1400 million!Not 14!Not 140 million either!But 1400 million!

Although the holy level is already very strong, but you are a dignified god, and only the holy level is too shabby! !

Afterwards, Jiang Qiyu's almost exploding mood calmed down only after Xiao Tang Yuan Wan Zi's explanation.

It turns out that although the sky dragon of Osiris is a god who controls the authority of the sky and thunder, after being summoned, the authority it controls will be linked to the world.

That is to say, the current Osiris Sky Dragon, his authority comes from the sky star, and with the world power of the sky star, it is a miracle that the sky dragon can have the strength of the holy level.

If it weren't for the terrifying potential of Osiris' sky dragon, which belongs to the spirit attribute, it is an innate god, otherwise the strength can touch the corner of the holy level, which is considered a star power.

After knowing this, Jiang Qiyu was depressed for several days.

However, after learning that apart from relying on the power of the world, Sky Dragon can also enhance its strength through some special "props", he is no longer... so depressed. …

【God name: Sky Dragon of Osiris】

[Life Species: Gods/Three Illusory Gods/Nine Pillars Gods]

【Authority: Sky and Thunder】

[Strength: connected to the world, the strength of the world will directly affect the strength of Sky Dragon]

[Divine formula: summoning thunder bombs, superconducting wave lightning strike light cannon, falling from the sky, thunder obliterating the gods... (After using it, it can exert part of the power of the gods, and it is easy to suppress (shatter) the same level)]

[Available props: None]

[ps: props that can be blessed—seven thousand-year-old artifacts

The sky dragon is originally a god, although its strength is limited due to its connection with the world, but every time it blesses an artifact, part of its power will be unsealed.With the joint blessing of seven thousand-year-old artifacts, the Osiris Sky Dragon, the god of sky and thunder, will be able to truly display the true power of a god!

The sun god winged dragon is the same as the Obelisk giant soldier (ps: gods, beyond the level of the real king)]

[Three Illusory Gods Gift Pack Gift Card: Millennium Eye (Current Status: Banned/Unsealed Conditions: Seven Artifact Slabs]

[Remarks: In addition to the seven artifacts, if you get the "Pyramid of Light" and "Quantum Cube", the power of the three phantom gods will exceed their own limits...]...

Chapter 138 The numb Dou Yan; today, you will be buried here!

Therefore, as long as you get the Millennium Artifact, there is a way for the sky dragon to truly display the true power of the gods!

But, um... a long way to go!

After all, this Millennium Artifact is a special item card, which cannot be searched through the system store, but can only be tried by drawing cards.

The Seven Artifacts Slate, which unseals the Seven Artifacts, is also a special item card, which can only be obtained by drawing cards.

Therefore, even if a piece of "Millennium Eye" was given when buying Sky Dragon, it cannot be used temporarily.

(Speechless)...Made! !

This dog system really played Penguin's set of processes clearly. After buying this god card, I felt that I was losing money, but at the same time I felt that I was not losing money, so that Jiang Qiyu didn't know whether he should turn the system into a mess.

After all, at least the other party gave a millennium artifact, isn't it~~

Back to the point here,

Although Sky Dragon's current strength is indeed only at the holy level, and the power to destroy the saint can only be erupted by using the divine formula, but Dou Yan doesn't know, so he can only keep guessing in the most likely direction, and his thoughts are gradually being gradually reduced. Dihua.

For example, the current him has recognized that the sky dragon is definitely not as simple as a holy level...

When Dou Yan's thoughts were flying wildly, Tianlong's eyes turned, and he suddenly lowered his head and looked at him.

At this time, Dou Yan was the only one left around, and the other guys, as early as the moment Tianlong and Kongzheng made a move, ran away with their lives. When they ran, they only hated that they were not Zerg and didn't have so many legs!

It's not that Dou Yan doesn't want to escape, it's just that the galaxy they are in now is the Tianxu Galaxy. As the ruler of the galaxy and the marshal of the Great Heaven Empire, no one can escape!

And when he found that Sky Dragon was looking at him, Dou Yan immediately shook his whole body, as if he was facing an enemy, divine light surged on the azure battle armor, as long as the opponent made a move, he would immediately activate the power of the battle armor with all his strength.Fight to the death.

Tianxu Xinghe does not practice martial arts, nor does he practice magic and immortality, but the power of mechas!

In Tianxu Galaxy, everyone can control the mecha to gain strength.

And the mecha on his body is one of the most powerful divine mechas among the mechas. He is still alive, no one can take this mech away.

Of course, with his strength, in the galaxy, no one would dare to snatch his mecha, unless the ancestors had lived enough for eighteen generations.

However, the situation was better than what Dou Yan thought, Sky Dragon didn't do anything to him, but spoke to him instead.

"My God took action against that guy just because of the old hatred of the gods, and it has nothing to do with you."

"You don't have to be nervous, as long as you don't interfere with the battle between my lord and An Lan, the god will not do anything to you."

After finishing speaking, Sky Dragon ignored Dou Yan, but turned his head to look at the fierce battle between Ah Cha and An Lan in the distance.

At this time, the battle between the two has entered a fierce battle.

After hearing what the sky said, Dou Yan couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief.

He glanced at Sky Dragon. Although he had a lot to ask, at least now is definitely not the time. He held his breath and followed Sky Dragon's gaze.

After seeing Ah Cha and An Lan, Dou Yan's pupils shrank, and his heart was filled with turmoil.

"Two holy ranks again?! No way!"

"These two are not even real bodies!! The woman is just a remnant soul, and the person named An Lan is just a clone... Strictly speaking, it's not even a clone!"

"Just the avatar remnant soul has the power of the holy level, how is this possible?!"

Dou Yan didn't know how many times he was shocked in one breath, but he only knew that his mind was completely muddled.

"What is the origin of these three people..."

The turmoil in Dou Yan's heart could not be calmed down, but he could only watch the battle between the two first, and wait until the end of the battle to see if he could learn something from the mouth of this huge red dragon.

"I hope that their appearance will not affect the Great Heaven Empire..."

Dou Yan's eyes changed, and in the end he could only hope helplessly.

The three unfathomable, at least holy-level existences, even the Datian Empire must not be easily provoked, otherwise it may be a catastrophe!

The unknown is always the scariest thing!

Dou Yan, who knew nothing about Sky Dragon, Ah Cha, and An Lan, naturally had extremely deep scruples and fears in his heart...


At this time, Ah Cha and An Lan completely ignored other things and devoted themselves to the battle.

The two collided and then separated in the starry sky, like two meteors scurrying around, drawing countless cracks and divine lights in the starry sky.

"A wisp of remnant soul, Pluto, you can't beat me."

An Lan looked calm, and with a swipe of the ancient golden spear, he shattered the starry sky and blocked Ah Cha's blow.

"An Lan, when did you change your mouth to chase the king?"

"Whether you win a fight or not is never a matter of words."

Ah Cha sneered, and the blood sickle danced, drawing out shadows that cut the sky, and blasted at An Lan.

An Lan's eyes surged with divine light, and the golden glow on the ancient golden spear scattered the nebula, flattened the shadow of the knife, and then went straight towards Ah Cha.

"Broken soul!"

A smile appeared on the corner of Ah Cha's mouth, and he drank coldly, and the purple light on the blood sickle suddenly shot down at An Lan.

An Lan raised the spear to block it, but the blood scythe passed through the ancient golden spear like nothingness, and slashed at An Lan's body.

An Lan's complexion changed slightly, and he let out a muffled snort.

"Break the soul, only target the soul, ignoring all defenses, An Lan, you and I have dealt with each other so many times, you should know but you still got caught. It seems that your comfortable life has made you rotten."

Ah Chalu smiled, making a sarcastic voice.


An Lan didn't say much, the golden ancient spear swung horizontally, and a roar that shook the sky and the earth rang out in the void.

This is not An Lan's roar, but the manifestation of extreme power. Void waves and terrifying murderous intent run across the galaxy for thousands of miles, making the creatures in this galaxy suddenly feel a deep chill of falling into hell, and they all panic stand up.


An Lan spit out one word, she already didn't want to drink Ah Cha and pester her any longer.

Within three moves, he will definitely end this battle.

"An Lan, I will bury you here today!"

Ah Cha also knew what An Lan was thinking in an instant. The blood sickle roared, and a terrifying vision manifested behind him. A giant shadow with a ghost on its head and feet on the Yellow River roared up to the sky, causing Xinghe to fall into the Nine Netherworld in an instant.


When the ancient golden spear collided with the blood sickle, in an instant, the galaxy trembled, thousands of stars were extinguished, and endless divine light swung out, covering hundreds of millions of miles.

Dou Yan's complexion changed drastically, and he hurriedly urged the power of the mecha, and the Tiangen War God's armor was brilliant.

Immediately, Dou Yan's appearance changed drastically, his body armor changed, he held a knife in his left hand and a shield in his right hand, and behind him was a three-meter-long purple light mechanical Vulcan cannon, and his head was also covered by a helmet in the shape of a lion.

Dou Yan didn't dare to hesitate, and immediately mobilized his power to block the aftermath of the battle between Ah Cha and An Lan, and released the power of the holy level to protect Xinghe.

And behind this side, it is the Datian Empire, so Dou Yan must not let this terrifying aftermath sweep away, or the empire will be in danger!

At this time, Dou Yan suddenly noticed Sky Dragon.

Not only because the other party was motionless, relying only on the physical body to carry the divine power, but also because Dou Yan could see a trace of grief and grief from the dragon's eyes in the sky. ap.

Dou Yan's eyes moved slightly, realizing something, he chose to remain silent, and looked at the terrifying Ah Cha and An Lan.

At this time, the figures of the two of them had already begun to become unreal, especially Ah Cha, whose strength weakened quickly because of the remnant soul, and his figure was already somewhat transparent.

"Pluto, you can't hold on anymore! It's a miracle that your remnant soul can survive. If you don't come out to stop me, maybe you can last a little longer,"

"You really know how to suffer on your own!"

An Lan looked at Ah Cha's increasingly illusory figure, her eyes moved slightly, and she spoke coldly.

"You can rest assured that before I disappear, you will be buried!"

Ah Cha's complexion remained calm, and the blood sickle radiated purple light, and it slashed fiercely on the ancient golden spear.


The ancient golden spear let out a golden cry, and a gap appeared on it.

An Lan retreated suddenly, and the galaxy shot out behind him. The golden light on the ancient golden spear soared into the sky.

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