The guardian spirit, the "specialty product" of Soul-Suppressing Street of the Terran Terran faction, actually appeared here, which really surprised him.

"How? Are you afraid?"

"Hahaha! If you are willing to say, "Master Tianyu, you are worthy of being the pride of the world. I am willing to bow down and bow my head to submit to you." This young master will not only spare you, but also consider accepting you as a guard with a sword in front of the imperial court!"

"How is it? Are you tempted?"

Tian Yu is like a stupid son of a landlord's family, although he acts domineeringly, he can't be said to be bad, at most he is a little stupid and a bit of a second grader.

Facing Xin Tailang who knocked his coachman away, he didn't really have any intention of blaming him. On the contrary, even if Xin Tailang didn't do anything, he would kick the coachman away with one kick.

Although he, Gelin Tianyu, is arrogant and domineering, he is not a villainous, treacherous person. It is fine to run around in the street in a carriage, but if he really hurts someone, he will definitely be the first to let him go.

So, in fact, when he sensed that someone was speeding up in front of the coachman, he was already ready to give the coachman a kick, but who knew that "Cheng Yaojin" suddenly appeared and cut off his beard.

And it was precisely because of this that Tianyu became interested in Xin Tailang, and even wanted to take him under his command.

However, his idea is doomed to fail...

"It's not very exciting. Besides, do you want to see your guardian spirit?"

Xin Tailang spread his hands, said lightly, and reminded Tian Yu.

Tian Yu was taken aback for a moment, then turned his head in confusion, and looked at his real red-eyed black dragon.

However, when he saw the real red-eyed black dragon's appearance at this time, Tian Yu immediately became dumbfounded.

"Xiaohong, what's wrong with you?"

Seeing the red-eyed black dragon curled up in front of him, with its head buried like an ostrich, Tian Yu turned pale with fright, quickly stroked the red-eyed black dragon's head, and asked in a panic.

"Woo~, that man is scary! I'm afraid."

The red-eyed black dragon opened his mouth, but despite his domineering, tall and mighty appearance, his voice was a little childish, with a milky tone, and his red pupils showed grievance and fear.

And after hearing what the red-eyed black dragon said, Tian Yu was like petrified, his expression froze instantly.


Tian Yu swallowed a mouthful of saliva, then turned around abruptly.

"How about it? Do you still want to accept me as a guard with a knife in front of the imperial court?"

Xin Tailang seemed to have found the fun, grinned, and joked to Tian Yu.

Hearing this, Tian Yu trembled all over, showing a smile uglier than dead parents, shaking his head repeatedly, and then...


"This senior, it's the kid who made a mistake!"

Without the slightest hesitation, everything seemed to come from instinct.

Tianyu bent his knees and knelt down directly, then raised his hands high and slammed on the ground, completely kneeling on the ground, apologizing to Xin Tailang for his "five body throwing to the ground".

Tianyu's operation made Xin Tailang stunned.

Xin Tailang didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and said, "Boy, you are really flexible!"

"Senior is right, boy, I can bend and stretch. But only for seniors like you who are powerful, invincible, domineering, tall and mighty, and graceful!"

Tian Yu answered the words immediately, his words seemed sincere, and his voice was full of emotion.

Core Wolf, "..."

"Get up!"

Xin Tailang couldn't help but laugh, and then raised his right hand in the air, forcefully lifting Tian Yu who was kneeling.

After Tian Yu stood up, his heart froze, and he thought to himself that luckily he knelt in time, and knelt in a hurry!

I have been with the red-eyed black dragon since I was a child, and I know the arrogance and fearlessness of my little red.

Even when facing his father, or even his ancestor, Xiao Hong always had his eyes high above his head, looking at people directly pointing his nose at his father and ancestor, with a look of contempt on his face.

However, when facing this Langxin, Xiaohong has not even started to fight, but Xiaohong directly admits to cowardice.

This made Tian Yu immediately understand that Lang Xin in front of him was completely pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger, and he was definitely a more terrifying existence than his ancestor!

As for the name Langxin, I'm afraid it's all fake!

Out of concern for his own life, Tianyu assumed the best solution posture...

"Boy, it can be seen that you are not bad. You may be a little naughty, but this is not the reason for you to be domineering. I hope you learn a lesson."

Seeing Tianyu kneeling so firmly and quickly, Xin Tailang couldn't take him too seriously, so he could only remind him verbally.

"Boy understands!"


Tianyu and the red-eyed black dragon stood straight, like two students admitting their mistakes, and immediately responded loudly.

Xin Tailang nodded, and then glanced at the red-eyed black dragon with a slight flicker in his eyes.

"Boy, how did your guardian spirit come here? Can you tell me about it?"

Xin Tailang looked at Tian Yu and asked suddenly.

Tian Yu was taken aback, hesitated for a moment, and said, "Senior, I can't speak out about Xiao Hong without authorization. If senior wants to know, you can go to my house to find my father."

Hearing this, Xin Tailang didn't force Tian Yu to ask, nodded and said, "In that case, then you can take me to your house, okay?"

"of course can!"

Tian Yu didn't hesitate, and immediately agreed.

Just kidding, if he deceives such a big senior... no, please go home, he will be so majestic!

My two elder brothers have to bow down!

Thinking about it, Tian Yu couldn't help showing a smirk.

And looking at Tianyu who was smirking, it made Xin Tailang confirm the idea that this guy's head was squeezed by the door when he was born.

After all, no matter how you look at it, this child seems to have an unintelligent temperament.

"Senior please!"

Afterwards, Tian Yu immediately showed his courtesy and let Xin Tailang get into the carriage.

Although Xin Tailang wanted to teleport away directly, since Tianyu invited him, he didn't refuse.

Just as he was about to walk towards the carriage, the three blood-scaled BMWs neighed suddenly, their eyes filled with fear, and then they ran for their lives and left their masters behind.

"What happened?"

Tian Yu was alert and looked around.


The purple light in the eyes under Xintailang's sunglasses surged, and regular mechanical lines flickered in the eyes.

Under a pair of purple pupils, the scene in front of him suddenly changed. He saw streaks of blood rushing to the sky forming a strange formation, sealing off the space, and pulling them into another space invisibly.


Tian Yu frowned, and immediately shook his sleeves and shouted, "Bold!"

"I am the third son of the Patriarch of the Green family. How can I hide my head and show my tail, and dare to do something to your young master?"

Tian Yu judged without hesitation that this formation must be aimed at him.

At the same time, he firmly believed that this formation must have been set up to catch him and then use it to threaten the Green family.

Xin Tailang rolled his eyes at Tian Yu, who was always inexplicably and strangely confident, and then looked around six ways, calmly observing his surroundings.

Suddenly, Xin Tailang's eyes fixed on a certain place, and said lightly, "Come out. It's useless to hide."

However, after Xintailang finished speaking, no one appeared, and the surroundings seemed very calm.

Xintailang shook his head, turned to Tianyu and said, "Let your little red aim there and launch an attack."

Tian Yu was puzzled, but he acted very quickly. He raised his right hand, stretched his five fingers, raised his arms flat on his chest, and then suddenly shouted loudly.

"True red-eyed black dragon, launch an attack and turn these people who hide their heads and show their tails into ashes!"

"Release! Angry Black Flame!!"

Amidst a burst of shameful lines and Xin Tailang's speechless expression, the red-eyed black dragon raised its head to the sky and screamed, and the crimson true flames burst out from its mouth, spraying towards the direction Xin Tailang pointed.


The real flames turned into a sea of ​​flames, making a crackling sound, as if even the air was burned by the black flames.


Suddenly, the sea of ​​flames was swept away by an invisible force, forming an arched gate, and then several figures in blood robes slowly walked out of it.

"The Flesh God Sect!"

Although Tianyu is a little bit in the second grade, he still has some knowledge. He is very familiar with the three major cults of the Holy Kingdom, so he immediately recognized that these people were members of the Flesh God Sect.

"The religion of flesh and blood? It seems that after I arrived in the Holy Kingdom, you will be the ones following me."

Xin Tailang looked calm and said slowly.

The leader Blood God smiled, and looked at Xin Tailang with a pair of blood pupils.

"As expected of a strong man from the earth star, it seems that you have discovered my people early in the morning! If so, why didn't you expose it?"

Xueshenzi showed a trace of curiosity, and his tone was calm as if he and Xintailang were reminiscing about old friends.

"When a group of ants follows a person, will humans specifically drive them away?"

"Or, do you think that mere ants can really keep up with the speed of humans?"

Xin Tailang's tone was very calm, and with a wave of his big hand, purple light surged all over his body, and he immediately changed back to his true face while speaking.

"You, you, me... you are General Wolf!!"

Seeing Xin Tailang who had changed back to his real face, Tian Yu was so startled that he couldn't speak clearly, his face turned pale with disbelief. …

Chapter 144 Difficult?Then don't do it! ;Strange flesh and blood gluttony

Since the auction of Tongtian Peak ended, the portraits of the powerful people on Earth and Star have been spread like crazy, and it can be said that everyone knows it.

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