Tian Yu was taken aback for a moment, very puzzled.

Xin Tailang's face was calm, but he couldn't help showing a hint of strangeness, "Yellow skin...Jin Shining is annoying, but he is absolutely proud and will not lie. It seems that the blood god son does have some skills, and he was able to escape. This general's lore."

"Unfortunately, it's just that I don't have much skill..."

After finishing speaking, Xin Tailang shook his head.

Then, he couldn't help looking at Jin Shining, and snorted coldly.

"But this guy is really messing around. If the extraterrestrial demons don't deal with it immediately, they still want to play such a meaningless game!"

"General Wolf, I don't know what is the origin of this self-proclaimed hero king?"

At this time, Green Simon couldn't help asking, and the others looked over curiously.

After Xin Tailang was silent for a while, he said lightly, "I don't know the specific origin of this guy, but he claims to be the king of heroes who is "two-thirds god and one-third human". Yes, unable to verify."

"Anyway, the general's dislike for this guy is true. No one despises him for being a man all day long. He also built a golden city on the planet Earth, which is called "the home of all treasures", hehe..."

After finishing speaking, Xin Tailang turned his head, and his dislike of Jin Shining was written all over his face.

The Green family was silent, not to mention anything else, just the word "God" was enough to shock their nerves infinitely.

"Well, I have already said what I should say, next..."

"Show your strength, come and entertain me!"

Jin Shining raised the corner of his mouth, snapped his fingers with his right hand, and Asura walked out, and the terrifying power surged and swept the world.


The eyes of Asura wearing the evil ghost mask became more and more red. After a cold drink, he stretched out his right hand, and a giant hand of Baizhang Shura appeared in the void.

Shura's giant hand descended from the sky, smashed the altar under the cliff, and grabbed a blood-red vortex from it.

And this bloody vortex is the spatial door of the secret realm, which means that what Ashura is holding is not just a door, but the entire secret realm.

This scene once again aroused the horror and discussion of the crowd of onlookers.

It wasn't until now that they noticed that there was such a terrifying existence beside Jin Xingxian!

"It's another Seventh Heaven..."

The Lord of Light was extremely shocked, and the holy light all over his body kept flickering, as if it would go out in the next moment.

"Also, this person...why do I feel like I've met him there?"

Immediately afterwards, the Holy Lord of Light paid attention to Asura's attire again, the holy light in his eyes flickered, and the thoughts in his heart were like messy balls of wool, which became more and more chaotic.

"Heroic spirit? When did this guy, Jin Shining, acquire this heroic spirit?"

"Moreover, this breath seems to come from the stars..."

Although Xin Tailang had noticed Asura beside Jin Xingxian a long time ago, he didn't really pay attention to him until the other party showed his strength.

"You actually let me do this kind of thing!"

"If it wasn't for this guy being the King of Heroes...Hmph!"

Asura, who was a coolie, snorted coldly in his heart, very upset, but unable to resist.

After all, now that he is attached to the Heroic Spirit Platform, he must obey the words of the heroic spirit master, that is, Jin Shining.

Thinking of this, Asura couldn't help feeling a little dazed.

He died in the battle of the gods, woke up again, and the first person he saw was Jin Shining.

According to Jin Xingxian, he and many of the dead people in Tianxing were selected by the oldest artifact "Heroic Spirit Platform" to become immortal heroic spirits.

Jin Shining is the master of the Heroic Spirit Platform, and all the heroic spirits must be sent by him.

And he was the first Heroic Spirit to wake up, that's why Jin Shining called him "Heroic Spirit No. [-]" earlier.

At that time, Asura, who was once the king of the demon clan, naturally wouldn't believe what Jin Xingxing said.

However, when he wanted to test Jin Xingxuan, he offended the gods, his soul and body became unstable instantly, and he suffered great pain.

In this regard, Jin Xingxian only explained one sentence lightly, that is, "the heroic spirit cannot disobey the order of the heroic spirit king, let alone hurt the heroic spirit king."

After that pain, Asura also resigned to his fate, at least it is a miracle that he is still alive.

You know, he was so dead that there was not even a scum left, and his soul was completely annihilated. It is a great fortune that he can still exist now! …

"Holy Lord, we..."

The Holy Pope and the Lord of the Knights looked at the Holy Lord of Light and asked.

"Let's go! Let's not mention the reward he proposed, the extraterrestrial demon in this secret realm came from the hands of the Flesh God Sect, and it's in our Holy Kingdom, so we should deal with it."

The Holy Lord of Light spoke indifferently, and then left through the air, directly entering the secret realm, followed by the Holy Pope and the Lord of the Knights.

"Hey hey hey! This kind of excitement, how can our three grassland bullies be missing!"

Immediately afterwards, three creatures with different appearances came through the sky, they were the three bullies of Qingqing Grassland.

They rubbed their hands together and walked into the secret realm with excited faces.

Lively or something, they like it best.

Not to mention there are rewards, so they must not be absent.

"General Wolf, are we going?"

Seeing that many people have entered the secret realm, Tian Yu is also eager to try.

He looked at Xintailang excitedly, and the red-eyed black dragon below him also roared.

Hearing this, Xin Tailang was about to nod, but suddenly noticed a figure rushing into the secret realm, and immediately, his expression couldn't help changing.

He thought for a moment, and finally shook his head, "No need! That guy is enough for the extraterrestrial demons."

"Who? Who?"

Hearing this, Tianyu was taken aback immediately, then looked around, turning his head around curiously.

Xintailang raised his eyes, his eyes were slightly dignified.

"A guy who is more vicious than a poisonous snake..."...

"Hehe, here comes an interesting person."

At the same time, Jin Shining suddenly turned her head, looking at the gate of the secret realm supported by Shura's giant hand, a golden light flashed in her eyes.


Asura frowned slightly, looking at Jin Shining and asked.

Jin Jingling slowly closed her eyes, leaned her back on the golden throne, and opened her mouth slowly.

"A certain chilling conspirator, his people are here..."

"Heh, it's a good thing that guy didn't come in person, otherwise... it would be a completely uncontrollable trouble..."

Jin Shining slowly opened her eyes, a look of solemnity and fear flashed through the bright red pupils.

And hearing what Jin Shining said, Asura couldn't help being surprised.

"There are people in this world who make you so afraid?"

Asura's eyes moved slightly, and he asked a question tentatively.

Jin Shining rolled her eyes at Asura, smiled suddenly, and then spread her hands.

"Hey, although I don't want to admit it, Earthstar is a gathering place for monsters!"

"Currently some guys in Earth and Stars are not weaker than Senior Shenhuang at all, they are only short of time..."

"Of course, this king is not weaker than others!"

"But you have to know that in this world, it's not just pure power that makes people afraid..."

Speaking of this, Jin Xingshan didn't say any more, but with a big wave of his hand, he transformed into a huge light screen that could see every part of the secret realm, and quietly enjoyed the "game".

Seeing that Jin Glitter stopped talking, Asura didn't ask again, but he had already got a lot of information from what Jin Glitter said.

At this time, in the secret realm, everyone who entered it became vigilant.

Because this secret realm is really abnormal, as soon as you enter it is blood red, the sky and the ground are blood red, even the vegetation is blood red, and it will attack people.

Of course, there are also pure reckless...

boom! boom! boom!

"Kill you! Kill you! How dare you bite your grandpa's ass! Kill grandpa!"

The three prairie bullies looked ferocious, holding a ten-meter mace, and bombarded a bloody thorn forest indiscriminately. The others were terrified and hurried away, fearing that they would be affected.


Seeing the behavior of the three bullies in the grassland, the Holy Pope frowned, very dissatisfied, and looked disdainful to be with them.

Hearing this, the Lord Knight Commander immediately taunted the Holy Pope, "What's wrong with you? Do you think everyone is like you, only squatting behind and making sneak attacks?"

"You bastard! You're the one to sneak attack! The long-distance attack developed by the pope is called master control in the back!"

The Holy Pope blew his beard and stared, and directly scolded the Lord Knight Commander.

The Lord of Light stood aside, silent, and he didn't bother to care about these two late-stage brain-dead guys.


"Hey, three, I wonder if I can borrow a way."

Just as the Holy Pope and the Lord of the Knights were fighting each other, and the Lord of Light was looking around, a voice suddenly sounded from behind them.

This voice, just listening to it, seems to give people a biting chill that is surrounded by poisonous snakes.

At this moment, the three Holy Lords of Light changed their colors at the same time, turned their heads suddenly, and looked at the source of the voice.

"Well, don't be nervous. I just want to pass here. After all, apart from this road, there are blood plants that eat people all around. I don't want to get hurt."

The source of the voice was a man with short light purple hair wearing a long suit with a white background and black borders, a light blue belt around his waist.

The man smiled and squinted his eyes, like a crescent moon, and his handsome face was as cold and white as a snake. Although there was a friendly smile on his face, it gave off a deadly chill.

And on his waist, there is a short knife pinned, so he can't see through the details.

"What a weird person..."

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