
"Grandfather, father, eldest sister and second sister, eldest brother and second brother, don't come to greet me. It's too polite."

Tian Yu scratched his head, just finished saying this, but was taken aside by his dear father the next second.

That look clearly said, "Don't get in your way, kid!"

Tianyu, "..."

"General Wolf, old man Green Simon, this old man represents the Green family, warmly welcome you!"

Then, the ancestor of the Green family stepped forward, smiled, and welcomed Xin Tailang very warmly.

"The head of the Green family, Green Dongshi."

Immediately afterwards, Tianyu's cheap father and four older brothers and sisters also stepped forward to introduce themselves, especially Tianyu's four older brothers and sisters, who looked like little fans.

"You're welcome."

Xintailang remained calm and nodded slightly.

"General Wolf, thank you for taking care of those guys from the Flesh and Flesh Sect and avoiding a disaster in Guya City. At the same time, thank you for saving my little grandson."

Green Ximen looked grateful, and after glancing at Tianyu, he sincerely said to Xin Tailang and wanted to bow.

"The group of guys came for this general, and this general has to deal with it naturally. You don't need to be polite."

Xin Tailang supported Green Simon, and said indifferently, then he glanced at Tian Yu who was squatting beside him, and directly helped Green Simon up.

"My reason for coming, Tianyu, should have already told you that the true red-eyed black dragon is the guardian spirit, and summoning the guardian spirit is the power system of our earth-star human clan's Soul-Suppressing Street. It shouldn't exist in Tianxing."

"So, I want to know where Tian Yu obtained the true red-eyed black dragon from."

Xintailang didn't want to be polite all the time, so he directly started asking about the origin of the red-eyed black dragon.

Green Simon nodded, then stroked his beard, first asked Xin Tailang to sit down, and then he sat next to Xin Tailang. As for the others, even the Green family, they could only stand obediently. next to.

Of course, there was one exception, and that was Tian Yu, who squatted on the ground alone, not knowing what he was doing.

Looking at Xintailang, Green Ximen was silent for a while before speaking.

"General Wolf, the origin of the red-eyed black dragon is related to the inheritance and survival of my Green family. I can tell you, but I also hope that Xintailang, you can also show your sincerity..."

Speaking of this, Green Simon was actually very nervous, and the trembling fingers under the sleeve robe showed his restlessness.

Before Xin Tailang and Tian Yu arrived, he had already known what had happened through Tian Yu.

So I also know that the Xintai wolf in front of me is not just a peerless true king, but at least the existence of the realm of the king of gods!

Faced with such an existence, Green Ximen also considered for a long time before he dared to propose conditions.

Because, the origin of the true red-eyed black dragon is indeed related to the survival of the Green family. If it is spread, their Green family is likely to suffer catastrophe.

But when Xin Tailang came to ask, he dared not answer.

Therefore, Green Ximen can only gamble, and the gambling wolf is a sensible person...


"What do you want me to do?"

Xintailang spoke calmly, but Green Simon and the others were overjoyed, and at the same time couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Green Simon hurriedly said, "I don't need you to do anything, General Wolf, I just hope that you, General Wolf, will not spread the word after you know about it."

"In addition, my Green family... also hopes to gain the friendship of the wolf clan!"

That's right, Green Simon's idea is to establish a good relationship with the wolves, so as to get the blessing of the wolves.

Even though the Green family has never experienced the things that shocked Tianxing in the Realm of the Sky and the Demon Respect Tower, after learning about it, they know that Tianxing's current situation is extremely bad.

And the appearance of Earth Star is a signal and an opportunity!

To survive in this coming troubled world, the Green family must find a reliable ally, or backer.

Now the appearance of Xintailang is an excellent opportunity!

Xin Tailang glanced at Green Simon, showing a strange look, as if he didn't expect the other party to have such an idea.

However, he didn't think about refusing, it was just a trivial request for him.

"Of course there is no problem. The general came to Tianxing not only to participate in the auction, but also to find a stronghold in Tianxing, so as to prepare for the coming of the wolf clan in the future."

"Since your Green family is interested, the general will form an alliance with your Green family on behalf of the wolf clan. In addition, the general will not spread the news of the red-eyed black dragon."

"it is good!"

Seeing that Xintailang agreed so readily, Green Ximen was overjoyed, and quickly nodded in response.

Everyone on the side also smiled in surprise, Tian Yu, who was squatting on the ground, raised his head, then lowered his head, and continued to concentrate on drawing circles on the ground.

Anyway, with his grandfather and father around, it's not up to him to talk about these things, he just needs to wear an ear, and he doesn't care about the rest!

After reaching a consensus with the Green family, Xintailang also learned about the origin of the true red-eyed black dragon from Green Simon.

The real red-eyed black dragon was discovered by Green Simon in a secret place 1200 years ago.When discovered, the true red-eyed black dragon was placed in a gashapon, that is, the guardian spirit gashapon.

Moreover, there are many treasures in that secret realm. Green Ximen rose to become a peerless true king after obtaining the treasures in the secret realm, and led the Green family to become the strongest family in Guya City!

But after more than 1200 years, Green Simon still failed to fully explore the secret realm.

According to him, in the deepest part of the secret realm, there is a palace floating in the air. Even if Green Simon becomes the peerless true king, he still cannot get close to the palace...

Up to now, except for the palace, all the secrets in that secret realm have been figured out by the Green family and used as a base camp.

And because Green Simon has been carefully hiding it, no one knows that their Green family has such a secret realm.

In addition, after getting the gashapon of the real red-eyed black dragon, Green Simon also tried to open it, but he tried all the methods but could not succeed.

It wasn't until Tian Yu was born that the gashapon finally reacted. Not only did it open automatically, but the guardian spirit inside, the real red-eyed black dragon, also took the initiative to merge with Tian Yu!

Therefore, he also loves his little grandson very much, thinking that Tianyu will lead the Green family to a new height!

After learning about these things, Xin Tailang had the idea of ​​entering the secret realm, because he was very interested in the palace at the west gate of Greene.

Green Simon naturally also readily agreed, after all, the current Green family has completely stood on the same front as the wolf family, and he will respond to the requirements of Xintai Wolf.

However, before they could act, a sudden change interrupted Xin Tailang's actions. …

Over Guya City,

Xintailang and the members of Green's family stood in the void, looking at the soaring golden light in the distance, with different complexions.

"What a powerful force!"

Green Simon's pupils shrank. Even though he was so far away, he could still feel the trembling from his soul through the golden light.

As for the others, it was even more unbearable. If it wasn't for the protection of the core wolf, they would have been frightened by this breath and fell into the sky.

"Here comes the guy."


Tian Yu rode the real red-eyed black dragon and stayed beside Xin Tailang. After hearing the whispers in Xin Tailang's mouth, he couldn't help turning his head and asking.

"Heh, an arrogant yellow-skinned mouse..."

Xintailang raised his sunglasses, curled his lips, and said in a somewhat disgusted tone.

"Yellow...yellow mouse?"

Tianyu was stunned, whose mouse was yellow?

Nonsence!The point is wrong!

Whose mouse should be so strong?

With this level of horror, at least he could rub his grandfather on the ground ten times, right?

Xintailang didn't say much, but just quietly watched the golden light soaring into the sky.

Not long after, the golden light dispersed and turned into layers of floating golden ladders.

At the end of the golden ladder is a piece of golden land.

And on the golden land above the sky, two figures loomed.

"Well, this is the best angle."

Gilgamesh, also known as Jin Glittering, sat on a dazzling golden throne, spread his hands, looked down, and said with an extremely haughty smile.

Beside him, Asura stood with his head turned, not wanting to answer the other person's words.

Jin Shining didn't care either, he and Asura had a "cooperative relationship", it was enough for Asura to make a move when it was time to do so, and he didn't bother to pursue anything else.

"Hehe, I can feel the aura of many acquaintances..."

"very good!"

"The king's game needs an audience!"

The corners of Jin Shanshan's mouth curled up, and his jewel-like red pupils shone with divine light. …

Chapter 148 "The Treasure of the King";

Afterwards, Jin Glitter stood up slowly.

In an instant, the sky and the earth were filled with golden light, bursting out with a light even more dazzling than the sun.

The terrifying golden light spread, not only covering the entire holy country, but even spreading to farther places.

Standing beside Jin Shining, Asura could feel the horror of this power the most, and his red eyes couldn't help trembling slightly.

While the golden light enveloped the sky and the earth, it also caused countless creatures to panic, not knowing what happened.

sulfone sulfone!

In the Sixteen Continents of the Holy Kingdom, countless figures soared into the sky, looking at the "culprit" Jin Glittering with horror.

Even in the Temple of Light in the Holy Kingdom, the Holy Lord of Light, the Holy Pope, and the Commander of the Knights immediately burst into the air, and came to a place thousands of meters away from the glittering gold.

"Every time this guy shows up, nothing good happens!"

Xin Tailang shook his head, he had already expected Jin Glitter's exaggerated way of doing things.

At this time, Jin Jin, who was being watched by everyone, smiled, opened her hand, and spoke arrogantly.

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