Lazy Sheep had tears in her eyes, with a look of grievance on her face.

Pleasant Goat smiled helplessly, and touched Lazy Goat's head.

Finally, the roller coaster stopped, Lan Yangyang got off the car, and immediately squatted in front of a ditch.

Lazy sheep, "vomit~~" (vomit rainbow)

"I'm done throwing up, I'm hungry."

"Let's go, Xiao Huihui, Big Brother will take you to dinner."

After a lot of vomit, Lan Yangyang patted his belly, dragged Xiao Huihui to a food stall.

"Damn little fatty!"

Big Big Wolf looked at Lazy Sheep, his teeth itching with anger.

Because of being a lazy sheep, Xiao Huihui has no time to talk to him, so he actually became a follower of the majestic wolf king!


"Ouch! Wife, are you playing the phone~"

Just as Big Big Wolf finished complaining, Red Wolf next to him slapped him on the head with a frying pan. Big Big Wolf looked at Red Wolf and asked cautiously with a smile.

"As long as my son is happy, why are you talking so much!"

Red Wolf clapped the frying pan in his hand, looked at Big Big Wolf and said.

"Yes, yes, my wife said so."

Big Gray Wolf looked at Red Wolf full of love, and obeyed Red Wolf's words very much.

"The wolf king is so nice to his wife..."

Seeing the dignified wolf king's appearance, and thinking about the appearance of Big Big Wolf showing off his might last time, Liu Qingqing couldn't help sighing.

Pleasant Goat on the side smiled and said, "The story of Big Big Wolf doting on his wife is widely spread throughout the Qingqing Grassland."

"There is still a saying in the grassland, which is: If you want to marry, marry Big Big Wolf! There is even a song, if you want to marry, marry Big Big Wolf, such a man is a role model~~~"


Hearing this, Liu Qingqing couldn't help but marvel, and at the same time, she was very envious of Red Wolf for having a husband who spoiled her so much.

After all, it is the elusive wish of countless people to find a partner who is obedient and obedient to them.


"what sound?"

Suddenly, a loud noise came from a distance, making Pleasant Goat's eyes fixed.


Suddenly, there was another loud noise, followed by a soaring flame, which spread in an instant.


Then, giant beasts roared from all three sides of Tiante Paradise.

"what is that?!"

"Dragon! How can there be a dragon here?!"

"Damn it! Anything can touch a porcelain dragon these days? These are obviously three fire-breathing lizards with wings!"

"What the heck! Run away, with such a big fire, it should smell like meat in no time!"


Since today was Sunday, the Tiente Paradise was overcrowded. Now that something happened, everyone in the Paradise shouted and ran wildly.

And because no one organized it in time, the fleeing people went in different directions, crowded and trampled constantly, and panic and despair continued to spread.

"Hahahaha! Fear! Despair!"

"In this grand flame ceremony, your despair is the best nourishment!"

On the roof of a high-rise building, the clown opened his hands, showing a funny smile, and let out a sick and crazy laugh.

The clown looked at the raging three-headed fire dragon, grinning, even reaching above the ears.

"Hell fire dragon, but it was nurtured by the spiritual power of this king and the three generals, each of which has the terrifying strength of nearly three heavens!"

"More than enough to destroy an amusement park!"

The clown is very confident in this action. These three fire dragons are his precious lumps. He has been preparing for a long time to realize the second fire ceremony in the history of the Hall of Stars.

So, only succeed, not fail!

"Little bug, you are very courageous..."

Just as the clown was imagining a bright future, an indifferent voice suddenly sounded from behind the clown. The clown's face froze and he turned around quickly.

At this time, several figures stood in the void.

"who are you?!"

The clown's heart tightened and his face changed drastically. He didn't know when there were more people behind him.

Suddenly, the clown saw a familiar figure, and his pupils shrank.

"Liu Qingqing?! Then you..."

The clown's face twitched, and he realized that he might... be killed today!

"The clown...he is one of the four pillars of the Hall of Stars, the Dark Pillar!"

Liu Qingqing frowned and pondered for a moment, then suddenly remembered, and hurriedly said to the Pleasant Goats beside her.

"My lord doesn't care about the Hall of Stars, you little bug ruined the amusement park and made my lord's precious son cry. My lord is very angry now!"

Big Big Wolf flicked his sleeves, although there was no overflow of strength, but it made the clown feel an extremely suffocating sense of oppression.


Without any hesitation, the clown tore through the space and was about to escape immediately.

However, as soon as one of his feet stepped into the space crack, the space crack closed suddenly the next moment.



The clown let out a scream, and the foot that stepped into the crack was instantly pinched off, and the blood flowed wildly, even staining the sky with blood.

"The mere worm still wants to escape in front of the king."

Big Big Wolf snorted coldly, then threw a black ball casually.

The ball rolled, and then, the power of terror and devouring came out of it.

Under this force, the majestic real king's third-tier clown had no resistance, his body disintegrated instantly, turned into particles, and was swallowed into the black ball like noodles, without even leaving a scream.

No matter how lofty aspirations Ren Clown has, he can't resist saying: die before leaving school...

"If you don't want to see blood in front of Xiao Huihui, you mere bug, why would He De let me use the "decomposition ball"!"

Big Big Wolf retracted his invention with a look of unhappiness. ...

Chapter 172 Fatty, take revenge on my king! ;

At this time, Pleasant Goat and Lazy Goat looked calm, but Liu Qingqing was different, she looked shocked.

Although she knew that Big Big Wolf was very strong, seeing one of the four pillars of the majestic Hall of Stars being cleaned up with a single ball, she still couldn't help but feel the shock in her heart.

"Big Big Wolf, my son is still crying, I don't care, I'll give you three seconds to comfort me!"

At this time, Red Wolf who was holding Xiao Huihui suddenly made a sound and stretched out three fingers.

The majestic Big Huilang immediately changed his expression, sweating profusely, looking at the three fingers of Red Wolf and Xiao Huihui, who was crying hard, panicked and at a loss.

Suddenly, he saw the three winged lizards. Because the clown was crushed to death by the Big Big Wolf, the three winged lizards did not dare to make trouble anymore, but put their heads on the ground, trembling non-stop.

Big Big Wolf's eyes lit up, and he immediately waved his hand, and the three winged lizards flew towards them, shrinking continuously.

When it fell into Big Big Wolf's hands, it was only the size of a palm.

Then, a burst of purple light appeared from Big Big Wolf's palm, and the three winged lizards suddenly turned into one, and finally turned into a three-tailed little tabby cat.

"Look, little Huihui, little cat."

Afterwards, Big Big Wolf hurriedly walked up to Red Wolf, and put the three-tailed kitten in front of Little Huihui.

"Kitten! Kitten!"

When Xiao Huihui saw the three-tailed kitten, she immediately put on a smile, hugged the three-tailed kitten, and became rua happily.

And the three-tailed kitten who was hugged by rua looked confused, but after noticing Hui Tailang's gaze, he immediately changed into a flattering expression, catering to Xiao Huihui's stroking, and making meowing sounds from time to time.

"It's almost there."

Red Wolf put down his hand in satisfaction, and glanced at Big Big Wolf, and Big Big Wolf also heaved a sigh of relief, looking like the rest of his life after a catastrophe.

Who would have thought that such a wife-afraid (wife-loving) person would just slap a real king to death just like a fly? !

"This... is it solved? Is it over?"

Liu Qingqing was a little dazed, things happened and ended faster, even faster than some men, so she was somewhat unable to react.

Don't get me wrong, she said fast, referring to the kind of fastness that some men are full of love for their lovers one second, and treat their lovers like a scumbag the next second, not... that kind of fastness~~


"Hehe, it's still too early to end!"

Hui Tailang sneered coldly, he finally went out to play with Xiao Huihui, but when he encountered this kind of trouble, how could he give up so easily!

"The Hall of Stars, right..."

"Honghong, take good care of your son, I'll come back as soon as I go."

Then, Big Big Wolf rubbed his hands, and after getting permission from Red Wolf, he wanted to leave immediately.

However, he seemed to think of something again, turned around and picked up Lan Yangyang.

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