An Lan's heart was like water, and with a wave of his big hand, his divine power blocked the space. After blocking the sky dragon's tail, he came to Ah Cha in an instant, and stabbed Ah Cha's forehead with the ancient golden spear.

sulfone sulfone!

Ah Cha's face remained unchanged, and when he raised his hand, the blood scythe in his hand spun wildly like a windmill, directly knocking back the golden ancient spear.

"Osiris, leave it to me, you block the people who come, don't let them approach."

Immediately afterwards, Ah Cha waved the blood scythe again, knocked An Lan back, stepped lightly on his feet, chased after him, and stopped the sky dragon who was about to intervene.

"Acha, be careful."

Although Tianlong and Ahcha are the main pets, they are actually like family members, so they are called by their first names.

After hearing Ah Cha's words, Sky Dragon didn't hesitate, and immediately agreed, then turned his head and flew away.

At this time, several figures stepped on the Milky Way and wore sacred body rings, rushing towards the place where Ah Cha and An Lan fought.

Although Xinghe is big, there are many strong people. They sense terror, and they immediately sensed it after the battle happened here, so they came here to find out.

However, before they approached, a figure comparable to a giant starry sky fell and blocked them.

"Stop ahead!"

The sky dragon's tone was indifferent, and the voice was like the bell of heaven and earth, which made the ears of all the visitors tingling and dazzled, and their faces showed horror.

Among the crowd, there were two figures stepping on strange beasts, with a vision above their heads, and the surrounding area was surrounded by no one for ten miles, and no one dared to approach them.

One of them was wearing a sky-blue battle armor and was three meters tall. It looked like a human race.

And the strange beast under his feet turned out to be a mechanical beast, a mechanical beast with three god lions.

Although they are objects under their feet, the aura of these three mechanical god lions is very extraordinary, and the canopy above their heads is actually a god king crowned with a canopy! !

"Holy... still an unknown saint!"

The armored man's eyes were deep, looking at the behemoth in front of him, his eyes were slightly different.

Then, he took a step forward and bowed his hands boldly.

"This deity Tianxu Xinghe, Marshal of the Great Heaven Empire, Dou Yan!"

"I don't know where you come from, what's your name?"

Also at the holy level, Dou Yan asked the sky dragon enough of the politeness he should have.

"This deity, Kongyuan Xinghe, the Supreme Elder of the Void Clan, Kong Zheng."

At this time, another saint also opened his mouth. It looked like a giant silver praying mantis, with a pair of saber arms with restrained breath, but once the power was released, it might have the divine power to split the galaxy.

At his feet is a giant beetle-like beast, with a body of gold and iron, as if invulnerable to fire and water, and invulnerable to swords and guns. Like the three mechanical god lions, it is the same god king with a canopy!

"Tianxu Galaxy, Kongyuan Galaxy..."

Sky Dragon looked at the two of them coldly, and then set his sights on Kong Zheng.

"At the time of the myth, although you, Kongyuan Galaxy, were inconspicuous, you also played a hand in the invasion of the gods. I didn't expect that Kongyuan Galaxy still exists now..."

As soon as the words fell, a scarlet torrent surged from the sky dragon's mouth, and it directly attacked Kong Zheng.

Kong Zheng's face changed, and he shouted, "Your Excellency, what kind of gods and robberies, I think there must be some misunderstanding between us?!"

"Misunderstanding? Go and find out what happened before your Kongyuan Galaxy Era, and you will know if you have misunderstood!"


The torrent gushed out from the dragon's mouth in the sky, and the huge energy column made Kong Zheng almost have nowhere to hide.

"The space is destroyed!"

For Sky Dragon's sudden attack, Kong Zheng was also furious. With two arms swinging, the space in front of him collapsed instantly, and a terrifying space storm surged in the void, trying to swallow Sky Dragon's attack.

However, when the torrent arrived, it instantly smoothed out the space storm and blasted straight at Kongzheng.


Kong Zheng was shocked, he didn't expect Sky Dragon's attack to be so terrifying, even the power of space was wiped out in an instant.

It was too late for him to make another move, so he could only surge his strength around his body, hoping to block the blow.

Boom! !

Amidst the loud noise of piercing clouds and cracking rocks, a mushroom cloud stretched thousands of miles across the sky, rushing straight to the top of the nebula, frightening the others to run for their lives.


Chapter 137 Excessive?Then blow it up! ; cheating insider dragon


"Your Excellency, you are too much, do you really think that this deity is made of mud?"

The smoke was suddenly dispersed by the shadow of the knife, Kong Zheng was soaked in blood, and the beetle under him was wiped out long ago, not even scum left.

Kong Zheng's face was gloomy to the point of dripping water, his voice seemed to come from hell, it was eerie.

After a while, the injuries on his body recovered instantly, and the blood all over his body disappeared in an instant.

Sky Dragon didn't speak, just flicked his tail and blasted towards Kong Zheng.


Kong Zheng yelled loudly, the space was turbulent, and a throne with mantis sword arms on both sides and a golden beetle behemoth underneath appeared, blocking the sky dragon's giant tail.


Although Kong Zheng didn't know what Sky Dragon was talking about, he knew that this battle was inevitable.

As the Supreme Elder of the Void Clan, he is not afraid of anyone!

On the side, Dou Yan's complexion was slightly different, but he was very interested in what Tianlong said about the desolation.

However, he didn't have the idea of ​​stopping or helping anyone, and he didn't have enough interests to drive, so why should he bother himself?

Just when he thought that Sky Dragon and Kong Zheng were going to start a fierce battle, the next second he saw that Kong Zheng was directly slapped by Sky Dragon's tail, spilling blood into the sky!

"how can that be?"

Dou Yan's pupils shrunk, unbelievable.

Although his relationship with Kong Zheng is not good, he has also dealt with Kong Zheng many times, and he knows very well that Kong Zheng's strength is not weak even if it is at the holy level. not easy.

But now, in less than three seconds, Kong Zheng actually fell to the wind, and was even blown out directly, which surprised Dou Yan.

"Who told you that there are only saints in this god?"

The sky dragon stood above the nebula, its voice was like a bell, and Dou Yan's complexion changed instantly when he said it.

At this moment, he realized that although the sky dragon possessed the coercion and power of the holy level, it seemed that his whole body was full of weakness and the baptism of time, as if... he was injured!

"Could it came from the star field?!"

Dou Yan's heart tightened, thinking of Sky Dragon's words before, his expression changed slightly, "Shenhuang...could it be the name of a certain star field?"

"How come people from Starfield come to Galaxy? People from Starfield have always been arrogant and arrogant, not to mention those who surpass the holy level. They shouldn't come to Galaxy!"

"Or, because it was injured, it hid in the galaxy..."

As he said that, Dou Yan had a trace of solemnity in his eyes.

"Superconducting guided wave lightning strike light cannon!"

At this moment, the sky dragon made another move. In an instant, the nebula, which was originally peaceful and flowing, was suddenly covered with dark clouds, thunder and lightning flashed for thousands of miles, and the divine and supreme power of judgment and destruction surged.

And in the dragon's mouth in the sky, a golden thunder and lightning wave filled with supreme divine power brewed.

Under Dou Yan's shocked gaze, the violent and terrifying golden thunder cannon blasted out, directly engulfing the Kong Zheng who had been sent flying just now.

The suffocating power swept across the galaxy, and an endless and terrifying crack was pulled out in the galaxy. The emptiness and indestructible power of thunder and lightning shone, shaking Dou Yan's mind.

As the key target of the Thunder Cannon raid, Kong Zheng was blasted to pieces without even screaming.

However, the vitality of the holy level is extremely terrifying, even if there is only one molecule left, it will not really die.

So, after a while, Kong Zheng's figure reappeared, but his aura was much weaker, and he was seriously injured.

The revived Kong Zheng was terrified, and without hesitation, he immediately activated the power of space and fled in the void.

Kong Zheng's escape speed was entirely based on the importance he attached to his own life, and he disappeared without a trace in an instant.

Dou Yan knew that the Void Clan was extremely fast, and he already guessed that the other party had probably escaped from the current galaxy.

"One blow shattered Kongzheng's holy body... No matter how big the gap is between the holy ranks, it shouldn't be so, unless its strength itself has faintly crossed the critical point of the holy rank peak!"

"In other words, its own strength has already surpassed the holy level, but its strength has declined due to injuries, but the foundation is still there, so it can send out a blow that smashes the holy body..."

Countless conjectures popped up in Dou Yan's mind, looking at Sky Dragon, his eyes kept flickering.

The eight heavens of the true king are "holy"!

The saint holds the stars in his palms and steps on yin and yang under his feet.

At this level, every cell in the body is an indestructible life body, the blood is endless like the sea, and the bones turn into gods without being destroyed by time.The sublimation of every part of the body constitutes the supreme holy body of immortality, flesh and stars! ..

The power of the holy body, a drop of blood can destroy the stars, and a breath can set off a galaxy storm.

Moreover, after achieving the holy level, the offspring born will also have holy blood in their bodies.If you inherit the holy blood perfectly, you will become holy and be born a king!

Therefore, after crossing the holy level, the life form has completely evolved to another level.

Therefore, at this level, even if the weakest saint meets the strongest saint, it is impossible to be blown up in an instant, at least he can still thump twice.

The performance of the sky dragon was too terrifying. The superconducting wave lightning strike light cannon easily annihilated Kongzheng's holy body, which has already exceeded the range of the holy level...

However, after seeing Kong Zheng fleeing, Sky Dragon was very dissatisfied.

"not dead……"

"It seems that the power of the god has indeed weakened too much. To deal with a mere ant, even if we use the superconducting wave lightning cannon, it still hasn't been annihilated!"

The sapphire on the top of the sky dragon's head is shining, and the tone is cold.

Although this is said, in fact, Sky Dragon's current strength is indeed a real holy level.

The injury Dou Yan sensed was nothing but a fake made by Jiang Qiyu for Tianlong, in order to make people guess in the most outrageous direction, which is commonly known as "Dihua"!

But in fact, Jiang Qiyu was almost spurted blood when he knew that Osiris inner female stem dragon, who was worth 1400 million wishes and one of the majestic three phantom gods, had only the strength of a saint.

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