However, at the moment of their attack, these body parts suddenly shot out streaks of black light, directly blasting everyone out, and finally fell to the ground like dumplings.


Tianya covered his abdomen, and a mouthful of blood spewed out directly. He looked at the body parts in the 72 jade pillars, and his pupils shook.

"It's not a level at all..."

"Digital world... Could it be that this traitor from the gods is the existence of the ultimate body? The businessman asked me to look for this palace after my little ear became the ultimate body. Is it because of the traitor from the gods..."

Tianya recalled what the businessman said back then, and looked at the holy angel beast beside him who was also seriously injured, and his heart seemed to be blocked by something.

Afterwards, a self-deprecating smile appeared on Tianya's face, "After a thousand years, I seem to have become a little too arrogant, but I am not someone who is waiting to die!"

At this time, the surviving people had gathered together, and the strongest peerless true kings stood together, as if preparing to join forces to fight the enemy next.

However, whether we really want to join forces depends on how things develop later...


At this time, the holy angel beast suddenly raised its head.

I saw the blood-red heart soaring into the sky, and then 72 body parts flew away like meteors, connecting with the heart.

Boom boom boom!

Every time a body part was assembled, the dark power in the hall increased a bit, and even Tianya and the others felt a trace of despair rushing towards the back.

And Tianya and the others also knew that this was a dark force affecting them, what they could do was to use their strength to protect themselves and keep their minds.

"I'm not dead, hahaha! This king is not dead!"

Suddenly, a dull, gloomy voice sounded.

Tianya and the others looked closely at the already complete figure with solemn expressions.

"It's really bad luck that the goddamn War God Temple is still there!"

Black air surged, and a figure walked out slowly.

This figure has a body several meters high, with a pair of sharp devil horns growing on its head, and its entire head is covered by a black hood, only revealing a pair of dark purple eyes.

At the same time, its whole body is covered by a blood-red cloak, and there is a white inverted triangle area in front of the cloak. The combination of red and white has an indescribably weird feeling.There is a necklace hanging around his neck, and at the bottom of the necklace is an upside-down golden five-pointed star, and a pair of blood-red pointed shoes are funny and weird. ap.

Just a light flap of the evil dragon Purple Wing behind him attracted a wave of dark energy.

"It's a demonic beast!"

The power of light in the sacred angel beast's body gushes out involuntarily, as if encountering a natural enemy, wanting to fight for the front.

However, the power of light emitted by the complete holy angel beast cannot suppress the dark power of the demon beast at all. Instead, the dark power instantly suppressed the power of the holy angel beast, making the breath of the holy angel beast unstable. .

"Devil beast?"

Hearing this, the crowd couldn't help but glance at the holy angel beast.

The holy angel beast nodded, and quickly said, "Demon God Beast, one of the seven great demon kings in the digital world, the existence of the ultimate body represents the anger of the world."

"However, during the mythical period of Shenhuang, after the arrival of the extraterrestrial demons, the seven demon kings betrayed the digital world, helped the evil, and helped the extraterritorial demons counterattack Shenhuang. They are the undoubted sinners of Shenhuang!"

"The memories of these things only flooded into my mind after the appearance of the demonic beast..."

Finally, the holy angel beast did not forget to explain why he knew these things.

And this demonic beast, no accident, was naturally created by Jiang Qiyu, the amiable, excellent and handsome "king of heaven and the word side by side".

As for strength, if you are not strong, you can easily kill this group of guys.

And the following is the data card of the Demon God Beast.

[Character name: Demon God Beast]

【Life Species: Digimon】

[Level: Ultimate/Devil King/Ultimate Warcraft]

[Identity: Shenhuang Digital Realm, one of the Seven Great Demon Lords——[Angry] Demon Lord! ! (▼皮▼#)! ! 】

[Strength: True King Six Heavens—Throne God King (Extreme)]

[Basic Card 3: Heart of the Fallen Seraph (7 stars/When the light falls, the world ushers in extreme darkness. A Seraph is dissatisfied with the hypocrisy of heaven and imprisons all order, throws himself into the darkness, and after being beheaded, leaves this A heart that surges with infinite dark energy! Get it, and you will become the king of darkness in the form of an angel!)

The Flame of Sin from Hell (6 stars/Hell, is the place where all evil and darkness are exiled. If order is lost, strength and fists are the greatest order! Flame of Sin, born from the resentful souls of infinite hell, has endless The power to destroy and burn everything can restrain the power of light to a certain extent)

The Wrath of the King of Hell (6 stars/Samael, the supreme blazing angel with twelve wings, is one of the seven archangels, known as the angel of death, he is the king of hell. Samael is furious, and Every time he rages, it will trigger the vibrations of hell and the fighting between angels and demons. Therefore, even a trace of his anger is extremely terrifying. ps: When the anger is on the body, it is when the brain is kicked away, At that time, you will be no different from fallen darkness...)]...

As soon as the demonic beast appeared, it touched everyone's nerves, and after hearing what the holy angelic beast said, they were even more shocked.

"Mythical period? When is it? Is it the time before the ancient times?"

"Then what is Shenhuang? Could it be that Tianxing was called Shenhuang before the ancient times! Or is there any inevitable relationship between Tianxing and Shenhuang now... such as the whole and the fragments?"

At this time, Tiaotiao suddenly asked a question, which also aroused a burst of speculation from everyone.

However, at this time, there is obviously no time for them to speculate.

At this time, the demon beast also noticed the crowd below, to be precise, it noticed the holy angel beast in the crowd.

"Holy Angel Beast, I didn't expect to see Digimon here, it's been a long time..."

The Demon God Beast sighed a little, and then flew straight to the crowd.

Seeing this, everyone immediately stood up for battle.

"What a ridiculous move! You people don't even have a god king, and you still want to fight me... Hehe, I think I should applaud your ignorant actions."

"Oh, that's right! Holy Angelmon, you are an unstable factor. The evolution of Digimon always involves chance and coincidence. Courage, friendship... are all catalysts for the evolution of a Digimon like you who has a contract with humans. Oh, what a disgusting thing..."

"So, let's clean it up from you first! I just absorbed your digital chain and recovered my strength!"

The demon beast didn't talk nonsense at all, and it didn't talk nonsense with everyone. It raised its hand and pointed at the holy angel beast. The infinite dark power surged and turned into a terrifying torrent, rushing towards the holy angel beast.

"The Gate of Heaven!!"

The holy angel beast shouted loudly, swiped the holy sword on the right hand, and the gate of heaven was activated, and the formed subspace expelled all the dark forces.

"Hateful angel power!"

The Demon God Beast narrowed its eyes slightly, feeling very unhappy, and then waved its hand, the terrifying dark power flooded towards the Holy Angel Beast and everyone.

Seeing the dark power like a black tsunami, everyone turned pale with fright and rushed to move.

"The Gate of Heaven!"

"Nine-Tails Mieling Burning God Flame!"

"Bright sanctions!"


All of a sudden, colorful big moves flew together.

However, after these powerful attacks come into contact with the dark power, they are directly swallowed by the dark power.

Even the Heaven's Gate of the Holy Angel Beast can only exile a small part of the dark power, while the rest of the dark power rushes directly towards them.

At the very moment, the seven figures burst into the air, and the sword intent split the air in an instant, and the extremely sharp sword energy burst out, annihilating all the dark forces.

"Oh? Formation?"

The demonic beast seemed to notice something, and looked at the seven figures.

And the others were also surprised, they didn't expect that there was such a means among them.

After taking a closer look, they found that the seven people were none other than Hongmao and others.

"Finished formation!"...

Chapter 128 Terrifying Demonic Beast, The Throne Comes! ; still hope?Colorful rosette!

With a solemn expression, Hongmao let out a loud shout, Tiaotiao, Doudou, Lantu, Sari, Dada, and Daben moved their swords and fingers together, and the seven divine swords shuttled around, surrounding the demonic beasts.

sulfone sulfone!

"Seven Souls Array!"

The seven people uttered their voices in unison, seven completely different but mutually reflecting forces surged, the seven swords turned, and seven hundred-meter sword shadows emerged on the seven swords.

In an instant, the wind roared, the thunder roared, gold and fire clashed, and the seven kinds of energies from heaven and earth combined with sword intent to form a terrifying formation.

And the demonic beast in the formation was immediately surrounded by countless sword qi and the divine power of the seven souls, and the dark energy in his body was also suppressed by the power of the formation, and continued to weaken.

"What kind of formation is this? It can actually compete with the power of this king?!"

"Damn it! If it weren't for the fact that the king's strength has not yet fully recovered, mere formations can be broken with a single wave!"

The power of darkness surged in the eyes of the demon beast, and he, who was bombarded by the divine power of the seven souls, was in great pain at this moment, as if thousands of knives were inserted into his body and kept stirring.


Suddenly, the Demonic Beast roared angrily, waved its wings behind it, and the dark power surged again, competing with the divine power of the Seven Souls.

"Not good! This guy's strength has almost exceeded the limit of the Seven Souls Array!"

"Rainbow cat, what should we do?"

The seven people were shocked, and the demonic beast counterattacked, and they who were maintaining the formation were also hit.

Doudou staggered, almost unable to stand still, and then asked Hongmao hurriedly.


At this time, Tianya and the holy angel beast flew over, directly mobilizing the power of light, blasting into the formation.

"Light and darkness are opposing each other! Although the dark power of the demonic beast surpasses my strength, coupled with the suppression of the formation, Xiaotian and I will fight together, and the power of light will have a chance to suppress the demonic beast!"

The holy angel beast opened its mouth, and the power of light in its body kept gushing out.

"Want to suppress me? Don't even think about it!!"

And the words of the holy angel beast seemed to have angered the demon beast, and the moment the anger enveloped the mind, the power of darkness suddenly surged because of the power of anger.

"Die, die! Don't even think about sealing this king again!!"

"Fire funeral!!"

The demonic beast let out a ferocious roar, and the flames of hell were ignited all over its body, and the cloak was burned instantly, revealing the ferocious and terrifying real body of the demonic beast.

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