"Hahaha! Let me come!"

At this time, three figures rushed out, descended from the sky, and waved the mace in their hands towards the blood cocoon.

These three were the three bullies in the grassland, and they directly chose to fight without the slightest hesitation.

The three of them are all true kings and third heavens, so it is no small matter to make a move. When the mace fell, it was like a meteorite falling. Just the waves it raised would crack the earth.

However, after the three maces smashed on the blood cocoon, the blood cocoon suddenly let out a neigh, and the terrifying sonic power directly flew the three of them away, and scratched them all over like a knife blade, causing their blood to spill wildly.


"I have encountered a hard stubble!"

"The wind is screaming!"

The three tyrants in the grassland turned pale with fright. After tumbling several times in the air, they tacitly transformed into three beams of light and rushed straight to the exit of the secret realm.

After some operations, everyone was dumbfounded.

"You're so decisive!"

The Lord Knight Commander had a strange expression on his face. Thinking of the arrogant and irritable appearance of these three people before, he couldn't help sighing that the three words "knowing the current affairs" are really inspiring.

"Holy Master, do you want to make a move?"

Then, the Lord Knight Commander asked the Holy Lord of Light again.

Although the blood cocoon knocked away the three true law kings with only the power of sound waves, it was nothing to them, at least not enough to make them back down.

However, the Lord of Light kept staring at Gin Ichimaru and did not speak.

At this time, Ichimaru Gin finally walked in front of the blood pond.

"Very strong vitality, you will be a good test subject..."

The corner of Shimaru Gin's mouth curled up slightly, and his left hand was placed on the handle of the knife at his waist. …

Chapter 151 The Talkative Ichimaru Gin; Shoot Him!Sharpshooter!

"Ang! Aang!!"

The extraterrestrial demon in the blood cocoon seemed to sense danger and let out a piercing hiss. The terrifying sound wave power shook all directions, causing the expressions of everyone around to change, and immediately opened the protective cover.

None of the people who entered the secret realm was lower than the real king, and with the appearance of the three bullies in the grassland, the real king's third heaven and below felt withdrawn and left the secret realm.

So there are not many people in the secret realm now, there are less than ten in total, but each of them is at least the existence of the fourth heaven of true kings.

However, at this moment, except for the three Guangming Holy Masters, the other five people have already begun to withdraw, but they are unwilling to give up when they think of the reward given by Jin Glittering.

In addition, they saw that the three of them were all there, and they had some confidence in their hearts, and they already planned to fish in troubled waters.

Give it a go, maybe they will catch up with the final blow to this extraterritorial demon, and thus get a reward.

So, while opening the protective cover to protect themselves, they watched the blood cocoon closely, waiting for the opportunity.

And Gin Ichimaru, who was closest to the blood cocoon, raised his right hand to point at the blood cocoon after driving away the sonic power of the blood cocoon.

"Thundering carriage, gap in the spinning wheel, this thing has light, divided into six..."

"The 61o six-stick light prison that binds the Tao!"

After Ichimaru Gin recited the chant, a golden light surged from his fingertips, and the next moment six pieces of light condensed in the void, forming a circle and inserting them on the blood cocoon for an instant, locking the blood cocoon.


There was a scream in the blood cocoon, trying to break free from the six-stick light prison, but he couldn't move, and even the power of the sound wave was suppressed.

"What power is this?"

Everyone on the side was shocked.

"Gin Ichimaru was chanting a spell just now, could it be magic?"

The holy pope's eyes narrowed slightly. He just said this, but he denied himself the next moment.

"No! It's not magic. It doesn't have magic fluctuations, and it's completely different from magic! It's a completely different kind of power!"

The Holy Pope is a supernatural being. The supernatural power is an S-level supernatural ability "Great Magician", which belongs to the inherited supernatural power. At the moment of awakening the supernatural power, countless magic appeared in his mind.

As long as he has enough power, he can use any magic, even some forbidden techniques with devastating power.

However, those forbidden techniques are not only difficult to control, but also performed entirely by fate, so he will never use forbidden techniques before encountering a life-and-death crisis.

As a great magician, the Holy Pope can naturally see that the methods performed by Ichimaru Gin are completely different from magic, and there is only a slight similarity.

"This may be Death's unique method."

The Lord of Light suddenly spoke, knowing that Ichimaru Gin is a god of death.

It turned out that there were eyeliners arranged by him throughout the Holy Kingdom. After Xin Tailang amplified Jin Shining's words with a loudspeaker, he already knew about the death god and the virtual circle through the eyeliners arranged.

"He's leaving!"

"Stop him!"

While they were talking, Gin Ichimaru conjured up a chain of spiritual power to bind the blood cocoon, then flew up, holding the blood cocoon and preparing to leave.

Seeing this, the other five immediately stepped forward to stop them.

"Hey, everyone, what's the matter?"

Ichimaru Gin tilted his head and looked at the five people in front of him with a smile on his face.

Among these five people, there is a rhinoceros demon who is a true king of the fourth heaven, and the other four are all human races, and one of them is a peerless true king, who is the ancestor of the Yoel clan in the Keryo continent next to the ancient Asia. Leon.

Although Joulton is getting old, he is still the true peerless true king, and the other three human races are also faintly dominated by Joulton.

"Ahem! My little friend, that King of Heroes asked me to kill the extraterrestrial demons in the blood cocoon. I'm afraid it's against the rules for you to do so."

Joulton made an old voice, and his dead tree-like face moved slightly as he spoke, looking a little weird.

"Well, how about..."

"But I'm also here to complete the task, and I need to catch the alive and go back, so this thing can't be killed."

"But you can rest assured that after I take it away, I will guarantee that it will never appear in Tianxing again, how about it?"

Shi Yinwan showed a look of helplessness, as if he was a little embarrassed, and after pondering for a moment, he proposed.

The five looked at each other, and Joulton spoke again.

"Little friend, it's not that I'm making things difficult for you, it's just that you must keep this blood cocoon. For the safety of Tianxing, we can only rest assured if you kill it on the spot."

Joulton saw that Ichimaru Gin seemed to be easy to speak, showing a serious look, and his words were righteous, as if he was really just trying to kill the blood cocoon and protect Tianxing.

"This old man, Joulton, is getting more and more hypocritical with age!"

The Lord Knight Commander showed a hint of sarcasm, and transmitted voices to the Holy Pope and the Holy Lord of Light.

"Yorton is old, and his body has begun to decay. His comprehension of the profound meaning of dry glory has been stuck at "dry", but he cannot realize "glory". With his age and the special meaning of the profound meaning, he has not long to live."

"Yorton probably wanted to kill the extraterritorial celestial demons, so that he could get the hero King Gilgamesh a chance to fill his body with spiritual power."

"A true King of the Seventh Heaven who is in his prime, his spiritual power is not only powerful, but also contains the ultimate life force. For Joulton, who is stagnant in the profound meaning, it will be a chance to usher in a new life."

The Holy Lord of Light sees it very clearly. In his eyes, Joulton is like a decayed tree full of wormholes, which is already crumbling.

"But Gilgamesh didn't promise this matter, isn't Joulton that guy afraid that the bamboo basket will be empty?"

The Lord Knight Commander was puzzled, the reward Jin Glitter promised did not include spiritual power infusion.

Coupled with Jin Glitter's character of "one is one and self-respect", Joulton's request without authorization is likely to be considered by Jin Glitter as Joulton's dissatisfaction with his reward, which arouses Jin Glitter's anger.

At that time, let alone instilling spiritual power, it is hard to say whether he can save his life.

"Even if it's a gamble, he can't give up. Otherwise, after his death, the Joel family will surely fall and suffer a devastating blow."

The Lord of Light shook his head slightly, and then looked at the smiling Gin Ichimaru with a slight twinkle in his eyes.

"However, I'm afraid it will be difficult for Joulton to fulfill his wish..."

"Well, it seems that you don't want me to leave."

After hearing what Joulton said, Ichimaru Gin knew that the other party would never let him take away the blood cocoon.

Joulton didn't speak any more, but his slightly straightened body already explained everything.

At the same time, the other four people also dispersed immediately, and quietly surrounded Ichimaru Gin.

Everyone is here to kill the extraterrestrial demon, but you want to take it away alive, so that everyone has no fun!

In this way, who would want to? !

"Oh, it really is a troublesome job..."

Gin Ichimaru shook his head slightly, feeling very helpless, but at the same time his eyes, smiling like crescent moons, slightly opened, staring at Joulton in front of him.

But being stared at by Gin Ichimaru, Joulton couldn't help feeling a chill in his heart.


Five to one, the advantage is mine!

"Little friend, I wonder if you have considered it well?"

Joulton showed a slight smile, although he was asking, his tone seemed a little aggressive.

Ichimaru Gin spread out his hands, and the corners of his mouth slightly raised, "Well, then there's nothing I can do, after all, I don't want to get hurt either."

Saying that, Ichimaru Gin stretched out his right hand holding the chain to Joulton, under which was hanging a blood cocoon.

It seems that he has given up his plan to take the blood cocoon, and is going to give the blood cocoon to Joulton.

Looking at the chains in front of him, although Joulton's eyes showed a look of joy, he did not relax his vigilance.

After Joulton gave the other four people a look to signal that they were always on guard against Ichimaru Gin, he smiled at Ichimaru Gin. ap.

"He who understands current affairs is a hero, and Xiaoyou deserves to be a person who can do great things."

After pretending to praise Ichimaru Gin, Joulton raised his hand to take the chain.

At this time, there was silence all around, everyone shut their mouths and did not speak.

Under Joulton's signal, the other four stared at Ichimaru Gin, and if the opponent made any changes, they would attack with thunderous force.

However, they all overlooked one thing.

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