Zhuge and his son looked at each other in blank dismay, and then at the blood-red worm monster pinched by the ruffian beard, not knowing where the trouble came from.

Suddenly, Zhuge Jiangyu's expression shook, and he remembered that cold voice before...

Zhuge Jiangyu quickly raised his head, and as expected, a slender figure stood above them.

"Ulquior Lacifer, the guys in your virtual circle are really troublesome, they can cause trouble wherever they go."

The ruffian beard also raised his head and shouted loudly, obviously recognizing the other party's identity.


Zhuge and his son were stunned, they had never heard this name before.

Seeming to see the confusion of the two, Ruffian Beard said immediately.

"Ichimaru Gin who appeared in the Holy Kingdom before, you should know! Ulquiorra, like Ichimaru Gin, is Aizen Soyousuke's subordinate."

"However, unlike Ichimaru Gin, Ulquiorra is Hollow, one of the Ten Blades!"

The ruffian beard raised his hand and stroked his beard, a gleam of light flashed across his eyes.

Hearing this, Zhuge and his son were all shocked.

They naturally know what happened in the Holy Kingdom, and even the mythical arena was drawn out because of the conflict between Shi Yinwan and Jin Shining.

Zhuge Jiangyu showed shock, looking at Ulquiola above, his eyes trembled.

"Could it be..."

"Another True King Seventh Heaven?!"

"If that's the case, can the ruffian beard deal with it?"

Zhuge Jiangyu didn't know, but based on the information obtained from the auction, the ruffian beard's strength should be the fifth heaven of the real king.

However, Zhuge Jiangyu knew just how ridiculous the so-called information was based on the performance of the ruffian beard holding the blood-red worm monster with one hand.

Similarly, Xintailang, who was considered only the peerless true king at the auction, also showed his strength not to lose to Jin Glittering.

From this point of view, the information obtained by various forces in the auction is simply too wrong!

Therefore, if nothing else happens, Zhuge Jiangyu guesses that the ruffian beard is also likely to be a terrifying existence of a canopy god king (seventh heaven)!

Otherwise, how dare the other party be so disrespectful to Ulquiorra, who is of the same force as Ichimaru Gin? !

"Earth Star, it's too strong!!"

Zhuge Jiangyu's eyes flickered slightly, and he was both shocked and envious.

If the stars of the sky and the stars of the earth are as powerful, then there is no need to worry about the threat of extraterrestrial demons!

It's a pity that, as far as the current situation is concerned, the gap between the sky star and the earth star is more than a little bit...

"Let him go."

At this time, Ulquiorra's cold voice came from above the sky again.


Immediately afterwards, Ulquiola's figure flashed, and he came in front of the three ruffian beards in an instant.

But when Ulquiorra appeared in front of him, Zhuge and his son could see each other's appearance clearly.

Their first impression of Ulquiorra was—cold!

This kind of coldness is the kind of coldness that discards all emotions!

On Ulquiola, Zhuge and his son couldn't feel any emotion that a living being should have.

Even in comparison, they think that robots are easier to get along with than Ulquiorra.

Ulquiorla's dark green tear stains extending from his eyes to his entire face are extremely conspicuous. He is wearing a long white robe similar to Ichimaru Gin, and also has a knife hanging from his waist on the left hand side.

After appearing in front of the three of them, he ignored Zhuge and his son, just glanced casually at the blood-red worm monster pinched by the ruffian beard, and said to the ruffian beard indifferently.


That cold and emotionless tone seemed to be giving an order.

The ruffian beard laughed, not only did not let go, but squeezed the blood-red worm monster's big hand even harder.

The terrifying force caused the blood-red worm to neigh wildly, and its head crackled, but no matter how hard it struggled, it had no effect.

A terrifying monster of a peerless true king, in the hands of White Beard, is as weak as an ant.

"Ulquiorra, this old man is not someone you can order."

"This ugly monster wants to hurt my good son, but I don't intend to let it go!"

Ruffian Beard looked down at Ulquiola, with sharp eyes, white hair and beard, and an old face, but he couldn't hide the domineering meaning that Ruffian Beard radiated from the inside out.

Ulquiorra was expressionless. After he glanced at Zhuge and his son, he raised his hand and stretched out his slender and pale index finger to point at them.


In an instant, a miserable green flash condensed on his fingertips, and gushed out in an instant, the terrifying power instantly tore apart the space.

Ulquiola's idea is very simple, since the ruffian said that the blood-red worm hurt his son, then he will make the other party disappear!

In this way, the ruffian beard has no son, and there is no such thing as the blood-red worm hurting his son.

Simply put, it is to solve the problem from the root!


"To die!"

Zhuge Liuyun and Zhuge Jiangyu's complexion changed drastically, and they expressed their death speeches one after another.

Boom! …

Chapter 167 Block it, Black Wing Demon! ;The head of the white sheep covering the sky!


A miserable green flash blasted out, producing a huge cloud of smoke.

Ulquiola put down his hand, and the next moment the alarm bells rang in his heart, and he raised his hand to form a wall of spiritual power in front of him.

Sure enough, the next moment, a figure suddenly rushed out from the smoke, shattering the wall of spiritual power with one punch and sending Ulquiorra flying.

"Gu la la la! You want to hurt my son in front of this old man, you really look down on me!"

The ruffian beard retracted his fist and looked at Ulquiola who smashed into the building, his tone was flat but majestic.

Behind him, Zhuge Jiangyu and Zhuge Liuyun looked like survivors of disaster.

At this time, Zhuge Jiangyu was also completely convinced that Ruffian Beard was definitely a canopy king!


Suddenly, three false flashes shot out from the building and blasted towards the ruffian beard.

The ruffian beard snorted coldly, stepped on his foot, and in an instant, the earth shook and cracked continuously, the terrifying vibration force swayed out like a tsunami, and the virtual flash was wiped out in an instant.

Shake the fruit!

Possesses the terrifying shocking power of splitting the earth, falling into the sky, and destroying the world!

The Zhenzhen Fruit has played a decisive role in making Ruffian Beard come to this day.


However, the three false flashes were obviously just a prelude.

With a huge explosion in the air, Ulquiola flashed in an instant, slashing with his knife.


"Gu la la la, good knife skills, but still far away!"

Ruffian Beard holds a mechanical long-handled knife in his right hand to block Ulquiorra's slash. This knife is called "Kai Yun", and its full name is Karen Cong Yunqie!

It is one of the Twelve Skills of the Treasure of the Sea, and it is said to be the magical sword that Pi Huzi found in the sea in his early years.

However, there are rumors that Kaiyun was transformed into a robot. Some people claim to have seen Ruffian beard watching the sunrise with a robot with a computer head, which seems to be Kaiyun's real body.

Of course, these are also unproven words, so it is not enough to believe...


After being blocked by the ruffian beard, Ulquiola's face remained calm, and he quickly stretched out his other hand, condensing a green flash, and slammed towards the ruffian beard's head.


However, before the false flash touched the ruffian beard's head, it was smoothed out by the vibration force lingering around ruffian beard's body.


Ruffian Beard punched Ulquiola with a shock force that could tear apart the space.

In an instant, Ulquiola's figure suddenly disappeared, making the punch of the ruffian beard miss.


Ring turn, a high-speed footwork unique to the broken face, the speed of movement will not be weaker than Shunpo of the Shinigami, and it can realize instant high-speed transfer.

The ruffian beard frowned slightly, and immediately turned around, and Ulquiola's figure actually appeared behind him, and a black flash blasted out.

Bang bang bang!

The unprepared attack sent the ruffian beard flying several meters, and after flying to the sky, the ruffian beard shouted loudly, punching the air, and the terrifying vibration force gushed out like a tsunami.

"Block it, Black Wing Demon!"

Ulquiola whispered indifferently, and without hesitation released the sword, that is, a return to the blade.


In an instant, the terrifying Reiatsu burst turned into countless black raindrops and fell.


The black wings that covered the sky extended from behind Ulquiola, and with a light flap, countless spiritual pressure black rains turned into sharp blades, blasting towards the ruffian beard, offsetting the opponent's vibration one by one.

At this time, Ulquiola's appearance changed slightly, the white bone mask on the left brain disappeared, replaced by a two-horned helmet, the nails of both hands turned into long black claws, and the jet-black hair instantly became longer, blowing in the wind .

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