Without the slightest resistance, Little King Kong fell directly from a high altitude, bombarding the ground like a meteor, cracking the ground thousands of miles away.

The others were also not much better, and were directly smashed into the ground by the terrifying coercion, their faces were horrified, and the fear in their hearts reached the extreme.

"Damn it! What kind of existence is it?!!"

Shen Yuan, the oldest member of the protoss race, was blushing, his veins were bulging, and his body was glowing with divine light, but he was still unable to move.

"Even Little King Kong..."

Tianya's pupils trembled, his face turned pale with horror, and he could only hold the Bada beast tightly in his arms.

"Damn! It's really bad luck. I was suppressed when I was born, and I didn't even see the figure of the other party. It was just a corner of the golden substance exposed. It was terrible!"

Little King Kong was in a better condition, barely able to move. He barely supported his upper body with the Trident of Wanchuan Returning to the Sea, sat up and looked at the crack in the void, with a bitter and speechless expression.

At this moment, the crack in the void moved again.

A voice that seemed to come from nine heavens suddenly sounded, and just listening to it made everyone's breathing stagnate, and even caused the world to turmoil.


This sound seemed to be made by some kind of cow, and it resounded through the sky and shook the heavens and the earth.

From the crack in the void, a golden bull's hoof stepped forward, followed by two sky-high golden horns.


Walking out of the crack in the void was a ten-foot-old ox covered in dark red but with golden horns and a golden back, and behind it was pulling a mottled chariot.

Just when everyone was terrified, several black butterflies flew from nowhere and stopped behind Tianya.

The black butterfly surged, and finally turned into a man in black robe.

"My son of a bitch, why did you cause me such a big trouble?!"

After the man in black appeared, he directly looked up at the crack in the void, then heaved a long sigh and muttered helplessly.

Hearing this familiar and shameful title, Tianya couldn't help being taken aback.

He raised his head slowly, and when the figure of the man in black overlapped with the figure in his memory, Tianya became motionless like a rock.


Chapter 133 Those who sing my real name will see eternal life in reincarnation! ; Find a fight!


"Although it's just a phantom descending, such a terrifying existence is extremely deadly."

"Hey, didn't you come to this palace after the little guy evolved to the ultimate body?"

"Uh...The Temple of War God has been opened ahead of time...Made! The cheating Bai Xiaosheng gave me wrong information! Damn! Female businessman! This is a big loss!"

After the black-robed man lowered his head, he kept rambling, sighing for a while, and swearing for a while.

And the little guy he was talking about was the Bada beast in Tianya's arms.

Seemingly noticing Tianya's gaze, the man in black looked down and then smiled.

"Goofy, long time no see."


Tianya heard the man in black greet him, recovered his senses, and spoke hesitantly but firmly.

"It's me! Yes, you can still remember me, but it's not in vain that I came all the way here."

"Also, I have a name, Black Butterfly."

Saying that, Hei Die took off the hat of the black robe, revealed her true face, and smiled at Tianya.

"Black Butterfly..."

Tianya repeated, and then quickly asked, "Hei Die, you asked me to come to the palace after my little ear evolved into an ultimate body, what was the reason?"

Hei Die heard Tian Ya's question, sighed, and said, "Oh, of course it's to seal the demonic beast!"

Saying that, Hei Die looked at the Bada beast in Tianya's arms.

"The ultimate form of this little guy is Seraphim, the three great angels of the digital world. It possesses extremely terrifying light power. It is the nemesis of dark power and the best choice for sealing demonic beasts."

"I just didn't expect that old shameless Bai Xiaosheng to give me the wrong information! I miscalculated the opening time of the Temple of War. The little guy hasn't evolved into a Seraphim yet, so he can't seal the Demon God Beast."

"However, I didn't expect you Tianxing to have such a capable person as Little King Kong, to blow up the demonic beast... Sigh, I miscalculated, I miscalculated."

Hei Die was also very annoyed, it's fine that Bada Beast failed to evolve into the ultimate body to seal the Demon Beast, but unexpectedly a little King Kong exploded the Demon Beast and opened the extraterritorial passage...

"However, the demonic beast died unjustly. After being sealed for so long, it directly weakened from the seventh heaven to the sixth heaven, otherwise it would not have been blown up."

Then, Hei Die muttered something casually, but it surprised Tian Ya, who didn't expect such a terrifying demonic beast to be in its peak state.

However, what he didn't know was that it was all Hei Die's nonsense, and the demonic beasts naturally didn't have the strength of the Seventh Heaven, but Jiang Qiyu ordered Hei Die to say this, so as to elevate the status of one of the seven dead demon kings.

"What now?"

Immediately afterwards, Tianya asked Hei Die eagerly.

"what to do……"

Hei Die rubbed his chin, looked at the Bada beast in Tianya's arms, and then at the Yagu beast beside Suiwu not far away.

"If Yagumon and Badamon both evolve into ultimate bodies, with their potential, breaking through to the limit of the sixth heaven is not a problem, but the seventh heaven depends on luck..."

Then, Hei Die looked at the ever-expanding void crack. At this time, half of the chariot dragged behind the old cow had been exposed from the void crack.

"Although it's just a phantom that has been projected countless times, it doesn't seem like they can deal with it..."

When Hei Die fell into deep thought, Rainbow Cat Seven, Nine Tails and others leaned over with difficulty.

Although most of them couldn't recognize Hei Die, it didn't take too long. Hei Die's ability to move at will was enough to show that he had "big thick legs", so he just leaned over first.


Suddenly, Hei Die lowered his head to look at Rainbow Cat in the crowd, his eyes flashed with strangeness and surprise.

"Pluto actually left this thing in the Temple of War God."

Saying that, Hei Die raised his hand.

Hongmao just felt a movement in front of him, and then saw the stone eye on his chest fly out, it was the ordinary treasure he got from the halo of the second jade pillar earlier.

The stone eye flew, and finally fell into the hands of Hei Die.

"Hei Die, this is?"

Tianya looked at the stone eye in Heidi's hand suspiciously, and asked.

Hei Die didn't answer, instead he looked up at the crack in the void, his eyes became serious.

"No time to explain! He's out!"

Boom! !

Heidie's voice just fell, and the old cow finally pulled the chariot out of the crack in the void.

In an instant, a thick, long-lasting, unbearable breath swept across the world.

And everyone finally saw clearly the appearance of the chariot pulled by the old cow.

The chariot was covered with mottled marks, and scratches from swords, spears and axes spread all over the chariot.

At the same time, the Luan bell on the chariot rang, making a clear, melodious and melodious bell.

However, when the crisp and pleasant ringtone fell into everyone's ears, it sounded like a death-defying magic sound, making their scalps numb and terrified.

"Those who praise my real name will see eternal life in reincarnation!"

Suddenly, an earth-shattering sound sounded, causing everyone to show pain, and the seven orifices trembled, almost bursting.

Hei Die frowned, and waved his big hand to protect the people below.

"I can't help it! Now I can only rely on this thing."

"I didn't expect the demonic beast to have the imprint of communicating with foreign lands, and it directly attracted the phantom of the Immortal King!"

"This situation is not serious at all! It's the extreme seriousness of charcoal burning buttocks and chickens pecking at Xiaoji!!"

Hei Die revealed a lot of information when he spoke.

Then, Black Butterfly placed Stone Eye in the air.

"You guys, pour the blood essence on the stone eye, drip it desperately! The more the better! As long as you can activate the stone eye, everything is still saved!"

"The sky star is the world formed by the second largest fragment of the gods besides the earth star. It must not be destroyed like this!"

"That guy, I'll block ten... er, 1 minute! Up to 1 minute. If you don't activate the stone eye in 1 minute, don't blame me for running away. I'm a businessman, and I'm only looking for profit. I won't take a trace of it when I run away." hesitate!!"

After saying that, the black butterfly soared into the sky and flew towards the chariot, leaving a group of people stunned.

"Quick! Drop the blood on the stone eye!"

A second later, Sui Wu was the first to react, and while roaring, he slapped his chest directly, and a mouthful of blood spurted onto the stone eye.

After that, the others didn't dare to delay, and immediately vomited blood like desperately.

Cherish your life now, die in a while!

So they are not polite to themselves at all, slapping themselves with palm after palm, vomiting blood mouthful after mouthful.

"I didn't expect that the majestic king of the ghost race could only be a blood-spitting machine once he appeared on the stage."

Jiuli's three heads sprayed blood together, and the nine eyes on top of the three heads turned, opening their mouths very helplessly.

"Who isn't?"

On the side, everyone spoke in unison.

"Spray quickly! If you don't fill the stone eye, we're finished."

As Little King Kong said, he directly undid the fusion of the heads, turned out seven heads, and vomited blood together.

It's a brother, of course you have to vomit blood together!

Little King Kong is very loyal!

But when everyone was pouring blood on the stone eye, Hei Die had already come to Lao Niu and confronted him.

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