A fledgling who is not afraid of tigers, Zhuge Liuyun and Green Tianyu are probably in the same line of self-confidence, and their smiles gradually become wild and perverted. …

The Tianjiao qualifiers in the 36 domains of Zhuxia are hot and going smoothly.

Moreover, it seems that in many domains, there are hidden people who have never heard of it, and they are so strong that they can completely crush the same level!

What shocked the whole Zhuxia even more was that the legendary Seven Swords Mountain, which was inherited from the Sword Master of the Seven Swords, also appeared, and its disciples made a big splash in the Star Sea Territory Tianjiao Qualifiers.

In addition, there are even a group of elf reckless men who are five big and three thick, who punch one opponent, and they also performed outstandingly in the Star Sea Territory Tianjiao qualifiers.

After being dug out, these muscular elves came from a force called Gourd Mountain, and it is said that they were inherited from the seven elf kings of the elf clan.

By the way, the Tianjiao qualifier held by Zhuxia is not limited to the human race, other races that "stay" in Zhuxia can also participate.

Because, the premise of "staying" in Zhuxia is to become an ally or even a vassal of Zhuxia.

As for the elves, this special race that has gradually drawn a clear line from the monster race is a race that has made good friends with Zhu Xia. After "living in" Zhu Xia, they will be blessed by Zhu Xia and provide Zhu Xia with corresponding rewards.

However, it was indeed the first time that the muscular elves from Calabash Mountain and the disciples from Seven Sword Mountain had appeared in Zhuxia territory. After Xuanyuan Zhanxian knew about it, he did nothing but let Fan Xinghai carry out the preliminaries normally and treat them equally.

After nearly two months, the Tianjiao qualifiers in Zhuxia's various domains finally came to an end. ..

One day later, Xuanyuan Zhanxian announced that the national qualifiers will be held in January, all forces are welcome to come and watch the battle...

And the words are divided into two ends, and then look at the endless void,

At this moment, a protagonist with a very low sense of existence is counting how many characters he has released this time with his fingers. ...

Chapter 163 Eternal Device: 36 Heavy Heavens and Outer Heavens; People and dogs are more dogs than dogs!

"Boy Jiang, why did you create a mythical arena?"

"The world's consciousness is about to wake up, shouldn't you hurry up and create an event to get your wish points?"

The little glutinous rice balls floated around, expressing their puzzlement at Jiang Qiyu's arrangement.

In its view, Taikoo has also gone, and the "patch" has been applied. Next, shouldn't a few people be sent to lead the people of Tianxing to explore the ruins of Shenhuang and find clues to Shenhuang?

But Jiang Qiyu had a sudden change of mind, and came out of a mythical arena, which was a bit too sudden.

"No no no!"

"You don't understand. If you keep doing things and put too much pressure on it, it will inevitably make the stars fly, and it will backfire in the end."

"If these guys think that the extraterrestrial demons are too powerful, they all have the idea of ​​defecting and sell Tianxing directly, then should I still play?"

"And taking advantage of the opportunity to solve the troubles of the Flesh and Flesh God Sect, move the matter out of the mythical arena. On the one hand, it can relieve the pressure on the stars and let them know that the extraterritorial demons around them are rubbish, so don't worry!"

"On the other hand, the awakening of the world consciousness will be about a year later. I put the Myth Arena before the awakening of the world consciousness, just to let the stars and the galaxies come into contact. At the same time, let the galaxies know that the two stars of heaven and earth are different. It is not something they can invade, so that they can know that there are people beyond people, and there is a sky beyond the sky!"

"Of course, the myth arena can not only be used to show the strength of the two stars of heaven and earth, but also an excellent opportunity to earn a lot of wish points! In short, there are many benefits."

Jiang Qiyu shook her finger, pulled the small glutinous rice balls over, and explained while kneading.

"However, Tianxing still has to rely on me to improve."

Jiang Qiyu's eyes flickered slightly, and he mentioned another sentence.

"So, that's why you used the time machine to return to the calendar of the gods?"

The little glutinous rice balls wanted to resist Jiang Qiyu's ravages, but in the end they had no choice but to give up and asked mutteringly.

"Well, I went back in time mainly to place some inheritances. Lin Gan's ancestral talisman and the top ten martial arts obtained by Liu Yunhe are all inheritances left by me."

"However, I didn't expect Lin Gan to be so lucky to be able to find two ancestral symbols!"

Jiang Qiyu glanced at the light screen in front of him, and it was Lin Gan's figure. He was actually staying with Cui Bei at this time, and seemed to be discussing something, which probably had something to do with the incident that he almost fell to the ground at that time.

"I placed three ancestral talismans in Tianxing, space, prehistoric and thunder. I didn't expect this guy to find two in just 300 years, and the surname is so coincidental. Lin, maybe it's really similar to Lin Dong. relation."

The corners of Jiang Qiyu's mouth raised slightly, and he made a joke.

"In addition to Lin Gan and Liu Yunhe, other inheritors have appeared this time. And you have placed some characters in Tianxing. In this way, Tianxing will have no shortage of people."

"What about Kedixing? Who are you going to let play?"

The little glutinous rice balls have accepted the reality of being ravaged by Jiang Qiyu, and asked with a flat mouth.

Jiang Qiyu pondered for a moment, then said with confidence, "Don't worry, I have my own arrangements."

"Almost all the characters that have been released have to play, and if we add some town characters and some contrasting characters, there will be no problem at all."

"However, before the start of the mythical arena, I still have to do things... Arrange arrangements and get the wish value, otherwise I won't be able to sell the site of the mythical arena. In addition..."

"This thing is too expensive!"

Jiang Qiyu showed heartache, looking at a product named "36 Chongtianwaitian" in the system store, the corners of his eyes twitched unconsciously.

【36 Heavy Heavens and Outer Heavens】

[Treasure of Township / Realm of Trials / Eternal Device (World Avenue)]

[Level: 9 stars]

[Price: 6.6 million / family price!Friendly price!Affordable price! 】


[?. Luck suppression: The sky is big and the earth is big, and the luck is the greatest!If you have strength alone without luck, you will suffer great disasters (see "Jiejiao" for details and examples. 36 Chongtianwaitian has the ability to suppress luck, and it can also absorb broken luck, which is a rare luck Treasure!]

[?.36 Heavens: 36 Heavens Outer Heavens, as its name suggests, there are 36 small worlds in total.Each world can change the world scene at will for living, competition, and trials.For ordinary true kings, every heaven is a vast world that cannot be explored to the end. 】

[?. Eternal Device: As we all know, there are quasi-god-level spirits and god-level spirits in Tianxing.In fact, the gods recognized by the heavens are divided from low to high: Huang, Hong, Zhou, and Yu.And each level is divided into low-grade, middle-grade, high-grade, and top-grade.

Ordinary desolate fetishes are also in the category of quasi-god-level spiritual objects.At the Hong level, it reached the bottom line of god-level spiritual beings.For example, the spirit bee that produces imperial jelly honey is a sacred object of the Hong-rank masterpiece.

And the eternal device is the supreme Taoist device above the universe-level gods, each of which reflects one of the three thousand avenues, and is the thing that is condensed by the avenue.With all the calculations, there are only three thousand pieces in the heavens and myriad worlds.

The 36th Heaven and Outer Heavens reflect the Dao of the World, ranking 150 and [-] among the [-] Eternals, possessing endless world power.

Each small world contains a world seed, and a single world seed can be planted in a world.And even if the 36 world seeds are taken out and used, the 36 outer worlds can also breed new world seeds, but it takes 8000 years for a world seed to grow.

(ps: After the true king, the Eightfold Heaven, and the Five Zangs refine the gods and endogenous reincarnation, it will be the time of the completion of the holy body. After that, if you want to break through, in the holy body cave, you need to add the four gods with the attributes of earth, water, fire and wind Things, make the cave sky generate the heaven and the earth, and turn it into a world.

And a world seed can exempt the fetishes of adding earth, water, fire and wind. When the world seed germinates, it is the time for the cave to transform!Therefore, with 36 heavens and outer heavens, you can give birth to 36 holy kings...]…

Looking at the introduction of [36 Chongtianwaitian], Jiang Qiyu's eyes were almost red.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not crying, but I'm too eager!

"6.6 million... is enough to buy 6 Kunlun mirrors! But this thing is indeed worth that much..."

"There is a long way to go! There is a long way to go!"

"With this thing, not only can it be used as a mythological arena, but also one of the small worlds can be selected as a real earth star."

"Although it is said to be a small world, in fact, each of the small worlds in the 36 layers of outer heavens is larger than the average galaxy, which is simply exaggerated!"

"Small World..., the system won't misunderstand Small World, right?" ap.

Jiang Qiyu forcibly turned his eyes away, and asked the little glutinous rice balls.

Xiaotangyuanwanzi shook his head and explained, "The explanation made by the system is based on the self-introduction of 36 Chongtianwaitian."

"Self introduction?"

"Well, the 36 Heavens and Outer Heavens, as one of the three thousand avenues of eternity, naturally have weapon spirits. And there are a total of 36 weapon spirits, and the initial form of each weapon spirit is the eighth heaven of the true king."

"In their view, the 36-fold world that has not grown up can only be regarded as a small world. Because if it grows to the end, each layer of heaven will be a world comparable to a star field. At that time, the 36-fold world can be called It's the big world."

"The system only made an introduction based on their description."

While talking, the little glutinous rice balls took advantage of Jiang Qiyu's stunned effort to escape from the clutches of the devil. After speaking, he shook his body like a kitten, as if he was recovering the body that was crushed by Jiang Qiyu.


After a while, the dazed Jiang Qiyu came back to his senses, and the first sentence was full of what he had learned in his life.

"I earned it! No... I haven't bought it yet! I must buy it! 36 big worlds like star fields, it's a lot of money!"

"I also delivered 36 True King Bachongtians, and even solved the refereeing problem in the Mythical Arena! Must buy!"

"However, my current wish value is still a bit worse..."

Back to reality, the excited Jiang Qiyu was lost in thought after all.

A few seconds later, Jiang Qiyu clapped his big hands, raised his head firmly and impatiently, and looked at the little glutinous rice balls with burning eyes.

"I think it's okay for Tianxing to be stimulated even if she is stimulated."

Little glutinous rice balls, "You didn't say that before..."

"Oh~! It's been several minutes! People always change!"

Jiang Qiyu waved his hand and explained indifferently.

Little glutinous rice balls, "You are such a dog!"

"As expected of my little glutinous rice balls, you know me well enough!"

Looking at the shameless Jiang Qiyu, Xiao Tang Yuan Wan Zi finally remained silent.

Sure enough, a dog is even worse than a dog! ! ...

Chapter 164 I came to Tianxing for two things, drinking!Take your son! ; the father who put his son to death

It has been ten days since the qualifiers for Tianjiao in each domain, and Zhu Xia has ushered in a relatively peaceful period of time.

However, in another 20 days, the national qualifiers will start.

At that time, is the real gathering of wind and clouds.

Tianhe Region, Ten Thousand Rivers City.

"It's back again..."

Zhuge Liuyun looked at the tall buildings in front of him, and sighed faintly.

Seven days ago, his dad sent him home out of the blue to celebrate his entry into the national qualifiers.

And after knowing that his cheap father was really selected, Zhuge Liuyun couldn't eat for three days, yelling at the injustice of heaven, and couldn't figure out how any old stuff could enter the national qualifiers? !

In such a huge Tianhe Region, it is simply unreasonable for his cheap dad, who cheated his son, to win the No.


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