Zhuge Jiangyu narrowed his melancholy eyes slightly, leaned in front of Zhuge Liuyun, and said with a smile.

Zhuge Liuyun quickly backed away, swallowed, forced a smile, and shook his head.

"No, no, no! I think Dad, your way of exercising is very good, so I don't need to trouble you to do it yourself."

Just kidding, if he is practiced by his cheap father, he will not be able to think about the rest of his life.

And the drill that Zhuge Jiangyu said was to beat him!beat him!beat him!

In Zhuge Jiangyu's words, being beaten is good for blood circulation, promotes the activation of tendons and collaterals, and increases strength...

"That's it, then you go do it!"


"Who are you doing?"

Zhuge Liuyun is dumbfounded, you really don't treat your son as a human being!


Zhuge Jiangyu smiled and turned his head. Just tens of meters to the right of the two, a blood-red monster appeared at some point, staring at them with scarlet eyes. ap.

Zhuge Liuyun looked at it, and it was petrified in the next second.

Because, right behind the blood-red monster, a dense patch of small bugs was surging.

But that's not the point. The point is that those little bugs are surrounded by the power of law. There is no doubt that these little bugs are the manifestation of the blood-red monster's law.

It also means that the blood-red monster is a true king of laws! !

"Are you serious?"

Zhuge Liuyun stared blankly at Zhuge Jiangyu, eager to get a negative answer from the other party.


The corners of Zhuge Jiangyu's mouth curled up, and he said with a harmless face, "Is there any problem?"

Of course there is a problem! !

Zhuge Liuyun is going crazy, your son is only at the second stage, you are afraid that you want to have a second child! ! ...

Chapter 165 Failed in the first stage, start the second stage... broken face!

"Hahaha! Of course I am teasing you!"

"Just kidding, the reaction doesn't have to be so big."

Seeing Zhuge Liuyun's frantic and collapsed expression, Zhuge Jiangyu patted Zhuge Liuyun's head as if he had succeeded in a feminist plan, and comforted him with a playful smile.


At this moment, Zhuge Liuyun's heart finally fell, and at the same time, his whole body split open.


How could I have such a father? !

Zhuge Liuyun fell into autism, which is why he didn't want to go home.

With such a cheating father around, who wants to stay at home? !

Zhuge Jiangyu looked at Zhuge Liuyun who was squatting on the ground and drawing circles silently, raised the corners of his mouth, and smiled with satisfaction before looking at the blood-red figure.

"It's good to have a son, and you can play as much as you want."

"But after the game is over, it's time to get down to business."

Zhuge Jiangyu rubbed his slightly curly long hair, and there was a trace of sharpness in his melancholy eyes.


The next moment, Zhuge Jiangyu flashed in front of the blood-red figure, and the six rays of light extended under his feet, evolving into a hexagram array, covering the blood-red figure.

"What a weird existence..."

Zhuge Jiangyu narrowed his eyes slightly, looking at the blood-red monster that looked like a long insect with ferocious insect arms on both sides, his eyes could not help but shift to the face of the insect monster.

On the hideous worm's face, was covered with a white bone mask like the big black monster before, which was very inconsistent with the blood-red body.

"This thing..."

"It's definitely not from the sky!"

Zhuge Jiangyu's six-pointed divine light surged in his eyes, and he became vigilant in his heart.


Suddenly, the blood-red worm let out a sharp and long howling sound, the pincers around its mouth moved, and a blood-red false flash gushed out.

Compared with Killian, the blood-red worm monster's false flash is much more terrifying, leaving a fragmented space wherever it is.


Zhuge Jiangyu didn't move at all, and whispered, the hexagram array under his feet burst into divine light, and the false flashes suddenly dispersed, turning into little particles and dissipating, as if they were disintegrated from the inside by some invisible force.

And this is Zhuge Jiangyu's ability "The Realm of Six Pointers", which, like Zhuge Liuyun's ability, belongs to the S-level ability.

When the six-pointed realm is released from the feet, all the energy in the enchantment is controllable!

As soon as the order came out, all attacks that could not kill Zhuge Jiangyu were within the "controllable" range.


The blood-red worm monster's scarlet eyes were full of killing, and it seemed that he had no intelligence. Seeing that his false flash dissipated, he immediately condensed another false flash and blasted at Zhuge Jiangyu.


Zhuge Jiangyu still stood where he was, drinking the order from his mouth.

Suddenly, the originally indomitable Void Flash made a direct bend and shot at the blood-red worm monster.


The blood-red worm monster didn't expect that the attack it issued would turn suddenly, so it didn't react at all, and was directly blasted out.

Zhuge Jiangyu's figure trembled, and the next instant he appeared behind the blood-red worm monster.



Suddenly, spiritual power surged in the air, turning into a series of spiritual power blades, killing the blood-red insect monster.

The blood-red worm monster, which was still flying upside down, just realized that there was danger behind him, and the moment he turned around, he was slashed by countless spiritual blades.


The blade slashed on the body, making the sound of metal and iron. The blood-red worm roared, and its long body twisted. After smashing the spiritual blade, the six transparent insect wings behind him vibrated and rushed directly to Zhuge Jiangyu.

"Hundred times the gravity!"

Zhuge Jiangyu frowned slightly, and spit out four words. In the world of six lights, the space trembled, and the terrifying gravity fell from top to bottom.


Before touching Zhuge Jiangyu, the blood-red worm flying halfway was pressed to the ground by gravity, and the ground cracked, allowing its long body to sink in.


However, this is obviously not enough, the blood-red worm roared, and the power of the strange law surged, turning into countless blood-red worms the size of fingernails, and began to eat gravity!

"Ten thousand times gravity!"

There was a trace of sharpness in Zhuge Jiangyu's eyes, and he directly added two zeros to the gravity.

This time, the blood-red worm monster could only let out a mournful cry, and even the power of the law was instantly shattered, and its body was also cracked inch by inch, spewing out extremely stinky blood.


Zhuge Jiangyu took a deep breath and wiped a drop of sweat from his forehead.

Maintaining [-] times the gravity is not a small amount of work.

"But what kind of monster is this..."

Zhuge Jiangyu squinted his eyes slightly as he looked at the blood-red worm monster that was crushed to the point of being unable to move, and would be crushed in a short time, and then walked over, wanting to take a closer look.

"Failed in the first phase, start the second phase..."

"Break face!"

At the moment when Zhuge Jiangyu walked in front of the blood-red worm monster, a cold voice suddenly sounded from high above, without any warning.

Zhuge Jiangyu's pupils shrank, and without the slightest hesitation, he immediately retreated.

However, even so, it was still too late.

The moment that cold voice fell, a burst of blood shot out from the blood-red worm monster, and the terrifying power climbed layer by layer, like an ocean, full of suffocating heaviness.

In an instant, the blood-red energy swung away, and Zhuge Jiangyu's complexion changed drastically.


The spiritual power surged and turned into a spiritual power wall with a height of [-] meters and a thickness of [-] meters.

However, under the impact of the blood-red energy, it was instantly shattered, and Zhuge Jiangyu was directly thrown out.


Seeing this scene, Zhuge Liuyun hurried over.

"Dad, how are you?!"

Zhuge Liuyun quickly helped Zhuge Jiangyu up, and asked anxiously.

"La la, it's okay... poof!"

The corner of Zhuge Jiangyu's mouth grinned, and just after saying a few words, a mouthful of blood spewed out in the next second, and his face turned pale for a while. ap.

"You're fine!"

"Hey, it was just once by promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis. Didn't you often activate blood circulation and remove blood stasis before?"

Zhuge Jiangyu smiled, stood up, and said nonchalantly.

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