As soon as the Son of the Blood God finished speaking, the two priests and many believers raised their heads and closed their hands in front of them, roaring frantically.

"Praise the Blood God!!"...

At the same time, Xin Tailang, whom they had been thinking about, was happily walking on the streets of the city.

"This thing is very good, you can take it back to Lonely Wolf."

"This fruit... Well, it tastes good, and it's quite similar to the one on the head of the sheep fruit. Take some back when the time comes."

Xintailang is like a tourist, tasting delicious food and seeing new things everywhere.

Not long after, he came to the central city of ancient Asia, Guya City.

Xintailang walked into the city, where buildings stood tall, and from time to time, teams in knight costumes walked by.

Xintailang has already turned into a human form at this time, but it is not conspicuous at all.

Of course, this inconspicuousness is equivalent to the wolf form.With a muscular figure over two meters tall, with a tuft of purple hair on top of his head, his domineering face is very eye-catching no matter how you look at it.

Fortunately, in this ancient Asia, there were blondes, blue hairs, and even pure green hairs. Xin Tailang mixed in among them, but he was quite comfortable and would not attract too many eyes.


At this time, on the street, a resplendent and resplendent carriage drove by a man with a fierce face. He shouted loudly, and the three blood-scaled BMWs in the trailer neighed and drove at an extremely fast speed.

Although it was on a crowded street, the man driving the car didn't intend to slow down at all, but rather accelerated.

"It's the Green family's carriage, let it go quickly. The youngest son of the Green family should be sitting in it. He is lawless and relying on his family's influence. No one cares about him. Let's get out of the way quickly, or we will get into trouble if we get into trouble." .”

In the crowd, someone recognized the sign on the carriage, whispered to the people around him immediately, and pulled them back quickly.

Although Xin Tailang was far away, he could hear clearly, not only frowned, but also showed a strange look.

"The dandy breaks into the street, this drama has a bit of Long Aotian..."

Xin Tailang didn't know which Internet cafe he went to surf, but he immediately recognized the classic drama.

"However, this is a good opportunity to stand up. If I go to stop the carriage, it should start the slap in the face..."

The eyes under Xintailang's sunglasses flickered slightly, revealing deep thought.

He would have this idea. Of course, Jiang Qiyu was not specifically interfering with Xin Tailang, but after all the characters were created, they were implanted with ideas similar to "doing things" and "expanding influence".

This kind of thinking is like eating when you are hungry, and shit when you are full. It is completely instinctive. The characters created will not feel wrong, because they subconsciously think that doing things should be done.

However, different characters have different reasons for doing things, and naturally the methods are also different.

For example, if it is Big Big Wolf, then he has to publicize his name as Wolf King, the louder the better; Beechburg is about fighting crime, where there is crime, there is Beechburg; and if it is Aizen Sosuke, um... The creatures probably need one more experience as a test product~~

Anyway, no matter what, their actions will definitely cause more or less influence, which will increase the value of Jiang Qiyu's will.

Moreover, this kind of influence is long-lasting, not like in some novels, after the end of a human appearance, the increase in the power of will will end.Influence is something that is all the time, there is no end, and at most the influence will gradually weaken.

But as long as the characters created by Jiang Qiyu are always in Tianxing, no matter what they do, there will always be big or small impacts.In this way, the influence will always exist, and the growth of willingness will naturally not stop.

However, Xintaiwolf doesn't have too many ideas. It is to promote the prestige of the wolf clan and sell its own chips by the way.

"Well, let's do it! This place is very good, let's make a prestige first. In the future, we will open a store here and sell chips."

Holding his own lofty ideals, Xintailang walked out.

Coincidentally, a little doll holding a lollipop fell down in front of the carriage. Seeing that the carriage was approaching, no one dared to step forward. For Xin Tailang, this was simply a godsend opportunity.

Without any hesitation, Xin Tailang teleported, picked up the little doll, and at the same time stretched out one hand, and slammed it on the ground.


The next moment, the ground cracked, and a huge rock pillar spread towards the carriage.


The blood-scaled horse was frightened, neighing loudly, and raised its tail and feet, which directly caused the carriage to lose its balance. The man who drove the horse hurriedly commanded the carriage to prevent the carriage from falling to the ground. ..

Seeing this scene, there was an uproar all around.

They didn't expect that in Guya City, someone would dare to do anything to the Green family's carriage.

The Green family is the largest family power in ancient Asia. Its patriarch is a true king of law (fourth heaven) who is a law-condensed lotus.

"It's over! This person is going to be miserable!"

Among the crowd, there were voices of discussion, and there was no doubt that they were not optimistic about Xintailang, thinking that he might not be able to get out of Guya City because he got into trouble.

"court death!!"

After the man in the car stabilized the carriage, he flew into a rage and soared into the sky. Without any questioning, he directly swung his long whip at Xintailang.

The long whip pierced the air and ignited a raging fire. If it was an ordinary person, it would probably be broken in two by one whip in an instant and burned to ashes.

It can only be said that it is worthy of being the groom of the Green family, but he is actually a person with three-level powers, with fire powers, and extraordinary power.

Unfortunately, he ran into Xin Tailang.

Xin Tailang stood up, saw that the little baby in his arms was fine, nodded slightly, and then swung the long whip away.

Moreover, huge power spread along the long whip, and the man driving the car's face changed, and the next moment he flew upside down, and after hitting the nearby house, his body sank into it.

Seeing this scene, everyone was shocked, realizing that in broad daylight, those who dare to attack the Green family's carriage are definitely not weak!

"Interesting! Interesting!"

"It's so interesting! I didn't expect that in Guya City, someone would dare to do anything to my carriage."

"Also, this coachman is really useless, he was sent flying with just one move, what a disgrace to my master!"

At this time, there was an arrogant voice in the carriage.


Then, the curtain of the car was lifted, and a boy of eighteen or nineteen years old with black hair and purple pupils walked out.

The young man is handsome, with a pair of purple pupils shining like jewels. Although his figure of about 1.8 meters is a little short in front of Xin Tailang, he is outstanding in the crowd, especially he is dressed in a luxurious purple robe, and his waist and fingers are full of The storage device is even more rich and luxurious.

"This young master is the third son of the Patriarch of the Green family, Green Tianyu. I don't know the name of this strong man?"

Green Tianyu was not in a hurry to settle accounts, but curiously asked about the name of the core wolf.

Xin Tailang was stunned, the development of the plot seemed not quite right.

"Lang Xin."

After hesitating for [-] second, Xintailang said a fake name.


Green Tianyu's eyes lit up, and then he took out a transparent tablet.

"Check Langxin."


"The inquiry is over. There are 350 people named Langxin in Tianxing, and the one with the highest strength is the half-king..."

The transparent panel made a mechanical sound, and upon hearing this, Green Tianyu's waist suddenly froze.

Core Wolf, "..."

For a long time, this guy asked his name to check whether he was strong or not.

Green Tianyu put away the transparent tablet, then raised his head, squinted his eyes, and the air of arrogance gushed out.

"Langxin, I admit that you are strong!"

"Unfortunately, you messed with the wrong person! This young master is not only the third son of the Patriarch of the Green family, but also the world-renowned pride of the Holy Kingdom!"

"Today, I will let you see how powerful this young master is!"

Tian Yu had an unruly face, her black hair moved without wind, wild and insolent.

Xintailang showed a strange look, and the corners of his eyes twitched under the sunglasses, "This kid... I'm afraid his head was kicked by a donkey, why is he so stupid?"

Xin Tailang shook his head, no matter what, the plot was on the right track anyway, and the next step would be the famous slap in the face.

"Kids, leave first."

Then, Xin Tailang put down the little baby in his arms, and touched his head amiably. After the little baby nodded cutely, he ran to the side of the street with small steps.

Xin Tailang smiled, then got up and looked at Tian Yu, and spoke calmly.

"I have made mistakes but I don't know how to repent. It seems that I... must teach you a lesson on behalf of the elders in your family!"

"Hahaha! Ridiculous! I, Green Tianyu, am the pride of the world. Don't think that you can get carried away by hitting my groom!"

"My young master's fighting power is unparalleled, not comparable to that of a mere groom! Now let me show you what real power is!"

"My guardian spirit, come out!!"

Tianyu laughed wildly, and Jiang Qiyu in the endless void almost thought that this guy was being possessed by the king.

Then, as Tianyu Zhonger raised his hand and roared, a black and red light shot up into the sky from behind him.


Suddenly, a huge roar came out from the black and red beam of light.

Xintailang showed a strange color, and in the next moment, he saw two ferocious black dragon wings splitting the beam of light. With the flapping of the wings, the beam of light was instantly dispelled.


The huge wind swept out, blowing the people around them off their feet, causing them to close the doors and windows and hide.

And when the beam of light dissipated, a ten-foot black dragon landed behind Tian Yu.

The black dragon's eyes are red, and its pure black body exudes a mysterious luster. Its pair of huge wings spread out, a hundred meters long, and its appearance is ferocious and domineering.

"My guardian spirit, the real red-eyed black dragon! Come!!"

Tian Yu's hands were wide open, and with the red-eyed black dragon roaring up to the sky behind him and the howling wind, it was quite handsome and insolent. …

Chapter 143 Hey!Luckily, I'm so sluggish! ;Flesh god strikes


"I didn't expect to meet this thing here, but..."

Xin Tailang showed a strange look on his face, but he didn't expect that there would be a surprise.

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