"What time is it, you're still joking!"

Zhuge Liuyun looked at the embarrassed Zhuge Jiangyu, feeling distressed and helpless.

"Son, I'll see you off in a while."

At this time, Zhuge Jiangyu's face suddenly became serious, and he said to Zhuge Liuyun in a deep voice.


Zhuge Liuyun was taken aback for a moment, as if it was the first time he had seen Zhuge Jiangyu so serious.

"That monster is not the third heaven of the true king. Your dad is invincible at the same level, but he can't be invincible beyond the level, let alone two levels..."

"Two steps..."

Zhuge Liuyun was stunned, and his face changed drastically in the next moment, "Peerless true king?!"

"Dad, let's run together! Quick!"

Zhuge Liuyun naturally didn't want to run away by himself. Although Zhuge Jiangyu's cheap father was cheap and weird, he was still his flesh and blood, so how could he be willing to leave Zhuge Jiangyu here alone!

"That's too late……"

Zhuge Jiangyu stood in front of Zhuge Jiangyu with a dignified expression, looking at the blood-red worm monster.

At this time, the blood-red worm turned into a human form, with three pairs of worm arms growing under its armpits, and its feet were huge claws, sinking into the ground.

And the white bone mask on its face has also disappeared at this time, revealing a distorted and ugly face.


The blood-red worm monster neighed, and the ear-piercing sound fluctuated, shaking the surrounding space crazily.

The six-pointed world under Zhuge Jiangyu's feet rose again, turning into a barrier in front of him, blocking the terrifying sound waves.


When Zhuge Jiangyu mentioned Zhuge Jiangyu, he was about to throw it away, but the next moment, the blood-red worm was already in front of him.

"So fast!"

Zhuge Jiangyu's complexion changed drastically, and he immediately shouted, "One hundred thousand times the gravity!!"


In an instant, a sky-collapsing gravity descended, pressing the blood-red worm monster to the ground, and continued to sink.

"Suppress the monster!"

Seeing this, Zhuge Liuyun couldn't help showing joy.


But at this time, Zhuge Jiangyu suddenly spurted out a big mouthful of blood, and he couldn't stand still, and fell directly to the ground.

Chapter 166 Dad, Someone Wants to Snatch My Mom! ;Ten Blades, Ur Urquiola!


The joy on Zhuge Liuyun's face dissipated instantly, and he looked at Zhuge Jiangyu worriedly and anxiously.

"Dad, what's the matter with you?"

Zhuge Liuyun hurriedly helped Zhuge Jiangyu up, with worried expressions on his brows and eyes.

"One hundred thousand times the gravity has already surpassed your father's limit, and this monster is a peerless true king, so it was backlashed..."

Zhuge Jiangyu smiled wryly, his pale face full of haggardness.

At this moment, he had not said anything to let Zhuge Liuyun escape, because it was already too late!

Unless the domain lord of the Tianhe Region arrived in time, he and Zhuge Liuyun would have no choice but to die.

However, it seems that it is too late...

Roar! ! !

A sharp insect cry came from the ground, and the terrifying sound directly cracked the ground, sending Zhuge and the others flying.


The sound of flapping wings came, and the blood-red worm flew up, and a more scarlet and depressing flicker condensed in its mouth.


With a false flash, he blasted straight at Zhuge Jiangyu and the two of them.

If they were hit head-on, the two of them would definitely die.

"Scatter! Back! Defense!"

Zhuge Jiangyu didn't want to sit still and wait for death, the six-pointed world opened, and he issued three orders in a row.

However, the first two edicts were unable to effect false flashes, and only the third edict worked, forming a [-]-meter-thick spiritual power wall in front of him.


However, in front of the terrifying False Flash, the spiritual power wall shattered as quickly as it was destroyed, and it was impossible to stop the False Flash.

At this moment when there was nothing to do, Zhuge Jiangyu made a subconscious movement, he took Zhuge Liuyun into his arms, and protected him tightly.

At this moment, Zhuge Liuyun's eyes widened and he fell into a daze.

"Hey, boy, it seems that we and I are going to be "same fate couples"."

Zhuge Jiangyu's unscrupulous voice reached Zhuge Liuyun's ears, but Zhuge Liuyun didn't feel the slightest disgust or rejection, only inexplicable happiness.

That's right, at the moment when he was about to burp, Zhuge Liuyun's greatest feeling was actually happiness.

Because at this moment, he knew that he was indeed Zhuge Jiangyu's biological son, and his cheap father also loved him...

"Goo la la la!"

"It's really a touching father-son relationship. This gentleman won't mind if your son has another father, right?"

However, the imaginary death did not come.

Instead, a hearty laugh came into my ears, which made Zhuge and his son stunned, and the words that came later made them petrified on the spot.

Zhuge Jiangyu, "??!"

"Dad, someone is going to rob our mother!"

Zhuge Liuyun touched his head and said in a somewhat confused tone.

Zhuge Jiangyu, "..."

"Gu la la la! This old man doesn't mean that."

At this time, the hearty voice sounded again, Zhuge Liuyun and Zhuge Jiangyu finally came to their senses and looked in the direction of the voice.

However, with their eyesight, they could only see a pair of ankles, which made them look up immediately.

"Ruffian beard?!"

Zhuge Liuyun's eyes widened, and he let out a sound of shock.

"Gu la la la! Ruffian beard? What an interesting name."

The person who came was White Beard. At this time, he was holding the blood-red worm monster's head with one hand, while looking down at Zhuge and his son, his bell-like voice resounded in all directions.

Zhuge Liuyun was a little panicked, and then quickly explained.

"Because you said at the auction that you can be called Whitebeard or the ruffian boss. So I was wondering if we could simplify it and call you ruffian beard..."

"Ah! I definitely don't want to humiliate you!"

"Goo la la la!"

"It's a very good title! If that's the case, then you can also call the old man Pi Hu Zi, it sounds pretty good, gurgling!"

White Beard was not angry, but laughed heartily, as if he didn't care at all.

"Eh? Is it okay?"

Zhuge Liuyun was taken aback for a moment, and looked at White Beard in disbelief.

"Of course, after all, you are the son of this old man, so I am very happy to accept the name you named Daddy, gurgling!"


Zhuge Liuyun was stunned, when did he become the son of White Beard?Why don't I know? !

At this moment, a big hand suddenly covered Zhuge Liuyun's head, causing Zhuge Liuyun's head to hit the ground directly.

Crisp, loud and musical!

Zhuge Liuyun was stunned, even Baibeard was stunned for a moment.

"La la la, Er Zai, being adopted as a son by White Beard is a great thing..."

"Hey, this way, no one will rob your mother from me."

Although Zhuge Jiangyu had a serious face, the excitement revealed between his brows made Zhuge Liuyun's forehead burst out with blue veins.


"Don't you only care about your wife? I'm your son!"

Zhuge Liuyun danced and danced, resolutely protesting Zhuge Jiangyu's behavior of selling his son.

"Well, a son can have multiple fathers, but my wife can only have one husband. So you have to sacrifice."

"Besides, this is Whitebeard. It's a great thing to recognize you as a son."

Zhuge Jiangyu raised the corner of his mouth and said solemnly.

"Gu la la la! You father and son are really interesting."

"I'll talk about the recognition of my son later, let the old man solve the troubles in front of me first."

The ruffian beard laughed, very happy, and said to the two.

(From now on, I will be called as ruffian beard~)


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