his eyes were plunged into darkness, Tianya saw an existence inhabiting the endless darkness, with an unknown body wrapped in two wings covering the sky.

Although he couldn't see the real face of that statue, Tianya felt a familiar aura from it.

Tianya turned her head to look at the holy angel beast, and after repeated confirmation, her eyes became gloomy and uncertain.

"Xiaotian, what's wrong with you?"

The holy angel beast noticed Tianya's expression and asked worriedly.

Tianya was silent, then looked at the holy angel beast, and said solemnly, "Little ear, I just felt the breath of a Digimon, from that heart, from that unknown existence!"

Hearing this, the holy angel beast was also taken aback.

"Don't think about it now, that guy is not something we can deal with, let's leave first!"

Tianya saw the holy angel beast lost in thought, then reached out and patted it on the shoulder, and said.

Already "I can't go!"

However, at this time a dignified voice shattered everyone's last hope.

"The door has been closed and cannot be opened!"

Tianya turned her head to look, only to see Hongmao said with a serious expression on her face.

At this time, Tianya noticed that the gate of the Temple of War God had been closed at some time.

"Damn! What the hell is going on?

!What about the beasts in the Temple of War?Shouldn't you come out and explain? "

Asura commanded the six-armed Asura to slap on the gate, but he was blown away ten thousand meters away.

Asura couldn't help showing a ferocious look, raised his head and roared angrily.

I don't know if he yelled in time, but the divine beast with ten wings and nine heads suddenly appeared in the next second, ignoring everyone.

"Bastard! Let us out!"

Seeing the appearance of the beast with ten wings and nine heads, Asura was immediately overjoyed, and then shouted in a low voice.

"What conspiracy do you guys have? What is hidden in this palace? Why did you lock us in the palace?"

Doudou raised his finger and pointed at the ten-winged and nine-headed beast, and asked questions repeatedly in a very unhappy manner.

The ten-winged and nine-headed divine beast looked calm, like a stone without any emotion.

It looked at everyone calmly, and then spoke.

"The Temple of God of War was cast by the supreme, invincible, and omnipotent God of the Underworld, Lord Pluto. It was originally used to store the inheritance of the adults in the underworld. However, due to the invasion of alien demons and the outbreak of war, the Temple of God of War was damaged. The heritage is almost lost."

"Afterwards, Lord Pluto was besieged by four strong men from outside the territory and a traitor from Shenhuang. Lord Hades was so powerful and invincible in the world, and he and his favorites beheaded three strong men from outside the territory one after another, and threw the Temple of War to suppress the traitors. Chase and kill the last strong outsider..."

Having said that, the ten-winged and nine-headed divine beast's pupils were dimmed, and it seemed to be a bit disappointed. After a pause of two seconds, it continued.

"Since then, the Temple of the God of War has completely lost contact with Hades. Although the strength of the 72 beasts like us has been greatly reduced due to the damage to the Temple of the God of War, the Temple of the God of War has the power of Hades, so it can still suppress the traitors of the gods."

"However, with the continuous erosion of time and the change of eras, Lord Pluto's power is almost exhausted."

"And the strength of our divine beasts has also weakened to the extreme. But the traitor of the gods came from the digital world of the gods, ignoring the limit of lifespan and time. In order to prevent the traitors from escaping, we decided to let the Temple of War God be born to attract the strong Let's kill the traitor together!"

"So, after you enter the Temple of War God, there is only one choice!"

"That is to kill the traitor to this point! Otherwise, all that awaits you is death!"

"In addition, don't try to escape. Although the strength of the God of War Temple is weak, it is still not something you can shake. Without our consent, none of you can escape."

The expression of the ten-winged and nine-headed divine beast returned to ice-cold, looking around the crowd with indifferent eyes, and finally did not forget to warn.

After hearing the words of the ten-winged and nine-headed divine beast, everyone looked confused and terrified.

They are confused about what the hell is, and they are terrified of what will happen next.

"Full of nonsense! Open the door for this king!!"

Asura roared suddenly, he folded his palms together, and the six-armed Asura moved accordingly, and the six arms blasted towards the ten-winged and nine-headed divine beast.

However, the ten-winged and nine-headed beast suddenly disappeared, and the six arms of the six-armed Shura directly hit the gate, but was blown away by more than [-] meters again.

"You have taken the things from the 72 jade pillars, you should bear the cause and effect! Instead of thinking about how to escape, you should think about how to defeat the traitors of Shenhuang and survive!"

"If you die, you can only blame you for being too weak, not anyone else."

The words of the ten-winged and nine-headed beast came to an abrupt end.

But everyone in the hall was completely panicked.

"Damn! This is all a conspiracy!"

Asura raised his head to the sky and screamed, his anger was beyond words.


And at this moment, a strange heartbeat suddenly resounded through the entire hall.

Just listening to the loud noise like a thunder drum, the people who had not been eroded by the black air felt like their headaches were splitting, their eyeballs almost popped out of their sockets, and they looked extremely terrifying.

"Grandpa! Second grandpa!"

Brother Hulu's complexion changed drastically, but it was not because of himself, but because of King Tiandong and Fei Lian beside him.

Seeing the pained expressions of the two, the seven of them hurriedly protected the two of them, mobilized their power together, and formed a protective shield to protect them. Only then did King Tiandong recover.

"Destroy that heart!"

Tianya also knew that it was impossible to escape, so he aimed directly at the blood-red heart in Lingfeng's hand, and threw the spear without hesitation while speaking.


The light surged, the verdict came, the spear traveled through the space, and it came to the heart in an instant, and the tip of the spear pierced the heart fiercely.

However, before the heart was pierced, the spear was wrapped in a dark purple flame.

The mysterious flame surged, and the long spear suddenly let out a mournful cry, and was immediately burned up by the mysterious flame, not even leaving ashes.


Tianya was shocked. Although his long spear was not a quasi-god-level spiritual object, it was also made by him with a variety of precious spirit iron. It had been used for hundreds of years, and now it was burned so easily. This made him feel a little Thriller.

"Nine Tails Lihuo!"

At this time, the Nine-Tailed Demon King also reacted, the Nine-Tails flicked, and a column of fire that reached the sky rushed out, wrapping the blood-red heart together with the Spirit Blessing. .

Afterwards, Asura, God Clan men and women, Rainbow Cat and others all shot together and blasted towards the blood-red heart.

However, when the smoke caused by the numerous attacks dissipated, the heart was intact, not even a trace of scratches could be seen on the heart.

However, Lingfeng lacked arms and legs, and was seriously affected by Chiyu.

However, the crowd didn't stop there, instead they brewed a more powerful move, which was about to smash that heart.

As for Lingfeng, whether they are saved or not is none of their business.

And if the heart is not destroyed, that guy still can't live.

As the saying goes: A dead fellow Daoist will never die a poor Taoist!

In this case, if sacrificing him alone can save everyone, I believe Lingfeng will be very happy.

After all, saving a life is better than building a seven-level pagoda...

boom! ...

Chapter 127 One of the Seven Great Demon Lords, Demon God Beast! ; nasty angel power


Just when everyone was about to launch the strongest blow, the heart unexpectedly made a loud noise dozens of times louder than before, and this sound directly caused Hongmao, Asura and the others to spit out a mouthful of blood, with horrified eyes Look at the heart.

At this time, a mass of dark purple flames rose above the heart, and quickly soared, enveloping the entire body of the spirit.

"Ah... help... me!!"

Lingfeng also recovered his wisdom at this moment, opened his mouth slightly, and let out a trembling and fearful cry for help.

However, at this time, everyone was unable to protect themselves, so how could they have the time to save him? After the mysterious flames exploded, the power of darkness in the entire hall became more and more powerful. No one dared to hesitate, they immediately mobilized to resist.

"You... this group of beasts... beasts... I will wait for you in hell!!!"

Seeing that no one came to save him, Lingfeng's resentment soared, and a hoarse and cold curse came out of his mouth.


Suddenly, the mysterious flame swirled wildly, Lingfeng's screams came out, and the next moment his whole body was burned by the flames.

The flames that had burned up the spiritual offering surged, and then directly drilled into the heart. The heart seemed to have received sufficient nutrients, and it beat faster and faster, and became more and more energetic.


Immediately afterwards, the halos of the 72 jade pillars burst one after another, and all of them were body parts of some kind of creature, such as eyeballs, mouths, arms, fingers, and even various internal organs...

"That thing is about to recover!!"

"If you can't destroy the heart, destroy these things! Kill!!"

The people present were not idiots either. Seeing this scene, they immediately knew that the traitor wanted to piece together his own body and revive it.

After that, everyone surprisingly had a tacit understanding, and shot at the body parts beside them one after another.

"Bright sanctions!"

"The Gate of Heaven!"

Tianya and the holy angel beast aimed at an eyeball, shot at the same time, and blasted at the eyeball with a big move.

In addition, other people did not dare to delay for a moment, and shot one after another.

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