All of a sudden, Zhuge Liuyun's face darkened, his teeth itching.

"And you want me to come back again, and you still haven't sent someone to pick me up! It made me drive for several days! Shit!"

Zhuge Liuyun was very speechless, he was afraid and hated his cheap father, beat him and hit him when he had nothing to do, and now he didn't send anyone to pick him up, he really doubted whether he was born by his father!

"La la la! Son, dad is here!"

Suddenly, a passionate voice sounded.

And at this moment, Zhuge Liuyun felt like falling into an ice cave, and his whole body froze, unable to move for a long time.

It wasn't until a few seconds later that a hand was placed on his shoulder, that Zhuge Liuyun was shocked suddenly and turned his head to look.

Immediately, Zhuge Liuyun saw the face of a handsome uncle who had gone through the years but was still magnificent.

The slightly curly long hair and melancholy eyes are the signature features of his father Zhuge Jiangyu.


Zhuge Liuyun forced himself to show a smile that was uglier than his dead father, and reluctantly yelled.


Zhuge Jiangyu grinned, and rubbed Zhuge Liuyun's head vigorously. He didn't let go of his hands in satisfaction until the other's hair was rubbed with static electricity and messed up like a chicken coop.

Zhuge Liuyun, "..."

"Hahaha! Son, we haven't seen each other for a long time. Let's go! Dad will take you to have fun! Of course, by the way, I will also tell you about my wonderful performance in the Tianjiao Qualifier!"

Zhuge Jiangyu directly ignored Zhuge Liuyun's expression about to collapse, and dragged Zhuge Liuyun towards a restaurant.

The last sentence is your focus!

Zhuge Liuyun's eyes were dull, as if he had been hollowed out, and he looked like he was being slaughtered.

Just when the two were about to enter the restaurant, a black object suddenly fell from the sky and landed on the ground, stirring up a cloud of smoke and dust.


Zhuge Jiangyu paused, and pulled Zhuge Liuyun behind him, a glimmer of light appeared in his melancholy eyes.


A strange roar sounded, and the dust that covered people's eyes was blown away.


"What is that?! It's so big! It's so dark! It's so long!"

"Run! Monster!"

"Damn it! Why would there be a monster falling from the sky? Could it be an extraterrestrial demon?!"


Seeing the [-]-meter-high monster, everyone around panicked and ran away.

"What a heavy spirit of resentment!"

From this monster with long nose, white face and body like a witch's black cloak, Zhuge Jiangyu narrowed his eyes slightly, revealing a look of surprise.

Then, he brought Zhuge Liuyun in front of him.

"Damn it, fuck it!"


Zhuge Liuyun was stunned. He glanced at the monster's [-]-meter giant body, then at his thin body, and stared at Zhuge Jiangyu with a "you're kidding me" expression.

"Go! Don't be stunned!"

"Come on, Dad help you!"

The corner of Zhuge Jiangyu's mouth raised, and the hand holding Zhuge Liuyun suddenly exerted force.

"No...ah! I hate you!!!"

Zhuge Liuyun's eyes widened, his face changed, and he realized something was wrong, just about to shout, the next moment he was thrown directly by Zhuge Jiangyu in the motion of throwing a javelin.

"Don't be afraid to smash it! This monster is useless, you can exile it from your subspace!"

"This is also a good opportunity for you to break through, do it!"

After throwing it away, Zhuge Jiangyu seemed to feel uneasy, and did not forget to remind him like an old father.

Zhuge Liuyun, who was flying, felt very embarrassed, with a constipated expression on his face.

Depend on! ! ! !

Thousands of words finally gathered into one word in Zhuge Liuyun's heart.

Although there are a hundred sentences I want to complain about, the most important thing now is to solve the monster in front of me.

If he waited any longer, he would have to fly into the opponent's mouth.

At this time, the monster also noticed the flying ant, opened its mouth ferociously, and condensed a mass of scarlet, cold, and evil energy.


Zhuge Liuyun's eyes widened, his face paled in shock. …

"Gu la la la, Killian? Why is the miscellaneous Xu of the virtual circle here?"

And in a restaurant not far away, a giant with a one-eyed white beard and over six meters was sitting casually by the window. After seeing the big black monster, he raised his eyebrows and showed a strange color on his face.

This person is the ruffian boss with the white beard, and he is the only one left in the whole restaurant at this time, and everyone else is scared away by the big black monster.

After the big black monster appeared, he recognized that it was the virtual of the virtual circle.

Xu, divided into Miscellaneous Xu, Killian, Yachukas, and Vastod, a level like Killian is also cannon fodder who is sent at will in the Xu circle.

Although it is cannon fodder, Killian also has the strength of almost three realms, and it doesn't seem to be considered cannon fodder in Tianxing.

Of course, in the eyes of White Beard, this thing is not as troublesome as an ant.

After all, it is really troublesome to grab an ant with the size of Whitebeard, but a Kirian Taha can kill it in one breath.

Therefore, in his eyes, Killian<Ant!

The white beard was holding a wine bottle, his complexion was slightly smoky, and he was a little drunk, as if he had no intention of making a move.

However, when he saw Zhuge Liuyun flying towards Killian, he stopped drinking and seemed a little dazed.

Then, Whitebeard burst out laughing, seemingly very happy.

"Good! Good! Courage!"

"This kid seems to be called...Zhuge Liuyun, and he's a friend of Lanyangyang and the others."

"Gu la la la! It is very suitable to be the son of this old man!"

In the restaurant, White Beard's hearty laughter came out.

Whitebeard came to Tianxing for two things, drinking and playing, and taking in his son!

Now that the wine is drunk and his son is found, he naturally laughs happily.

At this time, Zhuge Liuyun didn't know that he had an extra father for no reason...

In addition, at this moment, at this moment, he just wants to save his own life~~

Power On—

"Game of the Saints"!

"Holy Judge!"

Zhuge Liuyun's round eyes opened sharply, seeing the false flashes gushing out of Kili'an's mouth, he didn't dare to delay in the slightest.

I saw a huge black cube congealed between his hands, and after he threw it suddenly, he immediately expelled Killian's false flash.

Killian neighed, and a false flicker formed in his mouth again, and he released it with all his strength, the power was even more terrifying, making Zhuge Liuyun's hair stand on end.

"Everyone else cheats! You cheat your son!"

Zhuge Liuyun's face was dark, and while his heart was going crazy, his movements were not slow at all, and he activated his abilities to the extreme.

The current Zhuge Liuyun is still at the fourth level of the morning star, and the condensed black cubes can easily cover a building.

"I exiled you!!"

Zhuge Liuyun knew that he couldn't give Ji Li'an a chance to make a false flash, so he shouted, and countless small black squares wrapped Ji Li'an.

Kilian neighed, and before he could move, the small cubes were frantically spliced ​​together, turning into a huge black square pillar with a height of [-] meters, covering Jilian's body in it.


Zhuge Liuyun was sweating profusely. Looking at the black square pillar that had cracks in just a second, his heart trembled wildly. He quickly clasped his hands, and the black square pillar began to dissipate from bottom to top.

But in a moment, half of the black square pillar had dissipated, followed by the lower half of Killian's body.


But when the black square pillar was only less than ten meters long, it suddenly shattered in the next moment.

At the same time, a scarlet flash shot out from the mouth of Kirian, who had only one head left, and blasted towards Zhuge Liuyun.

If he was shot, Zhuge Liuyun would be dead without life!


At the critical moment, Zhuge Jiangyu finally made a move.

He flashed in front of Zhuge Liuyun, raised his hand, and pushed the virtual flash away, and at the same time, a particle light wave was emitted from his fingertips, which instantly smashed Kili'an's head, as easily as crushing an ant to death.

"La la la, my son, at the critical moment, I still have to let my father turn the tide!"

The corners of Zhuge Liuyun's eyes twitched, looking at his cheap father who saved him, he really couldn't feel a trace of gratitude.


"I'm in danger, isn't it because of you!!"

Zhuge Liuyun gritted his teeth, and the word "well" appeared on his temple. If he couldn't beat Zhuge Jiangyu, he would definitely give Zhuge Jiangyu a shoulder throw!

"La la, don't say that, dad is just training you for exercise."

"Or, do you like another way of exercise. For example, let me personally exercise you~~"

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