Regarding Sima Bushi's arrangement, the little grandson didn't have any objections, because even if he had objections, it would be meaningless.

In the Sima family, the longer one lives, the greater the right to speak. There is no doubt that in the Sima family, no one can speak more than Sima Bushi.

And even the Sima family, which only lives for a long time and has never been born, has moved, and other hermit sects and millennium families will naturally not stay out of the matter, and have already sent their own geniuses to participate in the Tianjiao qualifiers in various domains.

In the Xinghai Region under the jurisdiction of Fan Xinghai, the two ancient forces inherited from the ancient times also chose to be born, but they did not alarm anyone.

The two forces also have their own characteristics, and they are very distinct.

On one side are some strong men with big muscles.

On one side are white-clothed swordsmen with fluttering white clothes and long swords on their backs...

Chapter 158 My lazy king has already stood up! ;The successor of the strongest?

Three days later,

Zhuxia 36 domains, Tianjiao qualifiers officially started.

In just three days, each domain has established twelve indestructible aerial arenas in each domain, and for the convenience of the contestants, each aerial arena is hundreds of feet long.

Twelve hundred-foot arenas float in the air, looking up from the bottom, they are extremely eye-catching.

Whoa whoa whoa!

Qingling Domain, in Qingling City.

At this time, the high-rise buildings around the arena were already crowded with people.

Although there were many people who came to participate in the Tianjiao qualifiers, most of them were just watching the show.

They even brought in tables, chairs and benches, as well as popcorn, Coca-Cola Sprite, and what's more, some people directly set up street stalls and yelled.

I don't know, I thought this group of people were here for vacation.

"It's about to start! It's about to start! I'm so excited!"

"Being able to witness the birth of Tianjiao, I will have no regrets in my life!"

"I don't know who in our Qingling Region can get out of the circle!"

"I think Liu Yuyu will definitely be able to do it!"

"Uh... Lord Domain Master, will he participate?"


Although the Tianjiao qualifier competition has not yet started, the scene is already in full swing. Some people are looking forward to it, some are guessing, and some even start a betting game, listing out the popular players for people to choose to place bets on.

The hotels around the arena were making a lot of money, and they were already overcrowded.

Liu Qingqing, Pleasant Goat and Lan Yangyang sat at a table, as if they were waiting for someone.

"I'm back! Look, I bought a roll of pictures of popular players!"

At this time, Zhuge Liuyun, who was still dressed in a black coat and Martin boots, walked quickly. After sitting down, he took a picture scroll that could cover the table, and took a sip of tea by himself.

Hearing this, Liu Qingqing immediately opened it curiously. On it was a picture and introduction of a person.

Moreover, the scroll is divided into six parts, but the last three parts are all vacant.

"The most popular contestant of the first real king, Li Yuqiu, the eldest daughter of the head of the Li family of the three major families in Qingling City, a person with supernatural powers, and the A-level supernatural power "Shooting an Arrow"..."

"The most popular contestant in the second heaven of the true king, Ke Lan, the third sister of the head of the Ke family of the three major families, a person with supernatural abilities, A-level supernatural ability "Death Beacon"..."

"The most popular contestant of the true king's third heaven, Liu...Liu Baisu, the master of the Qingling domain..."

Liu Qingqing was taken aback when she saw her grandfather's name and was ranked first among the most popular contestants in Triple Heaven.

However, after thinking about it, she wasn't surprised. After all, her grandfather was well-known, and he was the master of the Qingling Region, so those who made this picture scroll would naturally want to "follow" her grandfather.

"The four, five, and six layers are all blank. Is there no one, or dare not list them?" ..

Liu Qingqing continued to look, but found that the popular contestants in the next three sections were blank. Seeing this, her eyes flickered slightly, and she couldn't help but think.

"Lazy Goat, Pleasant Goat, do you want to participate?"

After drinking the water, Zhuge Liuyun suddenly opened his mouth and asked the two lambs curiously.

"No, if we participate, I'm afraid we will have to occupy two positions, which is not very good."

"Also, this time the Mythical Challenge, I, Lazy Yangyang, Boiling Yangyang, Beautiful Yangyang, and Nuan Yangyang will represent Yangcun to participate."

Pleasant Goat shook his head, he and Lan Yangyang were not creatures of the Sky Star, so there was no need to compete for the position in the qualifiers.

After hearing Pleasant Goat's words, Zhuge Liuyun nodded first, then was taken aback for a moment.

"Lazy sheep also want to participate?"

"But isn't the strength of Lanyangyang only three realms? After the armor is combined, I remember that Lanyangyang only has the strength of a half-king, right?"

Zhuge Liuyun was puzzled, even if it was the lowest limit Tianjiao arena, it must at least have the strength of a true king, a first-tier heaven, obviously not enough for a lazy sheep, right?

"Hahaha! Lazy Yangyang, let you be lazy, this is all right, you will be looked down upon!"

Pleasant Goat laughed, circled Lazy Goat's head, hugged him and said with a laugh.

"what the hell!"

"They have become stronger a long time ago!"

Lan Yangyang pouted, looked at Zhuge Liuyun, and said proudly.

"Become stronger?!"

Zhuge Liuyun was taken aback for a moment, and an incredible thought welled up in his heart.

"Lazy Yangyang, you... broke through the king realm?"

Zhuge Liuyun swallowed, and asked stammeringly.

Lazy Yangyang raised his head, rubbed his fingers left and right under his nose, with a proud face.

"Of course! Don't look at me sleeping and eating all day long. It's because I have the laziness of Belial, one of the Seven Lords of Hell, in my body. He is one of the Seven Lords of Hell. I sleep. It's just to inspire the power of laziness."

"Now, the laziness in my body has been completely activated, and my king of laziness has already become a true king! Hahaha!"

Lazy sheep grinned, very proud.

"Seven Lords of Hell?"

Both Zhuge Liuyun and Liu Qingqing were dumbfounded, and then Pleasant Goat explained something for them.

"The Seven Monarchs of Hell are the seven peerless powerhouses from the time of God's Desolation. They are very powerful. It is rumored that they have a close relationship with Pluto. They represent the seven deadly sins of the world, arrogance, jealousy, rage, laziness, greed, gluttony and lust. The power of the world's seven desires is their food."

"Lazy Sheep has the laziness of Belial, the lazy devil, in her body, which is inherent, so Lazy Sheep is more lethargic. Of course, it can't be ruled out that this guy just wants to sleep."

Pleasant Goat spread his hands and said with a smile.

"What kind of strength does the lazy sheep have now after the armor is combined?"

Zhuge Liuyun swallowed, suppressed his beating heart, and asked.

" will know when the time comes."

Lazy sheep smiled mysteriously, but did not answer.

Zhuge Liuyun scratched his head, with a look of envy on his face, "You guys are getting stronger too fast, our Tianxing can only practice step by step, and we can't skip levels at all..."

"Hey! It seems that there is no way to catch up with you in this life."

Liu Qingqing on the side also nodded silently.

Although she has been practicing with Xilan these days, her strength has also improved a lot, and she is already at the fifth level of the morning star (second level fifth level), but compared with Lan Yangyang, the level of improvement is not as much as the opponent's fingernails.

"It's not necessarily!"

Suddenly, Pleasant Goat said something seriously.


The two were puzzled and looked at Pleasant Goat.

Pleasant Goat looked pensive, and then spoke seriously.

"I bought some information from Bai Xiaosheng about the ancient times of Tianxing and the calendar of the gods, and found that your inheritance of Tianxing has not been completely cut off!"

"The Temple of War God has appeared in the ancient times, which is the treasure of Pluto, one of the supreme beings in the wild; and then, the shadow of the Demon Respect Building has appeared in your sky, which shows that in some invisible and hard-to-find places, there are still existences. An unbroken legacy."

"So, if you can find a kind of Shenhuang inheritance, maybe you can catch up with us."

"After all, if it is really something passed down from Shenhuang, it must be extraordinary, and it must be a simple matter to improve your strength."

Although Pleasant Goat has not been in Tianxing for a long time, he has a good brain and knows to pay attention to and find some clues, so he knows a lot more than Lazy Goat who came to Tianxing earlier.


Zhuge Liuyun showed a look of surprise at first, but suddenly stopped in the next moment.

"That's what I said, but the two of us couldn't find it~"

"Qingqing's grandpa, and my father and uncle are busy with Tianjiao qualifiers all day long, and have no time to accompany us to find things that we might never find."

"Especially my dad, who is a few hundred years old, is so shameless that he wants to be the pride of heaven, and shows off in front of me all day long that he can participate. I can only be a cheerleader..."

As he said that, Zhuge Liuyun couldn't help curling his lips, showing distaste for his father, but his tone was somewhat sour.

If they can really make it to Tianjiao's arena, even if they lose in the first round, it will be a matter of glory to their ancestors.

"Ha ha……"

Hearing this, the three of Pleasant Goat couldn't help laughing.

After laughing, Pleasant Goat showed an inexplicable expression again, and suddenly turned to look at a person who was only a table away from them.

"Actually, it's not that hard to find, that person..."

"It should be the descendant of a certain supreme power in Shenhuang!"


Hearing Pleasant Goat's words, Liu Qingqing and Zhuge Liuyun were startled, and quickly followed Pleasant Goat's eyes.

There, a black-haired, black-eyed boy in black clothes was sitting upright, quietly sipping tea in his hand.

It seemed that when he felt that someone was looking at him, the man turned his head and looked over. After realizing that it was two sheep and two people, the man was slightly taken aback, but still nodded politely.

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