Under the holy light of the Holy Lord of Light, his complexion froze slightly.

"It's a strong man! We didn't notice his approach!"

Then, the Holy Pope transmitted the voice to the two, with a dignified tone, and the Lord Knight Commander also nodded in his heart, and became vigilant at the same time.

"Well, that... can you let me?"

Seeing that the three of them didn't respond, the man couldn't help opening his mouth again, pointing to the way behind the three of them.

"Feel sorry!"

After the Holy Lord of Light nodded, he immediately gave way, and the Holy Pope and the Lord of the Knights followed suit.

"Thank you."

Seeing the three move away, the smile on the man's face became even wider, and his eyes narrowed even more, turning into a slit, and at the same time more like a poisonous snake...

After thanking them, the man passed the three of them and walked along the road.

"Sir, could you tell me your name?"

Just when the man was about to walk away, the Lord of Light turned his head to look at the man, and suddenly spoke without warning.

The man paused, turned his head to look at the Lord of Light, and the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

"Well, of course."

"Next, Ichimaru Gin."

Chapter 150 Ichimaru Gin's Origin and Identity;

Somewhere in the Scarlet Secret Realm, it is surrounded by layers of scarlet vegetation, which is extremely secretive.

However, in a place covered by so many scarlet vegetation, there is a large vacuum in the middle, which seems very disharmonious.

In the vacuum zone, there is also a huge pool of blood. The scarlet liquid in the pool of blood flows and makes a gurgling sound.

In the center of the blood pool, there was a giant blood-colored cocoon of more than five meters standing. The cocoon beat regularly, just like a heart.

Because of the cover of vegetation, there is silence here, so quiet that not even a single insect cry can be heard, which makes the silence become dead silence.

However, after a while, this eerie silence will be broken.

Because, outside the layers of blood-colored vegetation, an uninvited guest came...

"Yeah! It's really hard to find."

"However, although it took some effort, I finally found it."


Outside the bloody vegetation forest, a smiling man appeared.

It was Ichimaru Gin who had a "chance encounter" with the three Holy Masters of Light.

"There are so many blood plants, lah, what a troublesome job~~"

"However, who let Master Aizen explain it!"

Looking at the blood-colored vegetation forest that was bigger than the bird's nest, Ichimaru Gin showed a little headache, and then changed into a poisonous snake-like smile.

He suddenly raised his head and looked towards the sky, as if he had noticed something.

And outside the secret realm, Jin Glitter happened to meet the eyes of Nakaichi Marugin in the light screen.

"Hmph, Ichimaru Gin, the breath is still so cold and annoying!"

Jin Shining snorted coldly, as if she didn't like Ichimaru Gin.

Asura stood beside him, and immediately said, "Is he the one you said?"

"That's right!"

Jin Glitter nodded.

"Ichimaru Gin... who is he?"

"We are on the same front now, I think I should know some information about the earth and stars."

Asura couldn't help asking, and then added another sentence.

Jin Shining glanced at him, and said lightly, "Ichimaru Gin, he's just a traitor!"


"That's right, this guy was originally the Shinigami of Seireitei, and he served as the captain of the [-]rd division of the Gotei [-]th Division, but later defected to Seireitei with Aizen Sosuke of the [-]th Division of the Goutei [-]th Division. False circle."

"Oh, don't look at me with doubts, the king hasn't finished yet."

Noticing Asura's increasingly confused eyes, Jin Xing said lightly.

"Seireitei and Xuquan are both the forces of the earth and stars, and they are opposing forces. And the creatures among them are not human beings. In Seireitei, there are soul creatures called gods of death. Zanpakuto is their source of strength."

"And the creatures in the virtual circle are also soul bodies, but they are fallen soul bodies, which are called "xu". The low-level virtual is like a beast without a brain. Gain wisdom and strength from it.”

"Seireitei and Xuquan have always been in a state of hostility, and Seireitei has been suppressing Xuquan and has the upper hand. But this situation changed after Aizen's rebellion."

"After he went to the virtual circle, he became the king of the virtual circle. He who dominated the virtual circle ruled all the virtual circles, and established the Xuye Palace, formed the Ten Blades, and competed with the Seireitei Chamber, and the conflicts continued. But in the world Under the command of the Lord, there has never been a great war that can destroy one of them."

"And after this Ichimaru Gin and Aizen rebelled against Seireitei, he became the general officer of the virtual circle, and he is an extremely important figure in the virtual circle. This guy is always like a poisonous snake, and he is good at hiding."

"So far, except for Aizen, no one knows what stage his strength is at..."

After finishing speaking, Jin Xingxing looked towards the light screen again, her pair of red pupils flickered slightly.

And when Jin Shining told Asura these words, Xin Tailang was holding a loudspeaker, so that what Jin Shining said could be heard clearly by the Green family.

It turned out that after Ichimaru Gin appeared in the light screen, Tian Yu and others also saw it. At the same time, Tian Yu noticed the change in Xin Tailang's expression, so he also asked about Ichi Maru Gin.

Xin Tailang didn't bother to talk, and saw that Jin Glitter was explaining, so he took out the "your voice, I'll amplify" loudspeaker that he invented in his spare time.

The only use of this speaker is to amplify the voice of the designated person, but it can only lock on the target within a hundred miles at most.

At this time, Jin Shining also noticed that her voice was amplified by the strange horn in Xin Tailang's hands, and several veins appeared on her forehead.

"Xin Tailang, how dare you amplify the voice of the king without the king's permission!"

Jin Xing looked at Xin Tailang coldly, gritted his teeth for a while, and said to Xin Tailang very unhappy.

"Ha ha."

The corner of Xin Tailang's mouth raised slightly, and he just smiled coldly.

Then, he turned up the sound of the speaker to the maximum and turned on the replay function.

Ever since, within a hundred li radius, the voice of Jin Glittering reverberated.


Jin Shining's face darkened, and his palm suddenly slapped on the golden throne, a wave of supreme divinity spread, making the space crackle.

Xin Tailang is also not used to Jin Glittering. With a shake of his right hand, a chip landed in the palm of his hand, and the power emitted by this chip is even more frightening than the chip used by Xin Tailang when he transformed.

The two faced each other tit for tat, and their divine senses confronted each other invisibly.

After a while, the momentum of the two stopped at the same time, and after Qiqi snorted coldly, they turned their heads away from looking at each other.

Just now, the invisible spiritual confrontation seemed to be evenly matched.

Seeing this scene, the Green family was both surprised and delighted. They didn't expect Xintailang to be so powerful that he could compete with this mighty hero king.

"Wow! General Wolf, you are too powerful!"

"By the way, General Wolf, can you accept me as an apprentice?"

Tian Yu was even more direct, looking at Xin Tai Lang excitedly, and then changed the subject suddenly, wanting to learn from Xin Tai Lang as a teacher.

At this moment, everyone was stunned, even Xin Tailang was stunned, and looked at Tian Yu in amazement.

"You want to worship me as a teacher?"...

On the other side, in the secret realm.

"Gilgamesh... I remember that Aizen-sama is also very interested in him, Heroic Spirit..."

Ichimaru Gin lowered his head, his eyes slightly opened, revealing a little light blue pupils.

"Forget it, let's deal with the immediate problem first, Master Aizen told me that we must take this thing back."

Then, Ichimaru Gin looked at the bloody vegetation forest in front of him, and raised his right hand calmly.

"Breaking the Way 31o Red Cannon!"

Ichimaru Gin opened his lips slightly, and calmly spit out a few words. ap.

The next moment, on the palm of his right hand, a mass of crimson scorching energy condensed and blasted towards the blood-colored vegetation forest.


With a loud bang, the red flames enveloped the entire scarlet vegetation forest and burned it up instantly.

"Yeah, it went well."

Ichimaru Gin smiled, put down his hands, and walked out.


"What happened here?"

After Ichimaru Gin destroyed the blood-colored vegetation forest, several figures came from the sky.

After seeing the messy scene, someone raised a question.

"It's him!"

Among the crowd, the Lord of Light immediately noticed the back of Ichimaru Gin.

"Holy Lord, look at that!"

At this time, the Lord of Heaven made a sound, and the Lord of Light looked at it, and a pool of blood and a blood cocoon in the center came into view impressively.

"That should be the extraterrestrial demon, before it hatches, let's do it!"

The Holy Pope took out a white jade crested staff and said hastily.

The Lord of Light did not speak, but just looked closely at Ichimaru Gin's back.

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