"Moo! You ants, how dare you not kneel when you see the Immortal King!!"

The old cow is not a mortal thing, his mouth is like a loud bell shaking the sky, and the atmosphere of chaos is lingering all over his body.

"I kneel down to you!"

"Whose territory doesn't count, does it? Look for a fight!"

Although Hei Die was afraid of the Immortal King in the chariot, but an old ox pulling a cart was still a phantom, so he naturally wouldn't get used to it.

Hei Die's face was cold, he tore off the belt around his waist, and shook suddenly. After a space fluctuation, nine ten-meter-tall red tumblers with ghost faces appeared.

"Hit him!"

Hei Die raised his hand, and after a loud shout, the nine ghost-faced tumblers rushed straight to the golden-backed mang ox pulling the cart.

"An dare to make trouble!"

The golden-backed mangniu didn't expect that the man in front of him would dare to attack him so boldly, his eyes opened wide, and he breathed out a mouthful of golden light.

"Hey hey hey!"

When the nine ghost-faced tumblers saw the golden glow coming, they did not dodge or dodge, but all went forward to meet them. .


The golden light blasted on the tumbler, and the tumbler fell down, but the next moment it bounced up suddenly, the golden light shone on the ghost's face, and it was directly hit back by the golden-backed mangniu, and it turned into nine.


The golden-backed mangniu didn't expect that the tumbler could absorb and rebound his own strength, and was directly washed by the nine golden lights.

Hitting himself with his own strength is still nine ways, even the golden-backed mangniu was directly beaten into a daze.

"The bouncing rebate tumbler can absorb rebound attacks. The number of rebounds is linked to the number of tumblers. How about it? Not bad!"

Hei Die smiled, and commanded the bouncy rebate tumbler to attack the golden-backed mangniu again.

The golden-backed mang ox didn't believe in evil, and the golden lights on its two horns surged, turning into a terrifying torrent and blasting out, but it was still bounced back by the bouncing rebate tumbler, almost knocking it upside down.

Hei Die was about to show a smile, but suddenly changed color the next moment.

Because, at this moment, a hand slowly stretched out from the chariot.

It was a hand surrounded by divine light, out of space and time.

As soon as that hand was stretched out, the nine bouncing rebate tumblers clicked, and cracks spread.

Seeing this, Hei Die's complexion changed drastically, and he quickly retreated. The next second, the tumbler burst suddenly, and the power of the terrifying aftermath was completely cloudless.

"Although it's just something that pulls a cart, it's not something you can move."

"You are very interesting, are you from the Desolate Remains?"

"The Bright Beast is so bold that it even put the mark on me."

"Although I'm not interested in the broken Shenhuang, since I'm here, I just happen to visit old friends. Of course, if they are still there..."

A voice sounded from the chariot, very calm and soft, but it really resounded in everyone's ears. …

Chapter 134 It's just my habit to turn my back on the common people; Your Excellency, please, look at the axe! !

"Immortal king of foreign lands, who are you?"

Hei Die's face was solemn, and the belt in his hand turned into a long sword.

"I overlooked the ages, shattered life and death, and even pushed the Nine Heavens Galaxy horizontally. If you want to know my name, you must survive first!"

The Immortal King didn't answer Heidi's question, and after boasting for a while, he raised his hand and waved it casually.

And it was this random wave that instantly caused the space to collapse, causing terrifying space turbulence in all directions of the black butterfly, trying to swallow the black butterfly.


Hei Die's face was dignified, and with a wave of the sword in his hand, the space fluctuated, and twelve silver statues fell around Hei Die's body.


The twelve silver statues are connected with each other, and the twelve divine stars emerge and spread out in an instant, suppressing the turbulent flow of space in all directions.

"go with!"

Then, Hei Die took out a large pile of forbidden weapons and threw them directly at the chariot.

"The act of ants."

The calm words came out, and these forbidden weapons were wiped out in an instant before flying a mile, and they had no effect at all.

"Made! Bleeding!"

Hei Die twitched the corner of her mouth, and finally, ignoring the pain in her heart, she took out the treasure from the box, which was an ordinary-looking axe.

"Brother Qiang, work harder!"

"There are ten breaths left (one breath for 3 seconds), you must hold on!"

Hei Die threw the ax directly, and while bleeding from his heart, he kept praying.

The flying ax suddenly glowed, and a figure appeared, grabbing the ax.


The Immortal King in the chariot let out a voice of surprise, and then said, "It's interesting, I didn't expect a character like you to be born after the destruction of Shenhuang."

"However, you dare to turn your back on me, isn't it too reckless?"

Although the Immortal King's voice was still very calm, it was already a little cold.

The golden-backed mang ox shrank his head, and looked at the figure with his back facing them viciously, panting heavily through his nose, and divine lights emerged.

"Exotic atmosphere..."

"Little Heizi, I have already warned you not to use your power to travel between the two worlds too frequently. It is very troublesome to cause such a big trouble now."

The figure actually ignored the words of the Immortal King, and turned to Hei Die.

Hei Die scratched her head, like a student being admonished, she quickly said, "Brother Qiang, I also want to solve the future troubles of the Temple of War..."

"It's just that I didn't expect that female businessman Bai Xiaosheng to give me false information, making me mistake the opening time of the Temple of War, which led to the current scene..."

Saying that, Hei Die was somewhat guilty.

The figure he called Brother Qiang shook his head slowly and didn't say much.

"You're crazy."

At this time, the voice of the Immortal King finally got emotional. With a wave of his hand, a golden glow that tore through the sky and the earth came across and took Brother Qiang's head.


However, facing this terrifying blow, Brother Qiang just casually raised the ax in his hand.

The ax shook, instantly shattering the golden glow.

Then, Brother Qiang also turned around slowly, and his figure became clearer.

"Your Excellency is wrong. I am not crazy, but I am used to turning my back on the common people!"

As soon as the words fell, Brother Qiang's true face was completely exposed. His figure was not tall, even a little thin, and his head was a barren land, smooth and round.

However, such an ordinary-looking person is filled with an incomparably powerful and vast aura, and his eyes seem to encompass the sea of ​​stars, as if he will be sucked into the endless galaxy if he looks at him.

"I forgot to introduce, I'm bald-headed Qiang, who lives in Gou Xiong Ridge."

Then, Brother Qiang raised his hand, calmly, and slowly introduced himself to the Immortal King in the chariot.

"Bald Strong……"

A voice that could not detect his emotions came out, and then the Immortal King also spoke.

"It's interesting, my real An Lan. You are barely qualified to know my name. I will give you a chance to surrender to me."

The bald man smiled, shook his head and raised his axe.

"You and I are both a phantom, the difference is that now I am just a ray of divine sense left in the axe of my body, with only one blow!"

"So, please enlighten me!"

As the voice fell, the bald strong ax turned over, and an extremely cold light wiped across the ax blade, instantly sinking thousands of miles into the sky and shattering the space.

"The king must not be humiliated, you are seeking your own way of death!"

An Lan's cold voice sounded, and the chariot glowed brilliantly, as if responding to his words.


"I was born bald and strong after God's Desolation. It would be a pity in my life not to be in the battle of mythology!"

"Now that you are the culprit who once invaded the Nine Heavens Galaxy and the Desolate World, Brother Qiang naturally wants to learn a lesson!"

"Your Excellency, please, look at the axe!!"

The bald head and strong body were ignited with a raging divine light, and the light of the ax blade became brighter and brighter between lifting the axe.


The golden-backed mang ox let out a mournful cry, its legs were broken, and it roared suddenly, "If it weren't for my phantom that spanned endless light years and was projected several times, how could I be deceived by you!"

"If the real body comes, it will never disturb the Immortal King, and I can easily suppress you! Moo!!"

All four legs were broken, making the golden-backed mang ox furious, and it raised its head to the sky and screamed.

The bald head was as still as still water, and his face was extremely calm.

"I only lived a fraction of your life. If I was born in the same generation, Brother Qiang, I would kill you like a dog!"

Bald Qiang didn't stop, and the ax finally fell.

In an instant, thousands of sharp edges tore through the sky.

This ax seemed to have the ability to open the sky, the eyes of the golden-backed mang ox opened violently, and the next moment it was directly split into two, the phantom was shattered, leaving behind a long cry of grief.

"You follow the trend and suppress my mount. This is not a big wave. If you dare to go one step further, the world will be turned upside down!"

At this time, An Lan's calm voice sounded again. The words were already very soft, but they shook the world. The people below were horrified and looked at the two sides facing each other in horror and anticipation.

"Don't even look, there are three breaths left, this is the last chance! Hurry up and spit blood!"

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