"Otherwise, Tianxing will definitely mess up his own position, and it will be easier for the extraterrestrial demons to take advantage of it!"

Although Kyuubi and the others were terrified, they couldn't help thinking about the future.

What happened to the extraterrestrial celestial demons was more terrifying and serious than they imagined. Even those who stood at the top of the sky star felt hopeless, not to mention the other people in the sky star.

If the entire Tianxing knew what happened today, I'm afraid Tianxing would lose his resistance because of the chaos...

Therefore, in order to stabilize Tianxing, and at the same time to stabilize their current status, today's matter, before their strength reaches a terrifying situation, they will absolutely bite to death and keep it to the outside world!


At this time, Tianlong also noticed An Lan's existence, and finally let out a loud roar.

"An Lan, it's you!!!"

The voice of the sky is thick and full of traces of time, but it does not look old.

"Sky Dragon of Osiris, I didn't expect you to be alive."

"However, you are weak, and you are no longer as strong as before. Years and old injuries are all over your body. Now you are just a broken body!"

"Where's Pluto? Is she still there?"

An Lan's face was calm, and his tone was even calmer. There was no mood swing due to the appearance of Sky Dragon.

"An Lan, you are still so pretentious and arrogant."

After An Lan's words fell, a pleasant but extremely deafening voice suddenly sounded.

On the top of the dragon's head in the sky, a bright purple light shone, and a figure of a humanoid creature gradually appeared.

Seeing this person, An Lan's expression rarely changed, and his tone also fluctuated.

"Pluto Ah Cha, I didn't expect that even you would not escape the extinction of God Desolation, only a wisp of remnant soul remains..."

Hearing An Lan's words, Ah Cha, the king of the underworld on the top of the dragon's head in the sky, chuckled and spoke calmly.

"Escape? Why should I escape! I was born in the midst of death and ruins, and death is just a new life for me."

"It's you, An Lan, before the Era, you led the aliens to invade and plunder the Nine Heavens Galaxy, but disappeared without a trace before the final battle, huh..."

"Fleeing without fighting, you are already a veteran."

Ah Cha's figure was revealed, wearing a gorgeous and noble robe and black dress, his face seemed to be blurred by time, making it impossible to see clearly.

She sneered and mocked An Lan directly.

"Sharp teeth and sharp mouth! The era has changed, Pluto, your mouth is still making people angry!"

An Lan's tone was slightly cold, the golden ancient spear in his hand glowed brilliantly, and terrifying visions surged.

"An Lan, let's fight against Heaven and Earth!"

Ah Cha's tone was flat, and when he raised his hand, a void crack that spread thousands of miles above the sky was opened.

Tianwaitian, that is, outside the world and in the starry sky, they are just called differently.

"I can't ask for it!"

An Lan also seemed to be serious, and as soon as he finished speaking, the chariot under his feet started to move.

Although the chariot was not pulled by the golden-backed mang ox, its speed was still astonishing, and it pulled An Lan out of Tianxing in an instant.

Ah Cha didn't follow up immediately, but instead looked down at the crowd below.

Seeing Ah Cha, everyone was very nervous.

After living most of their lives, this is the first time they have seen such a big man. Compared with Pluto, they are not even a single cell!

Even Hei Die was the same, with a look of awe on his face, he lowered his head and dared not look directly at it. ..

At this time, Ah Cha suddenly spoke, his tone was very calm, but the content of his words made everyone in Tianxing ecstatic.

"The casting of the throne requires the power of the stars, otherwise it will be a long process to cast the throne. It is not a good thing for you to be too rigid about the world."

After finishing speaking, Ah Cha waved his hand, and a giant mirror appeared in the sky.

"Look well."

Ah Cha lowered his body and reached out to touch Sky Dragon's head.

"Osiris, let's go!"


The sky dragon let out a roar, and then soared into the sky.

After it left the sky from the rift in the void, the rift closed instantly, and the rift in the void that An Lan came to was also completely restored.

Only a group of people who stared blankly at the mirror and occasionally smiled silly were left.

There is no way, what Pluto said is simply enlightening to them, and it is undoubtedly the words of gold and stone.

Hei Die didn't care, just stared at the mirror tightly, with excitement in his eyes.

"The reappearance of the mythical battle is destined to shake thousands of galaxies!!"...

Chapter 136 I Never Want to Disguise! ; People from the empty galaxy?Look at it!

Soon, there was a picture in the mirror.

In the endless starry sky, surrounded by stars and meteors passing by from time to time, if you zoom in infinitely closer, it is clearly a battleship.

"let's start."

Ah Cha stood on top of the dragon's head in the sky, looked at An Lan on the opposite chariot, and spoke calmly.

She and An Lan not only left Tianxing, but also left the barren galaxy where Tianxing was located, and came to other galaxies, preparing to give a great gift to the surrounding creatures...

"Heh, don't we need to clean up the ants around us first?"

An Lan smiled lightly and said pointedly.

Ah Cha's tone was flat, "An Lan, you are still so domineering, is it possible that you still want to wipe out all the creatures in this sea of ​​stars?"

"Why not?"

An Lan's words were terribly cold, and all living beings were nothing in his eyes.

As expected of An Lan...

Although he created it by himself, Jiang Qiyu still felt that An Lan in front of him was very unbearable!

Ah Cha... No, Jiang Qiyu rolled his eyes.

"It's the first time to dress up as a woman...uh...a man disguised as a woman, and I'm a little excited..."

Jiang Qiyu felt a little strange in his heart.

"Who asked you to pick and choose, choose this character?"

In Jiang Qiyu's divine sea, the voice of Xiaotangyuanwanzi came out, and said gloatingly.

"No way, the Hades I can think of, besides Acha, are the Super Beast Hades, Thunderbolt Hades, Qi Feitian, and the Bone King can barely be regarded as the Hades, um... I mean the image, and the Saint Seiya Hades, Lord of the Underworld."

"Although these people are called Hades, their connection with the underworld is actually not very deep. It just so happens that Acha is also suitable. In addition, there are so many male characters, it is also time for a female character, otherwise it will be crazy. The image can really become a yang and yin decline."

Jiang Qiyu explained to Xiaotangyuan in his heart.

Although it sounds logical, Xiaotangyuanwanzi always feels that the biggest reason why Jiang Qiyu chooses Ah Cha is to dress up as a woman...

"Well, it may be an illusion! Although I always feel that this guy is enjoying himself."

Xiaotangyuanwanzi shook his head, thinking that he might be thinking too much.

Jiang Qiyu ignored the little glutinous rice balls, and turned to look at An Lan who had written "I am invincible, you have the ability to beat me up" all over her face, with a weird smile on her lips.

"Although it was created by me, it's still very powerful to beat the king hard!"

Thinking of this, Ah Cha (Jiang Qiyu) burst out with the power to shake the galaxy thousands of miles away.

"An Lan, the era has changed. In your eyes, the lives of hundreds of millions of creatures are still worthless."

"Heh, do human beings care about the lives of ants? Pluto, now you are not only left with a wisp of soul, but also become indecisive and benevolent!"

"Now you, I am so disappointed."

An Lan sneered, her eyes were unruly, and her tone was full of disregard for life and mockery of Ah Cha.

"In that case, I will... blow you up before you do it!"

There was a trace of coldness in Ah Cha's eyes, and when he raised his hands, a purple light shone.

sulfone sulfone!

Suddenly, a three-meter-long, red and black sickle fell into her hand. Ah Cha waved it casually, and as the sickle danced, several meteorites and stars around her were directly blown into dust.


Then, the sky dragon roared, opened its mouth wide, and blasted out a scarlet torrent with endless annihilation power, turning everything it passed into nothingness and chaos.


An Lan snorted coldly, the Immortal King's aura surged, and before he could make a move, he wiped out everything in the starry sky. In an instant, time seemed to be frozen.

And that's not enough, although An Lan is the Immortal King, he is just a phantom now.

Although the sky dragon is weak, it is still the real body, so how can the attack be so easily disintegrated?

An Lan naturally knew that when the ancient golden spear swung, the golden light adorned the galaxy, but instantly turned and distorted the galaxy around it.

The galaxy distorted by An Lan's power stood in front of the torrent, and the two collided fiercely, causing the nebula to be continuously penetrated.


However, the torrent was so fierce that it shattered the inverted galaxy.

However, the next moment, it was wiped out by another wave of the ancient golden spear.


An Lan's eyes suddenly opened, and two world-destroying lights shot out, grabbing Ah Cha's head.


How could the sky dragon let An Lan get what he wanted? With a flick of its tail, it not only shattered the divine light, but also directly hit An Lan.

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