After that, Bai Xiaosheng didn't hesitate, and spoke again.

"Mythical arena is divided into 'Tianjiao arena', 'Extremely strong arena' and 'True Dragon arena'!"

"Tianjiao Arena, as the name suggests, is the arena where Tianjiao fights. It is limited to one battle of the same realm. The realm is from the first level of the real king to the sixth level of the real king. Anyone can enter the Tianjiao arena. There is no age limit."

"Six Tianjiao Kings will be selected from the Tianjiao Arena, one from the first level to the sixth level, and in each level of the arena, except for one Tianjiao King, the first two and the top three are all "Second Crown Kings", and they can all win the World Master Your lord's reward."

"Not to mention anything else, if you become the King of Heaven's Proud, at least the rewards will be god-level spiritual objects guaranteed..."

Because everyone was listening to Bai Xiaosheng's words quietly, for fear of missing a little detail, the barrage in the live broadcast room became very sparse.

However, as soon as the four words "God-level Spiritual Object" came out, the originally sparse bullet screen was instantly full, and the word "fuck" full of cultural heritage was particularly conspicuous in the densely packed bullet screen, which fully showed the liveliness of everyone in the live broadcast room. emotion of shock.

"God-level spirit?! Is it really a god-level spirit?!"

Tian Yu on the side also widened his eyes, and suddenly let out a sound of shock.

"That's right, so boy, you have to work hard, and you have to fight for me to win the second championship anyway."

Xin Tailang nodded, then slapped Tian Yu on the shoulder, and said.

"Leave it on me! Master, I will never let you down, your apprentice!"

Tian Yu patted his chest, his inexplicable confidence struck again.

Xin Tailang smiled, already thinking about how to train this kid, otherwise with this kid's ability, he might only be able to go halfway...

At this time, Bai Xiaosheng's explanation was still going on.

"After talking about the Tianjiao Arena, let's talk about the Xeon Arena. The Xeon Arena is the exclusive arena for the top powerhouses. The lowest level is the seventh heaven of true kings, and there is no upper limit. And the Xeon Arena does not have the restriction of "fighting with the same realm" in the Tianjiao Arena." .In other words, the Seventh Heaven will also match the Eighth Heaven or even the Ninth Heaven.”..

"In the end, the Xeon Arena will compete for the ten strongest."

"The ten most powerful men are called "Ten Crowned Kings", and the rewards they get are richer and more precious than those in the Tianjiao Arena! As for what it is, I don't know for the time being, but I will definitely not disappoint everyone. .”

"As for the final real dragon arena, it's quite special. The real dragon arena will only start after the competition between Tianjiao arena and Xeon arena is over."

"Because, the competition in the real dragon arena is the competition between the Tianjiao King and the Ten-Crown King. The Tianjiao King can choose to challenge a certain Ten-Crown King. To be honest, this will be a battle that is impossible to win."

"But if there really is a Tianjiao King who defeats the Ten-Crown King, then that Tianjiao King is the "True Dragon Emperor" who has the potential to become the supreme!"

"If there is such a person born, it will be the luck of the two stars in the world!"

When Bai Xiaosheng said this, he showed emotion and expectation, but in the end, he shook his head again, "Unfortunately, Earth Star has not produced a true dragon emperor for tens of thousands of years..."

"By the way, let me mention here that this time the mythical arena will cover the earth stars, sky stars and various galaxies, so you'd better be prepared, not only for participating in the mythical arena, but also after the mythical arena is over. Ready to seal."

"Okay, that's it. Dear customers and friends, I will broadcast it here. I look forward to seeing you next time."

Bai Xiaosheng smiled professionally, and then downloaded the broadcast without hesitation, as if it was time to get off work.

But after Bai Xiaosheng broadcasted, the live broadcast room was still full of "crowds of people", barrages of bullets flashed across the screen, some were excited and looking forward to it, some were shocked and couldn't recover for a long time, and some were full of worry.

And there is no doubt that Bai Xiaosheng's live broadcast this time caused an unprecedented commotion, and all the forces finally couldn't sit still anymore, and all moved together...

Chapter 157 Tianjiao Qualifiers! The clan of longevity, the Sima family!

Zhuxia, Yuanchu Hall.

This is the place where Zhuxia Zhenling Division holds important regular meetings, and the 36th Division of Zhenling Division is not allowed to enter.

At this time, Xuanyuan Zhanxian was sitting on the top seat, and the 36 directors on the left, right and left sides of him were all on the list.

However, most of them are just projections, and only seven or eight people are real bodies. After all, the 36 directors have to guard each domain and cannot leave at will.

"Everyone, I believe everyone knows the purpose of this regular meeting."

"The mythical arena that Bai Xiaosheng mentioned has a lot to do with it, please share your views!"

Xuanyuan Zhanxian looked at everyone and said calmly.

"Mythical arena covers the heavenly stars, earth stars, and galaxy forces outside the world. Our Xias must not be absent. If we win the Tianjiao King or the second crown, we will definitely strengthen our Zhuxias' strength and prepare for the chaotic situation in the future. be prepared."

"That's right, Bai Xiaosheng said that the rewards for the six Tianjiao Kings in the Tianjiao Arena are god-level spirits. This is of great significance to us Zhuxia."


Many directors immediately opened their mouths, expressing that they must participate in the myth arena.

Xuanyuan Zhanxian looked calm, and said, "Of course I know this, what I want is for you to tell us what we should do in the next year, not for you to talk empty words!"

Anyone can say empty words, and Xuanyuan Zhanxian asked the 36 directors to gather together, not for them to talk empty words.

As soon as Xuanyuan Zhanxian said this, the hall became much quieter in an instant.

However, someone spoke soon, and it was Fan Xinghai, one of the directors who organized the auction back then, who was sitting in the second seat to the right of Xuanyuan Zhanxian.

"Boss, the mythical arena is divided into Tianjiao arena, Xeon arena, and real dragon arena. Leaving aside the real dragon arena, not even an earth star can emerge. I think we can completely abandon the real dragon arena for the time being. The focus is on Tianjiao and Xeon arena."

"The first is the Tianjiao Arena! The Tianjiao Arena is divided into six parts, the real king from the first heaven to the sixth heaven. I think that in this year, we need to select the top combat power of these six parts, so I suggest Xia 36 started the "Tianjiao Preliminary Tournament", and each domain selected three preliminarily selected Tianjiao."

"Of course, there are three from the first to the sixth heaven. If the sixth heaven can't choose, then we will discuss it."

"After the Tianjiao qualifiers in each domain are over, the national qualifiers will be held. Each realm will select three official Tianjiao arena participants, a total of 18 people. If there are outstanding fighters, they can be considered according to the specific situation. Let them participate."

"In this way, after confirming the candidates to participate in the Tianjiao Arena, we can allocate resources to them in the next time to increase their winning rate in the Tianjiao Arena."

"Then there is the Xeon Arena, which is very high, and at least the Seventh Heaven is required, so I think there may be little hope, but we can still work hard."

Fan Xinghai pondered for a moment and said to everyone.

"The most powerful arena... Xinghai, you know the current Tianxing, there is no way to bring out a complete true king of the Seventh Heaven, so how can you participate?" ..

At this time, an old man on the left of Xuanyuan Zhanxian spoke, with a helpless tone in his tone.

"Old Yu, since I said that I can work harder, I have naturally thought about it."

Fan Xinghai's tone was gentle, although his face was solemn, but his attitude towards the old man was very respectful.

The seats in the regular meeting are not random, but based, and everyone's position is fixed.

The closer one is to Xuanyuan Zhanxian, the person in his position is either a person of high seniority who has made a lot of contributions to Zhuxia, or is a powerful existence.

And Yu Lao sat on the left hand seat of Xuanyuan Zhanxian, no matter in terms of seniority or strength, he deserved Fan Xinghai's respect.

"Oh? Xinghai, continue talking."

Yu Lao raised his eyes, his eyes were slightly bright, and he spoke.

Fan Xinghai nodded, then looked at Xuanyuan Zhanxian, and said, "I think the chief should want to participate in the Xeon ring!"


When the words came out, everyone was shocked.

"Director, you..."

Yu Lao and the first old man on Xuanyuan Zhanxian's right hand looked at each other, and then looked at Xuanyuan Zhanxian uncertainly.

Xuanyuan Zhanxian raised his head, instead of denying it, he nodded directly, "That's right, that's exactly what I mean!"

"But your strength, Chief..."

Yu Lao was puzzled. In his opinion, with the strength of Xuanyuan Zhanxian, it is most suitable to participate in the Tianjiao arena. With Xuanyuan Zhanxian, Zhu Xia has a great possibility to win the second crown of the real king, the sixth heaven, and even Tianjiao king.

Xuanyuan Zhanxian shook his head, "I convened this regular meeting to talk about this matter. I have already met with Marshal Biqibao, and I am going to go to the planet Earth to find opportunities for breakthrough."

"And once I break through, I will accumulate a lot of accumulation, coupled with the power of time, in the seventh heaven, I will not be weaker than anyone."

"There is no other way. Zhu Xia needs a complete true king, the Seventh Heavenly Heaven, to be in charge, just in case."

"As for what Xinghai said, implement it immediately without delay."

Xuanyuan Zhanxian made a final decision without giving everyone a chance to refute.

Although Zhuxia is vast and vast, it is not bloated. The order of the "Tianjiao Preliminary Tournament" was issued within an hour, and it immediately went on the right track, letting the people of the whole country know and get ready.

In terms of execution ability, Zhu Xia is definitely number one in the sky.

And this time the "Tianjiao Qualifiers", not only the bright forces of Zhuxia who want to participate, but also the hidden sects and thousand-year-old families will not stay outside.

Shifangyu, Qingya Mountain, in the secret realm of the Sima tribe.

"Grandfather, will the disciples of our clan participate in this Tianjiao qualifier?"

In a mahogany attic, an old man who looked to be a hundred years old stood next to an old man who was a little younger than ten years old, and mentioned the Tianjiao qualifiers.

The sitting old man slowly opened his eyes, picked up the teacup and took a sip of tea before speaking in a leisurely manner.

"Go! Of course!"

"In the past, our Sima family has never been born. It was because we were worried about getting offended by the world and worldly desires, which affected our Sima family's ancestral motto of "Eternal Sima family, pick longevity with one hand."

"But the situation is serious now. If our Sima family stays out of the matter, I'm afraid there will be no place for our Sima family to pursue a long life."


Suddenly, he stood up suddenly and slapped the table hard, scaring the old man beside him to almost kneel on the ground smoothly.

"Hmph, our Sima family doesn't have many things, it's just that there are many people!"

"There are not many top fighters, but at the level of the first and second level of the real king, other families can't catch up with our Sima family! This time, our Sima family has only one goal, targeting the second crown and Tianjiao of the first and second level of the true king. king!"

The old man was in high spirits and his face was red, and then he asked the old man who almost knelt down.

"Little grandson, how many people are there in our Sima family, the real king Yi Erzhong?"

The little grandson said quickly, "Grandfather, our Sima family now has a total of 21 real kings, and a total of ten real kings."

As far as the number of true kings is concerned, if the outside world finds out, their jaws will drop in shock.

I didn't know, I thought the Sima family was a professional pig farmer, but they actually raised a bunch of real kings, it's crazy!

"Okay! Call these bastards over, don't they all want to run outside?"

"Kick them all out now, and let them all participate in the Tianjiao qualifiers for me. If they don't get the ranking, they all go to me to dig the soil. No spiritual power is allowed in the land of millions of miles!"

The old man patted his little grandson, and directly arranged the first and second members of the real king of the Sima family clearly, just because he was the oldest member of the Sima family, Sima Bushi!

In fact, the old man was not called Sima Bushi, but changed his name later, just because Bushi = Immortality.

Although Sima Bushi is only a peerless true king, he can live longer than a god king. Even a god king almost died, but he insisted on living for ten thousand years!

It can be said that this guy is a serious antique, and there are few creatures older than him in the entire sky.


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