Little King Kong withdrew his contemptuous gaze, turned his face like a book, suddenly became serious, and raised the gourd to aim at the demonic beast.

The Demon God Beast panicked and shouted, "What do you want to do?!"

"Of course, treat the person in the same way as the person!"

"My precious gourd can not only absorb everything, but also spit it out twice as much!"

"So, Super Hell's Funeral Giveaway, for you!"

Little King Kong showed a black belly, grinning loudly, the gourd shook, and the flames of hell gushed out, forming a dark energy ball again, and the power contained in the energy ball was even more terrifying.

"No! You can't kill me! I have a mark made by a bright beast on my body. Once you kill me, you will open the connection between this world and the extraterrestrial demons. When the time comes, the extraterritorial demons will come, and it will be a real disaster! "

"For this reason, even Hades didn't kill me! Neither can you!!"

Feeling the breath of death, the Demon God Beast became terrified, turned pale, and immediately roared like thunder, and quickly roared to warn Little King Kong.

Little King Kong blinked his eyes, then glanced at the condensed energy ball, and spoke helplessly.

"Well, you couldn't have said it sooner..."

"After the treasure gourd spits out energy, there is no way to stop it~"...

Chapter 132 Seems like a catastrophe... ; Arrival!unknown and terrifying existence

As soon as the voice fell, the energy ball hit the ground like a comet, dragging the big tail of dark power, and blasted directly at the imprisoned demon beast.

"No! You old six!"


The sound of the demonic beast roaring wildly came, but it was completely submerged in the energy ball in the end.

The power of the energy ball is frightening. It not only blasted the demonic beasts to pieces, but also directly smashed the remaining War God Temple. It blasted thousands of miles in a straight line. Everything it passed was reduced to ashes, like hell Dead silence.


In the end, the energy ball hit a sky-reaching mountain thousands of miles away, and was completely detonated, sending out a terrifying aftermath that swept across all directions.

In the sky, a mushroom cloud even shot straight into the sky, leveling the clouds for thousands of miles, and even igniting the sky with black flames. Judging from its posture, I am afraid that the flames of hell will not be extinguished within an hour or two.

And because of the broadcast of this super hell funeral, the [-] mountains were directly affected, not to mention the flattened land, and the flames of hell were ignited in all directions, and the burning speed was extremely fast, sweeping across a thousand miles in a few seconds.

Seeing this, Little King Kong also realized that he had caused trouble, and quickly waved his hand to call back the three halberds of Wanchuan Returning to the Sea.

"Wanchuan returns to the sea!!"

Little King Kong held up the three halberds, and as the voice fell, a dark cloud of more than ten thousand miles condensed in an instant.


The next moment, the three-headed halberd turned into a three-headed snake with hundreds of feet, soaring into the sky, stirring up the dark clouds, and the torrential rain poured down instantly. The rain mixed with the power of the little King Kong quickly extinguished the flames of hell.

"Phew~, it's a good thing the young master moves fast, otherwise Shiwan Dashan will burp."

Little King Kong exhaled, raised his right hand and made an upside-down "eight" on his chin, and raised his hair with a look of "I'm so handsome."

72 Divine Beast, "..."

"It's okay, it's okay, the Temple of War God has the ability to automatically repair, it's okay..."

Seeing the completely shattered Temple of War, the ten-winged and nine-headed divine beast twitched its eyes, but could only pat its chest, forcing itself to comfort itself.

But the Nine-Tails Three Demon Kings on the ground were completely sluggish.

"One Hundred Thousand Mountains... It's over!"

The Nine-Tailed Demon King twitched his lips, looking at the Shiwan Dashan where the trees were nearly burnt clean, he almost shed tears of regret.


I am the king of the demon clan, my lair is already half useless before my butt is hot!

But I still don't dare to find the culprit who is still narcissistic...


Kyuubi buried his head in the ground, not wanting to face reality.

"Stop it, it's not over yet!"

"The more terrible... is coming!"

Tianya glanced at Nine Tails, hugged the Badamon, stood up, and looked at the sky solemnly.

At this time, a narrow void crack appeared and slowly expanded, and on the other side of the crack was endless darkness.

"It seems to be a big disaster... Well, why don't we get rid of the individual and discuss it together?"

Little King Kong looked at the void crack in the sky, showing a look of embarrassment, then lowered his head and said to himself.

"Cut! If you don't understand, you don't understand! I can handle it myself, sir! Also, why do I cause trouble? We are obviously one!"

Little King Kong curled his lips, it seems that the "negotiation" with Brother Calabash failed.

Indeed, if you discuss countermeasures with a group of guys with long-brained muscles, you will be successful!

"However, the eldest and second grandfathers must be sent away first."

Little King Kong also knew that there might be even more terrifying enemies coming, so even if he came in front of King Tiandong and Fei Lian, he didn't talk nonsense.

Three seconds later, Little King Kong reappeared, but King Tiandong and Fei Lian had already been sent to a safe place with a sufficient distance.

"Can you still fight?"

Although Little King Kong also wanted to carry it alone, he also knew that it was impossible. Who knows how many enemies will come.

Two fists are no match for four hands, and he still needs someone to help him fight together.

At this time, Tiaotiao and Hongmao walked to the side of Little King Kong, one by one, helping each other.

"If you can't fight, you have to fight!"

"I figured it out. The extraterrestrial demons are the culprits that caused the disappearance of the gods. And the demonic beasts have the marks made by the so-called bright beasts. Once the demonic beasts die, the space tunnel will open and the extraterrestrial demons will descend. .”

"From this point of view, if the extraterritorial demon descends, the Heavenly Star may also be in danger. In this situation, no one can stay out of it!"

Tiao Tiao's eyes were fixed, he looked up at the void crack above, and said seriously and solemnly.

After hearing Tiao Tiao's words, everyone who was about to run immediately froze.



Just when everyone was at a loss, several figures came through the air.

Hearing a familiar voice, Tianya immediately raised his head, his face tightened slightly, "Uncle Wu, Brother Di Yin, why are you here?"

Two tall figures walked in front of him, it was Di Yin, the current leader of Suiwu and Yuan Nest Tribe.

Di Yin has white hair, and two pupils, one red and one gray, grow out of his eyes, which is extremely strange.

"We sensed that a terrible battle broke out here, and thought you were still here, so we came here immediately."

Sui Wu looked at Tianya, who was weak in breath, and the Bada beast on his head, which had fallen into a coma, and then at the flattened land, his complexion changed slightly.

"Yes, yes! What a terrifying power! Bada was seriously injured! Who is it?"

Then, the little yellow dinosaur next to Suiwu also opened his mouth immediately. After noticing the state of Badamon, it immediately expressed worry and said again and again.

This little dinosaur is naturally Yagumon. Although it has evolved into a complete body, it usually appears in a growth stage just like Badamon.

"The power beyond the fifth heaven, the heavy power of darkness, but the source is gone, it should be him who defeated the dark powerhouse!"

Di Yin's voice is very young, and the moment he opens his mouth, he gives off a feeling of youth in his 20 or [-]s, but the deep and heavy breath of time in his different pupils is not something that age can have.

Di Yin turned his head to look at Little King Kong on the side, with a trace of surprise in his eyes, he asked Tian Ya.


Tianya nodded, then compressed the sound transmission, and explained everything that happened here to the two of them.

After listening, both Sui Wu and Di Yin's expressions changed, and then they fell silent.

"I didn't expect the situation to be so serious..."

Sui Wu frowned, he didn't expect that Tianya's involvement in the palace would trigger so many incidents one after another.

"Now, people from the six major clans are here."

"Besides, people from other ethnic groups also sent people here. They are not weak. I hope that all of us can handle it together..."

Di Yin shook his head, although he was shocked by what Tianya said, he immediately calmed down and said in a deep voice.

Except for the two of them, people from all ethnic groups came here, and they all came to investigate immediately after sensing the battle of the Hundred Thousand Mountains.

Shenyuan, the oldest king of the Protoss, Jiuli, the current leader of the Ghost Clan, Ling Qiang, the king of the Spirit Clan, and other powerful people from various clans.

They also learned about the whole incident from other people, and they all reacted differently, and it seemed that they wanted to make a strategic retreat secretly...

"I'm coming!"

"My friends, don't push me, the real boss is coming! I blame the young master for cheering me up!"

When Little King Kong saw a group of people terrified or looking like they wanted to run away, his eyes fixed and he roared immediately.

The bell-like sound came out wrapped in terrifying power, as if a basin of ice water poured down from the head in a three-foot-ice sky, shaking everyone awake instantly.

Everyone looked at Little King Kong, and the newcomers all looked horrified. They didn't expect Little King Kong to be so powerful, and the power of a single word made them almost stagger and fall to the ground.

And because of this, they couldn't help but have a bottom line in their hearts, thinking that with Little King Kong around, maybe the situation is not so bad.

They didn't believe it, just casually descending on some extraterrestrial demons could crush their entire celestial stars!


Just three seconds after Little King Kong uttered his voice, bursts of thunderous bangs came from the crack, and this immediately made everyone present stand ready.

Little King Kong even soared into the sky, facing the crack in the void.

Immediately afterwards, a corner of gold emerged from the crack.

But in the next breath, an infinitely terrifying breath descended, as if a god descended on the earth, and the sky and the earth changed color in an instant.

Bang bang bang!

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