"Pleasant Goat, how did you know that the other party has the inheritance of Shenhuang?"

Zhuge Liuyun moved close to Pleasant Goat, covered it with his hands, and asked Pleasant Goat in a low voice.

"Bajibaji... um... the heavy prehistoric aura, such an ancient and ancient aura, must be related to the desolation of the gods! Can't you feel it?"

Lazy Yangyang ate the cake in front of him with big mouthfuls, looked at the two people suspiciously and asked.

Liu Qingqing and Zhuge Liuyun were speechless for a while, and could only mourn alone.

Do we both feel that there is no need to ask this question at all, okay? !

Hmm... Blame us weak chickens!

Chapter 159 Ke Lan: Death Judgment! ; the man with the cloud over his head

"It's started! Let's go!"

Ignoring the grief of the two, Pleasant Goat suddenly got up, and at this time other people in the hotel also got up quickly and ran towards the outside.

Liu Qingqing and Zhuge Liuyun realized that the Tianjiao qualifiers had begun.

Then, Pleasant Goat waved his hand.

The next moment, the four of them appeared in mid-air outside.

"Lazy sheep!"

"Okay! Strange Cloud Transformation!"

Pleasant Goat yelled Lazy Goat, and Lazy Goat immediately understood.

With a twist of his chubby fingers, a soft cloud appeared under the feet of the four of them. Pleasant Goat sat down casually, and Liu Qingqing and Zhuge Liuyun followed suit.

And Lazy Yangyang even lay on his stomach, looking at the direction of the ring leisurely.

At this time, Liu Baisu stood impressively above the twelve floating rings.

Liu Baisu looked at the crowd, and his voice was like a bell, "Everyone, Qinglingyu, the Tianjiao qualifiers have officially started!"

"First of all, it's the real king. Please go there to draw the numbers, and we will arrange a match."

Liu Baisu didn't talk nonsense, and directly announced the start of the qualifiers.

After that, all the real king Yichongtian who came here obeyed Liu Baisu's arrangement and lined up to draw a number.

There are quite a lot of people participating in the True King Yizhongtian qualifiers, with a total of 87 people.

Among them, there are people from the bright side of the Qingling Region, as well as those from the hidden sect or the thousand-year-old family, and the Zhenling Division is not absent.

In terms of the number of true kings, many forces have investigated Zhu Xia, wanting to find out how many true kings there are.

However, in the end they all ended up giving up, because in the end they discovered that this was simply something that could not be counted.

The sixth son of Zhu Xia... No, there are too many hidden true kings!

Since the "Godao" of the Sima family became known to outsiders, many true kings of Zhuxia have won the true biography of the Sima family, and began to live in seclusion and live in the mountains.

Other forces investigated and investigated, but they couldn't find the location of these hidden true kings at all, and finally they could only die without a problem.

But this time, there was no doubt that people from other forces were mixed among the crowd watching the battle, and it was obvious that they still did not give up.

However, after seeing more than 80 real kings and first heavens lined up to draw their numbers, the spies were dumbfounded and remained silent.

As far as they know, the Qingling Region is not considered a large region among the 36 regions of Zhuxia. Whether it is the level of the domain owner, the size of the area, or the abundance of resources, it can only occupy a middle level at most...

And there are more than 80 real kings in the Qingling domain, they can't imagine how many of those are the most affluent and vast domains!

"Zhu Xia, it's so terrifying!"

Among the crowd, a spy gave the most pertinent evaluation.

Soon, the drawing of numbers will end, and the first round of competition will begin!

But if you look at any arena, in fact, the strengths of the two sides in the arena are almost the same, and they almost fight for an hour or two before one side wins with a slight advantage.

Even, the next few rounds are the same.

And this is actually normal, it is "abnormal" to deal with opponents on the same border with one or two moves.

After all, not everyone is an invincible genius.

"Ah~! It's so boring, I might as well go to bed."

Lazy Yangyang was lying on his side, with a bored expression on his face, scratching his belly with his hands, and said without arousing any interest.

On the contrary, Liu Qingqing and Zhuge Liuyun looked serious. After all, watching the strong fight is a learning opportunity for them.

Pleasant Goat did not watch the battle, but looked at the boy in black from time to time.

The match between the real king and the first heaven lasted for a long time, and it took three full days to end, but three days is not too long, because even a random second-level monk can survive for a month without closing his eyes.

So even after three days, everyone is still full of energy.

And the most plump one is undoubtedly Lazy Yangyang, because he started sleeping three days ago and didn't get up until the end of the game.

In the end, the three winners of True King Yichongtian were Li Yuqiu from the Li family, Qin Youde from the Qin family, and a man named Wang Quancai.

Among these three people, two belong to the three major families in Qingling City, and only Wang Quan is a member of the hermit family.

After the qualifiers for the first heaven, the competition for the second heaven began immediately, with a very short gap between them.

And a group of real kings Erzhongtian couldn't wait any longer, and got up to draw numbers.

Among the crowd of true kings in the Second Heaven, the boy in black stands out among them.

"That guy is going to make a move in a while, you should pay attention, there should be something to gain."

Pleasant Goat's eyes flashed, and he said to Liu Qingqing and Zhuge Liuyun beside him.

Then, he looked at Lan Yangyang, who had fallen asleep within a few minutes, and there seemed to be a drop of speechless cold sweat on his forehead.

"Lazy Yangyang, you should also watch the competition carefully, so that you can get ready for the Tianjiao group arena."

Pleasant Goat poked Lazy Goat's face with his hand, and said helplessly.

Lazy Yangyang opened his eyes, raised his hand sleepily and rubbed his eyes, "I'm also practicing when I'm sleeping, besides, there's nothing interesting about this..."

Pleasant Goat had no choice but to let Lazy Goat sleep on his stomach, while he continued to pay attention to the boy in black.

There are slightly fewer people in the second heaven of true kings than in the first heaven of true kings, but not much less, a total of 58 people.

These 58 people happened to be divided into 29 groups randomly selected, and the boy in black was ranked No. 13, which happened to be the second round.

Therefore, if you want to see the boy in black make a move, you have to wait some time.

However, although the boy in black did not play, before him, Pleasant Goat discovered that there were other interesting players among the players who played in the first round.

The first one was Ke Lan, the popular player they saw on the scroll.

On the No. [-] ring, Ke Lan was dressed in a blue dress with a high ponytail, which gave people a neat and tidy look, while her opponent was an old woman with a cane, who seemed to be exuding a cold aura. ap.

"Ke Lan!"

Ke Lan cupped his fists, his voice cold.

"The old man mourns, cough cough! Girl, let's make a move."

Wu Cong raised his head, revealing a strange smile.

Ke Lan's face was cold, and the spirit of the dead spirit unfolded. At the same time, a huge black tower of ten feet appeared behind him, and there was a lamp on top of the huge tower that flickered on and off.

This giant black tower is exactly her ability - "Lighthouse of Death"!

"Death verdict!"

Ke Lan's eyes suddenly went dark, and the light on the death beacon behind him suddenly brightened, shining on Wu Cong.

Ke Lan's superpower Death Beacon is a kind of supernatural power that is similar to rules, but it is far from reaching the level of rules, and it can only be said to barely touch the edge.

The Death Beacon can make a death judgment. There are two types of judgment results, invalid and death. When the judgment is made, if the opponent's strength is lower than your own, you will definitely die. If you are at the same level...

Although it cannot be killed, it can also cause the opponent to be corroded by the power of death.

Moreover, with the increase in the number of judgments, when the death erosion reaches a certain level in the opponent's body, the opponent is also unable to escape death!

Wu Can's complexion changed slightly, because the moment the lighthouse of death shone on her, she felt that she was wrapped in a breath of death.

"Little babies, go!"

Wu Can immediately made a move, and with a wave of his wide sleeves, hundreds of black insects gushed out from the cuffs.

"Gu worm?"

Ke Lan showed vigilance, raised his hand, and several black blades struck out. At this time, the result of the death judgment has also come out.


For a moment, Wu Can's whole body was shaken, as if his soul was out of his body, and he stayed in place. The next moment, black lines suddenly appeared on Wu Can's face, which was extremely weird.

And when these death lines covered Wu Cong's entire face, it was the time of Wu Cong's death!

At the same time that Wu Cong was hit, Ke Lan on the other side released several black blades, trying to kill the Gu worms.

However, the Gu worm was very strange, biting and devouring the black blade she sent out.


Ke Lan didn't hesitate, and immediately launched the death judgment.

And her luck this time was also very good, and she was also judged to be dead.

Immediately afterwards, the Gu worms, which could not even be killed by Ke Lan's black blade, stopped their life in an instant, turning into corpses and falling to the ground.

"What a weird ability!"

Outside the arena, seeing Ke Lan's ability, everyone was in an uproar and talked about it.

"Ke Lan, I know her. I heard that her ability is a death beacon, the top A-level ability, which can determine the life and death of people."

Liu Qingqing's bright eyes moved slightly, and she spoke.

"It's really weird, but that's it. For her ability to work, she needs the light of the lighthouse to shine on her body. And my ability "Saint's Game" can condense a secondary space anytime and anywhere, which can completely shield and block light."

Zhuge Liuyun grinned, talking about supernatural powers, then he is not sleepy, his "Saint's Game" is an S-level supernatural power, which is much more powerful than Ke Lan's supernatural power.

"Do you think people need special abilities to beat you?"

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