That is, some things cannot be wiped away by simple vigilance...

For example, the gap in strength!

When Joulton was about to touch the chain, something happened.

"Shoot him! Sharp gun!"

Suddenly, a devilish whisper sounded.

In an instant, a silver light shone, and brought a bloody flower.


Joulton's pupils constricted, his mouth opened wide, and blood gushed out of it constantly.

And on his neck, a long knife nearly [-] meters passed through his throat.

Blood sprayed from Joulton's neck, but there was no trace of blood on the silver-white knife, and the silver light shone, showing the sharpness of the blade.

It happened so suddenly, in just an instant, no one expected this kind of thing to happen.

Suddenly, the long knife that pierced Joulton's neck retracted and turned into a short blade, and the one holding the short blade was Gin Ichimaru.


At this moment, the other four people finally came back to their senses, and immediately made a move to Ichimaru Gin.

"It's too slow..."

The corners of Ichimaru Gin's mouth curled up slightly, and his figure disappeared in an instant. The four of them fought together, and instead of hitting Ichimaru Gin, they hit each other with fists and palms, and sent their own people flying.

And just as the four of them flew upside down, the devilish whisper sounded again.

"Shoot him! Sharp gun!"


The silver light suddenly appeared, piercing the rhinoceros demon, and it still penetrated from the Tianling cover to the sole of the foot.

Ichimaru Gin's figure appeared above the rhino demon, with a wave of his left hand and a movement of the long knife in his hand, he directly split the rhino demon into two.

After a short while, Ichimaru Gin flashed like a ghost, piercing through the remaining three people one by one, and the time to kill four people in a row was not even enough to blink once.

"It's so fast! This speed... has no spatial fluctuations, and it's just a teleportation achieved by relying on physical strength!"

The face of the God Knight Commander who was watching the battle changed slightly, his tone was dignified, and at the same time, he couldn't help holding the silver knight gun at his waist with his right hand.

With the speed of Ichimaru Gin, he has to be vigilant. Only by holding the weapon tightly can he react in time when Ichimaru Gin might attack him.

The holy pope also clenched his white jade crested staff tightly, and at the same time secretly blessed himself with several defensive spells, just in case.

Only the Lord of Light remained unmoved.

But it's not that Ichimaru Gin's speed is not worth moving him, but that he thinks Ichimaru Gin is very strong!

When he saw Ichimaru Gin for the first time, he knew that this man with a foxy smile and a viper-like cold aura must be terrifyingly strong!

Therefore, it was within his expectation that Ichimaru Gin displayed this speed.

"However, although the knife in his hand is weird, it can extend a hundred times in length in an instant, but the attack power does not seem to be strong!"

"That fellow Joulton is not dead yet..."

Chapter 152 As expected of an old fox; Swastika...

"People who are full of death are the most difficult to kill!"

The Lord of Light's eyes flickered slightly, looking at Joulton who had been stabbed through the throat.

After noticing the growing business around Joulton, he knew that Joulton hadn't been killed by Gin Ichimaru.

Sure enough, a few seconds after Ichimaru Gin killed the other four people, a terrifying aura erupted from Joulton's body, and the profound meaning of withered glory spread, causing the blood-colored vegetation hundreds of miles around to wither and age in an instant.

"It's really surprising. This old man is still alive. What a mistake!"

"It's really rude of me to let you endure the pain of piercing the throat, old man."

Ichimaru Gin was not surprised, but instead smiled, and spoke in a leisurely manner, not listening to the content of his words, only listening to the slightly apologetic tone, and really thought he was apologizing.

"You are too mean!"

Joulton looked at one of the people killed by Gin Ichimaru with a look of sadness in his eyes.

"Old man, don't say that, who made you so many?"

"I can only play a little trick, otherwise it will be very difficult."

Ichimaru Gin smiled even more, raised the short blade in his hand, took out a white cloth from his chest, and wiped the blade as if no one was there.

Joulton was furious, his white hair danced wildly, and his eyes exuded an astonishing death.

"You killed my closest descendants, and you even wiped out the future of the Joel family!"

"Even if this old man dies here today, I will let you be buried with me!"

Joulton seemed to be insane, but he didn't have the slightest intention to ask for help from the other three, the Lord of Light.

The Holy Kingdom is different from Zhu Xia. The Sixteen Continents are controlled by various families. Although they have to obey the words of the Holy Lord of Light in name, they actually listen to the tune and don’t listen to the preaching. When they encounter the Holy Lord of Light, they will arrange them to do dangerous things. , running faster than rabbits one by one.

So Joulton knew that even if he asked the Holy Lord of Light, the other party would not get involved in this muddy water.

"Well, the old man is really irritable."

"However, since this is the case, then I can only reunite your family..."

Ichimaru Gin smiled helplessly, but without hesitation raised the dagger in his hand and pointed it at Joulton.

"Shoot him! Sharp gun!"

A cold whisper sounded, and the short blade instantly extended a hundred times, turning into a silver light, and charged towards Joulton.


Joulton's eyes were shrouded in black air, and with a snarl, thick death vines rose from the ground.

sulfone sulfone!

The sharp gun is extremely sharp, and the death vines can't stop the extension of the sharp gun.

"All spirits are dead!"

Joulton's complexion changed slightly, and his withered glory and mysterious powers were brought to the extreme, turning into a huge black beast and pounced on the sharp gun.

Although it was a withered glory, the silent power of Joulton's power completely covered the power of "Rong". The dead stillness on his body became stronger, the aging on his face became more obvious, and his skin was as dry as bark.

However, precisely because of this, the black beast transformed by the power of silence was extremely ferocious. It not only blocked the sharp spear, but also condensed a dead energy in the end, blasting towards Shimaru Gin.

"The 63o Thunder Roar Cannon of Broken Dao!"

Ichimaru Gin gave up chanting, and cast Breakthrough No. 63, dragging the golden torrent of violent thunder and lightning to instantly annihilate the dead energy, and bombarded the black beast.

Although giving up the chanting would reduce the power of the broken path, but with Ichimaru Gin's strength, it is enough to deal with this black beast.


The whole body of the black beast was bombarded by golden thunder and lightning, and it let out a ferocious neighing, and exploded in the next moment, unable to bear the power of the thunder roar cannon at all.

However, although the black beast was blasted, the air of death erupted in an instant, sweeping madly in all directions.

"58o Tianlan of Breaking the Way!"

Ichimaru Gin took his time and unhurriedly used No. 58 Breakthrough again, forming a huge whirlwind that directly wiped out all the dead air.


But after dealing with these, Ichimaru Gin found that Joulton had disappeared.

Looking down, he found that this guy actually rushed towards the blood cocoon that he temporarily put on the ground while he was dealing with the black beast.

What Ichimaru Gin didn't know was that Joulton had almost reached the point of desperation when he used the move of "Desolation of All Souls". Because of excessive use of the profound meaning of desolation, the dead spirit in his body could hardly be suppressed.

If the air of death erupts, Joulton will instantly die from his own power.

Therefore, before that, he must kill the thing in the blood cocoon, get a golden reward, and get a chance to instill spiritual power!

Only in this way can he have a chance to survive!

As for revenge for the closest descendants, it's not too ridiculous!

As long as he is still alive, even if he has another son, why should he care about a mere generational bloodline?

His violent and angry behavior was just to confuse Ichimaru Gin, so that Ichimaru Gin's attention would be diverted, and he would have the opportunity to kill the extraterrestrial demon in the blood cocoon.

And at this time, he also succeeded!

Although Gin Ichimaru took out the black beast in less than three seconds, he also managed to get close to the blood cocoon and attack.

"Must die!!"

Joulton's face was ferocious, with apprehension and anticipation in his eyes, his dead wood-like claws slammed at the blood cocoon, and the terrifying death power erupted again, submerging the blood cocoon.


"It's really interesting, the ones who live the longest are indeed old foxes!"

Ichimaru Gin's eyes opened slightly, and a look of extreme cold surged across, the hem of the white clothes surged with the wind, and a cold and frightening force suddenly gushed out of his body.

At this time, Ichimaru Gin has become a little serious...


"God Killing Gun!!"

When the whispers sounded, it was the time for the evil ghost to take his life!


Just when Joulton watched the blood cocoon in front of him being submerged in death energy and showing signs of weakness, he showed ecstasy.

However, in the next second, a silver light pierced the sky like a meteor, spread for several kilometers, pierced Joulton directly, and penetrated into the ground.


With a bang, the blood-colored land in the secret realm cracked, and the kilometers below were pierced and wiped out!

"This... poof!"

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