"One year?!"

Zhuge Liuyun was pleasantly surprised at first, after all, he was able to use the Aries Saint Cloth in one year and become the inheritor of the gods and wildness, so he was naturally delighted.

However, Zhuge Liuyun couldn't help hesitating when he thought about the mythical arena, and then he talked about the mythical arena, and hinted that he wanted to participate and win the second crown at will, or the idea of ​​Tianjiao king.

After listening, Curly touched his chin. After a moment of contemplation, he suddenly raised his head and said loudly with blood in his eyes.

"Okay! No problem! Life is all about passion and fighting!"

"Young man, you must participate in the Mythical Arena! It just so happens that this is also a good time to announce the return of the Golden Twelve Saints to the world!"

"Maybe, I can still see my companions..."

In the end, the blood in Curly's eyes faded, replaced by endless longing and loneliness.

Looking at the emotion in each other's eyes, Zhuge Liuyun seemed to have seen the scene where Curly Hair sat alone on the throne for an era, only accompanied by loneliness and darkness...

"Senior curly hair, your companion..."

Although it might be offensive, Zhuge Liuyun couldn't help asking.

"Alive! At least, they are not dead!"

Before Zhuge Liuyun could finish speaking, Curly immediately spoke firmly, his eyes full of hope.

"Strange Card, Weiwei... and Xingmao, they must still exist somewhere in the endless starry sky! Definitely!"

Curly clenched his fists tightly, his mood swings seemed to be huge, and the entire golden palace began to tremble.


Fortunately, Zhuge Liuyun awakened the curly hair in time, so that the curly hair came back to his senses, suppressed the power of the **, and the palace returned to calm.

Zhuge Liuyun and even the other three heaved a sigh of relief, just now Curly's sudden mood swings erupted with a terrifying force like the sky falling.

If the curly hair really erupted, the palace, the secret realm, and all of them would be wiped out in an instant, leaving nothing left.

"Is this the strength of the Golden Twelve Saints? The remnant souls that have been baptized through endless years also possess such powerful power."

"From this point of view, the heyday of curly hair will definitely not be weaker than the Holy King..."

The ruffian beard's eyes flickered, and his heart was also shaken.

"Sorry, I think of my companions, so I got a little excited."

Then, Curly sincerely apologized to everyone without any airs.

"No, no, no! It's all my fault! I shouldn't talk too much."

Hearing Curly's apology, Zhuge Liuyun quickly shook his head and hands, catching the mistake.

Curly shook his head and sighed, "Back then, Shenhuang was besieged by all parties, and all walks of life were guarding one side. My star field faced the Zerg army known as "endless devouring"."

"Although my star field saint fighters fought hard to kill the enemy, but the number of Zerg races was as numerous as the sands of the Ganges River, endless, and the strong emerged in endlessly. After all, my star field suffered from the loss of the number of people and eventually fell."

"In a desperate situation, I killed hundreds of millions of Zerg army and two Zerg kings with self-explosion. I thought they would die, but I didn't expect the Star God to arrive, reverse time and space, capture a trace of my soul, and put it in the Aries Saint. In the palace..."

"Although I didn't die in the end, I fell into an endless sleep because of this. When I woke up, the gods and gods had already been shattered, and the star gods and strange cards had completely disappeared."

Curly's expression was gloomy, and everyone was silent. At the same time, they also learned the horror of the Mythological World War I from Curly's mouth.

After a while, Curly regained his expression and grinned.

"Hahaha! It's too far away, let's talk about the mythical arena!"

"Young man, although you can't control the Aries Saint Cloth for the time being, you can start with other Saint Cloths first. I happen to have two bronze Saint Cloths here."

"Don't underestimate the Bronze Saint Cloth, even the lowest grade Bronze Saint Cloth has the powerful power to cut through the sky and split the earth!"

"With your current strength, if you can wear the Bronze Saint Cloth, your strength will definitely have a qualitative leap!"

As he said that, Curly waved his hand, a golden swirl appeared above the palace, and two bronze-colored boxes fell down.

"This is the holy box containing the holy clothes. Only by comprehending the small universe can the holy clothes in it be awakened. These two holy boxes contain the holy clothes of the Pegasus and the holy clothes of the Dragon. Choose one."

Curly patted the two boxes and said to Zhuge Liuyun.

Zhuge Liuyun showed joy, approached the holy box, stretched out his hand to touch the box, and felt that after putting his hand on the box, his whole body was wrapped in warmth.

"I choose the Pegasus Cloth!"

Zhuge Liuyun felt the warmth of both hands, and finally chose the Pegasus Saint Cloth.

"it is good!"

"In this case, another thing..."

Curly nodded, looked at the Saint Cloth of Draco, and was not in a hurry to take it back, but looked at Ruffian Beard and Ulquiola.

"Need not!"

"Gu la la la! The old man is already old, and he is not suitable for accepting new power."

The two of them seemed to know what Curly wanted to say, and spoke out immediately.

Curly nodded, then looked at Zhuge Jiangyu who was hiding behind the pillar.

"You, yes! It's you!"

"This Draconian Saint Cloth is given to you. Although your strength is still barely strong, this Draconian Saint Cloth can also give you a great boost."

Zhuge Jiangyu pointed at himself, a little surprised, and then ran out with a smile on his face.

"Thank you, Senior Curly!"

After Zhuge Jiangyu thanked for a while, he moved faster than Zhuge Liuyun, and picked up the box, only to find that the box was surprisingly heavy.

Afterwards, Zhuge Liuyun quickly carried the box on his back, but was almost crushed.

"Because you don't have a small universe, you can't use the holy clothes, so the current holy clothes can only increase weight for you, but not strength. Next, I will guide you how to awaken the small universe and control the holy clothes!"

The curly hair is not unexpected, the unusable holy cloth is a box of iron bumps, of course it is very heavy.

"Do you want to be here?"

Zhuge Jiangyu was taken aback, looked at Curly and asked.

"No! Go out, I also want to see what the world looks like today."

Curly shook his head, a look of anticipation on his face.

Hearing this, Zhuge Jiangyu breathed a sigh of relief. He still has to participate in the national qualifiers. If he stays here, he will have to miss it.


At this time, Curly waved his hand, and the stars moved, and everyone reappeared in the secret realm, and in Curly's hand, there was a miniature version of the golden palace.

Then, the curly hair turned into a streak of light and penetrated into Zhuge Liuyun's forehead.

Zhuge Liuyun was stunned, before he could speak, Curly's voice sounded immediately.

"I only have a remnant soul left now, and I need to stay in the Aries Holy Palace. You are my chosen successor of the Aries Saint Cloth, so I will place the Aries Holy Palace in your soul."

"When necessary, I can call you into the holy palace at any time, so as to guide you conveniently."

"it is good."

Zhuge Liuyun nodded, glanced at the holy box behind him, and couldn't help giggling cheerfully.

"Finally! Finally it's my turn!"

"I, Zhuge Liuyun, will finally rise up!"...

Chapter 170 The Wolf King Arrives; The Hall of Stars Who Makes Trouble!

Zhu Xia, Qingling City, Qingling Region.

After Zhuge Liuyun left, Liu Qingqing practiced with Pleasant Goat and Lazy Goat as usual, striving to break through Huiyue (Three Realms) as soon as possible.

However, just today, a few unusual guests came...

Qingling Domain, the residence of the domain lord.

At this time, Liu Qingqing, Pleasant Goat, and Lanyangyang were all looking at the person sitting opposite them as if they were facing a formidable enemy.

"Hehe, don't be nervous. My Majesty came to Tianxing just to accompany his wife and son, not to trouble you."

Opposite Pleasant Goat and the others, a figure in purple royal clothes and a patched hat spoke, and it was the king of the wolf tribe, Big Big Wolf!

And beside him, the red wolf in gorgeous bright red robe was teasing the little wolf cub beside him.

This little wolf cub is Xiao Huihui, the son of Big Big Wolf and Red Wolf, and he is also one of the most unprovoked existences in the entire Qingqing Grassland.

Because no matter whether it is his parents or a group of uncles and elders, they are all well-known strong men in the earth and stars. If you mess with him, it is tantamount to messing with the entire wolf clan!

And the three Pleasant Goats on the opposite side couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief after hearing Big Big Wolf's words.

"Brother Lazy Goat, Brother Pleasant Goat!"

At this time, Xiao Huihui suddenly jumped off the stool and ran directly to Pleasant Goat and Lazy Goat.

"Little Huihui, long time no see."

Pleasant Goat smiled slightly, and raised his hand to touch Xiao Huihui's head.

"Xiao Huihui, I'll give you a cake! This is specially reserved for you by Big Brother."

Lazy Yangyang took out a piece of fruit cake, drooling at the corner of his mouth, and handed it to Xiao Huihui with a big air and reluctance.

"Thank you bro!"

Xiao Huihui immediately took it, and with a smile on his face, he yelled Big Brother to Lan Yangyang.

The lazy sheep laughed happily.

"You little fat man! You actually let my son recognize you as a big brother!"

When Big Big Wolf saw this scene, his face darkened, and he looked at Lazy Sheep angrily.

Lazy Sheep's face froze.

At the critical moment, Xiao Huihui immediately stood in front of Lan Yangyang, puffing up her face and shouting.

"Father, don't hurt Brother Lanyangyang, he is my good friend."

Seeing this, Big Big Wolf's head was full of black lines, but in the end he had no choice but to smile at Xiao Huihui, and glared at Lazy Sheep fiercely before giving up.

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