Looking at Liu Qingqing from the side, she was dumbfounded. She looked at Lazy Goat in disbelief, then at Xiao Huihui, and finally looked at Pleasant Goat, and asked in disbelief.

"Pleasant Goat, didn't you say that the sheep and wolves have been enemies for generations? Why..."

Although Liu Qingqing didn't finish speaking, Pleasant Goat also knew what the other party wanted to ask, and then spoke.

"The two clans of sheep and wolves do have a deep feud, but since the world lord issued a rule that no race wars are allowed, conflicts between sheep and wolves have become increasingly rare."

"By a chance coincidence, Lazy Goat, Boiling Goat, Beautiful Goat and Nuan Yangyang and I met Red Wolf who was about to give birth, and we sent him back to the wolf clan in time, and waited until Xiao Huihui was born. , we became very good friends..."

Hearing this, Liu Qingqing understood why Xiao Huihui had such a good relationship with Lan Yangyang and the others.

"Hmph, Lamb, I am really grateful to you for this."

"However, this is not the reason why you can take my son to eat grass!"

Big Big Wolf snorted coldly, his face was shaking when he said this.

And hearing Big Big Wolf's words, Liu Qingqing was stunned again.

After asking Pleasant Goat again, I found out that because Xiao Huihui often played with them, they ate whatever Xiao Huihui ate, and gradually became grazing and not meat...

What to eat is actually a personal freedom, but the question is whether Xiao Huihui is a wolf, or the future king of the wolf clan!

In this way, liking to eat grass has become a very serious problem!

Big Big Wolf took a lot of effort to get Xiao Huihui back, so he didn't want Xiao Huihui to have too much contact with Lazy Goat and the others, so as not to resume the strange habit of eating grass.

Moreover, because of this incident, Big Big Wolf would take revenge on the lamb from time to time to dispel the hatred in his heart.

Of course, Big Big Wolf will not harm their lives, he doesn't want his son to hate him because of this incident.

Liu Qingqing glanced at Big Big Wolf, then at Lazy Goat and the others, and couldn't help feeling that the relationship between Big Big Wolf and Pleasant Goat was quite good...

"Let's not talk about it, my lord came to Tianxing this time just to play with my wife and son."

"You! You! You! Let me lead the way to a fun place."

"If my son plays well and is happy, rewards are indispensable."

Then, Big Big Wolf waved his hand, and immediately asked the three of Pleasant Goat to take them to play.

"Okay, okay! Xiao Huihui, big brother will take you to eat..."

"No eating! Go to the amusement park!"

After hearing this, Lan Yangyang immediately stood up and took Xiao Huihui's hand, but before he could finish his happy words, Big Big Wolf immediately rejected Lan Yangyang's proposal.

Just kidding, he managed to get Xiao Huihui to no longer like to eat grass, so why would he let a lazy sheep and a foodie lead his son to death.

"Tch, cheapskate~"

Lan Yangyang curled his lips when he heard this, but he didn't refute. He didn't want to be made into lamb skewers.

"Go to the amusement park!"

But Xiao Huihui is very happy. He hasn't played with Brother Xiaoyang for a long time. ap.

Soon, Big Big Wolf's family, under the leadership of Liu Qingqing and the others, came to the largest Tiante Paradise in Qingling City.

In order not to attract attention, Big Big Wolf's family turned into humans, and Lazy Goat and Pleasant Goat also turned into humans.

"The horns are gone, and the tail is gone, I'm really not used to it."

Pleasant Goat turned into a cool and handsome man, patted his head, then patted the back, and muttered.

And Lazy Sheep's appearance is much more naive. Even if she becomes a human, she is cute and loves to have no head, and her papa hairstyle is still the same.

It was the first time for Liu Qingqing to see Pleasant Goat and the others in their human form. While feeling novel, she couldn't help marveling at the fact that it is a little sheep. After turning into a human form, it is really white. It is pure envy.

"Popcorn! Little Brother Huihui will buy it for you."

"Boss, please fill this pocket."

Of course, whether Lazy Yangyang turns into a human doesn't affect his eating.

After seeing a stall selling popcorn, he immediately walked over and took out a urea bag with the words "sunshine pig feed" written on it, eagerly asking the boss to fill it up for him.


Pleasant Goat twitched the corner of his mouth, walked over to grab Lazy Goat's bib, apologized to the boss, and dragged the squeaking Lazy Goat away.

But at this time, among the playing crowd, a pair of eyes were fixed on Liu Qingqing and his party.

"The granddaughter of King Bai..."

"Who are those guys?"

A white-faced, dove-like man was holding a bunch of balloons in his hand, he glanced at Liu Qingqing and the human-shaped Pleasant Goat and the others calmly, then rolled his eyes, and then disappeared into the crowd , came to a dark corner.


The dove-like man made a drake-like sound, and whispered into the depths of the narrow corner.


"Didn't I tell you to sell the balloons so that no one can see them? Why don't you come here now to do naughty things?"

With a fiery voice, a man with clown makeup stepped out from a narrow corner, and asked the dove-like man very displeased.

"Boss, boss, don't get angry, I'm here to report something!"

Seeing that his boss was angry, the dove-like man quickly explained that he was afraid that he would be pressed and rubbed on the ground by the other party if it was too late.

"what's up?"

The clown frowned and asked immediately.

The dove-like man leaned over and immediately told the news of seeing Liu Qingqing and others.

After hearing Liu Qingqing's name, the clown's expression changed drastically, and he asked hastily.

"Are Lazy Goat and Pleasant Goat here? And are her father Liu Yunhe and her father Liu Baisu there?"

"No! But there are a few people beside him whom I have never seen before. Liu Qingqing probably came to play with friends!"

The dove-like man shook his head and expressed his guess.

Hearing this, the clown breathed a sigh of relief.

"That's good, that's good!"

Whenever one of the people he mentioned comes, the clown will run away immediately.

"Then boss, is our plan still going on?"

The dove-like man approached the clown and asked in a low voice.

"Stay away from me!" The clown took a step back with a look of disgust, for fear that the powder on the opponent's face would rub off on his clothes.

"Of course it will be done!"

"The world is chaotic, and there are no stars in the world!"

"Only by letting endless fireworks bloom in the world can we bring light and order to the world."

"The stars are shining, and the stars are here! This time, I must create the biggest fireworks, so that the Dragon God Court and the group of dogs in Wanxian Pavilion will know that the Stars Hall is amazing!"

The clown raised his hands high, and the makeup on his face began to distort in the clown's words, as if it had turned into an endless starry sky, which was extremely weird.

Obviously, this guy is not a serious person. ...

Chapter 171 If you want to marry, marry Big Big Wolf~;

The clown has no name, and is a member of the three major anti-human organizations in Zhuxia, the Hall of Stars.

In the Hall of Stars, he is known as the Pillar of Darkness, one of the four pillars of the Hall of Stars, and one of the principals of the Hall of Stars.

The Hall of Stars is different from the Dragon God Court. They don't respect the gods, they only respect the stars, the sun and the moon.

They believe that the stars are in chaos, so that all the stars are isolated from the world, and only by turning the stars into stars can the isolation be eliminated.

And the way they want to turn the stars into little stars is also very simple, that is to turn every part of the stars into a sea of ​​flames!

Because the flame represents the sun, and among the billions of stars, they think that the sun is undoubtedly the top of the stars, so when the sky star completely becomes a sea of ​​flames, it will naturally become a star.

However, from the current point of view, they are still far away from achieving this goal...

Because the Hall of Stars has only successfully turned one mountain range into a sea of ​​flames since its "debut", and that was because it was the first time they did it at that time, and Zhu Xia was unprepared.

And after that time, Zhu Xia defended the Hall of Stars just like guarding against thieves, so they failed to ignite the "Star Fireworks" again afterwards.

It can be said that among the three major organizations in the Hall of Stars, the Hall of Stars is undoubtedly the one that failed the most~~

Because of this, the Hall of Stars will be ridiculed by the Dragon God Court and Wanxian Pavilion at every star meeting (alias: the tea party of the three major organizations). In the chain of contempt, the Hall of Stars is undoubtedly at the bottom.

But this time, the clown is going to light fireworks in the largest and most luxurious paradise in Qingling City, and create a "bonfire meeting" that is enough to make Zhuxia's earthquake!

For this plan, the clown brought all three of his most powerful generals, and the dove-like man was one of them.


Hearing this, the dove-like man nodded immediately, then pulled the balloon, with a professional smile, turned into a balloon peddler, and mixed into the crowd again.

And the clown also threw five balls, and suddenly appeared in the dense crowd without any surprise.

With a funny smile on his face, he performed the ball in the air, attracting tourists to stop and watch.

Listening to the cheers from all directions, the funny smile on the clown's face was even more exaggerated, and the movement of throwing the ball was even faster.

"Laugh! Laugh!"

"You guys will cry in a while! Jie Jie Jie!"

The clown laughed wildly in his heart. He had already imagined that the "Flame Festival" would start for a while, and these people were panicked and full of desperate expressions.

Then, it must be very attractive~~


On the roller coaster over the mountains, there were bursts of screams, and the source was Lazy Yangyang.

"Lazy Yangyang, you are also the real king after all, can you be more cautious?"

Pleasant Goat was speechless, looked at Lazy Goat who was almost hanging on her body, twitched the corner of her mouth, and said helplessly.

"But people are just afraid!"

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