"Stupid mortals! You are very honored to see the glory of this king!"

"Next, I will play a game. The winner can choose a treasure from my "King's Treasure" and get my blessing once!"

"After receiving the protection of this king, no matter what life or death crisis you encounter, this king will come forward to help you solve it!"

Jin Glitter is not only arrogant, but also extremely arrogant, and the madness of posture completely regards herself as a superior god.

In his words, it is "do not be arrogant and be a king"!

At this time, he showed his true colors as a king.

Hearing his words, everyone reacted differently. Although they were dissatisfied with Jin Shining's self-talking, arrogant and arrogant attitude, they also knew that Jin Shining was definitely an extremely powerful existence through this overwhelming and terrifying golden light. .

And the words of the strong are always reasonable and trustworthy, so the eyes of many of them have gradually become hotter.

"Where did this guy come from?"

The Holy Pope frowned, his eyes were serious and angry.

In the territory of the Holy Kingdom, is there anyone who is more arrogant than him? !

Depend on!

Who are you? !

"Hehe, go ask, don't you know who this guy is?"

The Lord Knight Commander glanced at the Holy Pope, smiled coldly, and sneered at the Holy Pope.


"To shut up!"

Just as the Holy Pope was about to argue with the Lord of the Knights, the Holy Lord of Light suddenly scolded him. The Holy Pope froze, snorted coldly, and did not speak again.

The Lord of Light looked at Jin Shining, and the holy light shone all over his body, which seemed to reflect his emotional fluctuations.

"It's Earth Star again...Earth Star..."

The Lord of Light muttered in his mouth, and there was a hint of indescribable meaning in his tone.

"Why should we believe you?"

"Also, how do we know what your treasures are? Is it precious?!"

Although many people believed the words of Jin Shining, there were also cautious people who questioned Jin Shining's words before seeing the actual "reward".

After hearing someone questioning herself, Jin Xingxing didn't show any surprise.

However, he subconsciously felt a little uncomfortable with this kind of questioning.

Jin Shining rolled his eyes and questioned his own person, and the other person was immediately enveloped by a terrifying force, showing a look of panic, and his limbs kept shaking.

Fortunately, Jin Xingshan looked away a second later, letting him breathe a sigh of relief, as if he had been reborn, and immediately lowered his head, not daring to look directly at Jin Xingxing again.

And Jin Xingshan with a calm face looked down at the crowd condescendingly, and his whole body was like a divine sun shining in the sky.

"Just because this king is Gilgamesh!"

"He is above gods and men, the greatest hero king in history! He is the most powerful hero king in history, unprecedented and never seen since!"

Just as Jin Shining finished speaking, a golden sky suddenly appeared behind him.

Ripples like water waves appeared in the golden sky, and in the middle of the ripples, weapons exuding world-shattering coercion were slowly revealed.

"The King's Treasure!"

The corner of Jin Shining's mouth raised, and his golden armor shone brightly, reflecting the sky and the earth.


In an instant, the terrifying power surpassing the sixth heaven of the true king swept across the world, and in the golden sky, countless treasures uttered golden sounds, disturbing the changing situation and shaking the sky and the earth.

Boom boom boom!

Jin Shining, who was venting her power to the fullest, was like a god, high above the sky, and the mysterious and ancient powerful aura made the whole sky boil.


Xin Tailang curled his lips, and rolled his eyes under the sunglasses, expressing his displeasure.

Somewhere in the Endless Sea, Marshal Hei and Brother Xiao Sa looked at each other, then raised their heads together.

"This yellow-skinned mouse hasn't belched yet?"

Marshal Hei snorted coldly, and immediately became upset after feeling the golden aura.

"Brother, I remember this guy used to make fun of me as an egg!"

Brother Xiao Sa, who was directing a group of sea beasts to move stones and build castles, turned his head, stared with small eyes, and said angrily.

"Heh, Marshal Ben certainly hasn't forgotten!"

"Want to be handsome? That handsome man is also here to join in the fun!"

Marshal Hei's eyes sparkled with lightning, and an aura not weaker than Jin Glittering burst out from him and shot straight into the sky.

In an instant, thunder and lightning roared in the sky thousands of miles away, directly equal to Jin Glittering's coercion.

"Brother, it seems that your injury is recovering well!"

Seeing this scene, Xiao Sa smiled and said.

Marshal Hei raised his head and smiled proudly, "Although he hasn't fully recovered, it's enough!"

"However, after so many years, this yellow-skinned mouse should not stand still. It seems that he still has reservations."

Marshal Hei raised his reading glasses, a glint of thunder flashed in his eyes.

At this time, Marshal Hei is no longer just the sixth heaven of the true king, but has "recovered" to the seventh heaven of the true king.

The crown produces a canopy, and all laws are invincible!

It is said to be recovery, but in fact, Jiang Qiyu upgraded all the "hands-on" that have appeared so far before releasing the yellow skin... Jin Shining.

It also includes the three generals of Marshal Hei, Brother Xiaosha, Daoyang, Xintailang, Steel Sea Dragon Beast, Whitebeard, and Beechburg.

Among them, Brother Xiaosa and Biqibao, the three generals, only promoted him to the sixth heaven of the true king.One is that Jiang Qiyu's willingness value has bottomed out a bit after promoting others.The second is that these people are enough for the real kings and sixth heavens.

Brother Xiao Sa has handsome Hei, so it's not his turn to make a move.

And behind the three generals of Biqibao, there are still several people who have not yet been born. The real king Liuchongtian is just right. If you encounter problems that cannot be solved, then call someone directly~~

And in order to promote others to the Seventh Heaven, Jiang Qiyu bleeds a lot, just like Marshal Hei, he added two seven-star cards.

[Character name: Marshal Hei]


[Newly added basic card 2: "Wind Thunder" and "Fire Thunder" (7 stars)

The Great Dark Sky Thunder God has obtained nine kinds of innate god thunder, gold, wood, water, fire, earth, wind and rain, heaven and earth.Every kind of innate divine thunder possesses supreme power.

Among them, the wind and thunder are ninety-nine grinding souls and soul thunders, which are designed to conquer the soul and soul, and can blow out their three souls and six souls.

The fire and thunder are the gods of burning silence in the sky. The thunder and fire are dedicated to the body. Nothing is indestructible, and nothing is indestructible. Even the holy body cannot escape the extinction. 】

And after having these two kinds of divine lightning, Marshal Hei's strength also broke through to the seventh heaven of the true king, and the thunder and lightning supernatural power became more and more terrifying.

It is also because of this that Marshal Hei can erupt with a power not inferior to that of Jin Shining. ap.

Jin Xingshan, who was far away in the Holy Kingdom, also felt the breath of Marshal Hei, showing a look of bad luck.


This stinky egg is really annoying!snort! "

Jin Shining snorted coldly, then looked at the completely convinced crowd, and couldn't help but raise the corner of her mouth.

Jin Shining knew that his goal had been achieved, and immediately put away the "King's Treasure", and the sky returned to its normal color, and the people who were overwhelmed also panted heavily as if they had escaped from death.

"True King Seventh Heaven!"

"People from the earth star are not restricted by the rules of the sky star!!"

The Holy Lord of Light fluctuated greatly and could not calm down for a long time.

As one of the strongest players in Tianxing, the Holy Lord of Light knows how serious the rules and restrictions of Tianxing are today, the sixth heaven cannot break through, and the seventh heaven cannot be born!

Now Tianxing has completely become a cage.

The Lord of Light is always looking for ways to break through the rules and restrictions of Tianxing; or leave Tianxing and go outside Tianxing to break through.

However, he has never succeeded...

Now, looking at the might of Jin Glittering, Holy Master Guangming seems to have a huge wave in his heart, unable to calm down.

"Holy Nation, how many world passages are there?"

The Lord of Light restrained his emotions and asked suddenly.

"Three, but they are all in relatively remote places, and they are not completely stable, so they are still impassable for the time being."

"I've already sent people to guard it. Once there is a change, or people with Earth Star come out of it, they will know immediately."

Hearing the Holy Lord of Light's inquiry, the Knight Commander of the Lord immediately spoke first, thinking that the Holy Lord of Light was worried that there would be new earth star powerhouses coming out of it and affecting the Holy Kingdom.

The Lord of Light nodded slightly, and didn't speak any more, but just quietly looked at Jin Shining, seemingly lost in thought. …

Chapter 149 Xin Tailang: Heh, King of Heroes~; A Man More Vicious than a Poisonous Snake

And after Jin Xingxing restrained her power, she immediately opened her mouth.

"My king's game is very simple. My heroic spirit killed the leader of the Flesh and Flesh Sect before, and found a secret place in the old lair of the Flesh and Flesh Sect. In that secret place, a disgusting extraterrestrial demon was born."

"And what you have to do is to kill that despicable life form first."

"Of course, if that despicable life form unfortunately hatches, the difficulty of beheading will definitely increase, and the risk factor will naturally increase. Therefore, the weak are forbidden to participate in this game!"

"My lord, I don't want my eyes to be stained with your filthy blood."

Jin Xingxian sat on the golden throne again, and Erlang raised his legs, arrogantly, and said calmly.

After hearing this, everyone was in an uproar.

"The leader of the Flesh God Cult? Didn't that guy be dealt with by you, General Wolf?"

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